Rickets in dogs and puppies: symptoms, signs, causes, treatment, complications, prevention. Is rickets treated in dogs?

Rickets do not pose a danger to the life of the dog, but the lack of treatment can lead to serious complications and complex deformities of the animal's bones.


  • What is rickets in dogs and puppies and how to determine rickets in dogs?
  • Rickets in puppies and dogs symptoms
  • Rickets in puppies and dogs: causes
  • Is rickets treated in dogs?
  • What should I do to make my paws straighten?
  • How to treat rickets for puppies and dogs?
  • Complications of rickets in puppies and dogs
  • Prophylaxis of rickets in puppies and dogs
  • Video: Rickets in dogs

In conditions of improper maintenance and nutrition of the dog, such a disease of the musculoskeletal system as rickets can develop.

This disease rarely leads to death, but it is fraught with its consequences. It is important to diagnose the disease at an early stage.

What is rickets in dogs and puppies and how to determine rickets in dogs?

Rickets - a complex disease that is characterized by a violation of bone formation. This is due to the lack of minerals and vitamins in the process of bone formation. Disease often occurs in young dogs.

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Determine rickets can be on several parameters:

  • size and shape of paws
  • hollow back
  • curvature or thickening of joints
  • brittle bones
  • lameness
  • pain on movement
  • trembling limbs
  • uncertain, abnormal gait
  • weak legs
Rickets in dogs

rickets in puppies anddogs symptoms

The youngest individuals are the most susceptible to the disease.

IMPORTANT: In puppies growing with their mother, rickets are rare. The baby receives from mother's milk everything necessary for the full growth of bones.

If the cub is early excommunicated from the mother, it is possible that his nutrition is inadequate and improper. The body receives vitamins and minerals in insufficient quantities. There are problems in the formation of the skeleton and muscles.

IMPORTANT: Having noticed the problem at an early stage, it is possible to prevent violations of bone formation in the future.

At first, changes in behavior and eating habits are possible. The puppy becomes fearful and restless. He is drawn to gnaw furniture, books and lick the walls. Possible diarrhea and constipation.

These symptoms are associated with a disruption of the gastrointestinal tract and the nervous system.

The owner of the puppy needs to pay attention to and the movements of the baby .If there is a violation in walking, a small pet tends to side, he will clumble - this is the first signal about the developing disease. You should immediately seek medical advice.

in puppies that feed on mother's milk, there is no rickets

In a sick puppy it is observed:

  • thinness
  • joint thickening
  • weakness of the extremities
  • bone deformation
  • teeth weak, long cut

Rickets in puppies and dogs: causes

Causes of the disease are not completely determined. Some experts believe that rickets are subject to dogs with poor heredity, part - sees a problem in nutrition.

However, the main factors that contribute to the problem can be attributed to:

  • content in unusable conditions( raw and dark rooms)
  • malnutrition
  • lack of mobility
Content in unusable conditions - one of the causes of rickets in dogs

Is rickets treated in dogs?

Treatment of rickets is a complex and multi-stage process. Curing an adult dog is almost impossible. When the disease is young, the chances are much higher.

IMPORTANT: Rickets do not lead to death and are treatable. But for this, the owner needs patience.

What should I do to keep my paws straight?

If deformity of the extremities occurs, it means that rickets are sufficiently started. As a rule, you can not change the formed bones.

If the is an adult dog , treatment can ease the course of the disease, but will not correct the consequences of the disease. If the quadruped began to be treated with the first suspicions of rickets, it will be possible to correct the shape of the bone.

This requires an integrated approach. Treatment is time consuming and long. In addition to medicines and adjustments to nutrition, it is necessary to do massages and self-train bones.

In order for a dog to straighten its paws, it is necessary to provide it with a balanced diet

How to treat rickets for puppies and dogs?

Treatment is more effective until the dog has reached 1 year, when the formation of the backbone can still be affected.

IMPORTANT: If the disease is seen in the early stages, treatment can reduce to a nutrition correction.

Owners are recommended to feed the puppy with special foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals. In some cases, calcium and vitamin D, as well as cod liver oil, are prescribed. In the diet of the dog must be present raw meat, cottage cheese, raw yolk, milk, porridge.

Stimulates the production of vitamin D and quartz irradiation. At the beginning of treatment for 2-3 minutes, then the dose increases, reaching 20 minutes of irradiation. The course lasts up to three weeks. It is possible to repeat the procedure in a couple of months.

For a sick kid you need to walk in the sun without unnecessary loads.

If the puppy almost does not go, massages and salt wipes are possible, which will accelerate the metabolism.

Rickets often need frequent outdoor walks

In mature age, can not cure rickets in dogs. The skeleton is already formed and it can not be corrected.

In this case, training is possible, aimed at building muscle mass in such a way that the skeleton withstands the load.

The animal is prescribed calcium, nutritional supplements that help restore the balance of vitamins and minerals.

Among the drug therapies are the following:

  • cathode Calcidi
  • Borglyconate
  • Triwit
  • Gamavit
  • Kaforsen
  • Tetravit

IMPORTANT: Before using the medication, always consult a physician.

Kaforsen - a drug for the treatment of rickets in dogs

Complications of rickets in puppies and dogs

The main problems that rickets can cause:

  • Deformations of the hip and chest.
  • In bitches - the complication of pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Because of the resulting seals on the ribs, breathing becomes painful.
  • Sometimes there are seizures and seizures. In the event of a prolonged fit, the puppy may die.
  • In rickets, the animal experiences discomfort and pain.
  • In case of incorrect treatment, the dog may remain disabled.

Prevention of rickets in puppies and dogs

In order to prevent the disease, it is necessary to give the dog anti-lure feeding. It's best to do this when the bitch is still in position.

IMPORTANT: Antirhitnoe feeding of a bitch and puppies should continue after delivery.

Be sure to monitor the full nutrition, when the puppy is excommunicated from the mother.

Balanced nutrition is one of the methods used to prevent rickets in dogs.

As a feeding, use the ground egg shell, chicken or chalk .Small pets should be given raw milk with a broken egg .

IMPORTANT: Kashi should not be the main food, as in large quantities they wash away calcium from the body.

For a small puppy, the norm is five meals a day. A growing organism needs useful substances.

The owner needs to load the puppy physically : frequent long walks in the fresh air, running with obstacles, active games. Thus, the skeleton and muscle mass develop and form correctly.

When transferring puppies to dry food, it should be remembered that it must be professional, rich in all the substances necessary for the growing body. In this case, it is very likely that rickets will be avoided.

Video: Rickets in dogs

  • May 29, 2018
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