Caloric content of vegetables and greens. Calorie table per 100 grams

Everybody knows about the benefits of vegetables and greens. Due to the presence of valuable compounds in these products, they have a positive effect on the body as a whole and on the work of all its organs, in particular.

Almost all vegetables have invaluable benefits. But, in order for the vegetable diet to "work", you need to eat a variety. That is, use different vegetables and herbs in your diet.


  • Calorie Calorie
  • cabbage broccoli cauliflower
  • Calorie
  • Calorie Calorie
  • kohlrabi Chinese cabbage carrots
  • Calorie Calorie Calorie tomato cucumber
  • potatoes
  • Calorie Calorie beet
  • Calorie zucchini
  • Calorie zucchini squash
  • Calorie Calorie Calorie pumpkin
  • Luka-leeks
  • Caloric content of shallots
  • Caloric content of onions
  • Calorie asparagus
  • Calorie radish
  • Calorie pepper
  • Calorie chili peppers( dried)
  • Calorie eggplant
  • Calorie radish
  • Calorie artichoke
  • Calorie celery
  • Calorie artichoke
  • instagram viewer
  • Calorie daikon
  • Calorie horseradish
  • Caloric content of garlic
  • Calorie dill
  • Calorie parsley
  • Calorie spinach
  • Caloric content of sorrel
  • Calorie of green salad
  • Caloric valuecoriander
  • Calorie content of parsnip
  • Calorie content of fennel
  • Caloric value of tarragon( tarragon)
  • Calorie content of mint
  • Calorie content of nettle
  • Summary table of
  • Video.50 slimming products, caloric content of vegetables, fruits, cereals and nuts

Caloric content of cabbage

Cabbage is the main source of vitamin C for humans. Moreover, this vegetable is able to store ascorbic acid in its head for up to 8 months. Most of all the vitamin in the stump.100 g of cabbage can contain up to 70 mg of this vitamin.

Caloric value 28 kCal
Proteins 1,8 gr
Fats 0.1 g
Carbohydrates 4.7 g
Fiber 2 g
Organic acids 0,3 g
Water 90.4 g
Sauerkraut 19 kCal
Cabbage salad 47 kCal
Fresh cabbage cabs 46 kcal
Cabbage cutlets 108 kcal

This vegetable is ahead of such leaders of the rating as oranges, lemons and apples. Due to the presence of acetic and lactic acid in cabbage, it can be used to purge the body of putrefactive bacteria.

Caloric content of broccoli

Broccoli, or asparagus, is a very useful vegetable for a person.

First of all, this product is appreciated for the high content of vegetable protein. Which, in its amino acid composition, is not inferior to the animal protein.

34 Calories kcal Protein
2,82 c
Fats 0,37 g Carbohydrates
6,64 c
Dietary Fiber 2,6 c
Water 89,3 c
Boiled broccoli 28 kcal
Fried broccoli 46 kCal
Broccoli steamed 27 kCal

Broccoli is useful for people with heart failure and high cholesterol. Include this cabbage in your diet is necessary for the prevention of disorders of the nervous system and atherosclerosis. Broccoli can be eaten raw and cooked.

Caloric content of cauliflower

Dietary fibers of cauliflower have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora. The use of cauliflower protects against the development of ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract. It is proved that this vegetable can reduce the risk of prostate cancer, colon and lung cancer.

Calorie content 30 kcal
Proteins 2,5 gr
Fats 0,3 gr
Carbohydrates 4.2 g
Dietary fibers 2,1 gr
Organic acids 0.1 g
Water 90 g
Cabbage coloredboiled 30 kCal
Cabbage fried in cabbage 180 kcal
Cabbage colored roasted 120 kcal

Included in cauliflower - allicin reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. With the help of this vegetable can reduce the level of bad cholesterol. Cauliflower is ideally combined with almost all food products except milk, melon and watermelon.

Calories of kohlrabi

Kohlrabi, as well as other cabbage forks, is very rich in vitamin C

In addition, this vegetable contains soluble fiber, which effectively fights against "bad" cholesterol and regulates intestinal functions. And, due to the diuretic effect, kohlrabi can reduce swelling and remove excess moisture from the body.

Caloric content 44 kcal
Proteins 2,8 gr
Fats 0.1 gr
Carbohydrates 7.9 gr
Dietary fibers 1.7 g
Organic acids 0.1 g
Water 86.2 g
Mono and disaccharides 7.4 g
Starch 0.5 g
Ash 1,2 g

Some kohlrabi compounds can reduce the risk of developing cancer. For people who are watching their weight, it will be useful to learn that the composition of kohlrabi includes tartronic acid. It prevents the transformation of carbohydrates into fats.

Caloric content of Peking cabbage

Peking cabbage has got to Europe not later than other kinds of cabbage. But, her wellness functions immediately made this Asian guest very popular in the diet. After all, thanks to Peking cabbage you can prolong youth and improve immunity.

Caloric content 16 kcal
Proteins 1,2 gr
Fats 0.2 g
Carbohydrates 2,03 g
Dietary fibers 1,2 g
Water 94.39 g
Mono and disaccharides 1,41gr
Ash 0,98 gr
Pork cabbage salad 15 kcal

Pork cabbage is well balanced with proteins and carbohydrates. Lysine and lactucine, which are part of this cabbage, will help to normalize the pressure and establish metabolic processes in the body. Peking cabbage will help prevent the risk of cancer, help get rid of gastritis and excess weight.

Carbohydrate content of carrots

Carrots are a root crop, which is very popular in our country.

Two medium carrots contain a daily norm of vitamin A. Thanks to this vitamin, we can keep our eyesight longer and reduce the risk of oncology( by 40%).Japanese doctors believe that regularly eating carrots, we can extend our lives for 7 years.

Calorie content 41 kcal
Proteins 0,9 gr
Fats 0.2 g
Carbohydrates 9,6 g
Dietary fibers 2,8 g
Water 88,3 g
In Korean 113 kCal
Cookedcarrots 25 kCal
Roasted carrots 190 kcal

Carrots, this is an amazing vegetable. At thermal processing( cooking in water or on pair) in this root crop the quantity of antioxidants increases in three. With carrots, you can lower cholesterol and pressure in hypertensive patients. This root is very useful for people with diabetes mellitus.

Caloric content of cucumber

Cucumbers are a valuable dietary product. By the ratio of its volume and caloric content, cucumbers are unconditional leaders among all food products. In addition, they can help relieve pancreas, reduce blood pressure in hypertension and improve heart function.

Caloric content 14 kcal
Proteins 0,8 gr
Fats 0.1 gr
Carbohydrates 2.5 g
Dietary fibers 1 g
Organic acids 0.1 g
Water 95 g
Mono and disaccharides 2,4 g
Starch 0.1 g
Ash 0,5 g
Pickled cucumbers 11 kCal
Cucumber juice 14 kCal

By the number of B group vitamins, cucumbers are included in the leading group of products. Iodine, which is part of the cucumber assimilated almost 100%.And thanks to some compounds, cucumbers can improve the digestibility of protein from meat. Do not forget the benefits of cucumbers for cosmetic purposes.

Tomato Calorie

Tomatoes are one of the most healthy foods

Italian scientists have established that with their regular consumption of food can be reduced by half the risk of developing cancer. In addition, there is a lot of vegetable fiber in tomatoes. Thanks to it you can clean the intestines from harmful toxins and toxins.

Caloric value 19.9 kCal
Proteins 0,6 gr
Fats 0.2 g
Carbohydrates 4.2 g
Dietary fibers 0,8 g
Organic acids 0,5 g
Water 93,5c
Mono- and disaccharides 3,5 c
Starch 0,3 c
Ash 0,7 c
Salted tomatoes 13 kcal
Dried tomatoes 258 kcal
tomato paste 92 kcal
tomato juice 21 kcal

Tomatoes have an anti-stress effect, they can slow down the aging process and normalize the waterbalance in the body. Autumn these vegetables are useful in diabetes and cardiovascular system disorders.

Caloric content of potatoes

Today potatoes are considered a truly Russian product. Although everyone knows that potatoes appeared on our tables relatively recently. Disputes about the benefits and harms of this product are exactly the same since the days when potatoes were cultivated in Russia. It is known that this food has a diuretic effect and can help the stomach with some forms of gastritis and ulcers.

Calorie content 77 kcal
Proteins 2 gr
Fats 0,4 gr
Carbohydrates 16,3 gr
Dietary fibers 1.4 g
Organic acids 0.2 g
Water 78,6 gr
Ash 1,1 gr
Saturated fatty acids 0,1 gr
Mashed potatoes 106 kcal
Potatoes cooked 82 kcal
Roasted potatoes 192 kcal
French fries 170 kcal

There are a lot of vitamins C and P. In potatoes, there are a lot of vitamins C and P. The daily norm of thesevitamins can be obtained by eating 300 grams of bakedartofel. With the help of potatoes can strengthen the blood vessels and prevent the risk of rheumatism and diabetes.

Beet Calorie

Beet is a long-standing and very useful product on our table

Thanks to its unique this root is the best product for cleaning the body. Thanks to a large amount of fiber, as well as compounds that inhibit the development of putrefactive bacteria, fasting days on the beet will help completely remove all harmful compounds and slags from the body.

Calories 43 kcal
Proteins 1,6 gr
Fats 0.2 g
Carbohydrates 9,6 g
Fiber 2,8 g
Water 87,6 gr
Beet puree 70 kCal
Cooked beetroot 49 kCal

Beet contains such a unique compound as betaine. This lipotropic substance regulates fat metabolism, normalizes liver function and blood pressure. Also, there is evidence that betaine can reduce the risk of developing cancer.

Caloric value of zucchini

The main advantage of zucchini is that the organism easily absorbs it. At the same time, these vegetables practically did not contain allergens. That is why zucchini are very popular in the composition of baby food. Mashed pulp of this vegetable is used as complementary food for a child from 6 months.

24 Calories kcal Protein
0,6 c
0,3 c Fats Carbohydrates
Fiber c 1 c
Water 93 c
Zucchini fried 88 kcal
courgette puree 24 kcal
Zucchini jam 196 kcal
Squash caviar 97 kCal

There are a lot of vitamin C in zucchini. Some of the compounds that make up this vegetable have a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Zucchini are recommended for people suffering from hypertension, anemia and cardiovascular diseases.

Calorie content of zucchini

Zucchini is a very healthy vegetable

It is superior to carrots by the amount of beta-carotene, and by the amount of vitamin C - pumpkin. This vegetable is useful for problems with digestion. Due to the fact that zucchini is easily digested they can be included in the composition of baby food.

21 Calories kcal Protein
2,7 c
0,4 c Fats Carbohydrates
3,2 c
Fiber 1,1
Water c 93 c
Zucchini boiled 13 kcal
pizza with zucchini 277kcal
Salad with mozzarella and zucchini 97 kCal

Zucchini is easy to prepare. The smaller this product, the longer it should be cooked. Grated flesh of this vegetable can be added to salads, increasing their benefits. Due to their caloric content and easy digestibility, zucchini often includes a diet of various diets.

Caloric content of squash

The use of squash is due to their composition. The main substance of this vegetable is lutein. With it, you can reduce the risk of developing blood clots, remove toxic substances and free radicals. According to the amount of lutein, the patissons take second place after the leader - a chicken egg.

19 Calories kcal Protein
0,6 c
0,1 c Fats Carbohydrates
4,3 c
Fiber 1,3
Water c 93 c
stuffed with cheese scallops 100 kcal
Patisson canned 18 kCal

The juice of this vegetable can normalize the work of the endocrine and nervous system. And also accelerate some metabolic processes in the body. Young patissons are especially useful.

Calorie pumpkin

Pumpkin is one of the most useful products of

The pulp of this vegetable contains many useful compounds for humans. Pumpkin champion in iron content. That is why this vegetable is used in diets for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis.

22 Calories kcal Protein
1 c
0,1 c Fats Carbohydrates
4,4 c
2 c c 92 Water
Pumpkin puree 88 kcal
Pumpkin fried 76 kcal
Baked pumpkin 189 kCal
Pumpkin juice 38 kCal

With the help of pumpkin juice, the walls of the vessels can be strengthened and the growth of the tubercle bacillus can be suppressed. It is useful after a "heavy" dish to eat 2-3 pieces of pumpkin. This will facilitate the work of the stomach and help better assimilate the useful compounds of the dish.

Caloric content of leeks

With the help of leeks you can strengthen your appetite and stimulate digestion. In addition, this product has a fat burning effect. And due to bactericidal properties it prevents the development of such pathogenic organisms as staphylococci, streptococci, causative agents of tuberculosis, anthrax and dysentery in the body.

36 Calories kcal Protein
2 c
0,2 c Fats Carbohydrates
6,3 c
Fiber 2,2 c
Water 88 Onion Soup c
76 kcal
Kapusto lettuce and onion 25 kcal

Very useful leek for women prone to cystitis. This product will also help for patients with such ailments as atherosclerosis, avitaminosis and severe fatigue. Due to the active substances of leeks, it can be used as part of a diet aimed at lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Caloric content of shallots

Shallots, like other types of onions, are a product that has the disinfecting property of

And thanks to the acti- oxides that make up it, shallots can remove toxins from the body and prolong the youth of the cells. With the help of this onion, you can strengthen the vascular cells and normalize blood pressure.

Calories 72 kcal
Proteins 2,5 gr
Fats 0.1 gr
Carbohydrates 16,8 gr
Fiber 3,2 gr
Water 80 gr
Salad with egg, bacon and shallots 262 kcal

Shalot is able to improve health, improve vitality and improve brain function. People who regularly eat this onion are less prone to infectious diseases. Onion Calorie

Onion is one of the most common foods in our country. With its help you can improve the taste of dishes, and also use it in raw form. Juice onions is very useful for bowel diseases. In addition, it can be used to purify the liver of decay products and toxins.

41 Calories kcal Protein
1,4 c
0,2 c Fats Carbohydrates
Fiber c 3 c
Water 86 c
Boiled onions 35 kcal
Roasted onion 251 kcal
Omelette with onion and cheese 143 kcal

The protein composition of onions includes 12 amino acids, including several essential for humans. This kind of onions are often used in folk medicine. If it is mixed with honey, then you can cure bronchitis. In addition, with the help of onions can be an antiparasitic cleansing of the body and the prevention of cancer.

Caloric content of asparagus

Asparagus, or asparagus, is not only a delicate delicacy with a pleasant taste.

But, and the product, the fact of its use has been repeatedly proved by science. Asparagus is rich in asparagine. This substance is involved in protein synthesis and is therefore very useful for the body.

22 Calories kcal Protein
2,4 c
0,2 c Fats Carbohydrates
4,1 c
2 c c 93 Water
Asparagus marinated 15 kcal
Asparagus stewed 32 kcal
FriedAsparagus 75 kcal

In addition, asparagus can be considered a champion in the content of folic acid. It is known to be necessary for the proper course of pregnancy and fetal development. It is also important to know that saponins that are part of asparagus can reduce cholesterol and normalize lipid metabolism. So, this product is extremely useful during a diet.

Radish Caloric Value

Radish, perhaps, is the very first vegetable that comes to the aid of the human body after the winter "hibernation".It is these beautiful red roots that we are obliged to fight against avitaminosis, low immunity and hemoglobin. Very often radish is used for food to strengthen blood vessels.

Calories 20 kcal
Proteins 1,2 gr
Fats 0.1 gr
Carbohydrates 3,4 gr
Cellulose 1.6 gr
Water 93 gr
Salad with radish and egg 51 kcal
Salad fromradish and celery 31 kCal

Today there is information that radish is able to fight with cancer. It is especially useful to consume this root in the food at risk of cancer of the breast, colon and prostate. Also radish should be included in your diet to relieve edema and frequent constipation.

Caloric content of Bulgarian pepper

Bulgarian pepper is not only a very tasty and juicy vegetable, but also a very useful product.

. Its compounds normalize the nervous system, help with depression and insomnia. If you suffer from a decline in strength and memory impairment, include Bulgarian pepper in your diet and help your body.

Calories 29 kcal
Proteins 0,8 gr
Fats 0,4 gr
Carbohydrates 6,7 gr
Fiber 1 gr
Water 91,5 gr
Pepper stewed with tomatoes 67 kCal
Pepper stuffed with eggplant 67 kCal
Roast pepper 200 kcal

The main substance of the Bulgarian pepper is capsaicin. It stimulates the work of the stomach, raises the appetite and improves digestion. This vegetable is shown to those who suffer from avitaminosis and low hemoglobin. Using Bulgarian pepper can reduce the risk of developing blood clots.

Caloric content of chili pepper( dried)

Chili is known as the main condiment in Mexican and Asian cuisines. This vegetable is rich in compounds such as lutein, zeaxanthin and cryptoxanthin. They are able to improve the condition of the skin and prevent deterioration of vision.

Calories 281 kCal
Proteins 12 gr
Fats 8.2 g
Carbohydrates 51.4 g
Fiber 21,6 gr
Water 22,3 gr

As in Bulgarian pepper in chili pepper contains capsaicin. In addition, in this vegetable is represented such a connection as the cayenne. It can reduce the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system, the formation of stomach ulcers and arthritis.

Eggplant's caloric content

Eggplant is a vegetable that contains nicotinic acid

Therefore, it can reduce cravings for smoking and subsequently completely abandon cigarettes. In addition, eggplants are rich in pectin. This compound can stimulate digestion and reduce the level of harmful cholesterol.

Calories 24 kcal
Proteins 1,2 gr
Fats 0,1 gr
Carbohydrates 4,5 g
Fiber 2,5 g
Water 91 g
Fresh eggplant fresh 90 kcal
Meat with eggplant 109 kCal
Eggplants in tomato sauce 99 kcal
Salad with eggplant and chickpea 125 kcal

Eggplants are an indispensable product in dietary nutrition. With it, you can reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis and anemia. This vegetable is useful for people with chronic gastritis and irritable bowel syndrome.

Calorie Radish

Radish, this is almost a forgotten product. Today it is rarely seen on the dining table. However, the benefits of radish from the decline in the popularity of this product is not affected. This root has a balanced composition among which are magnesium, calcium and potassium. These substances in radish are more than in other vegetables.

Calories Calories 36 kcal
Proteins 1,9 gr
Fats 0.2 g
Carbohydrates 6.7 g
Fiber 2,1 gr
Water 88 g
Salad radish with carrots 24 kCal
Radish salad withapple 37 kCal

Radish has antibacterial effect. It can even be called a "natural" antibiotic. Essential and mustard oils in this root effectively fight against viruses and pathogenic microorganisms. Use radish to fight cirrhosis of the liver and chronic hepatitis.

Calorie of Jerusalem artichoke

Jerusalem artichoke is a very useful product for the body

It contains a large amount of inulin. A substance with which you can purify the body not only from toxins and wastes, but also many other harmful compounds and microorganisms. In addition, thanks to inulin, Jerusalem artichoke is considered the number one product for diabetics.

61 Calories kcal Protein
2,1 c
Fats 0,1 c
Carbohydrates 13 g Fiber
Water c 79 c
vegetable salad TOPINAMBUR 101 kcal
Kenapsy from Jerusalem artichoke 380kKal

The use of Jerusalem artichoke with a deficiency of selenium and calcium is shown. This root can help with diseases of the stomach and dysbiosis. Not so long ago, the protoprotective property of the earth pear was proved.

Caloric content of celery

The well-known myth that celery has a negative calorie content has long been denied by nutritionists. But, still this vegetable is extremely useful in healthy food systems. Its green helps restore the nervous system, and the juice is used as a natural diuretic, thanks to which it is possible to adjust the functioning of the kidneys and bladder.

Calories 12 kcal
Proteins 0,9 gr
Fats 0.1 gr
Carbohydrates 2,1 gr
Fiber 1,8 gr
Water 94 gr
Celery 32 kCal
Celery) 13 kCal
Celery juice 31 kcal

Very useful celery for beriberi. Especially if such an ailment is associated with a lack of iron and calcium. In addition, it is important to know that celery is able to activate metabolic processes. Therefore, it can be used with a diet designed to reduce weight.

Caloric content of artichokes

Artichokes are another extremely useful food product

With their help, it is possible to improve metabolism and restore damaged cells of the liver and gall bladder. Tsinarin, rich in artichokes, is a powerful natural antioxidant and is able not only to stop the negative activity of free radicals, but also to remove excess cholesterol from the body.

28 Calories kcal Protein
1,2 c
0,1 Fats Carbohydrates
c 6 c
Fiber 0,5
Water c 90 c
Cooked artichokes 28 kcal
artichokes in oil 119 kcal
Artichokes on the grill 222 kKal

There are many artichokes inulin. Due to the rich content of this compound, artichokes need to be included in the diet against high blood sugar levels. In addition, inulin is able to suppress the activity of harmful bacteria in the intestine.

Calorie of a daikon

Daikon is a vegetable that is extremely popular in China and Japan. He reminds of the taste of a cabbage cabbage, and in appearance there is something between a radish and a turnip. Daikon is a rich source of vegetable protein. And, thanks to the high fiber content and low fat content, this vegetable got its popularity in the composition of various detox-diets.

Calories 21 kCal
Proteins 1,2 gr
Fats 0,1 gr
Carbohydrates 4,1 gr
Lettuce daikon with cucumbers 59 kcal
Salad Sharp daikon 42 kCal

This root crop is able to protect the gallbladder and liverfrom overloads. The phytoncides included in the composition of the daikon reduce the amount of harmful bacteria in the body. Regular use of the daikon reduces the risk of urolithiasis and strengthens the heart.

Caloric content of horseradish

Horseradish used by man for more than four thousand years

The root of this plant contains more vitamin C than lemon. Ascorbic acid, together with mustard essential oil, makes horseradish a good fortifying agent. It is indicated to be consumed during periods of outbreaks of acute respiratory infections and influenza.

Calories 59 kcal
Proteins 3,2 gr
Fats 0,4 gr
Carbohydrates 10,5 gr
Cellulose 7.3 g
Water 77 g
Horseradish 56 kcal
Horseradish leaves 64 kcal
Sauce with horseradish and sour cream 81 kcal

Horseradish is a wonderful natural antibiotic. He is able not only to get rid of colds, but also to remove stones from the kidneys, to cure of cystitis and even impotence. Thanks to stimulating actions on metabolic processes in the body, horseradish is useful for diets aimed at weight reduction.

Caloric content of garlic

The use of garlic was discovered in the 19th century by the famous naturalist Louis Pasteur. The composition of the denticles of this root vegetable includes active volatile substances, which are capable of killing the most dangerous pathogenic bacteria. Including tuberculosis and diphtheria bacillus, as well as bacteria that cause stomach ulcers.

Calories kcal 149 Protein
6,5 c
Fats 0,5 c
Carbohydrates 30 g Fiber
1,5 c
Water 60 g Garlic
pickled 42 kcal
garlic young green 40 kcal
Dried garlic 345 kCal

Garlic perfectly cleanses the walls of the vessels from cholesterol plaque. It is shown when exposed to ionizing radiation and to restore lost forces.

Dill Calorie

Dill is not only a spicy seasoning that can improve the taste of many dishes, but also a very useful product.

Dill is indicated for diarrhea, dysentery, sleep disorders and respiratory diseases. Useful compounds of this plant will help support the menstrual cycle and minimize pain syndromes.

Calories 40 kcal
Proteins 2,5 gr
Fats 0.5 gr
Carbohydrates 6.3 g
Cellulose 2,8 gr
Water 85,5 gr
Dried dill 40 kcal

With dillyou can lower blood pressure, calm the nervous system and get rid of an allergic cough. This plant can be used both in raw and in dry form.

Caloric content of parsley

The benefits of parsley were known to the people of ancient Greece and ancient Rome. They did not just collect wild parsley, but also grew on their plots. With the help of the roots of this plant, you can improve appetite, restore strength and accelerate metabolic processes in the body.

49 Calories kcal Protein
3,7 c
0,4 c Fats Carbohydrates
7,6 c
Fiber 2,1 c
Water 85g
Parsley dried 49 kcal
Parsley( root) 49 kCal
Parsley juice 275 kCal

Parsley contains substances that effectively combat the problems of the cardiovascular system. In addition, 100 grams of parsley is two times the daily value of the most useful vitamin C.

Spinach caloric content

Spinach is the product that can be called "super food"

It contains most of the necessary compounds for humans. Spinach is rich in folic acid and tocopherol. These substances can prolong youth and improve the structure of cells of internal organs.

22 Calories kcal Protein
2,9 c
0,3 Fats Carbohydrates
c 20 c
Frozen spinach 24 kcal
Smoothies Spinach Spinach 38 kcal
fried 34 kcal

spinach rich in calcium and iron. This product can be included in a diet aimed at increasing hemoglobin. In addition, spinach is the world's record holder for iodine.

Caloric content of sorrel

Sorrel is not in vain called the spring king. This plant appears in the spring one of the first and thanks to it you can get rid of the lack of vitamins, which the body has spent over the winter. Sorrel is used to increase hemoglobin and improve digestion.

22 Calories kcal Protein
1,5 c
0,3 c Fats Carbohydrates
2,9 c
Fiber 1,2
Water c 92 c
soup sorrel 49 kcal
salad with mayonnaise sorrel 200 kCal

The leaves of this plant are often used for the treatment of colitis, hemorrhoids and gastrointestinal diseases. Oxalic acid will help lower cholesterol, improve tone and relieve muscle tension.

Calorie of green salad

Green salad is a rich source of important nutrients. It contains a lot of vitamin K( 107% B 100 g), vitamin A and C. In terms of the amount of fiber, this vegetable has no equal. Green salad is often used to make healthy cocktails for body cleaning.

16 Calories kcal Protein
1,5 c
0,2 Fats Carbohydrates
c 2 c
Fiber 1,2
Water c 94 c
Lettuce 21 kcal

With lettuce can maintain healthycondition of blood vessels and heart. With the help of this vegetable can prevent cancer and improve liver function.

Calorie content of cilantro

Cinnamon contains a large number of essential oils, amino acids and other useful compounds

This spicy greens can be considered a source of magnesium and iron. Thanks to pectin, coriander can be used to remove toxins and toxins from the body.

Calories 23 kCal
Proteins 2,1 gr
Fats 0,5 gr
Carbohydrates 3,7 gr
Cellulose 2,8 gr
Water 92 gr
Canned dried ground 216 kcal
Coriander 25 kcal

Thanks to the natural antibiotic dodecenal, which is part of the cilantro, this plant is able to reduce inflammatory processes in the body, relieve infectious diseases of the intestine and provide antimicrobial and antifungal action.

Caloric content of parsnip

Parsnark is rich in fiber and easily digestible carbohydrates. This plant contains almost all the vitamins of group B. Pasternak has an antispasmodic effect and is able to help with colic in the kidneys, stomach and liver.

Calories 47 kcal
Proteins 1.4 gr
Fats 0.5 gr
Carbohydrates 9.2 g
Fiber 4,5 g
Water 83 g
Pasternak( root) 47 kCal

Decoction from the rootsparsnip is used as a tonic, it is able to help with heart disease and is used as a preventive measure of dementia. With the help of this root can reduce the level of sugar and bad cholesterol.

Fennel Calorie

Fennel or pharmacy dill is a very useful plant

Ancient Saxons referred it to sacred herbs that are able not only to benefit health, but also to expel evil spirits. Adding fennel to your diet can improve appetite, reduce the risk of tuberculosis, bronchitis and bronchial asthma.

Calories 345 kcal
Proteins 16 c
Fats 15 c
Carbohydrates 52 c
Fiber 40 c
Water 9 c
salad with carrots and fennel 123 kcal
salad fennel and celery 59 kcal

Inthe fennel consists of prebiotic insulin. He is able to normalize the work of the digestive tract and relieve the newborn child of pain in the intestines. To enhance lactation, a nursing mother can take advantage of tea with fennel.

Caloric content of tarragon( tarragon)

Tarhun, also known as dragon wormwood or tarragon, has a gentle pleasant aroma and is therefore often used in cooking. But, this plant also has a unique composition, thanks to which the tarhun can be used for health purposes.

25 Calories kcal Protein
1,6 Carbohydrates
c 5 c
Fiber 0,5
Water c 90 c
Tarragon dried 295 kcal
Tarragon( drink) 40 kcal

Most often used as part of tarragontonic drinks. This plant contains vitamins, coumarins, flavonoids, essential oils and rutin, useful for the body. With the help of such a dragon's composition, Artemisia can strengthen the walls of blood vessels, strengthen the secretion of gastric juice and prevent many diseases.

Calorie content of mint

Mint is used in culinary, medical and cosmetic products

This plant is useful for its essential oil, where menthol is the main active ingredient. In addition, mint contains flavonoids, organic acids and triterpene compounds, which provide invaluable help to the body.

70 Calories kcal Protein
3,8 c
Fats 0,9 c
Carbohydrates 15 g Fiber
8 g Water 79 g
Dried Peppermint 285 kcal
Sour cream sauce with mint 241 kcal

Peppermintcan be used to enhance appetite, improve digestion and remove kidney stones.

Nettle calorie content

Nettle is a unique herbal product that can be used to treat a variety of diseases. B does not contain two more vitamin C than lemons and ten times more than in apples. Thanks to the organic acids that make up this plant, nettle has general strengthening functions.

Calories 25 kcal
Proteins 1,5 gr
Carbohydrates 5 gr
Cellulose 0.5 g
Water 90 g
Nettle soup 30 kCal
Salad of dandelions and nettles 38kKal

This plant has long been used fortreatment of radiculitis, rheumatism, pain in the muscles and diseases of the bladder.

Summary table of

Video.50 products for weight loss, caloric content of vegetables, fruits, cereals and nuts

  • May 29, 2018
  • 34
  • 404