List of positive moral qualities of a person

What positive qualities of a person's character for work and comfortable life in society are most significant? What is the best way to describe yourself and what should I indicate on the resume? Let's understand. To know your virtues in person, we have prepared a list of positive qualities for characterizing a person.

  • Accuracy
  • Thrift
  • Unselfishness
  • Courtesy
  • Fidelity
  • upbringing
  • Discipline
  • Kindness
  • Friendliness
  • Sociability
  • Responsibility
  • Responsiveness
  • Punctuality
  • determination
  • Self-criticism
  • Modesty
  • Courage
  • Justice
  • Tolerance
  • Diligence
  • Respect for others
  • Confidence
  • Perseverance
  • Honesty
  • Self-esteem
  • Sense of humor
  • Generosity


This is the desire for order and cleanliness. Accuracy manifests itself in an external neatness, careful attitude to things, accuracy and thoroughness in matters. This feature is more typical of women, so it is especially important for a man to develop a habit of creating and maintaining cleanliness. Remember: order in the house is an order in the head.

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It is a caring attitude to the existing goods, no matter their own or others'.It's not just about material things, but even about the spiritual strength and vital energy of a person. This quality allows you to optimize the consumption of any resources, to achieve more by saving small.

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This lack of desire for gain. Selfish people are motivated only by personal gain. To the sincere and disinterested people their own benefit is not important, they will help and will not demand anything in return, therefore they are trusted much more.

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Respectful attitude towards others. Always. Even in those cases when the situation does not have a courteous and tactful treatment. By the way, this quality annoys the boors. They want to quarrel, and a polite person with them does not go into conflict. Politeness and barking for the belt zapekaet, and conquers the city!

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Fidelity to

This is devotion, but not only towards close people, but also to your own worldview, ideas and views. This is an important aspect of the relationship between a man and a woman, because it is associated with a negative feature, like jealousy. Fidelity speaks of the reliability and permanence of a person with this quality.

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These are good manners and the ability to behave in society. The educated person is polite with others, regardless of their social status. This knowledge and the implementation of rules of conduct in society, respect for someone else's property, nature, society. For a well-educated person, there is never any shame.

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This is the ability to follow rules and regulations. A disciplined person not only strictly observes the established rules, but also knows how to manage his own time so that he has enough for all important matters.

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This is an affectionate and caring attitude towards people. Responsiveness and attention to others, the desire to help and help out of difficult situations, without expecting anything in return. This quality does not bring momentary benefits, but those around him appreciate, and the kindness shown is often answered with the same kindness and care.

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Friendliness of

This is a benevolent attitude towards others. This is not only an opportunity to build friendly relations with any person, but also the ability to behave openly and sympathetically towards people. A friendly person strives for mutual pleasant communication, therefore he has not only true friends, but also a lot of useful acquaintances.

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Sociability of the

This is the ability to establish contacts. A person who does not have communication barriers easily enters the collective and makes friends. We live in a society, so the ability to communicate with others is useful in any sphere of life. A person of this quality will never be left alone.

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Responsibility of

It is a person's ability to answer for what he is entrusted with, the ability to make complex decisions and evaluate their consequences. Husbands are responsible for wives, mothers - for children, employees - for professional tasks. A person who is not afraid to take responsibility for anything manifests himself as an independent and mature person.

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Responsiveness of

It is a willingness to come to the rescue, the ability to disinterestedly respond to a request, help in a difficult situation. Plus this quality is not only in the good attitude of others, but also in self-perception of yourself as a kind person.

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This compliance with the rules and regulations. In life, this quality is more associated with the lack of delays, the ability to carry out assignments on time, to comply with the agreement. Particularly valued in industries where "time is money."But do not neglect punctuality in other areas of life - its absence can be perceived as disrespect.

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Decisiveness of

This is the willingness to make decisions, the ability to implement the plan, not shy and not giving in to fears. Resolve is the absence of the so-called paralysis of will, when doubt interferes with activity. Closely related to hardness of spirit and courage. About decisive people say: "He has an inner core."

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This is a sober self-assessment, adequate perception of one's own views and activities. A self-critic does not consider his own opinion to be the only correct one, he has a robust attitude to the views from the outside. But you need to remember the golden mean, because excessive self-criticism indicates a low self-esteem.

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Modesty of

This is the lack of intention to extol oneself. It's nice to deal with people who have achieved a lot, and they do not praise themselves at every turn. Modesty is not only a lack of bragging, but also a tactful attitude towards others. This quality can manifest itself both because of respect for other people, and because of shyness.

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This is the ability to resist fears. They say that a brave person is not afraid of anything, but the complete absence of fear is not only recklessness, but also a syndrome of some mental deviations. Boldness is the ability to act in spite of fears. As an example, firefighters may also be afraid of fire, but fulfill their professional duty without succumbing to fear.

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This is correctness and impartiality. This concept is based on the notions of good and evil, the laws of retribution for good and bad deeds. Assessing events, a fair person excludes predispositions and sympathies for someone. A person is fair when he is objective.

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Tolerance of

This is tolerance for people. Tolerance does not allow people to be divided into representatives of other nations, ethnic groups and religions. A tolerant person does not reject someone else's point of view, and is unlikely to allow himself to respond rudely to someone. Tolerance is the necessity of the modern world.

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This is the ability to take a positive attitude towards one's own work. Industriousness is not only a willingness to give your strength and personal time to the labor process, but also the ability to do it with pleasure. A person systematically shirking from work and not able to perceive his work with interest is the burden of the entire collective.

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Respect for others

This is recognition of the value of others' views. Respectful attitude towards others indicates that you see a person in every person. In labor processes this quality is mandatory, manifested in distance and subordination.

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This is a positive assessment of one's own qualities. Confidence is closely related to the ability of a person to manage himself in ambiguous situations. A confident person knows his own worth, is not afraid of public speaking, he knows how to behave in a stressful situation. Looking at such a person you might think: "He knows what he is doing."

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Persistence of

This is the ability to go to the goal. This quality is characteristic of strong people who do not fall prey to difficulties and failures. Perseverance in achieving goals and implementing plans shows the firmness of character and the steadfastness of the spirit. Resilient personalities achieve their heights on their own.

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This is openness, inadmissibility of deceit in relation to others. This quality speaks about decency, morality and strong character. An honest person always respects the interlocutor, so he tells him the truth sometimes even unpleasant, but necessary.

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This is self-esteem and a high appreciation of one's qualities, understanding of value and significance. A person possessing this quality is unlikely to decide on a low act, deception or even ordinary abuse in a public place. This is beneath his dignity. For such a person, it is important not even the opinion of others, but their own assessment of their actions.

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Sense of humor

This is the ability to perceive the situation from the comic side. Even better - to find this comical side in everything. And it's more fun to live, and it's nice to talk with people like that. A sense of humor is an indicator of a person's mental health. It is not known whether the laughter increases the duration of life, but it can certainly save you from unnecessary sorrows.

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It is a willingness to share with your neighbor, absolutely not wanting to receive something in return. Generous people, for example, can engage in charity - helping the needy, donate funds to special funds. Even the most disinterested people appreciate this quality, because it shows the breadth of the soul.

  • May 29, 2018
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