Brussels sprouts: properties, benefits and harm

Brussels sprouts are a vegetable crop that belongs to the cruciferous family. Vegetable kitties are used for food, which are miniature copies of white cabbage, weighing about ten grams each, and not exceeding the size of a walnut. On one stem of cabbage grows about 50-70 small kosches.

  • Cultivation history
  • Varieties
  • Composition
  • Caloric value
  • Nutritional value
  • Useful compounds
  • Cooking
  • Useful properties and applications
  • Benefits for children and the elderly
  • Useful properties of cabbage in the postoperative period
  • Benefits for pregnant women
  • Usage in cookery
  • Howchoose and store
  • Contraindications and harm
  • Interesting facts

History of cultivation

Brussels sprouts are artificially bred culture, Therefore, in the wild, the plant does not occur. The "ancestor" of Brussels sprouts is leaf cabbage, which grows wild in the territory of Mediterranean countries. Brussels sprouts from the leaf brought Belgian vegetable growers, from Belgium the culture spread to Germany, France, Holland. The first mention of this vegetable dates back to 1821, a scientific description of the culture was made by Carl Linnaeus, calling the Brussels sprouts - in honor of the gardeners who brought it out of Brussels.

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In Russia, a vegetable appeared in the middle of the nineteenth century, but due to the inappropriate for its growth the climate was not widely spread. And today the main cultivators of this variety of cabbage are mainly the countries of Western Europe, as well as some regions of the US and Canada. In Russia, however, culture is cultivated mainly in central regions and in very limited numbers.

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Brussels sprouts are represented by a large number of varieties, the popularity of which varies from region to region. On the Russian territory, the following varieties became most widespread:

  • "Boxer".The variety is bred in Holland. It is medium late, it is resistant to low temperatures. Kitties have a rounded shape, medium size and density, green color. Suitable for processing and eating fresh.
  • Hercules. It is deduced in Russia. It is late-maturing, it is resistant to low temperatures. Kitties oval, with a diameter of three to five centimeters, quite loose. The variety is suitable for canning and home cooking.
  • "Dolmik".The variety is bred in Holland. Refers to early ripening. Kitties rounded, medium in size, medium green. Used for quick freezing and fresh consumption.
  • "Curl".Brought to the Czech Republic. Refers to the late-ripening. The plants are medium-dense, medium-sized and round in shape, with a yellow-green color in the section. The variety is characterized by high yield, high taste qualities. Used in recycled and unprocessed( fresh) form.
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Brussels sprouts are a valuable source of raw protein, vitamins, folic acid. Properties of Brussels sprouts make this product useful in the treatment of diseases of many organs and systems of the human body.

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Calorie content

Brussels sprouts are a low-calorie product, in a hundred grammes of fresh product only 43 calories, while the frozen cabbage of calories contains even less - 36 kcal. Due to low calorie content, the product is suitable for everyone, including people with excess weight.

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Nutritional value of

The benefits of Brussels sprouts are mainly due to the high protein content with a rich amino acid composition, which in its properties is almost equal to the protein of animal origin. At the same time, the fat content is minimal, which makes the vegetable a dietary product.

Substance Weight( g)
Proteins 4.8
Fats 0,3
Carbohydrates 3,1
Starch 0,4
Water 86
Ash 1,3
Dietary fibers 4.2
Organic acids 0.3
Monosaccharides and disaccharides 2.7
Unsaturated fatty acids 0.1
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Useful compounds

Brussels sprouts are a valuable source of folic acid, B vitamins, vitamin C.

Substance Weight( mg / μg)
Beta-carotene 450
A 38
B1( thiamine) 0.139
B2( riOphavin) 0.09
B5( pantothenic acid) 0.309
B6( pyridoxine) 0.219
B9( folic acid) 61
C 85
E 0.88
K( phylloquinone) 177
Choline 19,1
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High content and trace elements, necessary for the full functioning of the organs and systems of the human body.

Substance Weight( mg / g)
Calcium Magnesium 42
Sodium Phosphorus Potassium 389
Iron Zinc Copper 0,42
Manganese Selenium 1,6
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Culinary processing

Brussels sprouts are a product that should not be subjected to prolonged heat treatment, as a result the vegetable loses most of its useful properties. The best way to prepare cabbage is to steam( on a stove, in a double boiler or multivark), while maintaining all its flavor and nutritional qualities.

The coots of Brussels sprouts are also boiled, stewed, fried, pre-frozen, then used to make the first( soup) and second courses. Some varieties of the vegetable are also dried.

Thanks to the original shape and a combination of bright and saturated colors, the Brussels sprouts are also used for decoration of festive dishes.

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Useful properties and application

The high content of vitamins and trace elements makes Brussels sprouts a valuable product that nutritionists recommend to include in the diet almost all categories of people.

Brussels sprouts will have a positive effect on the body of people with diseases:

  • cardiovascular system( arrhythmia and hypertension);
  • endocrine system( diabetes and obesity);
  • respiratory system( bronchitis and bronchial asthma);
  • digestive system( constipation);
  • of the genitourinary system( concrements in the bladder and kidneys).
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Regular use of Brussels sprouts will help prevent the development of a number of dangerous diseases and pathological conditions, as the product has a wide range of actions on the body, namely:

  • antitoxic;
  • antiscorbutic;
  • is a diuretic;
  • choleretic;
  • expectorant;
  • anti-cancer;
  • antisclerotic;
  • anti-infective;
  • immunostimulating;
  • is an anti-inflammatory;
  • restorative.
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Benefits for children and the elderly

The substances included in this product contribute to the strengthening of bone tissue, which is why it must be included in the menu of children whose bone system is actively developing and people of advanced age, bone systemwhich are often quite fragile.

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Useful properties of cabbage in the postoperative period

Doctors recommend including Brussels sprouts and juice from it in the menu of patients who underwent surgery. Due to the influence of the substances included in the product, healing of wounds is accelerated and resistance of the organism to external negative factors is increased.

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Benefits for pregnant women

Brussels sprouts are a rich source of folic acid, which is necessary for the normal development of the fetal nervous system in the womb. Due to its regular use, the risk of developing vices in children is significantly reduced. A pregnant cabbage woman will help to fill the lack of vitamin C.

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Use in cooking

Brussels sprouts are a versatile vegetable that can be used in:

  • stew;
  • cooked;
  • baked;
  • fried;
  • raw.

With Brussels sprouts prepare:

  • stew;
  • salads;
  • paste;
  • omelets;
  • casseroles;
  • pies;
  • meat dishes;
  • sauces.
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How to choose and store

When selecting Brussels sprouts, you need to pay attention to the appearance of the top leaves of the kitties - they must be fresh and not have signs of decay and dark spots. Dark traces should not also be on the stem, on the contrary, it should be light and clean. If the kitties have a yellowish tinge - this indicates a low quality of the vegetable.

Brussels sprouts are perfectly stored in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator, you can buy it for future use and cut off the kitties as needed. If you find traces of spoilage of the vegetable, clean the wounded places, cut off the koches and freeze them.

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Contraindications and harm

The benefits and harm of Brussels sprouts are discussed by many researchers, but their thoughts converge in one thing - this vegetable should be used with caution by people who have problems with the digestive system.

To include Brussels sprouts in your diet only after preliminary consultation with a doctor( as it can provoke an exacerbation of diseases and pathological conditions) is recommended to people:

  • with high acidity of the stomach;
  • with frequent intestinal spasms
  • with enterocolitis;
  • with a weakened intestinal motility.

Brussels sprouts are a product with a high content of purines, so it should not be used with a painful gout.

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Interesting facts

Broth, cooked on the basis of this vegetable, in its nutritional qualities is in no way inferior to broth, cooked from chicken.

Traditional medicine recommends including juice from Brussels sprouts in the daily menu of patients with cancer.


I've never liked Brussels sprouts, but now I'll definitely include it in my diet.


Catherine, be sure to try. For example, I really like Brussels sprouts baked with milk and cheese sauce. In general, the Internet has many different recipes. Look, you are sure to find the option of cooking this cabbage to your liking.

  • May 29, 2018
  • 54
  • 227