Amoxiclav - tablets, suspension, injections: indications, dosage, instructions for use, analogues, testimonials. Is it possible for Amoxiclav for children, during pregnancy, breastfeeding? Amoxiclav: how many times to drink a day and for how long?

Amoxiclav is a modern complex-action drug that is used against pathogenic bacteria resistant to antibiotics of the penicillin series. This drug has proven itself in surgery, gynecological and urological practice, pulmonology and other medical fields. Amoxiclav is widely used by ENT doctors for the treatment of purulent infectious rhinitis, pharyngitis and tonsillitis, as well as other diseases associated with the action of pathogenic bacteria.


  • Amoxiclav - tablets and suspension 125, 250: indications, dosage, instructions for use for adults and children, drink before meals or after?
  • Amoxiclav - tablets 500, 850, 1000: indications, dosage, instructions for use, drink before meals or after?
  • Amoxiclav: How many times do I take pills, a suspension a day and for how long?
  • Amoxiclav - injections, injections: indications, dosage, instructions for use
  • Amoxiclav: Are analogues cheaper?
  • Is it possible to have Amoxiclav during pregnancy in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester?
  • instagram viewer
  • Is it possible to breastfeed mothers Amoxiclav?
  • How to take Amoxiclav for children, how to dilute the suspension?
  • Do I need Linex for Amoxiclav?
  • Amoxiclav or Amoxicillin: Which is better?
  • Augmentin or Amoxiclav: what is better for a child?
  • How much does Amoxiclav work?
  • Amoxiclav: how much is output?
  • Is it possible to divide the Amoxiclav tablet in half?
  • Amoxiclav and alcohol: through how much can you?
  • Amoxiclave: reviews of
  • Video. Amoxiclav tablet instruction. Analogs are cheaper and more effective. Price, use, pregnancy

This drug is based on two active substances: antibiotic amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. Amoxicillin is a semisynthetic antibiotic that can easily cope with a variety of pathogenic agents.

With regard to clavulanic acid, it is her Amoxiclav due to its pronounced effect. It plays an important role in the fight against microbes, viruses and bacteria, provoking inflammatory processes in the body. In addition to the main action, clavulanic acid is able to slow the addiction of bacteria to amoxicillin.

Amoxiclav - tablets and suspension 125, 250: indications, dosage, instructions for use for adults and children, drink before meals or after?

This drug is available in tablets of 125 or 250 mg in 15-21 vials. Tablets of the oval form of white color with a film membrane. Are prescribed for infection of the upper and lower respiratory tract, urinary tract, gynecological, skin and bone infections. Also these pills are indicated for cholecystitis, cholangitis and odontogenic infections.

General indications for use:

  • Abscess of the perioral cavity
  • Acute or chronic sinusitis
  • Pneumonia
  • Infectious diseases of the urinary system
  • Gynecological disorders
  • Dermal bacterial lesions
  • Postoperative period( with pelvic surgery)

Children over 12 years of age and adults are assignedone tablet every 8-12 hours, depending on the course and nature of the disease. Children younger than 6 years of tablet form of the drug is contraindicated. The course of treatment is 5-14 days.

Amoxiclav in tablets should be taken with food. A large amount of food when taking this drug has a good effect on the absorption of its components by the intestine. Tablets can not be chewed. For better digestion, they must be swallowed whole.

In the treatment of children from 5 months to 10 years, a suspension in a dosage of 125 mg is used. In severe forms of the disease, this drug is used in a dosage of 250 mg. In this case, the exact dosage should be prescribed by the doctor, relying on the age and weight of the child.

Amoxiclav - tablets 500, 850, 1000: indications, dosage, instructions for use, drink before meals or after?

Amoxylate 500

Amoxilav 500, 850 and 1000 have the same indications for use as tablets containing less antibiotic. But, when they are taken, you need to correctly calculate the dosage. Typically, the doctor appoints Amoxiclav 500 three times a day. In severe forms of infection, adults can be prescribed 1000 mg of antibiotic twice a day. The course of treatment should not exceed two weeks.

Take these tablets while eating, with plenty of water.

Amoxiclav: How many times do I take pills, a suspension a day and for how long?

The treatment cycle is appointed by the doctor to the patient personally, taking into account the type of infection, the person's age and weight, the severity of the disease, etc. Usually, the period of treatment is about 5-14 days from the beginning of taking the drug.

  • Tablets. Children who do not exceed 12 years of age are recommended to dose 40 mg / kg of amoxiclav per day in 3 doses. A child with a body weight exceeding 40 kg should be given the same dosage as an adult. Up to 6 years, it is better to take the suspension. Adults should take 1 tablet with 250 mg of amoxicillin every 8 hours a day.
  • Suspension. If you are going to apply a suspension for treatment, then you need the advice of a doctor who can accurately calculate the dosage of the medicine for your child. The approximate treatment period is usually about 5-14 days. Children younger than 3 months - 30 mg / kg / day, twice a day( after 12 hours).Children with mild and moderate stages of infectious diseases older than 3 months - from 20 mg / kg, and children with severe infectious diseases, particularly with respiratory infections and otitis, should apply up to 40 mg / kg of medication three times a day( withan interval of 8 hours).It should be taken into account that the maximum allowable dose of the medicine for a child per day is 45 mg / kg.

Amoxiclav - injections, injections: indications, dosage, instructions for use

Amoxiclav treatment by injection is performed with infections of the respiratory organs, as well as with ear infections, urinary tract infection and infectious diseases of the skin and muscles, tendons, infection of bone composition andjoints, infection of the abdominal cavity, infectious diseases, sexually transmitted infections, etc.

Instructions for the use of intravenous antibiotic:

  • If the child's mass does not exceed 40ilogrammov, the portion of the drug is chosen according to the weight. Children under 3 months of age weighing 4 kg should be treated with an infusion of the drug( half an hour) with a calculation of 30 mg / kg twice daily with a 12-hour interval, and with a child weighing more than 4 kg - 30 mg per kg of threeonce a day with an 8-hour interval. During the child's age from 3 months to 12 years, 30 mg per kg of body weight are administered three times a day for a period of 8 hours.
  • Adults and children over 12 years of age should use 1.2 g of the drug( 1000 mg + 200 mg) with an interval of 8 hours, and in the severe case with an interval of 6 hours.

Preparation of the solution is accomplished by dissolving the drug in pure water. For injections of 0.6 g you need 10 ml of water, and for a dose of 1.2 g you need 20 ml of water. The drug is injected slowly, for 2-4 minutes.

Amoxiclav: are analogues cheaper?

The modern pharmacological industry produces various analogues of Amoxiclav. Some of these drugs have a similar in composition content, other similar mechanism of action. According to the principle of action on the body, you can buy such analogues of Amoxiclav in the pharmacy:

  • Klamosar
  • Ampiox
  • Oxamp

If you compare the composition of this drug, the following medicines will be close to it:

  • Arlet
  • Meddoclase
  • Augmentin
  • Ecoclave
  • Amoxicillin

Most analoguesAmoxiclase has a high efficiency. But, when choosing the most effective drug in each case, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Is it possible to have Amoxiclav during pregnancy in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd trimester?

Specialists do not recommend using Amoxiclav in cases where the benefits for a pregnant woman from a drug are not so obvious. In general, the antibiotic is relatively safe and effective, it is often prescribed to pregnant women at different stages of pregnancy, but in order to be sure of its necessity, a doctor's consultation is required.

Is it possible to breastfeed mothers Amoxiclav?

Very many women during lactation try not to take medications without acute need. They are particularly negative about various antibiotics. But, there are such medications containing an antibiotic that you can take while breastfeeding. Amoxiclav belongs to this category of "permitted" drugs.

The active substances of this drug( amoxicillin and clavulanic acid) get through the mother's milk into the child's body in minimum quantities. In the course of taking Amoxiclav in small doses, it is not necessary to wean the baby from the breast. But, during lactation with the reception of this antibiotic, make sure that there is no allergy in the baby.

How to take Amoxiclav for children, how to dilute the suspension?

To children, this medication is often prescribed as a syrup. To make it, you need to dilute the suspension. To do this, use only clean drinking water.

Tablets and suspension

For a drug with a dosage of 125 mg, 45 ml of water is first injected with a syringe. The vial is shaken, and then the remaining 45 ml is added. After repeated shake-up of the vial the medicine takes the form necessary for the reception.

To dilute the suspension, the amount of active ingredient in which corresponds to 250 mg, 85 ml of water is used.

Do I need Linex to receive Amoxiclav?

Since Amoxiclav belongs to antibiotics, after the course of this drug it is desirable to restore the intestinal microflora with the help of Linex or its analogues.

If Amoxiclav is taken during breastfeeding, then Linex should be given to the baby.

Amoxiclav or Amoxicillin: Which is better?

Amoxiclav is a medication that includes amoxicillin. But, in addition to this antibiotic, Amoxiclav also contains clavulanic acid. It not only suppresses certain types of bacteria, but also enhances the action of amoxicillin. Thanks to this, today Amoxiclav, and not its "depleted" analogue - Amoxicillin, is increasingly used to treat various diseases.

Augmentin or Amoxiclav: what is better for a child?

Both drugs have forms of release that can be used to treat children. These medicines have a similar effect on the body. Augmentin, at the same time, acts a little softer. But there are more indications for use in this drug. Amoxiclav should not be taken more than two weeks.

How much does Amoxiclav work?

The duration of Amoxiclav depends on the problem with which it struggles. When taking this antibiotic in the form of injections, its active substance starts to work almost instantly. The tablet dissolves within an hour.


Amoxiclav: how much is output?

Amoxicillin is excreted unchanged in urine. And clavulanic acid through the kidneys and intestines. Completely this preparation is deduced for 1 - 1.5 hours.

Is it possible to divide the Amoxiclav tablet in half?

Amoxiclav tablets can be divided. Moreover, today it is advantageous to buy this drug in tablets with a high content of active substance, and then divide the tablets into two parts and use them in prescribed dosages.

Amoxiclav and alcohol: through how much can you?

Doctors do not recommend drinking alcohol when taking any antibiotics. And Amoksiklav in this regard is no exception. But, there were no serious consequences from combining this drug with alcohol. And if you are scheduled for a solemn event, then one - two glasses of wine will not hurt. But from the heavier types of alcohol when taking Amoxiclav it is necessary to refuse.

Amoxiclav: Feedback from

Irina. Today, do not get antibiotics. Here and to me at the severe form of cold the doctor has registered this preparation. Immediately I will say that his reception justified itself. But, after it had to drink "Bifidumbacterin".And the price of Amoxiclav is higher than analogues.

Victoria. Treated with this antibiotic angina at the daughter. A slurry was used. The temperature was quickly eliminated. But, the daughter began to complain of an upset stomach. Of the minuses, I note that the tablets are more economical. But, they can be given to children from the age of 12.And my only eight.

Video. Amoxiclav tablet instruction. Analogs are cheaper and more effective. Price, Application, Pregnancy

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