The best ideas for a winter wedding photo shoot

Many couples do not seek to legitimize their relationship in the winter, considering the cold and snow is not a suitable weather mood for a wedding outdoor photo session. But the winter is able to give and unique romantic and stylistic ideas for such a photo shoot, which will not be realized in other pores of the year.

  • In Russian style
  • Winter fairy tale
  • Ideas with animals

In Russian style

This style fits perfectly into the snowy Russian winter. To implement the idea, many locations are suitable: rural spaces, log huts, snow-covered fields and forests.

To make the style recognizable, it's worth picking the right attributes and accessories. This includes many elements of the Slavic style. Suitable for the following things:

  • painted Russian scarves, bright, often red;
  • kitchen utensils, preferably with Khokhloma painting: mugs, plates, wooden spoons;
  • samovar and all attached to it;
  • instagram viewer
  • caps with earflaps, mittens, couplings, valyanka, sheepskins;
  • from food: lamb, roostery on sticks, liquid red apples, pies, loaves, honey cakes, handfuls of viburnum on twigs;
  • small sledges, and if there is a possibility, then the real, horse-drawn sleigh.
  • from musical instruments: accordion, bells, balalaika, spoons.

Given that the time for such a survey due to the cold is a maximum of 20 minutes, after which all participants need to back into heat, complicated photo zones for the Russian style do not. It will be enough to break the improvised corner of the living room with a table, chairs, a samovar.

Also, the table can be arranged directly on a suitable drift.

Where is the best for the style of dynamic ideas come up: crazy riding a triple, playing on Russian instruments, winter Russian fun and much more.

Find out also the best ideas for a summer wedding photo session

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Winter fairy tale

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Unlike the Russian winter, this theme is radically different, it is keptand romantic. Photozones for it must be prepared in advance, in order to quickly arrange everything and start shooting.

Basically in this genre all possible romantic aspects of winter are played: tenderness, warmth, love between newlyweds.

In some ways this area is similar to the style of the Boho, but the winter one. So, for arranging the photozone, the pastel colors of fabric and accessories, artificial realistic flowers in a large volume, things made of wood, beautiful forged things, furs, retro accents and so on will suit the arrangement.

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Ideas with animals

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Against the backdrop of white decorations, ideas with animals acquire a kind of romantic magnetism, making photography unreal and fantastic in content. For wedding photography the following animals and birds are suitable:

  • horses. They can be used in different ways: ride a horse, walk alongside, harness the sleigh;
  • dogs. An idea with a dog harness, as well as a walk with a dog, will do. Against the background of snow dogs of the Laika and Husky breeds look particularly good;
  • deer. With them shooting is similar to shooting with horses;
  • birds: owls, eagles, pigeons;
  • pets, especially cats.
  • May 29, 2018
  • 84
  • 219