How to cure a dry cough in an adult? Causes of dry cough

Never experienced a terrible bouts of dry cough? Is it always easy to get rid of infections? Nevertheless, you better read it. After all, the problem at any time can overtake your loved ones.


  • Types of dry cough
  • Causes of severe dry cough
  • Dry cough with temperature in adult
  • Dry cough without temperature in adult
  • Severe sore throat and dry cough, causes
  • Permanent dry cough in adult
  • Dry cough in the morning in an adult
  • Syrupsfrom dry cough to adults
  • What herbs to drink when dry cough
  • Breastfeeding with dry cough, recipe
  • Calendula from dry cough, recipe
  • Sage from dry cough to adults
  • Plantain from dry toshlya
  • Hypericum dry cough in adults, prescription
  • dry cough treatment homeopathy
  • How to cure a dry cough in adults: tips and reviews
  • Video: How to treat dry cough without cost?
  • Video: treatment of dry cough in the program "Live healthy"
  • Video: Prolonged cough

Cough - reflex response of the respiratory tract to all kinds of irritations. It arises as a reaction to the stimulation of thousands of cough receptors located not only in the larynx, but also in the lungs, esophagus, nose, ears, in the pericardial bag and diaphragm.

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Two types of cough receptors react to differently characterized stimuli. C-receptors respond to stimulation with inflammatory mediators during the course of infectious diseases. Irrant - react to chemical, thermal and mechanical factors.

Types of dry cough

According to the official classification, an acute, subacute and chronic form can have both productive( wet) and unproductive( dry) cough. However, the nature of the phenomenon, and its immediate duration, are extremely different for the no-humonic and sputum reflexes.

In general, the types of dry cough are described based on the duration of the symptoms manifested.

Generally accepted logging standards:

  • 3-4 weeks for acute
  • 4-9 weeks for subacute
  • over 9 weeks for chronic

Causes of severe dry cough

Unpleasant sensation, sensation of spasm, tickling and not passing lump in throat - these phenomena are accompanied by acute non-productivecough in adults. Depending on the occurrence factor, it can be:

  • infectious, which is formed against the background of viral and bacterial rhinitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis and bronchitis
  • aspirating, inflamed due to ingress of foreign bodies and substances
  • inflammatory, manifested inas a symptom of vasculitis, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis or thyroiditis, as well as toxic poisonings of
  • by thromboembolic disease, which begins because of blockage of large thrombi of pulmonary arteries
  • cardiac, appearing as a complication to congestive left ventricular failure or to the pathology of the pericardial
  • pleurisy due to protein damage on the serous lung surface

The causes of severe dry cough are manifold, but more often it appears as an unpleasant addition to bacterial and viralinfections of the throat, lung pathologies.

Dry cough with fever in the adult

Often diagnosed painful conditions, accompanied by a constant, unproductive cough, are influenza, parainfluenza and PC infection. They affect the entire airway( from the larynx to the alveoli) and cause a high temperature: up to 38-40 ° C. Pertussis, respiratory mycoplasmosis and streptococcosis of the pharynx are detected less frequently. In the first case, cough is formed paroxysmal and dry. In the second - unproductive, weighed down by respiratory insufficiency. In the third - dry and frequent with a hoarse voice, he becomes a harbinger of the worst manifestations of angina. The high temperature in this group is formed only by streptococcal infections.

Diphtheria, measles and respiratory chlamydia are even less common in medical practice. However, a dry cough with a temperature in an adult is symptomatic, 100% corresponding to these acute diseases. Temperature limits of the group: 37-41 ° C.Features of attacks: superficial frequent respiration and blue skin, mucous membranes.

Dry cough without temperature in an adult

Rarely infectious infections for the human body pass unnoticed. However, in our region, nevertheless, there are diseases that form and dry up without a rise in body temperature. For example:

  • paracoel that causes an obsessive unproductive cough at night
  • rhinovirus rhinitis( rhinitis), which causes frequent coughing from escaping into the pharynx of exudate
  • atypically flowing flu of the most common subtype H1N1, causing protracted barking attacks of unproductive

Dry cough without temperature in an adultis formed also with:

  • oncology
  • asthma and pericardial
  • with dry pleurisy and pneumothorax
  • pulmonary embolism
  • relatively
  • Aspiration of foreign bodies
  • Taking specific medications
  • Gastroesophageal reflux( reverse movement of the contents of the stomach to the throat)
  • helminthic invasion

Severe sore throat and dry cough, causes

Terrible pain when trying to cough dying cells of the nasopharynx,esophagus and lungs accompany almost every infectious disease. After all, bacteria and viruses, getting on the mucous membranes of our body, into the blood, start ruthlessly attacking all possible / accessible systems of the body. Burning pains cause:

  • acute pharyngitis, laryngitis and bronchitis against the background of acute respiratory infections
  • streptococcal tonsillitis( sore throats)
  • fungal infections like aspergillosis

In this case, dry cough can accompany the disease both throughout and during its individual periods. Chemical burns cause no less pronounced fighting sensations and cough reflexes.

Severe sore throat and dry cough: the reasons for these unpleasant events every season do not allow to relax to millions of compatriots, they require searching for the most effective treatment.

A prolonged dry cough in an adult

Excessive sensitivity of the receptors and cough center, abuse of antibiotics and antiseptics, dryness and saturation of the surrounding air with irritating chemical elements are the main causes of post-infection prolonged cough.

Under the influence of the above factors, the thinning and dehydration of the mucous membranes of the throat lead to a permanent or abrupt cessation in time. With timely correction, symptoms disappear after 1.5-2 months after the acute phase is completed.

A prolonged dry cough in an adult can be cured with:
  • complete failure / avoidance of stimuli
  • taking specific vitamin complexes
  • taking drugs that suppress the cough reflex
  • in a humid climate or in rooms with significantly humid air

Permanent dry cough in an adult

Chronic and recurrent unproductive dandruff is confirmed three to eighteen months after the diagnosis of the first symptoms. In this case, a constant cough may indicate a pathology dangerous to human life.

Chronic cough is most often caused by:

  • gastroesophageal reflux - uncontrolled movement of stomach contents to the nasopharynx
  • by multiple chronic lung diseases and bronchial asthma
  • by bulk processes in the mediastinum - malignant and benign chest tumors

Recurrent permanent dry cough in an adult is provoked:

  • by eosonophilicallergic) bronchitis
  • with the use of ACE inhibitors - drugs for kidneyand heart failure, high blood pressure
  • with neuroses

Dry cough in the morning in an adult

Without the presence of infectious pathologies of the respiratory system, morning coughing is often provoked by overdried / polluted air, heart failure.

Infectious laryngotracheitis and smoking cause a painful unproductive cough in the morning, when the sputum is not yet diluted, and the pharynx is heavily dried by intense night breathing. Dry cough in the morning in an adult can be a symptom of a much more serious illness: chronic sinusitis, dry bronchiectasis, cancer, specific helminthiasis.

Dry cough syrups for adults

Suppression of a non-productive cough reflex is one of the main tasks of treating seasonal respiratory tract infections. With the agonizing manifestations help to cope with special syrups from coughing.

Stoptosin with butamate citrate shows mucolytic, expectorant and antitussive effect. Bronholitin with glaucine hydrobromide and ephedrine hydrochloride:

  • suppresses cough center
  • extends bronchi
  • eliminates mucous
  • swelling has little antimicrobial, spasmolytic and sedating

Clenbuterol with clenbuterol hydrochloride lightning removes pulmonary spasm, promotes bronchial relaxation, prevents aggravation of inflammatory processes,edema.

Tussin Plus with guaifenesin and dextromethorphan hydrobromide increases the cough threshold, reduces the viscosity of phlegm, relieves irritation in the throat. Dry cough syrups for adults are more popular than adults, rather than artificially synthesized, for example: alteyka, herbion, gedelix, eucabal, linkas, Dr. Mom.

Dry inhalation inhalations for adults

Today, except for steam inhalers, there are services for convalescing devices for converting drugs into aerosols:

  • nibulaisers compressor
  • nibulaires ultrasonic
  • mesh inhalers

They perfectly cope with the delivery of active substances directly to the centers of infectious irritation. However, only steam inhalers can work with infusions and decoctions of natural ingredients.

Hot inhalations for dry coughing adults are prescribed with caution, since purulent sore throat or a complete absence of a full mucous membrane in the nasopharynx can "correct" the expected result of inhalation breathing on the exact opposite.

Means for dry cough during pregnancy

About 76% of pregnant women who seek help with the treatment of seasonal infectious diseases to specialists have a persistent, boring, unproductive cough. At 5-10% it has the nature of a real threat of miscarriage or premature birth.

Therefore, the use of antibiotics in the period of gestation is often justified just as much as the use of really effective antitussives is required.

Antibiotic remedies for dry cough during pregnancy( for all trimesters): cephalexin, amoxicillin, penicillin, azithromycin. The use of digituroxime is allowed only in the second and third trimesters.

Antitussive remedies for the first trimester: mukaltin, eucabal. For the second and third: sinecode, pertussin, bromhexine, broncholitin, stoptussin, intussin, omnitus, panatus, pectolvan C.

The use of herbs during pregnancy is justified when the threat of unpleasant consequences after taking medication is too great. After all, in addition to useful chemical compounds, brewed plant parts can contain both poisons and mutagens.

How to cure a dry cough folk remedies

Recipes for treatment "out of the people" are quite strange and unsafe. Their real usefulness has to be re-checked every time with caution. However, there are several dozen truly healing solutions.

  • Among other things:
    • is hot and cold( for some angina) compresses
    • decoctions of herbs, roots, assorted fruits on water and milk
    • alcohol tinctures of root crops, flower buds, plant greens
    • enriched with bactericidal components syrups sugar and honey
    • inhalation odorous grasses andessential oils
    • drinking bollocks with butter
    • ointments with birch tar, lard fat

    How to cure dry cough with folk remedies? Accurately follow all instructions for preparing medicines, observe the temperature conditions of exposure, do not put inside what is supposed for outdoor use.

    Milk with honey from dry cough, recipe

    Softening, deep penetration into tissues, replenishment of damaged cells necessary for the restoration of amino acids - these are the main properties of the milk-honey base for the formation of effective drinking chatterboxes.

    Milk with honey from a dry cough: a recipe with the addition of soda and butter will surprise the stunning effect.

    Take a glass of fatty milk and warm it up well. Add:

    • 2 tablespoons of honey
    • 1 teaspoon of soda
    • a piece of oil, about the size of a matchbox box

    During drinking, the mixture should be noticeably warm, even hot. Absorb the little talker is in small sips, while striping her throat. Soda will shift the changed acid-base balance towards normal. Oil along with honey will create a long-lived protective film on the "burned" infection of the mucous membrane.

    Cabbage from a dry cough

    Hot cabbage mustard( cabbage compress) is quite effective against a painful dry cough. Warming provokes intensive blood flow to the bronchi and releases sputum forming there.

    • Take the required number of large cabbage leaves and hold them for a minute in boiling water.
    • Remove and spread with a mixture of vodka, dry mustard and honey.
    • . Quickly lay sheets on the chest( back, neck) of the patient with a clean side up
    • Cover them with a warm towel, heated in boiling water,wrapped in heat-resistant polyethylene. Wrap a person with a warm blanket completely

    • The first compress should be kept no more than half an hour, as the skin, not accustomed to the action of mustard, can get a burn quickly enough
    • The duration of the following procedure can be planned based on the manifested reaction
    • Cabbage from dry cough is applied and in the form of juice withadditives. But only if the source of the urge is located in the bronchi
    • The irritated cough receptors of the throat are the cabbage chatters can greatly damage

    What herbs to drink with a dry cough

    Vegetable mucolytics( dilute sputum): fennel, aureus, fir, dill, lemon balm, eumumbustum, thyme,, anise, chamomile, pine, oregano, sage, lavender. Relieve spasms of the human respiratory system: angelica, linden, lemon balm, nettle, tavolga, chamomile, coriander, elderberry flowers, coltsfoot, oregano, cumin, anise;rhizomes of valerian, aira, dandelion and elecampane.

    From the parts of these plants you can prepare expectorant infusions: cumin, thermopsis, rosemary, thyme, marshmallow, calamus, oregano.

    Biomaterials, analgesic respiratory organs: linden, ayr, elder, pine buds, mother-and-stepmother, St. John's wort, thyme, anise. What herbs to drink when dry cough? To form effective therapeutic fees, the choice is sufficient. However, it is necessary to use with great care the Ledum, the aura and the St. John's wort. They often provoke reactions of an allergic nature on the part of many subsystems of the body. Combination of phytotherapy and medical treatment without professional medical supervision is strictly prohibited!

    Thoracic collection with dry cough, prescription

    Pharmacists have formed and approved for mass use four of the safest combinations of antitussive plant raw materials. The first is made up of an almond oregano and a mother-and-stepmother. The second - from plantain, licorice and mother-and-stepmother. The third is from anise, pine, altea and sage. The fourth - from chamomile, ledum, mint, violet, calendula. They are called breast picks No.1, No.2, No.3 and No.4, respectively. If desired, these combinations can be bought ready or formed independently. Breast collection with dry cough: the recipe can be more "aggressive".Take the calamus, rhizome of valerian, pine buds, cloves( buds of myrtle tree) and chamomile. Pour into each enamel dish a teaspoon of each item and pour 500 g of cold water. Cook over medium heat. Remove from the plate for 15-20 minutes after boiling.

    This collection will help to get rid of a strong spasmodic cough and anesthetize the inflamed patches in the nasopharynx, the lower respiratory tract.

    Calendula from dry cough, recipe

    Mononasta flowers of this plant is a good antispasmodic and has a high efficiency in the fight against infectious pathologies of the mucous membranes of the pharynx. It is prepared as follows:

    • take a tightly closed dish( thermos)
    • 2 tablespoons of crushed flowers pour 250 g boiling water
    • defend the phytomaterial in a warm room 2-3 hours
    • filter, pour into a glass container
    • drink concentrated or diluted, rinsing them throat

    Calendulafrom a dry cough: the recipe can be supplemented with chamomile or elderberry flowers, eucalyptus leaves. This will give a good synergistic effect. The bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties of the infusion will intensify many times.

    Sage from dry cough to adults

    Along with high quality and speed of separation of sputum, using this herb, unpleasant side effects are observed: increased blood pressure, headache, nausea, cessation of lactation. Therefore, the best solution for the use of infusions and sage broths will be an exceptional night use, when the main effects from the reception are manifested against the background of physiological sleep.

    It is logical that nursing mothers are not recommended for treatment of this herb.

    Sage from dry cough to adults in the form of a mono state is prepared as follows:

    • fall asleep in a ceramic cup with a lid three teaspoons of a large-milled sage
    • pour in the weed 200 g of boiling water, insist 15 minutes
    • lightly cooled brewing add 200 g of hot water
    • quickly drink 400 gramsof the resulting therapeutic solution
    • we try not to empty the bladder until the morning

    Plantain from a dry cough

    This wonderful plant quickly turns unproductive coughing into a full-fledged process of little painth expectoration. It also has clear anti-inflammatory properties.

    Plantain from dry cough is released in convenient drugstore forms:

    • it is pressed into tablets "Gerbion"
    • from it juice is squeezed for oral use
    • its leaves are dried and crushed in differently divided therapeutic powders
    Plantain does not require long heat treatment. It is desirable to use its infusions and decoctions fresh. The juice of the plant can be mixed with water, milk and honey. With the beginning of a plentiful separation of phlegm, the administration of plantain should be stopped immediately.

    St. John's wort from dry cough in an adult, prescription

    Treatment of this herb implies strict adherence to norms and duration of consumption. Incorrect dosage necessarily leads to problems with the liver, gall bladder and skin.

    St. John's wort is a powerful anti-inflammatory and regenerating agent. Its pronounced astringent, antispasmodic and antimicrobial properties are used in the most neglected cases of overexcitation of the cough center. St. John's wort from dry cough in an adult: the recipe for a mono-selection is simple.

    • In the enameled vessel water boils. It dries up dried herb plants at a rate of 1 tablespoon per 150 grams of water.
    • . The broth, which boils exactly 15 minutes, is filtered immediately after being removed from the plate.
    • The resulting treatment solution is stored well in the refrigerator, especially when adding a small amount of alcohol or vodka
    • . Therefore, at once you can prepare several liters of broth at once.
    • Take it in one hundred gram portions every 3 hours. Duration: 7-10 days

    Treatment of dry cough with homeopathy

    The effectiveness of homeopathic treatment is not constant, therefore in the modern world it is rarely resorted to.

    The preparations are formulated in such a way as to introduce micro-doses of dangerous / beneficial substances into the body of a sick person with similar manifestations.

    The use of small doses of poisons should adjust the body to an effective resistance to specific diseases and to have a result like inoculation. The treatment of dry cough with homeopathy involves the use of such dilution preparations:

    • Aconitum. It is formed from the wrestler of the repo, the use of which in macrodoses causes a sharp increase in pressure, headache and heart pain, dry cough
    • Nux vomica. It is created from the seeds of chilibuha emetic, macrodoses which lead to an increase in the sensitivity of the nervous system, pain, spasms and vomiting.
    • Spongia. It is prepared from the Greek sea sponge, which is super effective in the treatment of infectious pathologies of the trachea and larynx
    • Hepar sulfuris. It is made from an artificial chemical compound CaCO3 + S.In high concentrations causes severe irritation of the respiratory tract, enlarged lymph nodes, multiple inflammations and suppuration

    Universal homeopathic preparations for the treatment of non-productive cough, including for the suppression of the cough center: Conium, Lobelia, Hyosciamus, Cuprum metallicum, Rumex, Sticta pulmonaria, Drosera, Lachesis, Sulfuris, Coccus cacti, Apis, Laurocerasus.

    How to cure dry cough in adults: advice and feedback

    • It is better not to be zealous with iodine, soda, salt and alcohol-containing sprays. They give a lightning-fast result, but they can forever change the structure of tissues lying under the thin mucous, lead to chronic inflammation of the pharynx
    • Raspberry jam is not exactly suitable for the treatment of dry cough. After a cup of delicious tea with raspberries, you can also reduce the attack of cough
    • Kalina boiled with boiling water will help to quickly cure bronchitis

    Video: How to treat dry cough without costs?

    Video: treatment of dry cough in the program "Live healthy"

    Video: Prolonged cough

  • May 29, 2018
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