What is pyoderma? Pyoderma in children, newborns, adults: causes, symptoms and treatment

Pyodermia. How to cure an adult and a child. Antibiotics and folk remedies in the treatment of pyoderma.

Contents of

  • What is pyoderma in adults, children, newborns on the face and scalp?
  • Video: Classification of pyoderma
  • Causes of pyoderma in adults, children, newborns
  • Gangrenous pyoderma: symptoms in adults, children, newborns
  • Chronic pyoderma: symptoms in adults, children, newborns
  • Staphylococcal pyoderma: symptoms in adults, children, newborns
  • Peptic pyoderma: symptoms in adults, children, newborns
  • Streptococcal pyoderma: symptoms in adults, children, newborns
  • Treatment of pyoderma in children and adults: antibiotics and ointments, skin treatment
  • Treatment of pyoderma in newborns
  • Is pyoderma contagious or not? The most infectious form of pyoderma
  • Pyoderma incubation period
  • Pyoderma treatment with folk remedies
  • Video: Treatment and prevention of pyoderma

What is pyoderma in adults, children, newborns on the face and scalp?

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Under pyoderma we mean an inflammatory, purulent disease. Staphylococcus , streptococci are the main pathogens. This is a very common and frequent skin disease.

Pyoderma in children

In childhood, this disease is more common. Since the skin of a newborn is sensitive to , , it is at the maximum exposed to the negative effects of the surrounding world. Possible pests are bacteria - cocci, which are emptied out with ulcers and pass into pyoderma. Such bacteria are activated under the influence of many factors and causes. These include endogenous and exogenous.

After diagnosing such a disease, you need to pull yourself together and remember all the harmful surrounding factors to eliminate them.

During the disease is affected by the scalp of the human head:

  • Pustules are placed in the follicle by the hairline , straight in the central part of the hair and widely distributed
  • . The next stage is the formation of numerous ostiophalliculitis .It is an inflammatory process in a bulb with a strong glory and redness.
    Face and body pyoderma:
  • Skin is affected from above, forming a turbid bubble
  • A reddish corolla is formed around the bubble with liquid
  • The bubble or of the bloom, leaving a purulent, serous crust.
    All this brings painful and unpleasant sensations, a constant itch. There is a complete change in the structure of the skin.

Symptomatic of pediatric pyoderma is similar to other skin diseases, therefore it is forbidden to diagnose and carry out treatment at home.

Depending on the type of cocci , the child formed on the skin distinguishes between pyoderma in a certain class:

  • Given , the degree of neglect of pyoderma is divided into acute and chronic
  • . Localization of : common and with limited area
  • Depth of hearth : surface or deep
  • Given the type of pathogen : streptodermia , staphylodermia , streptostafillodermia
  • Area of ​​defeat : face, scalp,eating, sweat glands
  • distinguish pyoderma in appearance of rashes : periporit , strep impetigo , stomatitis in the corners of the mouth, felon, streptoderma .

Video: Classification of pyoderma

Causes of pyoderma in adults, children, newborns

Pyoderma in adults and children has androgenic and exogenous causes.

To endrogenic are:

  • Emerging complications. As a result of early illnesses
  • Possible disorders of internal organs
  • Deep central nervous system damage
  • Problems in metabolism
  • Weak immunity
  • Endocrine system disorders associated with diabetes
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia
    Exogenous reasons include:
  • Skin traumasmall character: cracks, abrasions, scratching
  • Non-compliance with hygiene in child care
  • Contamination of skin
  • Overheating of skinand / or severe supercooling
  • Personal contact with pyoderma carrier
  • Persistent stress and fatigue
  • No vitamins, poor nutrition
Pyoderma in newborn

Pyoderma in the of the newborn baby leads to inflammatory processes that take place in the umbilical cord region. The cause will be any wound, which will develop into a purulent infection and lead to infection of the blood.

Gangrenous pyoderma: symptoms in adults, children, newborns

Gangrenous pyoderma is a very rare and chronic form of the disease. Has the subsequent expressed progress with necrosis of the skin. The main cause of the onset: weakened background of the underlying systemic disease.
Symptoms in adults with gangrenous pyoderma :

  • Ulcerative dermatitis, painful ulcers on the body with a rapid spreading threshold. May occur a second time at the same site
  • Malignant formations
  • Ulcerative colitis, Dysprostenomia
Gangrenous pyoderma

The main symptoms are:

  • boils that quickly break up in favorite places: legs, lower part of the body
  • Ulcers there with raised , uneven edges

Symptomatic of gangrenous pyoderma in children and of newborns :

  • Contagious damage in the first week of life
  • Multiple bubbles with flabby coating
  • Cpurulent crusts on the body
  • Dense papules in the buttocks, perineum and thighs

Chronic pyoderma: symptoms in adults, children, newborns

Most often, chronic pyoderma develops in patients with low and weakened immunity. Symptoms are manifested in cancer patients, alcoholics, people with diabetes, patients with potent hormone therapy.

Here, the slightest damage or wound of the skin leads to the development of pyoderma.

Chronic pyoderma in children comes to constant development due to non-compliance with hygiene rules, a rare change of clothes, infection from sick relatives.

Pyoderma chronic

This pyoderma in the baby newborn occurs by infection even inside the hospital. Weak children undergo a powerful detachment of the epidermis with the appearance of painful foci. Getting to the navel, pyoderma develops with omphalitis, with the transition to sepsis.

Staphylococcal pyoderma: symptoms in adults, children, newborns

Staphylococcal pyoderma - developed process of inflammation , in adnex the formation of the cutaneous cover . To symptoms its refer : defeat of the hair of the follicles , of the glands of the sebaceous and of the sweat .
If staphylococcal pyodermia is expressed with ostiophalliculitis is observed in the source of the hair, surrounded by with the red border is . Localization them passes on face , beard , forearms .

Staphylococcal pyoderma

Sycosis - defeat with staphylococcus of the skin . Symptoms and occurrence its bright is expressed on skin faces , of the brow , of the axillary tissues .
Folliculitis also refers to type of staphylococcal pyoderma . Symptoms of are painful nodules and of the in of the hair cover , in of the area of ​​the neck .
Hydradenitis - ghasal pyoderma in the area of the sweat glands . Symptoms manifest in axillary cavities and area genital lips .
In children and of newborns staphylococcal pyoderma expressed multiple abcesses skin . Acute sweat gland . Symptoms of manifest in of nurses of children and of children of early age . In the form of the formation of the multiple of the number of the dense of the nodes in is thicker of the skin . They then soften , turning into abscess .

Peptic pyoderma: symptoms in adults, children, newborns

Chronic pyoderma is expressed by rashes of the lower part of the legs , stop .There there is an ulcer, when not vulgar ecthyme, a furuncle is not cured. The causative agent are streptococci.


The main symptoms of the disease begin to develop during the general weakening of the human body and its protective forces. In the limb sites there is a circulatory disturbance, neuro-trophic disorders, cicatricial changes. All this leads to the development of folliculitis .
Similar symptoms are observed in children and of newborn with poor immunity and congenital pathological diseases.

Streptococcal pyoderma: symptoms in adults, children, newborns

Pyoderma streptococcal-disease pustular with infection of the skin, due to the introduction of bacteria into the human body. The main pathogens are streptococci , which are on clothes, towels, combs, even in the air.
Symptomatic of the disease is pronounced deep:

  • Complete and uniform lesion of the skin, except for hair and sebaceous glands
  • Appearance of blisters with white, turbid liquid
  • Defeat of the skin folds of the upper layers.
Pyoderma streptococcal

Impetigo is expressed as inflammation with a red rim , lip rim blushes, soreness appears, perches , the mucous membrane of the mouth and nose is affected. Adheres the organism in childhood, with improper and inadequate hygiene.
Ectyme is expressed by a deep lesion of tissues and integuments with ulcers, manifestation of purulent-mucous plaque .

Pyoderma skin lesions

Pyoderma streptococcal is often expressed by toxic shock. Occurs because of the release of toxins and bacteria into the air, which exposes the body to dysfunction.

Treatment of pyoderma in children and adults: antibiotics and ointments, skin treatment

Treatment of of disease is performed by after determination of form and of degree of severity . Do not dispense with here without designation antibiotics , that as they are global eliminators of staphylococci and streptococci .

The procedure of treatment of is divided by to :

  • preparations with local action
  • therapy antibiotics
  • immunotherapy
  • surgical intervention
  • with using folk medicine .
    If is affected by , surface layers of skin are assigned to preparations of local exposure to , form antibiotics and ointments .

Before by treatment of should clear and process wound , open all pustules .

For treatment also alcohol solutions , preparations antimicrobial , gels , ointments are used.

  • Salicylic acid in form Ointment application will help soften struck layer , active affects on wound healing . has anti-inflammatory effect and suppresses bacteria in dermal cover
  • Diamond zelenka - medicine on alcohol based , for external application . Active fights with growth of bacteria pyoderma.
  • Fukortzin - special solution , for suppression of bacteria and antifungal exposure to . Apply to painful areas of , after of drying supplement treatment with ointment.
  • Hlogeksdin - medicine in the form gel , promotes complete elimination growth pyogenic bacteria , destroy active of them in blood and pus .
  • Triamcinolone - Cream external using . Preparation glucocorticoid for suppression inflammatory process , intensively reduces allergy .
    To preparations combined exposure of to on chag pyoderma include fucicort and hyoxisone . Ointments with anti-inflammatory action , for suppression of streptococci and of staphylococci .

With pyoderma with light and medium severity are assigned antibiotics inside . In heavy forms pyoderma apply intravenous injection .
For preoral use recommend penicillins : amoxicillin , ampioks . A also cefolosporins and tetracyclines .Their prepisyvayut for integrity violation bacterial walls, suppressing bacterial growth and destruction staphylococci on cellular level .

Immunotherapy has also important value of with treatment of disease in of children and of adults .

This is method of treatment of , based on preparations of stimulating immunity of to action of of pathogenic microorganisms . Has the site of in cases of of chronic disease of disease with possible exacerbation of re- .In program immunogo treatment included drugs : toxoid vaccine and staphylococcal , bacteriophage streptococcal and staphylococcal , leukinferon .

Treatment of pyoderma in newborns

Treatment of pyoderma in of newborn of children directed to by designation of preparations of with of high protective force of and by correction of of exchange violations of . Before total toddler needed correct care and good power supply . Very important feeding by nursing with milk in is period .
In the , must comply with the integrated treatment with . This will enter the prescribing antibiotics penicillin type . Their is administered by intramuscularly . For eliminate Toxicosis with treatment introduce in organism also solution of glucose .
Children older than three months apply complex vitamins and inject injection of staphylococcal toxoid .
If baby feels itself more less well for umbilical wound can restrict only to using external ointment .
To to wash the of the nursing of the child you need to prepare baths with light solution potassium permanganate .

Is pyoderma contagious or not? The most contagious form of pyoderma

Such form pyoderma how acne , Sycosis , boils and perleches, I vlyayutsya very infectious forms and diseases can lead , in children establishments , even to epidemic .
All occur from - for transformations of microorganisms from to the saparophyte in pathogenic .

Important role of in development of pyoderma plays state of skin and body's ability to repel from itself pathogenic bacteria .
The most infectious forms of pyoderma are of staphylodermia and of streptodermia .

The itself exposed public act nursing children and adults , operating in adverse conditions labor .

Pyoderma incubation period

Incubation period pyoderma lasts from moment to infection and to appearance of first features . This is the time of approximately from of seven to of the ten days of . In the current of the of this of the period, the active bacteria multiply in the organism of the human . The first symptoms of will be detected by with manifestation of on body of of the first rashes of . In the of this area, the is then formed neoplasms with pustular character .

Pyoderma treatment with folk remedies

If pyoderma passes in light form it is possible to resort to to folk methods its treatment . There are a set of medicinal tools for eliminating and reducing pain threshold . Can remove edema and affect on rapid regeneration of skin tissue .
Heal ailment is tried by using tinctures of and mixture of herb .

  • Dandelion uses in the tincture of . For this is taken three spoons of roots of dry and glass of of water . We weld and give it is infused with eight hours . We accept infusion in inside before use food
Folk remedies in pyoderma
  • Leaves celandine . Take 20 gr medicines and 100 mL oils . We make mixture , we apply on foci of lesions of skin of . Term procedures : three weeks .
  • Poplar . We take poplar buds in size - two cups , grind . Fill 200 with oil. We conduct infusion evenly day . Lubricate patients plots two times per day .
  • Potatoes . Three one root crop . Apply to gauze and do dressing of affected of area of ​​ body. manipulations execute near three times , by two hours .

Video: Treatment and prevention of pyoderma

  • May 29, 2018
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