10 best and original marinades for shish kebab. Recipes of wine, beer, lemon, onion and honey marinade for shish kebab

Marinade is the main basis of properly cooked and delicious meat. Saturated with a variety of ingredients, meat absorbs the best tastes and smells, becomes soft and juicy after frying. In addition, the marinade is able to give the meat a special unique flavor and make it an exquisite dish.


  • Onion marinade for shish kebab, recipe
  • Video: "Pork shish kebab in onion marinade"
  • Marinade for shish kebab from tomato paste, recipe
  • Video: "Shish kebab in tomato marinade"
  • Marinade for shish kebab with dark beer, recipe
  • Video:"Shish kebab in beer"
  • Wine marinade for shish kebab, recipe for preparation of marinade
  • Video: "Simple recipe for marinating meat in wine"
  • Dietary marinade for shish kebab, how to marinate meat for those who are on a diet?
  • Video: "How to cook a dietary marinade for a dietary shish kebab?"
  • How to prepare a lemon marinade for a shish kebab?
  • Video: lemon marinade for barbecue
  • How to prepare marinade for shish kebab in pomegranate juice?
  • instagram viewer
  • Video: "Shish kebab in pomegranate juice"
  • How tasty to cook marinade for shish kebab with garlic?
  • Video: "Marinade with the addition of garlic"
  • How to prepare honey marinade for shish kebab?
  • Video: "Honey mustard pickle for meat"
  • Dry marinade for shish kebab, recipe for marinade preparation
  • Video: "The most delicious marinade for shish kebab"

Onion marinade for shish kebab, recipe

The warm season literally "expels" people on the street and providesit's a chic possibility to cook meals regularly on open fire and coals: barbecue, shish kebab, grill. These are incredibly tasty meat dishes, which are prepared without difficulty and special care. Shish kebab is the most popular delicacy of the summer season. It is made from pork( it is best to choose a necklace, as it is more juicy and fatty than other types of meat), chicken, lamb, beef and even fish.

Pork shish kebab is fried most often because meat is available, always available and it is very tasty. But in addition to the fact that for the perfect cooking you need to constantly monitor the heat of the coals, turn the skewer and choose the right meat for the dish - it is necessary to take care of the properly prepared marinade. Marinade is the basis of the whole dish. If it will be meager or lightly salted or it simply will not be - the shish kebab promises to turn out simply unsuccessful.

How to marinate a shish kebab to make the meat tasty and juicy? Onion marinades

There are many different and original marinades for shish kebab, and everything complements one of the most important ingredient - a common onion. This vegetable is able to envelop the meat with its spicy aroma and emphasize all its best taste.

There are several options for marinating meat for shish kebab with the help of onions:

  • The first way. For this you will need about a kilogram of onions for meat in the amount of three kilograms. Onion is peeled off and cut into large rings. All the rings need to be dismantled. Meat is washed, cut into characteristic large pieces, folds into the kitchen basin, sprinkled with the necessary amount of salt and black pepper, carefully mixed with hands. After that, onion rings are poured into the same dishes. Now we should try and mix strong meat with onions, not afraid to squeeze out the last juice. Stirring will allow evenly distributing meat and onions in bowls. Give the meat in this state to stand for 30-40 minutes. After that, pour all the meat with a half-liter bottle of pure soda water. Such meat should still stand the night in the fridge and only then grill. Onion rings can be strung on a skewer with meat
  • . The second method. For three pounds of meat you will need about a kilogram of onions. It must be peeled off and cut into slices. All the segments are folded into the bowl of the blender and interrupted to a state of dense water. Meat is cut into large pieces, salted and peppered in the kitchen basin. After this, pour over half a glass of vegetable oil over the meat and mix the meat very carefully. The resulting onion juice is completely poured over the meat, it must be thoroughly mixed with meat so that it covers each piece. This shish kebab turns out to be very fragrant, not a bit sharp and very juicy, and also has a ruddy golden crust

Video: "Pork shish kebab in onion marinade"

Marinade for shish kebab from tomato paste, recipe

Meat is exactly the product thatperfectly combined with tomatoes. The tomato sour tenderly emphasizes and makes the rich rich taste more gentle and gives a perfect combination together. You can pickle the shish kebab in tomato paste or ketchup.

Tomato marinade is also great for beef. On a shish kebab from a beef it is best to use a clipping, it gives a tender taste and is much juicier than other types of meat.

How to properly marinate a shish kebab in a marinade cooked from tomato paste or ketchup?

Preparation of tomato marinade for shish kebab at the rate of one kilogram of meat:

  • Meat - choose absolutely any meat( fat or lean), one kilogram. Wash it under running water and cut into large pieces at least five centimeters. Fold the meat in a plastic or glass dish, where it is seasoned with salt with pepper
  • Onion - you will need about five medium sized bulbs that should be peeled and cut into rings. The rings should not be too large, but they too can not be small. Spread the onion over the meat
  • Tomato paste( can be replaced with ketchup, but then increase its number two or three times) - no more than three tablespoons of the paste, which must be diluted a little with water until liquid( half a glass of water - enough).Tomato sauce should be poured on meat with onion
  • Wine - in this recipe, it is best to use 100 grams of white dry wine, which should also be poured onto meat. A lemon - one thing, it needs to squeeze the juice directly into meat. Choose the largest lemon
  • Spices - At the end, roll a few peas of fragrant pepper and a couple of laurel leaves over the meat. All ingredients should be mixed with strong grasping movements straight into the dishes. Leave the marinade for at least 6 hours to impregnate and saturate the

. This shish kebab should be fried directly with onion rings in moderate heat and do not forget to turn it regularly on the other side.

Video: "Shish kebab in tomato marinade"

Marinade for shish kebab with dark beer, recipe

Dark beer is an excellent basis for marinade for two reasons:

  • Ingredients of the drink perfectly complement and give a variety of flavoring qualities of meat, supplementing it with new shades
  • Gas bubbles,which are present in the drink penetrate deep into the meat fiber, split it in consequence of which the meat becomes soft and juicy

Prepare marinade from dark beer is not difficult and for everyone. Do not worry and do not think that the taste is able to somehow deteriorate, all alcoholic spirits will evaporate during frying and only pleasant taste spice will remain. This marinade is also welcomed when pickling steaks from beef and pork on a barbecue.

Beer marinade, marinating meat for shish kebab and steaks in dark marinade marinade pi

Preparing for marinade meat per kilogram of meat:

  • Meat - washed, cut into large pieces( choose meat fatter, for example pork neck).Fold the meat in a high bowl, where it will be convenient to pickle
  • Beer - it is necessary to have dark beer because its taste is stronger and more saturated. You are free to choose absolutely any brand, but try not to cheaper and not to choose a quality product. For marinating a pound of meat you will need a liter of beer. It should not immediately be poured into meat, but placed in a separate bowl, where it will be supplemented with the remaining ingredients.
  • Mustard - for this recipe needs mustard in beans or "Dijon".It needs about four tablespoons, measure and add to the dishes where the beer is.
  • Rosemary - is a fragrant spice spice. Of course, it is better to use a small bunch of fresh rosemary, but for lack of it or for a season, a dried one-one sachet is also suitable. Rosemary plunges into beer with a single bunch of
  • Spices - pepper mixture, peppercorns, fragrant and salt - all to taste placed in beer

All marinade ingredients are thoroughly mixed and the marinade is poured onto meat. Hands carefully mix all the meat so that the marinade can cover each piece. It is best to leave such a marinade at night. Soaked meat will become juicy, soft and with a rich "masculine" taste.

Video: "Shish kebab in beer"

Wine marinade for shish kebab, recipe for preparation of marinade

Wine marinade as nothing fits better to fatty meat - pork neck. The wine thoroughly permeates every bit, softens the fibers, gives a pleasant tender acidity and even sharpness. For marinating you can use both red and white wine, but it must necessarily be dry. Sweet and semisweet wine will create the wrong effect and will not give the meat the expected taste.

Wine marinade is also very suitable for chicken and beef even the most lean species. However, if the meat is not fat, reduce the amount of wine.

Ways of marinating shish kebabs in wine. Wine marinades for shish kebab

Preparation of marinade for meat based on one and a half kilograms of fat pork:

  • Meat - is washed and cut into pieces by three to four centimeters, folded into high utensils( not iron - iron oxidizes!)
  • Wine - red drywine, not too tart and not fortified. You will need about half a bottle of wine( this is somewhere 350 milliliters).Wine should be poured into a separate bowl
  • Bow - is the most common onion. For the marinade, you need five pieces of large bulbs that need to be cut into rings. Rings are placed in a bowl where
  • Spices are waiting for the spice - . Spices are added to the wine: pepper( it is better to use black in addition to the fragrant mixture of peppers), nutmeg, coriander and salt( small amount).Mix the spices with wine and pour them meat. Hand mix all the meat and leave it for marinating for a minimum of seven hours. Only during this time it will acquire a characteristic wine taste. Experiencing that the meat will be sharp - it's not worth it, because during the frying all alcoholic alcohols disappear without leaving a trace

Marinade can be made not only from red wine, but also replaced with white wine - white wine is especially suitable for chicken and turkey breast, which you can bakeon fire.

Video: "A simple recipe for marinating meat in wine"

Dietary marinade for shish kebab, how to marinate meat for those who are dieting?

Shish kebab can afford and those who regularly adhere to dietary and low-calorie meals. Of course, in this case, not fatty meat is used, it can be:

  • chicken without skin( both breast and ham and wing)
  • turkey( breast, legs, wings)
  • rabbit
  • beef tenderloin

But even if such a shish kebab is dietary, it requires a good and delicious marinade. Only then the meat will turn out juicy, soft and will have a rich, pleasant taste. Marinade should be left for a long time, about night, so that each ingredient deeply penetrated deep into each piece.

How to cook a delicious and dietary pickle for non-fatty meat?

Preparation of dietary meat with a delicious marinade:

  • One chicken should be disassembled into pieces of meat with a sharp knife, remove the bones and remove the skin. Add the meat to a high bowl, season with a small amount of salt and season with a mixture of fragrant peppers
  • Cut three large bulbs into rings and add them to the meat, carefully stir the onion with meat so that the onion can let the juice of
  • . In a separate bowl, prepare the marinade: half a liter of kefirfat, add marinade basil( fresh or dried), squeeze out a few cloves of garlic and a little freshly squeezed lemon juice. Thoroughly mix marinade
  • The marinade is filled with chicken and thoroughly mixed in a high bowl so that the meat is completely covered with marinade and evenly mixed with onion
  • . This marinade should be left for a whole night in the refrigerator. The meat is fried with the onion
  • The chicken is fried fast enough and as soon as you notice a ruddy crust - remove from the fire

Video: "How to cook a dietary marinade for a dietary shish kebab?"

How to prepare lemon marinade for shish kebab?

Lemon marinade is able to give the meat a special sourness and spiciness of citrus fruits. Lemon marinade perfectly complements fatty types of meat and embellishes lean. Lemon marinade can be used absolutely for any meat, in any case you will get a delicious and fragrant shish kebab.

Lemon marinade is perfectly complemented with fresh and dried herbs. This marinade can also be used successfully for cooking fish and seafood on the grill.

How tasty to marinate meat in a lemon marinade?

Preparation of lemon marinade:

  • To make this marinade, the main ingredient - freshly squeezed lemon juice is required. It can be squeezed out of a single fruit
  • The remaining flesh can be cut into slices and also added to the
  • marinade. In a lemon juice, one third of the glass( about 70-80 grams) of vegetable oil is added. You can use any oil that you like
  • A fragrant smell will add fresh basil, which must be chopped into small pieces( one bundle will be enough).
  • Thyme will help to supplement the aroma, but it can not always be found fresh, so use dried onea teaspoon will be enough
  • Marinade should be salt and pepper to taste
  • Five or six cloves of garlic peeled from the husks and shredded with garlic cloves, add to marinade
  • Mix the marinade thoroughlyor a fork. With this marinade, cover all the meat and mix it to cover every bit of

. The advantage of this marinade is that it marinates meat fast enough: only a couple of hours will be enough.

Video: lemon marinade for barbecue

How to prepare marinade for shish kebab in pomegranate juice?

Shish kebab, which marinate in pomegranate juice will be very juicy and tasty. This shish kebab is able to conquer the heart of every gourmet and give the meat an unusual shade. Pomegranate shish kebab has a pleasant acidity, sweetness and even a little piquant ostrinka. In addition, the meat soaked in juice will have an exquisite taste that will complement the rest of the ingredients.

To make your marinade very tasty, use only natural and quality pomegranate juice, not sugar nectar.

How to cook delicious marinade from pomegranate juice?

Preparation of marinade per one kilogram of fatty meat:

  • One kilogram of the neck or loin should be cut into neat and characteristic pieces and put them in the marinade dishes
  • Five large bulbs must be very, very finely chopped and poured all onions to the meat
  • Meat is thoroughly mixed with onion and at this time soldered
  • Meat perchitsya andseasoned with paprika, nutmeg and coriander
  • Meat is poured with pomegranate juice( about half a liter).In this condition the meat should stand for at least three hours, the longer it will be marinated - the stronger and more saturated its flavor will be

Video: "Shish kebab in pomegranate juice"

How tasty to cook marinade for shish kebab with garlic?

Garlic is one of the best spices, which perfectly complements any meat. Garlic can be added to any sauces that are intended for pickling, it "feels good" in mayonnaise, soy sauce, onions, water, juice. During frying, garlic gives a piquant flavor and an indescribable taste.

Preparation of marinade on a ratio of one kilogram of meat with wine and garlic:

  • Pour a full glass of dry wine( red or white) into the dishes
  • To the wine, send four tablespoons of mustard in the beans and mix it thoroughly
  • In steppe or garlic crochet,garlic cloves and add it to the wine
  • This marinade "tolerates" any aromatic herbs: basil, thyme, rosemary( both fresh and dried)
  • In the marinade, add a small amount of salt and pepper( mixture of peppers)
PreparationsFlavoring marinade with garlic for different meat

Preparation of marinade( in relation to one kilogram of meat) with garlic and mayonnaise:

  • The remaining ingredients for marinating
  • are added to marinated meat, seasoned and seasoned with peppers. Two medium bulbs with six denticles are crushed in a blendergarlic and their juice is added to the meat
  • On the meat should put a small spoonful of mustard and three large any fat mayonnaise
  • Meat is carefully mixed and sent to the marieIAOD
  • refrigerator two hours before frying it gets and poured a bottle of mineral water silnogazirovannoy, in order to cleave the fiber and make it soft

Video: "marinade with garlic»

How to cook honey marinade for barbecue?

Honey marinade is special, it complements meat and gives it an inexpressible taste and aroma. Prepare a shish kebab can each and he is sure to please all members of the family. Honey is perfectly complemented with onions.

How to cook a marinade with honey for meat?

Preparation of marinade for two kilograms of meat:

  • Two kilograms of meat should be prepared for marinating
  • It's best to choose fat meat( neck, but the loin is also suitable)
  • The meat is cut into large pieces and mixed in a large bowl with salt and a mixture of fragrant peppers
  • Marinade is preparedseparately
  • For marinade it is useful to use about half a kilogram of onions. It should be cleaned and smashed in a blender until the liquid state of
  • Approximately one hundred grams of honey should be melt in a microwave until liquid and warm( use only natural honey and not sugar sugar)
  • To add onion honey and mix thoroughly
  • To mix it is necessaryadd three spoons of not very sharp mustard
  • You can supplement the marinade with aromatic herbs as desired: with thyme or rosemary
  • Season the marinade with a teaspoon of paprika and squeeze a little lemon juice into the marinade
  • azbavit marinade need a small amount of any vegetable oil and salt to taste

marinate meat in a marinade should be around ten hours in order to make it completely soaked and it was soft, as well as juicy after cooking.

Video: "Honey-mustard pickle for meat"

Dry marinade for shish kebab, recipe for marinade preparation

Dry marinade suggests the complete absence of any liquids in the meat. For pickling, only spices and onions are needed. Juice of onion and serves as the main ingredient that impregnates all the pieces.



  • Two large bulbs should be ground in a blender or finely chopped with a knife and poured onto marinated meat, which was pre-salted
  • . The meat should be sprinkled with a teaspoon of red paprika and once again stir the meat.
  • You can season with meat any pepper:or some kind of
  • Spice the meat with another set of spices: a teaspoon of thyme, as much nutmeg and coriander
  • At the end, the meat should be sprinkled with vinegar( use apple) andcarefully all last time mix

For a dry marinade it will be useful only a fatty kind of meat which will not be dried on a heat.

Video: "The most delicious marinade for shish kebab"




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