What does it mean if the monthly and weak second strip on the pregnancy test? The delay is monthly, and the test shows a weak second strip

A pregnancy test can sometimes show a fuzzy result, it's not easy to evaluate correctly. A weak strip of dough - what it means and in what cases it appears - it is important to know every woman.


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  • Why is the second strip on the test weak?
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  • Video: Jet pregnancy test
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  • Video: At what time will the pregnancy test show the right result?

In waiting desired pregnancy or in fear junk even at minor customary delay once same try find answers on all questions using test on pregnancy .

instagram viewer

But sometimes make in an accomplished conception or refute his pretty hard , because test can give result , which understand uniquely pretty not just . How treat appearance of fuzzy , blurred or greased strips on test - read below .

How does look like weak second strip on test ?Indications

test on pregnancy based on chemical reaction between specific reagent , coated on strip , and chorionic gonadotropin urine in women . So called hormone pregnancy hCG is produced by by the chorion after of the , as , will occur as implantation of .

Chorionic gonadotropin

In first hours , days and even week level this hormone can be negligible low and held test on pregnancy just on it not react.

  • Any standard test has an control zone and indicator . If you performed and test control zone appears red strip - means sufficient number investigated material got in zone reaction and test made right
  • Second same strip says about result , then is having hCG in urine .But not always appearance second strip indicates on pregnancy
  • great value has the , a color saturation and has second strip . If she bright , red or pink , the such result says of pregnancy
  • If same color dim , and strip fuzzy , the do single-valued conclusions not is - better hold test re-
It's not always possible to correctly interpret the test result

Not costs to accept for sign of pregnancy and appearance gray second strips . This result says about volume , that reaction on which - then reason not occurred . Often appearance gray strips on test can be triggered by too long its finding in fluid .

Therefore should withstand test in urine strictly specified in instructions time .

Why second strip on test weak ?

One from of signs of initial of stage of pregnancy , when level of of chorionic of gonadotropin is still low , can be weak second strip . But distinguish and other cases , at which test can give such result :

  • pathological pregnancy
  • period after miscarriage or fading pregnancy , when in body female remains slightly amount hCG
  • presence tumor
  • false result from - for of low quality test
  • reception of preparations , in consisting of of which is chorionic gonadotropin
Weakly positive test result

weak pinkish strip , not worth make hasty conclusions and considered , that pregnancy all - still have . Weak strip may show not only initial terms pregnancy , but and its fading , and also ectopic pregnancy .

Monthly and weak second strip on

test If test pregnancy showed weak strip and at this in women observed monthly , the necessary in mandatory order to apply to to the doctor . In the first place is required for of , to exclude dangerous for women state , for which characteristic like symptoms.

retest may become clearer

a few days How already said above , weak second strip not always indicates on pregnancy - test can be substandard or held incorrect . So way , if re test shows negative result , the enjoy or , contrary , upset not worth - pregnancy no and monthly only is the proof of the of this .

By Unfortunately , bloody allocation can go and in time pregnancy , cause this can be :

  • ectopic pregnancy
  • miscarriage
  • detachment placenta
  • monthly
Sometimes periods maygo during pregnancy

Traditionally accepted to assume , that menstruation not can go , when is a woman is pregnant . But on itself case of there is series causes , by which on early timing all same can watch monthly . Among them isolated :

  1. Features hormonal background - if fertilization happened in mid cycle , the body can not catch reconstructed on new conditions operation. fertilized egg to two weeks can be « in way » to uterus , then how all processes in body occur on - old
    2 . Maturation simultaneously two eggs - extremely rare phenomenon , when one of ripe eggs fertilized and sent in uterus , and other displayed in form menstruation
    3 . Lack progesterone - if main hormone pregnancy produced in reduced amount , the can occur daub , which can watch in term month

Very weak second strip on test and delay monthly

Lack monthly in expected term already itself on currently - one of signs fertilization, and if at this and test shows let even weak second strip , then there is large probability of that , that you are pregnant .

weakly positive test result and the delay is likely to talk about the pregnancy

Weak strip can testify of that , that , rather all , still quite small time and level HCG in urine small .

For more confidence repeat test through several days , if result again , the can with solid confidence say , that you all - yet are pregnant with . sure visit doctor , which confirm fact fertilization and appoint ultrasound - study , which can set exactly have whether fertilized egg in uterus and approx term of pregnancy .

Inkjet test , weak second strip

Convenient in operation and in high degree detailed inkjet test may also give ambiguous response in form weak second strips .Such result is weakly positive response test , which in high degree says of that , that pregnancy all - still have .

Fluid Pregnancy Test

Weak strip on jet test appears on several reasons :

  • early terms pregnancy
  • wrong execution test
  • substandard test or such , term shelf which left
  • hormonal disease

With weakly positive result of fluid test should conduct its re- via multiple days and required implement check in morning time .

Repeated Slight Strip - Strong Reason to Visit Female Advice .

Video: Jet pregnancy test

Why several tests show weak second strip ?

If you used for check several tests different manufacturers and even kinds and at this result all became weakly positive second strip , the all they says about minor having chorionic gonadotropin . This can be a strong the basis of for of that , to to count , that the pregnancy is .

Same result on several tests

not worth forget and of number other factors , that can provoke weak positive result tests - tumor , hormonal disease or reception some drugs . To make in that , that result not wrong repeat his through several days or week - if you pregnant , the to this deadline level HCG will become above and strip on test will become clearer .

Why several days on test weak second strip ?

Chorionic gonadotropin begins is generated by with first days of pregnancy , but in is time its level is negligible is small . By 6 - 7 week volume hCG increases in several thousands time and if on first pores test pregnancy can and not identify small dose hormone, then with time its result will become clear and single-valued .

On over several days of test , carried on initial timing after fertilization, when content hormone in urine slightly , result may be weakly positive strip . In this case of needs to conduct repeated test via week , then its result will more authentic .


same later 1 - 2 week result test repeated necessary to apply doctor, for of to he set cause low content chorionic gonadotropin . Tighten with campaign to specialist not worth , because such symptom may be sign development fetus not in cavity uterus or already of missed pregnancy .

On test appeared weak second strip through hour , reasons

When use test on pregnancy necessary clearly stick recommendations , that are indicated in instructions it , because from that as exactly you will hold test directly depends reliability its results . So , one from of important of instructions in instructions is time , in within whose result test is valid .

You can only trust the test result if it was produced in accordance with all

rules. As , rule, most manufacturers tests indicate , that true result can observe via minute after holding test , but not is more than through 5 minutes . Such clause caused the , that chemical reaction interaction reagent hCG has temporary frame , by after which appearance second strip - false positive result.

So way , if test through hour , two or day showed positive result take his how true not worth - value has only the, that showed test in first 5 minutes after it holding .

strip that appears 5 minutes after the test - false

About than says weak second strip on test: reviews

Who - the considers appearance weak strips at testing single-valued result , speaking about held pregnancy , other - on the contrary , its missing . As show numerous reviews , such result test on pregnancy in 80 % cases says , that pregnancy all - still have , that confirmed subsequent US by and by examination of the gynecologist .

Most often weak strip may indicate pregnancy

important stick all rules of test , then on his result can rely :

  • conduct test only on morning urine
  • withstand test - strip allocated in instructions time
  • evaluate result result not more than Over on 5 minutes after of test
  • not apply one test more than one times
  • check shelf life
test result of the test is not always authentic

Which would result test nor was not should take its for true in latest instance . important understand , that there risk small error : experts claim , that at holding test error is to 97 %, and at holding such mini - study in home conditions with non-compliance with clear recommendations - only 74 %.

Occurrence weak second strips can perceive how false positive or false negative result , but point in issue has pregnancy or no can put only doctor after carrying US or analysis of on content of hCG in of blood .

Video: At what time will the pregnancy test show the right result?

  • May 29, 2018
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