How and how to increase the upper systolic pressure at home? Low upper blood pressure: causes and treatment

How to raise low systolic pressure?

Contents of

  • Low upper pressure: what to do and how to help yourself?
  • What does low upper pressure mean?
  • Low upper systolic pressure with normal diastolic: the reasons for what to do?
  • What if systolic, upper, low pressure, and diastolic, lower, high?
  • Low systolic pressure and high heart rate: what does this mean?
  • How to raise the upper blood pressure, what can I take?
  • Prevention and treatment of low systolic pressure
  • Video: How to increase low blood pressure?

In this article, you will learn how to increase low systolic pressure. This problem is quite frequent, so the topic and its explanation will be quite relevant.

Low upper pressure: what to do and how to help yourself?

Blood pressure is considered to be the pressure that comes from the blood and affects the walls of blood vessels. The level of pressure depends on such indicators:

  • What is the elasticity of the vessels.
  • What is the power of contracting the heart.
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  • How much is involved during the process of the blood itself.

If the pressure departs from the normal parameters in the upper and lower lobes, but the person himself feels normal, many people do not consider such deviations a disease. But doctors argue that such deviations very often can cause a huge number of diseases and lead to bad consequences.

Arterial pressure is the indicator for which you must constantly monitor. Because it depends on the following values:

  • From the frequency of your breathing.
  • From your pulse.
  • From your heartbeat.
Pressure indicators depend on many indicators of

Remember, blood pressure is not a constant. There are two types of pressure:

  • The systolic pressure of is the upper one. It manifests when the blood is thrown into the aorta.
  • The diastolic pressure of the is the lower one. During it, blood enters the hollow veins.

If you want, that you always had pressure within the limits of norm, then it is desirable to regularly monitor its performance. Every person has a certain norm, and this rate depends on a large number of factors, for example, on body weight, transferred diseases, genetic indicators and so on.

The amount of pressure can vary from weather conditions, stressful situations, physical activity. The doctors determined the limits of normal blood pressure:

  • The upper figure is 120 mmHg
  • The lower figure is 80 mmHg
Pressure norm values ​​

Although many experts say that the most ideal blood pressure is 115 mmHg by 75 mmHg. With a decrease in this indicator, a person is diagnosed with hypotension.

What does low high pressure mean?

The upper pressure can drop completely at any age. Low pressure doctor called hypotension. Hypotension is a disease, during which normal rates are reduced by 20% or more. That is, the systolic pressure is 90 mm and below.

Hypotension often responds to weather conditions and atmospheric pressure. During the slopes, sharp jumps and other changes in the body in the patients dizzy, they are poorly oriented in space. From a long stay in the sauna or bath, from a long walk such people can suddenly lose consciousness.

A person who has a lowered upper pressure, standing in public transport, can begin to suffocate and faint. At such a moment it is advisable for him to sit down so that his head rests on his knees.

Low pressure people feel fatigue already in the morning

Interruptions during a night's sleep - this is also a sign of low pressure. Day of hypotension very much want to sleep, get up in the morning heavily, they are irritable, and after awakening they feel themselves, as if they did not rest at all.

Low upper systolic pressure with normal diastolic: the reasons for what to do?

Causes that may cause upper pressure to fall:

  • Constant fatigue and fatigue.
  • Initial gestation.
  • Exercise fatigue.
  • Unexpected weather change.
  • Acclimatization of the human body.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman increases the volume of blood that circulates. As a consequence, during the first 24 weeks, in rare cases, the upper pressure drops by several units. For pregnant women, this is dangerous, as it can cause loss of consciousness. Accordingly, at this time it is necessary to follow with special care and regularly after the pressure indicators.

Low blood pressure is common in pregnant women

Low systolic pressure in active individuals and athletes occurs due to overloads. After that, he goes into a quieter regime, heartbeat decreases, and with it the pressure itself falls.

If a person enters the mountains, in hot terrain and in a temperate climate zone, the lowering of the upper pressure happens due to unfamiliar climate for the person, low or high ambient temperature.

These were listed the simplest reasons for lowering the upper pressure. But there are more serious ones, and you definitely need to know them:

  • The heart valve function is incorrect.
  • Diabetes.
  • Bruises and brain trauma.
  • Intoxication.

If you are affected by such a problem as low systolic pressure, do not hesitate to contact a doctor, go through a comprehensive diagnosis. If the cause of low pressure is a disease, then you need to eliminate it first. After that your pressure will be normalized.

Because of the low pressure, you can feel constantly tired

When do you need to start looking for the cause of the pressure drop?

  • Typically, hypotension in an adult shows such indicators: the upper 100 mm, the lower - 60 mm.
  • If you have lowered pressure only once, it may have been due to a spoiled mood or from bad weather.
  • There are situations where hypotension is transmitted from parents to their children.
  • Note that reduced pressure, not reaching the critical point, does not carry a threat. But do not neglect this signal. Take immediate action - consult with the doctor so as not to start the initial stage of a possible disease.

What if systolic, upper, low pressure, and diastolic, lower, high?

The upper systolic pressure indicates the blood pressure when the heart contracts. The lower indicator shows the pressure when the heart muscles relax. At normal rupture the tonometer can show from 30 mm to 40 mm.

In some cases, this indicative may be more or less. But if such a difference is very small, then a person has strong pathological changes in his body.

Basically, women complain of such an ailment up to 35 years of age. But even with a low upper pressure and a normal lower one, the following pathological abnormalities can be observed in a person:

  • Kidney diseases. Diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Reduced activity.
  • Disturbed food intake.
  • Constant lack of sleep.
  • Regular nervous shocks and stressful situations.
Lack of sleep and a constant desire to sleep

If a person has a lower pressure and the lower one remains normal, he has such symptoms:

  • He begins to concentrate poorly on this or that subject.
  • He is constantly drawn to sleep.
  • Apathy to everything appears.
  • The person becomes irritable, his short-term memory is broken.

If you have sharply decreased the upper pressure, and the lower left normal, or you have this happen periodically, then follow these rules:

  • Never panic and do not worry.
  • Do not treat yourself.
  • Visit a must-see doctor. It will help you to find out the reasons and will prescribe a survey.
You need a balanced diet

If you decide to visit a cardiologist, he can appoint you:

  • Balanced nutrition. Daily walks on fresh air.
  • Sleep lasting at least 8 hours.
  • Rest from work for 1 hour.
  • Keep track of the condition of the muscles located in the cervical spine.

In general, you will need to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Low systolic pressure and high pulse: what does this mean?

Systolic pressure and pulse are very important factors. Thanks to them you can learn the general condition of the whole body and the cardiovascular system. In the event that changes occur in the human body, the indicators of the upper pressure and pulse will be shown.

You can understand immediately if there is something going on with the upper pressure and pulse, as there are such symptoms:

  • Severity, abdominal pain in the area of ​​the stomach.
  • Pain sensations behind the sternum.
  • The head will start to spin.
  • There will be drowsiness and weakness.
Severe in stomach

Low systolic pressure and high pulse may occur due to tachycardia and hypotension. Often the problem is the large use of medications. The following medicines may adversely affect the heart and the entire vascular system:

  • Antidepressants.
  • Diuretic medicine.
  • Medications that lower blood pressure.

In addition to medications, such a condition can be caused by:

  • Large blood loss.
  • Severe bleeding.
  • Dehydration of the body.
  • Shock status. Excessive consumption of nicotine and alcoholic beverages.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Inflammation of internal organs and many others.

How to raise the upper blood pressure, what can I take?

Increase the blood pressure at home can be due to medicines and folk medicine.

Drugs that increase blood pressure:

If you have nausea, vomiting, impaired consciousness, you feel very weak - then you are progressing in a hypotonic crisis. This condition is very dangerous, but you can warn him. Of the medicines doctors recommend first of all to take:

  • Citramon
  • Aspirin
  • Dobutamine

Follow the instructions, take the medicine strictly following it. If you do not have tablets at home, folk medicine will help you.

Use medicament and folk remedies

Folk remedies for increasing blood pressure:

In order to increase the upper pressure, take one of the following formulations:

  • A preparation made from ginger root, natural honey and lemon juice.
  • Tea made from a narrow-leaved spray. Drink this drink with a little honey. It neutralizes the ability of this tool - blood thickening.
  • A remedy made from lemon juice, honey and coffee beans. A remedy made from celery root.
  • Juice from aloe leaves.

Prevention and treatment of low systolic pressure

If you have low systolic pressure, you are required to comply with the following rules:

  • Sleep at least 8 hours a day, maybe even 10 hours. Arrange in the daytime "quiet hours".
  • Never leave your bed after waking up abruptly. Wake up and get up gradually. Stretch this pleasure for 5 minutes. Otherwise, you will feel dizzy.
  • Do daily light gymnastics. Let it be a ritual for you.
  • Take an extra shower every day.
  • Eat small meals, at least 5 times. With a strong overeating, a lot of blood flows from the brain, which goes to the stomach. In such situations, dizziness and headaches often occur. Eat only full-fledged food with all the necessary vitamins and useful elements, such as: fat, proteins and carbohydrates.
  • Own work place provide good lighting. Put a powerful light if you can not be near the window.
  • Ventilate the room as often as possible. Fresh air plus moderate humidity will help you to bounce back, and also maintain pressure.
Do gymnastics, ventilate room

Treatment, of course, always appoints a doctor. And it can be for you:

  • The doctor will prescribe the plant adaptogens. These drugs normalize the nervous system and stimulate the cardiovascular system. Also, drugs of this category over time eliminate severe drowsiness and increase efficiency. A good medication from this category: a remedy made from Eleutherococcus spiny. Take it 3 times a day before eating 30 drops.
  • The doctor will prescribe alpha-adrenomimetics. Basically, such drugs are prescribed for fainting and hypotensive crises, for example, "Gutron".
  • If necessary, the doctor can still prescribe medication that stimulates the nervous system. These drugs include "Etymizol" and "Acrinor."

Video: How to increase low pressure?

  • May 29, 2018
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