Cowberry - jam, jam, syrup, compote, jelly for the winter: the best recipes. How to make jam from cowberry with apples, pears, plums, blueberries, lemon, walnuts, carrots, zucchini, pectin, honey: recipes

The article offers you a lot of simple and delicious recipes for making cowberry jam.


How to cook jam from cowberry: a simple recipe

  • Jam from cowberry with pears: recipe for "five minutes"
  • Jam from cranberries with apples: recipe for "five minutes"
  • Jam with apples and cranberries: simple recipe with lobules
  • Cowberry jam with carrots:unusual recipe
  • Jam from cowberries with walnuts: recipe
  • Jam from squash with cranberries: the original recipe
  • Jam from frozen lingonberry: simple recipe
  • Jam from cranberries, ground with sugar without cooking: pJam with lemon: recipe for five minutes
  • Jam from cowberry and plums: simple recipe
  • Jam made from cowberries with pectin: recipe with photo
  • Jam made with blueberry with cowberry: recipe with photo
  • Jam made from cowberry: a simple recipeCooking
  • Jam from cranberries without sugar on fructose: recipe
  • Jam from cowberry on honey: a useful recipe
  • Gem from cowberry for the winter: recipe with photo
  • instagram viewer
  • Syrup from cowberry for the winter: recipe with photo
  • Cowberry in syrup for the winter without cooking: recipefromPhoto
  • Compote from cowberry for the winter: simple recipe
  • Video: "Cowberry jam"
  • How much to cook jam from cowberries: simple recipe

    Cowberry - unique in composition and very useful berry. It is very juicy, has a sour taste with a sweet tinge. Cowberry is perfect for making compotes and jams, jams and desserts. Recipes from cowberries are simple, but very tasty, thanks to a natural rich taste.

    The simplest cowberry jam is called "five-minute".Its name was received for the speed of cooking and only five minutes is enough for the mass to boil over moderate heat."Five-Minute" is the main way of making cowberry jam, in the future you can experiment by adding other berries and fruits.

    You will come in handy:

    • Berries cranberries - 1,5 kg.(selected, washed and dried).
    • Sugar - not less than 0.5 kg and not more than 850-900 g.( With the amount of sugar should be determined, based on their preferences, to get a sweet or sweet and sour jam).


    • Selected and washed berries of cranberries are poured into a large basin and distributed evenly.
    • On top of berries need to fall asleep with sugar, completely covering the berry mass.
    • In this condition, leave the cowberry for a few hours, so that she lets her juices.
    • When the "water" appears in the basin, put it on the fire( the basin select the enamel beforehand).
    • Bring cranberries to a boil, but cook over moderate heat for no longer than five minutes.
    • Do not forget to constantly interfere with the mass during cooking so that it can not burn to the bottom.
    • After cooking with a jam, you should stand up to the complete cooling - this is a kind of process of making jam. The optimum cooling time is several hours.
    • Boil the jam again, but do not cook. Hot mass distribute to the banks and the usual way close.
    Simple cranberry jam

    Cowberry jam with pears: recipe "five minutes"

    Pear and cowberry are one of the best taste combinations. The sweetness and softness of the pear harmoniously blends with the sourness of cranberries and together with the sugar give a pleasant sensation.

    You will come in handy:

    • Pear ( "lemon" or any other grade) - 0,7 kg.(only the flesh).
    • Cowberry - 0,5 kg.whole selected berries
    • Sugar - 1 kg.(can be reduced to 0.5 kg to get sweet and sour jam).
    • Cinnamon at discretion( you can add 1-2 sticks or 1 tsp ground, you can exclude from the recipe).


    • The cleared pear pulp is cut into cubes or slices( according to their preferences, the cubes look more carefully).
    • Put the cut pear into the dishes and add lingonberries to it, spreading evenly.
    • Sprinkle everything with sugar and leave the mass in this state for several hours( you can even overnight if there is no time).
    • After a time when the fruit juice releases juice, the dishes should be placed on the fire and wait until the mass boils.
    • Use a wooden spoon to mix the mass thoroughly, as it can easily burn out.
    • Boil the mass should not more than 5 minutes, remove the stick of cinnamon( if laid).
    • Cool the jam completely, boil again and cover the jam.
    cranberry-pear jam

    jam cranberries with apples: recipe "Orientation meeting»

    For this recipe it is important to choose a sweet apple to jam did not work very acidic. Red varieties are ideal: "Gala", "Lisa", "Red", "Idared" and others. Apples for cooking are crushed, the skin can be removed, since the texture of the jam should be uniform, but cowberry skins will still remain.

    useful to you:

    • Apple - 0,5 kg( without seeds and skins, chopped)
    • Lingonberry - 0,5 kg( selected whole berries)
    • Sugar - 700( can be and less, according to your taste)


    • Chopped apple and cranberries are poured into the dishes, where they are covered with sugar.
    • Fruit mass should stand until the juice is released.
    • Then put the dishes on the fire and boil.
    • Boil until 7 minutes, constantly stirring and making sure that it does not burn( make a small fire).
    • hot mass should be immediately rolling banks
    cranberry and apple jam Jam

    from apples, cranberries: simple recipe slices

    jam with cranberries and apples slices has an unusual structure and bright saturated red color.

    You are useful:

    • Apple ( any grade and size) - 1 kg.(Not delete pelt)
    • Lingonberry - 0,5 kg( selected whole berries)
    • Sugar - 900( can be reduced to 0.5, when the jam is sweet and sour).


    • Apples are cleaned and cut into thick slices
    • Together with berries cranberries they fall asleep in a saucepan for a few hours to let the juice.
    • After this, necessarily boil the mass, letting it boil on a slow fire for 5-7 minutes.
    • Hot mass should be rolled into jars, if you boil the jam repeatedly, the apple slices will become softer and may lose their shape.
    cranberry-apple jam slices

    cranberry jam with carrot: an unusual recipe

    Habitual lingonberry jam is no longer able to surprise someone. However, there is one non-standard recipe that allows you to make a delicious jam from cowberries and carrots. This recipe is simple, but as a result you get a very tasty mass with a sweet aftertaste of the vegetable and sourness of the berry without bitterness.

    You will come in handy:

    • Carrots - 0,5 kg.(purified, preferably young)
    • Cowberry - 1 kg.(selected and pure berries)
    • Sugar - 1,5 kg( can be 300-400 g. less if you do not like sweet jam).
    • Water - at the discretion of


    • Carrots should be thoroughly washed and cleaned, cut into small cubes.
    • In 1.5 clean water on the fire should dissolve all the sugar by making a syrup.
    • This syrup pours all the carrots and cooks up to 25 minutes.
    • While the carrots are brewed, you should boil the water and throw the whole cowberry into the boiling water. Scald the berry for about 2-3 minutes. This will take away the bitterness and make the cowberry soft.
    • After scalding the berry reclines into a colander to drain excess water and is added to the boiling syrup with carrots.
    • The mixture should be thoroughly mixed and kept on fire for another 5-7 minutes. After that, roll up.
    Cowberry and carrot jam

    Cowberry jam with walnuts: recipe

    Cowberry jam with nuts is a delicious and healthy recipe that has great benefits for the body and vitamin stores. You can experiment by adding to the recipe different fruits and berries, as well as changing walnuts to almonds, pine nuts and even peanuts. It is important to know that to clean the nut should be very carefully, removing all the films and shell so that the hard part does not get caught in the prepared jam.

    You will come in handy:

    • Cowberry - 1 kg.(selected, pure and whole berries)
    • Walnut - 2 cups of cleaned core
    • Sugar - 500-700 g. of sugar( according to your preferences)
    • Cinnamon - at the discretion( stick or 1 tsp)


    • The berry should be covered with sugar and leave for 2 hours
    • After that, put the dishes on fire and bring the mass to a boil.
    • Boil the jam 5-7 minutes, 2 minutes before the end, pour the nut and mix thoroughly.
    • Leave the jam to cool
    • After a few hours, bring it back to a boil, do not cook, roll over the jars.
    Cranberry-nut jam

    Jam from zucchini with cowberry: the original recipe

    Zucchini, like carrots, can become an excellent additional ingredient in the preparation of jam. The vegetable has a mild fresh taste, the main thing is to diligently remove the seed and skin, and also use only "young" courgettes.

    You will come in handy:

    • Cowberry - 700 g.( Selected berries)
    • Squash - 1 pc.(weighing 300-400 g.)
    • Sugar - 500-700 g.( at own discretion)
    • Handful of mint leaves
    • Several lobes of lemon


    • Cowberry washed, peeled and dried
    • Squash is peeled from skins and seeds, cutsmall cubes
    • In a glass of water on the slab the sugar dissolves, the chopped syrup pours a chopped zucchini and cooks on moderate heat for 7-10 minutes.
    • After that, cranberries are added and the mass boils for another 5-7 minutes.
    • For two minutes before the end of cooking, add a few mint leaves, roll the prepared jam into jars.
    Cowberry and squash jam

    Jam from frozen bilberries: simple recipe

    If you do not have the opportunity to purchase or collect fresh canned lingonberries, you can always use a frozen product. It is important to buy dry cranberries, as this berry will not have excess water and will retain all its own, not only flavoring, but also useful properties.

    You are useful:

    • Frozen lingonberry - 1 kg.
    • Lemon - half 1 citrus
    • Sugar - 700 g.


    • Frozen berries of lingonberries should be poured into a saucepan and sprinkled with all the sugar.
    • In this condition, the berries should stand until completely thawed( 2 or 3 hours, more possible).
    • Weight is put on the fire and brought to a boil, cook the mass should be up to 10 minutes after boiling over low heat.
    • Two minutes before the end of cooking, it is necessary to add thinly sliced ​​slices of lemon together with zest in jam( you can and without, if you like bitter zest, just add more sugar and the bitterness is neutralized to a soft state).
    • Hot jam is rolled in the usual way.
    Delicious and healthy jam can be made from frozen lingonberry

    Jam from cranberries crumbled with sugar without cooking: recipe

    Shredded jam is a homogeneous mass that is convenient and pleasant to eat, spreading on bread or adding to pastries. Grind berries( ie, "grate") can be with a simple culinary sieve, meat grinder or blender. Sugar and berries for this recipe are used in equal proportions.

    You will come in handy:

    • Cowberry - 1 kg.ground berries
    • Sugar - 1 kg.(you can and less, but the mass will be less dense and sweet).
    • Juice half of lemon


    • Crushed berry pour into saucepan
    • Add in mass all sugar
    • Turn on a small fire and cook for 20 minutes
    • Stir the mass thoroughly so that it can not burn.
    • At the end of the cooking, when you notice that the mass is thicker, add the juice of half a lemon and mix thoroughly.
    • Roll the hot mass in the usual way or store it in the refrigerator.
    Mashed with sugar with cowberry

    Cream of lingonberry with lemon: recipe "five minutes"

    Lemon will emphasize the pleasant sourness of cranberries and together with sugar will create a pleasant taste of jam.

    You will need:

    • Cowberry - 1,5 kg.(selected, pure and elastic berries)
    • Lemon - 1-2 citrus with rind
    • Sugar - 1 kg.(if you add less, the jam will be sour and bitter).


    • Cowberry, fill with sugar, let it stand for about 2 hours, so that the berry gives away its juice and sugar dissolves.
    • Squeeze the lemon juice
    • Scrub the lemon peel( add 2 to 4 tablespoons of grated peel to your jam).
    • Mass should be put on the fire and cook after boiling exactly 5 minutes.
    • Roll the cans into a hot mass or cool and store in the refrigerator.
    Delicious jam with cowberry and lemon

    Cowberry and plum jam: simple recipe

    You will need:

    • Blue plum - 0,5 kg.(you can use any other, to taste).
    • Cowberry - 0,5 kg.(selected and pure berries)
    • Sugar - 700( you can add more or less to taste).
    • Juice halves of lemon - , if desired, can be replaced with a pinch of citric acid.
    • A couple of pinch of cinnamon or one stick


    • The plum should be peeled and chopped into cubes.
    • In a glass of water, dissolve the sugar and bring the syrup to a boil in a saucepan.
    • Put the sliced ​​plum in a boiling syrup and hold for 5 minutes.
    • Add cranberries to the mass, mix and cook for 15 minutes over moderate heat.
    • Five minutes before the finish, add the lemon juice and cinnamon
    • Roll the hot mass
    Cranberry-plum jam

    Thick jam from cowberry with pectin: recipe with photo

    Pectin - a natural gelling agent, which is contained in products of plant origin. A concentrated amount of pectin powder contains enough to make the jam thick. This jam is easy to add as a filling in baking and other recipes.

    You will need:

    • Cowberry - 1 kg.(selected fresh or frozen berry).
    • Sugar - 500-600 g.( The amount of sugar can be adjusted independently, depending on preferences).
    • Pectin - 20-25 g.( Powdered)


    • Berries are filled with sugar( fresh or already thawed).
    • In a mass evenly distribute the pectin and leave the berries for half an hour-hour.
    • Put the berry mass on a small fire and cook 10-15 to a dense and thick state, make sure that the mass does not stick to the bottom.
    • As soon as the mass becomes thicker, remove it from the heat and roll it up.
    Dense cranberry jam with pectin

    Blueberry jam with cowberry: recipe with photo

    Blueberry is another delicious, rich and juicy berry that is perfect for making jam. Together with cranberries, such jam will be sweet and tender, have a pleasant sourness.

    You will come in handy:

    • Blueberry - 0,5 kg.(the selected berry can be replaced with blueberry).
    • Cowberry - 0,5 kg.(selected fresh berry)
    • Sugar - 700 g( quantity can be adjusted by yourself)
    • Cinnamon stick ( can be excluded from the recipe)
    • Juice of half a lemon


    • Blueberries and lingonberries should be crossed through a sieve, fold the cake( it canuseful for making compote).
    • Add sugar and lemon juice to the berry mass, dip a cinnamon stick.
    • Put the mass on the fire and bring to a boil, cook for exactly five minutes.
    • Allow the mass to stand until completely cool( a few hours).
    • Put the mass back on fire and after boiling, turn off the fire and roll the jam.
    Cowberryberry-blueberry jam

    Jam made from cowberries: simple recipe for cooking

    Jelly jam is a thick and elastic, homogeneous mass with a pleasant texture. Such jam is easy to use: smear on a sandwich, add to pies and desserts.

    You are useful:

    • Cowberry - 1 kg.(fresh or thawed berry)
    • Gelatin - 25-30 g.
    • Sugar - 1,5 kg.(it is possible and more, up to 2 kg).


    • Cowberry should be rubbed through a sieve and used only puree, throwing cake.
    • Gelatin is pre-soaked in a glass of water and swells for half an hour.
    • Berry sauce with sugar is put on the fire and brought to a boil.
    • While the mass boils, gelatin is steamed on a steam bath to a liquid state and is introduced into a boiling berry mass with a thin trickle.
    • Stir the mass thoroughly and cook for a few more minutes, remove from heat and close.
    Cowberry jam jelly

    Jam from cranberries without sugar on fructose: recipe

    Fructose is a fruit sugar that is safer for the body, especially when it comes to diabetics. To prepare a tasty cranberry jam, you can use fructose in a ready-made crystalline form.

    You will come in handy:

    • Cowberry - 500 g.( Selected fresh or frozen berries).
    • Fructose - 500-600 g.
    • Cinnamon stick


    • Berry should be rubbed through a sieve
    • Puree berries pour into a saucepan and put on fire
    • Add glucose and cinnamon stick
    • Bring the mass to a boil and cook 5-7 minutes, stirring thoroughly all the time.
    Lingonberry jam on fructose

    Cowberry jam on honey: a useful recipe

    This jam can be not only a separate dish or dessert, but also a basis for the preparation of syrups and sauces.

    You are useful:

    • Cowberry - 1 kg.selected fresh berries
    • Honey liquid( any) - 500 g.
    • Cinnamon - 1 stick
    • Nail - several pcs.
    • Lemon lemonade - 1 tsp.
    • Water - 100 ml.(peeled)


    • Selected cranberries should be poured with boiling water, pour into a colander and drain excess water.
    • When the water drains, fill the berries with honey in a glass jar or dish.
    • In the mass should be added pure water and spices, peel
    • Berries should be infused in a dark and cool place( pantry, refrigerator, cellar).
    • Bank should be closed with a lid
    Cowberry in honey

    Cream of cranberries for the winter: a recipe with a photo of

    You will come in handy:

    • Cowberry - 1-1,5 kg.(it is better to use fresh)
    • Sugar - 1,5-2 kg.(less sugar will make the mass not so thick as required by jam).
    • Juice of half a lemon


    • Fill the berry with the sugar
    • Let the berry let the juice, you need 3-4 hours.
    • After this, put the mass on the fire and boil until thickened 20-25 minutes.
    • Pour the juice of half a lemon, mix thoroughly and roll the hot mass.
    Cowberry jam

    Cowberry syrup for the winter: recipe with a photo

    You will come in handy:

    • Cowberry - 0,5 kg.(fresh or frozen berries)
    • Sugar - 0,5 kg.(quantity of sugar according to your preference)
    • Water - 2 cups


    • Cowberry should be rubbed through a sieve
    • The flesh of berries should be drained in a saucepan, add sugar and water
    • Mass boil for 20 minutes to make it thicker, you can add more sugaror a little pectin.
    • The mass should be closed hot

    Cowberry in syrup for the winter without cooking: the recipe with the photo

    You will need:

    • Cowberry - 500 g( fresh I year)
    • Sugar - 700-800 g.( Adjust the amount yourself)
    • Water - 1glass( purified)


    • Sugar and water are dissolved and brought to a boil
    • Berry is scalded with boiling water, the water is drained
    • The berry syrup drops the berry, the fire is turned off
    • The mass is rolled up or stored in the cold

    Cowberry compote for winter: simple recipe

    Cowberry compote is not only a delicious drink, but also very useful. It will become an excellent preventive agent in the winter season from colds and infectious diseases, strengthening immunity and giving it the necessary vitamin complex.

    You will need:

    • Cowberry - 700 g( per 3 liters of water)
    • Sugar - 1 cup( quantity according to preference)
    • Cinnamon - 1-2 sticks or a couple of pinpoints
    • Lemon lemon - with lobules
    • Several leaves of mint


    • Cowberryshould be washed and selected
    • Boil water, add sugar, cinnamon
    • When the water boils, pour the berries
    • Cook the compote for 10 minutes under the closed lid
    • Turn off the compote, add lemon slices and mint
    • The compote should be infused before drinking or rolled in hot inde.

    Video: "Cranberry jam"

    https: // watch? V = 0xW2fdwsTFo

    • May 29, 2018
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