Pain in the groin in women. The causes of the appearance and treatment of sharp, blunt, pulsating pain, when moving right and left in the groin in women

Pain in the groin in women can occur for a variety of reasons and unexpected. The article will help determine the nature of pain in the groin and understand what the female organism signals with their help.


  • Pain in the left side of the groin in women, causes
  • Pain in the groin area on the right in women, causes
  • Pain in the groin in women during pregnancy
  • Video: Pregnancy hurts the abdomen as if they are on a monthly basis: pathology or norm?
  • Drawing in the groin and lower back of women
  • Pain in the groin in the elderly woman, causes
  • Pain and burning in the groin in women: causes
  • Pain in the groin when moving in women, causes
  • Throbbing pain in the groin in women, causes
  • Severe painin the groin in women
  • Why do lymph nodes in the groin in women hurt, there was a lump
  • Treatment of pain in the groin in women
  • Video: Why does it hurt in the lower abdomen in women?

Often at the most inopportune moment, the pain in the lower abdomen causes the woman to bend in half. But the representatives of the weaker sex should always be in good shape, ready to "stop the horse at a gallop", so immediately, with a couple of pain medication tablets, untimely discomfort is eliminated.

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Pain in the groin in women often occurs at the most inopportune moment

The pain has passed - the problem is solved, and there is no time to run around the doctors, and it is believed that this small misunderstanding is peculiar to any organism.

However, one should not brush off such painful flares. They are harbingers of various diseases, warning lights, which need to be reacted and promptly seek help from a specialist.

Pain in the left side of the groin in women, causes

If you connect the school knowledge of anatomy, you can remember that in the groin on the left side of the person there are such organs: the intestines, kidneys, part of the bladder, and in women,part of the uterus, left ovary and one of the fallopian tubes.

IMPORTANT: Pain sensations can occur due to pathological processes occurring in any of the listed organs. To determine which one, you need to see a doctor.

The following are the main reasons for the appearance of such pains:

  • The spleen is quite vulnerable, as it is very close to the body surface, so even a normal injury can cause a lot of trouble. It is also possible the presence of tumors that "give" in the groin. The same effect will be on the obstructed urinary ducts
  • Various pathologies in the intestine - constipation, upsetting, bloating from increased gas production - give pains left in the lower abdomen. Benign and malignant small intestinal tumors cause similar symptoms
  • Kidney diseases , accompanied by a rise in temperature, difficulties with urination and burning during the process itself
  • Problems in the female , which include endometriosis, which increases during menstruation. Pain accompanied by brown discharge with clots
  • Ectopic pregnancy , in which a fetal egg is not attached to the uterine cavity, but on one of the fallopian tubes or in the ovary, can cause pain in the groin to the left
  • During ovulation ( when the egg leaves the ovary) a woman can experience aching pain associated with hormonal changes in the body
  • With apoplexy of the ovary, a woman experiences a throbbing pain accompanied by fever, general weakness and bleeding
  • spikes formed after surgery or not treated adhesions can cause pain
Pain in the left side of the groin in women can signal the development of an ectopic pregnancy

Pain in the groin area on the right in women, causes

Causes of pain in the groin area on the right are fewthan they differ from the causes that cause them to the left. To the above, you can add that the pain can also occur:

  • during menstruation , which is associated with the physiology of a particular organism.
  • occasionally the painful syndrome is observed when forming a hernia
  • Another common cause is inflammation of the appendages, including all the female organs: the uterus, the ovaries and the tubes.

So, the main causes of pain in the groin in a woman are defined, but in order to avoid serious consequences, it is necessary to urgently consult a specialist for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Pain in the groin on the right side may occur during menstruation

Pain in the groin in women with pregnancy

Many future moms believe that pain in the groin during pregnancy is the norm for their condition, because it was so with my grandmother, girlfriend or aunt. Some doctors also believe that this is natural.

However, considering that the health of two people - mother and baby - is at stake, it is impossible to ignore the symptomatology, as this can be a signal of the development of various diseases in the body:

  • inflammation in the lymph nodes
  • kidney stones
  • inflammation and infection in the genitourinary system
  • genital herpes
  • inguinal injuries

IMPORTANT: Often pain in the groin causes tensioned ligaments in the pelvic bones, which is associated with the physiology of pregnancy, but if the pain does not disappear and in a relaxed state, then this is a signalAliziruet about the threat of miscarriage.

About any arising discomfort in the body, the pregnant woman should notify the doctor, and not wait until "it passes by itself".

Pain in the groin in women during pregnancy can occur due to increased tone

Video: When a pregnancy hurts the stomach as with menstruation: pathology or the norm?

Drawing pain in the groin and lower back in women

Drawing pain in women simultaneously in the groin and lower back is a fairly frequent phenomenon. It is not necessary to worry particularly if it is associated with certain physiological processes in the body of the weaker sex: the period of menstruation or pregnancy.

If pain occurs at other times, it may indicate certain diseases of various organs:

  • ectopic pregnancy
  • malignant and benign neoplasm in female appendages
  • poor-quality abortion
  • ovarian rupture or cysts
  • diseases of the urinary system of the body
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • inflammatory and infectious processes in the intestine
  • arthritis
  • spinal cord injuries
  • osteochondrosis
Drawing in the groin and lower back at the same timeNGOs can be a sign of a cyst rupture

Pain in the groin at the elderly woman, causes

main cause of pain in the groin in older women is a physiological alteration of an organism at a certain age - climax .

Each one occurs at different ages and is accompanied by hormonal changes that, in addition to sweating, dizziness, nervous instability, are characterized by pain in the genitourinary system. It is very strong during the so-called tides.

IMPORTANT: To make the climax period as painful as possible, gynecologists resort to hormone replacement therapy.

Climax - the main cause of pain in the groin in elderly women

Pain and burning in the groin in women: the causes of

Pain sensations and burning sensation in the groin can be caused by a variety of reasons. One of the most common is the usual irritation associated with non-compliance with personal hygiene.

Also it can be allergic reaction of to various stimuli:

  • frequent use in the intimate area of ​​the usual toilet soap , which eventually breaks the alkaline balance and leads to candidiasis
  • wearing narrow synthetic linen
  • reaction to some drugs ( antibiotics, contraceptives, etc.)

In the remaining cases of painand burning sensation indicate infection in the body of , which indicate the following diseases:

  • venereal , sexually transmitted: chlamydia, genital herpes, trichomoniasis, etc.
  • inflammation of the of the urinary tract
Pain and burning in the groin in women often occur due to the presence of infections

Pain in the groin when moving in women, causes

Usually, this pain syndrome accompanies diseases requiring prompt surgical intervention.

The most common among them:

  • appendicitis
  • curvature of the sigmoid colon
  • rupture or torsion of the cyst legs in the ovaries
  • rupture of the ovary
  • ectopic pregnancy

IMPORTANT: Each of these diseases, if not rendered in time, can have terrible consequences until the death.

Pain in the groin when moving in women - a sign of appendicitis

Pulsating pain in the groin in women, causes

Pulsating inguinal pain, which has unilateral localization, is caused usually by by an attack of appendicitis .

IMPORTANT: This pain syndrome is usually accompanied by fever, general weakness, vomiting.

Another cause of pain of this nature is the rupture of the femoral artery aneurysm .As a result, a hematoma is formed that spreads across all nearby tissues.

Throbbing pain in the groin in women may indicate a rupture of the femoral artery aneurysm

Sharp pain in the groin in women

Acute or acute pain occurs in the following diseases:

  • hernia
  • cystitis
  • presence in the kidney stones
  • neuropathy of the pudendal nerve, in addition to the acute inguinalpain burning in the vagina
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes
  • arthrosis of the hip joint
Sharp pain in the groin in women occurs due to progressive cystitis

Byhis sore lymph nodes in the groin in females, lump appeared

Lymph nodes are located throughout the human body, serve as guards to protect vital organs against pathogens attempting to reach them with the blood of lymph from other affected areas.

If this does happen, the lymph nodes become inflamed, forming cones in the site of infection localization, causing painful sensations when pressing on them. The appearance of such tumors may indicate a number of different diseases:

  • oncological
  • tuberculosis
  • herpes, measles, rubella
  • vaginal candidiasis
  • of venereal diseases
  • serious inguinal trauma
Lymph nodes in the groin in women are sore if there are sexually transmitted diseases

Treatment of groin pain in women

to eliminate the consequences, you need to know exactly the reason for which you need to see a doctor. Only a specialist on the basis of analysis and clinical picture will be able to correctly diagnose.

For the beginning it is necessary to exclude the diseases treated by surgical intervention( appendicitis, cyst, rupture of the ovaries, hernia, various neoplasms, etc. ).Then - related to the characteristics of female physiology( menstruation, pregnancy, menopause, ovulation ).

It is also necessary to exclude professional athletes subject to systematic injuries and sprains.

There remain, however, many more diseases, from which, under the guidance of a specialist, you can very soon get rid of if you follow all the recommendations. It is important to remember that treatment should be comprehensive.

You need to start by following a certain mode in the lifestyle and nutrition of , as this is the foundation for all treatments.

Treatment of pain in the groin in women should begin with the observance of the

diet. Products with this symptomatology should be in their majority of plant origin, as much as possible to limit the consumption of fats.

In the menu there should be cooked for a pair of fish, meat without spices and even, preferably, without salt. You need to eat a little, but often( up to 6 times a day).Be sure to use a large amount of vegetables, fruits and water .

Drug therapy depends on the diagnosis given by a specialist:

  • hernia is treated with anti-inflammatory drugs in combination with painkillers
  • for urolithiasis rational use of drugs for crushing and dissolving stones
  • not the least place in the treatment process is occupied by physiotherapeutic procedures: massage, physiotherapy and warming
Treatment of pain in the groin in women should be under the supervision of a doctor

The main thing - do not ignore the signals of your body and bee healthy!

Video: Why does it hurt in the lower abdomen in women?

  • May 29, 2018
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