Haircut asymmetry

  • Asymmetric hair cuts for short hair
  • Asymmetrical hair cuts for medium hair
  • Asymmetric hair cuts for long hair

Asymmetric haircuts traditionally attributed to shocking hair are incredibly effective and at the same time easy to lay. Among the undoubted advantages of asymmetrical haircuts are the following effects:

  1. They visually increase the volume of hair.
  2. With their help you can draw attention to certain parts of your hair.
  3. They will provide the most effective assistance if the face shape requires some correction.

This is why haircuts of this type can be recommended to many - both women and men.

See examples of asymmetrical haircuts in video:

Asymmetric hair cuts for short hair

Women's short haircut with asymmetry is a very practical hairstyle option, as it will not take much time to lay down, but its owner will always catch admiring glances. If necessary, such a haircut will help to correct some of the shortcomings of appearance.

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What exactly are asymmetrical haircuts that can be recommended for short hair?

  • First of all it is cascading haircuts , at which the master cuts strands with steps: starting from the vertex and ending with their tips. Among the short asymmetrical haircuts are the hairdressers "Aurora", "Emo" , "L esenka" .
  • We can not ignore the very popular haircut pixie , which first struck the imagination of the beautiful half of humanity in the second half of the last century thanks to the movie heroine Audrey Hepburn, who starred in the film "Roman holidays".Pixie haircut is convenient in that it provides great opportunities for hair styling. The most effective results are obtained with the strands being streaked and using color contrasts.
  • No less effective is the short haircut asymmetry, which the stylists call the "bean with torn tips" .This hairstyle creates a visual sense of refined negligence and looks very good on dark hair. Separate strands, as if accidentally out of the hair, different lengths of profiled tips - all this makes the haircut extraordinarily stylish, as well as voluminous.
Girls, whom nature has not awarded with luxurious hair, it is worth paying attention to this haircut.

Brave girls who are not afraid of experimenting with their appearance, should make a haircut in which all lines are asymmetric: in the zone of the temples, the back of the head and, of course, the bangs.

  • A very successful option for light hair can be considered haircut bean( divided by classical parting) with rounded tips .Designed for romantic natures, the haircut looks very feminine.
  • Girls with an ideal head shape and beautiful neck can recommend an asymmetrical haircut hedgehog with a hair length not exceeding five centimeters. The shearing of the hedgehog practically does not need styling and additional accessories, and therefore its owner begins to spend less time for hair, which is important in the conditions of constant time trouble.
This hairdo not only emphasizes all the above advantages of appearance, gives expressiveness to the eyes and draws attention to the slender figure.
  • Stylish haircut elf , emphasizing the fragility and non-standard taste of its owner, is among the rather popular haircuts this season. The unusuality of this haircut is that the long hair left on the vertex falls on the forehead and gives the impression of bangs.
  • Short haircuts with asymmetry for a round face, creating the effect of torn or carelessly frizzy strands, distract attention from broad cheekbones and an equally wide forehead, thereby visually stretching and slightly extending the face. In this case, stylists advise multilayered haircuts or haircuts with strands falling on the face, due to which the excessive completeness is concealed.

Haircut-asymmetry on short hair, of course, has a number of its shortcomings

  1. It does not fit any type of appearance.
  2. Requires monthly visits to the hairdressing salon.
  3. The uniformity of the form can quickly get bored of its owner.

However, with the last item of this list you can argue, remembering that the owner of a short haircut can diversify its image with the help of different variations of the bang:

  • If you make it smooth or raise, the hair will begin to focus on the beauty of the eyes.
  • The slanting squirrel can visually stretch the face oval.
  • Owners of a round or square face can slightly adjust the excessive width of it with a milled bang.
  • Long bangs provide a variety of options for laying: being laid on one side, combed up, fixed with a beautiful barrette, it unrecognizably transforms the hairstyle and helps create a new image.

Thus, regularly changing the configuration, length and density of just a bang, you can wear the same hairstyle for a long time, hitting the surrounding with freshness and novelty of the image.

From all of the above, it can be concluded that a short female haircut with asymmetry is a hairstyle that can be easily recommended to all comers to find an original and unique look. It is only necessary to choose the correct form of haircuts, which only a real professional can do.

Short female haircuts, the asymmetry of which allows you to easily fill the lack of volume of fine hair, come to help women of mature age.

The fact is that the age-related changes that inevitably occur in the body of a woman, as well as the consequences associated with frequent curling and staining, an unfavorable ecology and a predilection for bad habits can not but affect the condition of the hair. In order to look beautiful, regardless of the age and condition of the hair, it is enough for a woman to choose in favor of a short asymmetrical haircut.

Asymmetric hair cuts for medium hair

Haircut-asymmetry on medium hair has that undeniable advantage that it is suitable for almost everyone: both men and women. Such a haircut creates a romantic image and is not so demanding of care, like a hairdo from long hair.

What haircuts are ideal for medium length hair?

  • And again we will talk about cascading haircuts. Only if in short haircuts the master uses the traditional technique( thanks to which the layers of the multi-layered hair are located one above the other), then in the process of creating hairstyles with an average length of hair, the technique of the ripped cascade is often used.

Asymmetric haircut made in this technique belongs to the category of trendy casual hairstyles and requires considerable skill from the stylist who performs it. The essence of the method is that the steps located on opposite sides of the hairdo have different heights, which is especially suitable for wavy hair.

  • Organically, on average hair looks like a haircut. Asymmetry, consisting of the presence of strands with different lengths of hair, helps to create interesting images for women with straight hair( painted in bright colors) and large features.

The modern haircut of Bob-kare( the asymmetry of which allows creating extravagant styling) is one of the varieties of asymmetric quads.

Asymmetric carousing, framing the opposite sides of the face with locks of different lengths, most often performed without bangs, dividing the hair with an even straight cut and combing them on one side. The difference in the length of the strands on opposite sides of the hairstyle can be from 2 to 10 cm. A good stylist will make this transition extremely smooth.

Laying a cut asymmetrical square, short strands are traditionally laid behind the ear, and the hair left by the long ones is stretched even more with the help of a wireless lock( styler).

This is done to give the hair a gloss effect and impeccable smoothness. Such a styling especially emphasizes the natural shine and silky texture of dark hair. Asymmetric quads require constant and proper hair care, as greasy or dull strands will create a sensation of a mismanaged hairstyle.

  • Girls who prefer the style of grunge and are not afraid to shock the people around, you can recommend a fashionable haircut with , based on a haircut with an asymmetric bean. A somewhat ruffled image of the haircut will be given by a long ragged bang and a defiantly bright color of hair.

Laying a haircut with a tomboy, torn strands of bangs are placed so that they cover part of the face. In this case, you can not do without special packing facilities( most often used wax or gel).The bulk of hair is dismissed, focusing on individual strands, allocated with the help of all the same styling means.

The shearing of the tomb so impressed the imagination of modern youth that from the female fashion very quickly migrated to the male. Of course, here she acquired features that allowed her to take a worthy place in the catalog of popular male hairstyles. Now the male haircut-asymmetry with the is one of the most popular men's haircuts.

Melted hair will only benefit from deliberately-negligent styling, because with its help there will be an additional effect of playing shades, and the pricks themselves will acquire a visual volume.
  • No less original looks like a bob haircut with asymmetry and bangs, the length of which considerably exceeds the length of all other hair. Performing packing and striving to create an unusual hairdo, a bulk bang simply combs on one side, covering up a significant part of the face, or simulating from it some kind of voluminous tuft. Make-up in cold colors will complete the creation of an ultramodern image.

Asymmetrical hair cuts for long hair

Modern haircut asymmetry for long hair is unthinkable without using the technique of careless haircuts( or the technique of "torn" cascade).The technology of cutting( asymmetry of which is created by cutting hair with a ladder with different lengths of steps) allows the girls to create unique images without giving up the luxurious wave of hair. In this technique, very popular haircuts for long hair are performed: "rhapsody", "ladder", "page", "emo".

Having decided on an asymmetrical haircut, you need to discuss with the stylist an acceptable asymmetry for you, since a good master can offer a fairly large number of stylistic decisions.

What are the variants of asymmetrical haircuts for long hair most often?

  1. Asymmetric haircut of the top layer of hair .With this version of the hair, the hair of the top layer will be trimmed like a cap, one part of which will be slightly shorter than the other part. This version of the haircut is good because the master does not have to remove the total length of hair.
  2. Fashionable haircut-asymmetry for long hair can be a very interesting combination of cutting the square, located in front of the hair and almost untouched long hair in the back of the head. It turns out that the client in front has a haircut asymmetry. The rear view will delight the beauty of natural long curls. This variant of the hairstyle is good only for straight hair, but wavy hair will have to be straightened with ironing, which is extremely harmful to their health, so it's better to refuse such haircuts on wavy hair.
  3. For girls with thin and thin hair, any variant of graded stepped cutting can be used, but the technique of its implementation will depend largely on how they subsequently intend to style their hair. Therefore, all the nuances of the future image should be discussed with the stylist before the haircut begins.
Haircuts with asymmetry for a round face are recommended to be completed with bacon. With the task of visually drawing the features of a round face, asymmetric or oblique bangs will best cope, which must necessarily be long and not too thick. Thanks to the long strands framing the round face, there is a visual effect of its narrowing.

One of the most successful haircuts for correcting a round face is the hairstyle, called the "wolf".This is a haircut-asymmetry with a bang, performed in the technique of a ragged cascade. The black hair in this hairstyle should also be asymmetric: only in this case it will be possible to achieve the desired effect.

  • When choosing an asymmetrical hairstyle from long hair for owners of a round face shape, it should always be remembered that a large mass of hair in the cheekbone area not only does not adorn, but also flaunts all the shortcomings of this type of face. Therefore, chubby beauties should choose hairstyles with a large number of vertical lines, separated by a high oblique cut, as well as covering cheekbones and cheeks( which are the widest parts of the face).
  • By choosing a haircut that has an increased volume in the crown area, you can visually approximate the rounded face to an oval shape. Strengthen the effect of drawing a wide face with the help of vertical strings adjacent to it. And if these strands are also subjected to coloring procedure - you can create a complete illusion that the owner of such a haircut is endowed with an oval type of face.

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  • May 29, 2018
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