Coryza, redness of the throat, severe cough, often accompanied by fever, shortness of breath - all this is a manifestation of bronchitis. In most cases, it has a viral or infectious origin. With it, inflammation of the bronchi occurs, and coughing attacks exhaust the person with their frequency and intensity. At first, the cough is dry, and the chest feels pain and burning. Then he goes to the wet, which is accompanied by phlegm, and his attacks become less powerful. The acute form of bronchitis is accompanied by sputum with pus, sometimes there is blood in it. This disease is fraught with complications in order to prevent them from having to be treated on time, and do not delay contacting a doctor - pulmonologist.

  • 1.4 Allergic bronchitis
  • 2 Treatment features
    • 2.1 Pregnant
    • 2.2 In nursing mothers
    • 2.3 Elimination of the disease in the smoker
    • 2.4 The course of the disease with and without
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    The possibility of healing

    than to treat bronchitis and cough in an adult

    In most cases, the causative agents of bronchitis are viruses, so the disease does not make sense to treatantibiotics. The question arises, than to treat bronchitis and coughing in an adult. But if after five days of the prescribed treatment the temperature has not passed, the whole body feels weak, there is shortness of breath, sputum is increased, then the causative agent of the disease is the infection that has got into the body. Then you can not do without antibiotics. Stop coughing attacks will help antitussives that are able to reduce its dry appearance and help him go to the wet. Here are described preparations from dry cough in adults.

    After that, expectorant medications are used to promote the production of sputum and mucus from the bronchial cavity. The main thing to find is an effective expectorant. When the throat is used, antiseptics are used in the form of sprays. It is also recommended to gargle with various solutions prepared according to folk recipes. Immune stimulants, which strengthen the body as a whole, help to recover quickly. If suddenly the disease will be accompanied by bronchospasm, then bronchodilators are used. Many people have a question whether they are treating it with antibiotics.

    Acute form, viral

    Diagnosis of the disease occurs after the patient has turned to the doctor. To accurately determine the form of the disease, you need to undergo a visual examination, auscultation, in which the specialist will check the noise in the lungs and bronchi, then you need to take an X-ray and donate blood for analysis. If after all the examinations the diagnosis is confirmed - acute bronchitis, then you should immediately start treatment. Viral bronchitis even in acute form does not require the use of antibiotics. All treatment should be aimed at getting the body out of the virus by removing it with sputum. The disease itself does not belong to complicated, but with its complications it is quite difficult to fight. Therefore, it is so important in time to seek help from a specialist.

    child antibiotic for cough and cold How to use a child's antibiotic for cough and cold is indicated in the article.

    How to treat a runny nose and a sore throat without fever, is indicated in the article.

    What is possible from the common cold with breastfeeding is indicated here: http: // bolezni-n /rinit/ nasmork-pri-grudnom-vskarmlivanii-lechenie.html

    The video describes how to treat acute bronchitis:

    The following tools are commonly used:

    • immunostimulating drugs , which contain vitamins A, B, E and C;
    • antibiotics .At temperatures above 38 ° C, which does not drop for three days, effective medications are prescribed: Biseptol, Amoxil and Streptomycin;
    • should be used in parallel to drink medicines , which restore the intestinal microflora, whose activity will be disturbed by the action of antibiotics. For these purposes, it is best to use Lineks, Bifidobacteria and Yogurt;
    • at high temperature are prescribed antipyretics .Such as aspirin, paracetamol and ibuprofen. They act directed, and besides that they remove headache and muscle aching pain;
    • Thinening medication .Well proven themselves: Bromgeksin and Ambroxol.

    Biseptol is available in tablets. Usually it does not have any side infections, so it is often used for bronchitis. Its dosage is set by a doctor, a drink is consumed after a meal. It is a combined antibacterial agent for a wide range of uses. Biseptol for the treatment of acute bronchitis

    Amoxyl belongs to the group of aminopenicillins. It suppresses the multiplication of harmful microbes, acting overwhelmingly to the synthesis of their cells. It is used for 500 mg twice a day. When entering the body, it is perfectly absorbed into the bloodstream and begins to act after two hours. It is also used in the hospital. Amoxil for the treatment of acute bronchitis

    Streptomycin is prescribed for inflammatory processes. It can be injected intramuscularly or used as an aerosol. Before using it, it is required to pass a skin test, so you can check the patient's sensitivity to the components of the medicine. When administered intramuscularly, a single dose of the drug is 0.5 to 1 gram. The daily dosage should not exceed 2 grams.

    The course of treatment with these drugs is from 5 to 7 days. Aspirin, it has antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. He is drunk after a meal, no more than three times a day for one tablet. 7th

    Paracetamol is an analgesic. It is used in cases when other non-steroid drugs are contraindicated. It can remove pain and relieve fever. The medicine is administered orally on one tablet( 500 mg) at a time. He is drunk four times a day. Between medications take at least 4 hours. The maximum daily dose should not exceed 4 grams. The course of taking the drug is a week. Paracetamol from bronchitis

    Ibuprofen is a potent agent. It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects on the body. It is taken orally in tablets( 200 mg) 3 to 4 times a day. If necessary, increase the dose to 400 mg and three times a day. But not more than 1200 mg per day. At recovery, the dosage of the drug is reduced to 600-800 mg. In the morning, the drug is taken before meals, and in the remaining times after eating. The course of treatment should be no more than 5 days. The drug has many side effects and contraindications, so treatment should take place in the shortest possible time. Ibuprofen from bronchitis

    Bromhexine exerts an expectorant effect. It makes sputum less viscous and promotes its excretion outside. It reduces coughing spells, participates in the adjustment of the bronchopulmonary apparatus. It is taken orally in tablet form or in the form of a syrup, regardless of the food intake, drinking it with a warm liquid( water, herbal tea or infusion).Drink two tablets three to four times. The syrup is drunk the same amount of times in a dosage of 16 ml. It has a cumulative property, so its effect is manifested on the 2 - 6 day after the first intake. The maximum rate is 28 days. Bromhexine from acute bronchitis

    Ambroxol is an effective agent that can be completely absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. It reaches the maximum concentration in the body in two hours. This mucolytic drug has an expectorant and secretory function. Produced in the form of tablets and syrup( more suitable for children).Dosage of the drug is prescribed at the rate of 30 mg per 1 kg of body weight. The resulting indicator is divided into four applications. Ambroxol from bronchitis

    The acute form of bronchitis implies compliance with diet, bed rest and performing therapeutic gymnastics.

    Chronic form, protracted bronchitis

    A three-month continuous, mild cough is the main sign of a slow inflammation of the bronchi, which eventually becomes chronic if such processes are repeated often for two years. The effectiveness of the treatment of chronic bronchitis depends entirely on the correctly chosen integrated approach, which must overcome the infection and remove the symptoms of the disease. The main assistants in this are antibiotics.

    what to do, after a cold, the sense of smell was gone, What to do, after the common cold, the sense of smell is gone, you can understand from this article.

    What inexpensive and effective remedy for the common cold is most often used, is indicated in the article.

    How to cure a child's edema in the nose without a common cold is indicated here: http: // otek-nosa-bez-nasmorka-prichiny.html

    The main tasks in the treatment of exacerbation of chronic bronchitis are the fight against infection and the elimination of symptoms. Therefore, drugs are used: Clarithromycin, Tetracycline and Sumamed.

    Clarithromycin, clarithromycin teva - obtained synthetically from erythromycin. Whether this antibiotic treats? It acts bacteriostatically. The dosage of the medication is determined individually for each. One-time reception is 0.25 - 1 gram. He is drunk, regardless of the meal twice a day. Clarithromycin for chronic bronchitis

    Tetracycline is an antibacterial agent that removes germs. It is taken orally 0.1 to 0.15 g for half an hour before meals. For a day the number of receptions can reach 6 times. Tetracycline from chronic bronchitis

    Sumamed is able to eliminate harmful bacteria. It quickly penetrates into the blood and dissolves in it. Its effect is noticeable already on the second day. It can be used for 5 days or apply an accelerated course consisting of a three-day use of the drug. A single dose is 500 mg - one tablet or two capsules. Sumamed from chronic bronchitis

    After elimination of the inflammatory process with antibiotics, they can be replaced by inhalation. In the basis of them will be used juice from onions or garlic. The recipe for their preparation is simple: you need to take one part of the juice of plants and connect with three parts of novocaine.

    If prolonged use of antibiotics has led to the onset of fungal infection, then it is necessary to drink antifungal medicines in parallel to the general treatment.

    Taking antibacterial drugs can make phlegm more dense. Therefore, it is advisable to use such drugs: Rinatiol, Trypsin or Bromhexine. An expectorant effect is infusions from such medicinal herbs: althaea, chamomile, thermopsis, mother - and - stepmother. They should be drunk at least 10 times a day in parallel with the abundant intake of warm liquid inside.

    Good for treating chronic bronchitis with inhalation. They can be with different solutions. If necessary, then funds are used to restore bronchial obstruction: Teofedrine, Euphyllin, Astaman or Ventalin.

    During the period of exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, the following measures will be effective:

    • supplementing the diet of the patient with vitamins C and A, and also analogues of group B;
    • application of natural biostimulators - aloe, sea buckthorn oil and propolis;
    • carrying out physiotherapy;
    • performance of exercise therapy.

    The same measures are effective for the beginning of bronchitis. All medications are prescribed by a doctor - a pulmonologist.


    It is treated comprehensively. To eliminate it, it is necessary to use medical therapy containing the following medicines:

    • bronchodilator( Berodual, Teotrad, Formoterol, fenoterol);
    • hormonal agents( Prednisolone or Prednisol);
    • antibiotics( Erespal, Amoxicillin, Heparin);
    • expectorant medications( Bromhexine, Acetylcysteine);
    • infusions from bronchicum, ledum or thermopsis;
    • antihistamines( suprastin or diazoline).

    Berodual is able to expand the lumen of the bronchi, which narrowed due to muscle spasm. Its active substances are: fenoterol and ipratropium bromide. They have a beneficial effect on the smooth muscles of the bronchi, eliminate their contractions and prevent the accumulation of sputum. It is available in the form of drops and aerosol. Adults to stop coughing should drink 20 to 40 drops per application four times a day. The medicine can cause side effects: nausea, dizziness, arrhythmia, increased blood pressure and sometimes a rash. Berodual from obstructive bronchitis

    Erespal it removes inflammation, excludes bronchoconstriction. It should be taken before meals for 1 tablet containing 80 mg or 45 - 90 ml of syrup twice a day. If necessary, the dosage is doubled and divided into three doses. When using it can cause nausea, minor tachycardia, vomiting. Pregnant such a drug can not be consumed. Here you can get acquainted with the instructions for the use of cough syrup Erespal. Berodual from obstructive bronchitis from obstructive bronchitis

    In addition to medical intervention, the following methods are effective:

    • manual therapy;
    • vibrating massage;
    • acupuncture;
    • change in the patient's diet.

    Allergic bronchitis

    Its appearance is not associated with colds, it occurs as a result of an allergic reaction of the body to pathogens that enter the lungs together with air. His symptoms are absolutely similar to chronic bronchitis, asthmatic, so doctors recommend to treat it medically. In this case, drugs should not only reduce cough and make breathing easier, but also eliminate allergic reaction. The treatment of allergic bronchitis is a complex approach. It includes the use of the following medicines:

    • antihistamine( Diazolin, Suprastin and Tavegil);
    • expectorants( Broncholitin, Mukaltin, Pertussin and Bromhexin).
    • bronchodilator( Cromoglyn, Ketotifen, Atrvent)

    Tavegil is taken before meals twice a day. One dose is 1 mg. It has side effects in the form of fatigue, drowsiness, noise in the ears, dry mouth, vomiting. Tavegil from allergic bronchitis

    Suprastin is used both in tablet form and in injections. It should be drunk one pill( 25 mg) three times a day. If the drug should be administered intramuscularly, the dosage is from 1 to 2 ml. For a day you can not eat more than 100 mg. Contraindications include:

    • stomach ulcer;
    • pregnancy;
    • glaucoma;
    • lactation period;
    • prostate adenoma. Suprastin from allergic bronchitis

    Pertussin is a familiar sweet sweet syrup from childhood, the active ingredients of which are extracts of thyme and thyme. It should be taken to adults three times a day for one tablespoon. The course of treatment should not exceed two weeks. Pertussin from allergic bronchitis

    Ketotifen prevents bronchospasm. It enhances the effect of antihistamines. He is drunk during a meal of 1 mg. Preferably in the morning and evening. If necessary, the dose can be doubled. Its contraindications include:

    • hypersensitivity;
    • pregnancy;
    • kidney disease;
    • breastfeeding time;
    • children under three years old. Ketotifen from allergic bronchitis

    Features of treatment

    Each individual is assigned individual therapy, which depends on various risk factors and the form of the disease. For individual patients, there is a specific treatment.

    In pregnant women, the

    The mother and the child are a single system. When treating women in this situation, it is necessary to consider the following features:

    • there is no medicine that would be considered completely safe for the baby, so when choosing it, it should be taken into account that the drug should be more useful than the intended harm;
    • on crumbs of drugs have a greater impact than on mom.

    The video tells how to treat bronchitis during pregnancy:

    In the first days of the disease, pregnant women must comply with bed rest, drink plenty of warm drinks. They can be inhaled.

    But it should be clearly understood that in the first trimester, or rather, in its first month, all medications taken can have toxic effects on the fetus, so you should try to cure the disease with folk remedies, natural broths and potions or apply physiotherapy.

    From the second trimester for the removal of bronchospasm, you can use Ephedrine, Euphyllin or inhalation. To facilitate cough, secretion and sputum thinning medications are prescribed( Bromhexin, thermopysic mixtures).In the third trimester, medicines based on abroxol have already been approved.

    In nursing mothers

    In this case, the baby can refuse to eat, because he can not eat, when the mother has a persistent cough, it is dangerous that the child can choke. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct treatment on the basis of high-speed means that will not affect the eating of crumbs.

    The video tells how to treat bronchitis in breastfeeding:

    For quick recovery, several means should be used at the same time, however how much they treat, the question is different:

    1. plentiful drink. It is necessary to drink as much chicken stock as possible, it is able to remove phlegm and cleanse the bronchi. It is necessary to brew breastfeeds collected from safe herbs;
    2. inhalation with soda solution or boiled potatoes;
    3. draw a grid of iodine on the chest;
    4. to drink a safe cough remedy on herbs - Mukaltin;
    5. with a dry cough use Lazolvan, Gedelix or Bronchicum;
    6. if necessary, antibiotics compatible with lactation( macrolides or semisynthetic penicillins) can be used;
    7. to make a therapeutic massage.

    Elimination of the disease in a smoker

    How to treat in this case? These people must first give up their addiction, and then seriously start treating their chronic illness. To successfully combat the disease, simple actions should be performed:

    • constantly wet the room to prevent dust from settling on the bronchi;
    • use anti-inflammatory and disinfectants in the form of sprays and rinses;
    • do inhalations with herbal decoctions, as well as compresses and rubbing;
    • for the improvement of sputum smear use expectorant medications;
    • perform gymnastics for breathing recovery and exercise therapy;
    • take advantage of folk remedies. Drink radish juice with honey, drink decoctions and infusions of healthy plants.

    On video - how to treat chronic smoker's bronchitis:

    The course of the disease with and without

    High temperature requires compliance with bed rest. It is necessary to drink antipyretics( Paracetamol, Ibuprofen or Aspirin), if it lasts more than one day, then you should start taking antibiotics. The patient should make alcohol or acetic rubbing, cold compresses, wipe his face with a damp cool napkin, do not forget to give him a warm drink.

    When the temperature goes away, it is necessary to ventilate the patient's room well, moisten it. Carry in it wet cleaning. Remove possible allergens( dust, soft toys, carpets and other similar things) from it. Bring the patient to fresh air, if he is still very weak, then at least on the balcony or porch of the house.

    Treatment of bronchitis should be done in a timely manner so that the disease does not take an acute form or become chronic. You should consult a doctor - lung specialist and find out which means are more effective to take in your case. Each patient is treated with an individual approach, taking into account the characteristics of his body and the course of the disease. The recommendations and instructions should be strictly observed and carried out regularly.