Is it possible to grow a date from a stone, a tree, a palm tree? How to grow a date from a bone at home?

The article will tell you how to grow a beautiful home palm from a date bone.


  • What will grow from the date bone?
  • How to plant a date bone and grow a date palm in the home?
  • Date from the bones at home: care
  • Transplant of dates from the bone
  • Video: "Date palm. Features of care at home »

What will grow from a date bone?

Everyone who at least once ate dates, noticed about the presence of the inside of the fetus bones. People engaged in flower growing or gardening, wondered "can I grow something from a bone?"It is known that dates grow on a palm tree, therefore at once it would be desirable to grow up something similar in house conditions.

It turns out that to grow a date palm tree is very simple. But it is important to know what a plant that is not in natural conditions, will never bear fruit. Nevertheless, the palm tree is beautiful and can easily fit into any interior. With proper and good care, she can even bloom.

A palm grown from a dates bone requires a lot of space and space in the room. This is a necessity because the palm leaves are large and long, they rush high up and wide to the sides. That's why the plant should be kept in a room where there is a lot of light and little furniture.

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To look effectively palm will be only there where all its "regal" will be appreciable. In the corner or at the wall she will "feel bad" and will not be able to develop adequately. Choose a pot for this plant should also be right, give preference to large clay or ceramic containers.

If you decide to grow a palm from a date bone, you should be aware that this process can be long and very long, up to two years. It all depends on what kind of plant the bone belongs to. A small plant that has not reached its maturity and splendor, will temporarily be able to "live" on the windowsill.

Lush home date palm
Young home date palm
High home date palm

How to plant a date bone and grow a date palm at home?

IMPORTANT: You will only be able to grow a palm tree if the date bone was taken from the untreated fruit at high temperatures. Ideal for this are the fresh fruits of the date palm tree, which you can bring with you from the "hot countries".Properly dried fruits also retain a "healthy" bone, capable of germination.

How to plant a bone:

  • Collect a handful of date stones( for sure, at least one of them has sprouted).
  • Bones thoroughly rinse with water from excess pulp so that they can not rot in the soil.
  • After rinsing, dry the bones
  • Since the seed of the date is hard, it is recommended to soften it slightly or make it easy to get out: rub the nesting or cut a little with a blade. So moisture can penetrate into the seed faster.
  • Place date seeds on a layer of cotton wool soaked in water in a saucer, top cover with a damp layer of gauze folded several times and place on a sunny window sill. Every time the moisture evaporates, you should moisten the cotton wool.
  • If you do not have a lot of sun, you can put a saucer on a battery, it is important that there is a lot of heat.
  • Watch the bone, if it is swollen - it's time to plant it in the ground.
  • Place bones in the ground, do this by placing the bones vertically.
  • Pot with a bone should be put necessarily in a warm place and regularly monitor that the soil in the pot is wet.
  • You can see the first sprouts after 1.5-2 months.

INTERESTING: This soaking will help you save a few months for growing, speeding up the process.

How to grow a palm tree from a date bone?

Bone seed in the home: care

The pot for the date palm deserves special attention. It must necessarily be made of natural material and have a high, not wide form because the date has long roots. Be sure to put a layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot, this will allow the plant to not lack and an excess of moisture.

What should be the soil for the date palm:

  • Sand
  • Peat
  • Manure( humus)
  • Sod

As the process of growing a palm tree is long, you will need a lot of time spent on expectations and forces invested in caring for the plant. It is noteworthy that transplant the palm should be every year and with each transplant increase the volume of the pot.

Transplantation of the date palm should be only on the principle of transshipment because the roots of the plant are very thin and tender. Carefully remove the palm from the pot, so as not to damage the roots. If the roots are damaged, the plant can quickly die.

Choose for your date palm bright and warm room, where the air temperature will not fall below 15-16 degrees. Do not put a date near the battery, fireplace or air conditioner - it will die. Protect the palm from drafts, and in the summer, try to put on a balcony or on the street( veranda, garden with pergola, etc.).

The ideal humidity for the date is 50%.Phoenick likes spraying with water, but not in excessive quantities, so one spray per day in the warm or cold season will be enough. In the dark room, the date will turn yellow, its leaves will be brittle. Phoenix allows direct sunlight to reach its leaves, but in limited quantities.

To make the plant beautiful and have a proportionately lush crown, you should regularly turn the pot to the light with different sides. Regularly monitor the drying of the soil so that there is no dry "coma".Water can be poured into the pan. In winter, you should limit the watering of the plant.

The palm loves, when to it wipe leaves, removing dust humidifying them. In the hot season of the palm tree, you can arrange a shower, but make sure that the earth is not too moist. Regularly feed the plant with organic fertilizers. In the warm season, you can do this once a week, listening to instructions on the packaging, and in winter - once a month.

Care for the date palm tree at home

Transplanting date from the bone

The transplant for the date must be made only by means of transshipment. Plant transplantation( young and adult) should occur once a year, as well as change the pot to a freer as the root system increases. If you have already sprouted a bone in sawdust or damp cotton wool, it has swelled and increased in size, it should be lowered into the ground.

First, prepare the correct soil mixture, moisten or lower the stone, pressing it with your finger. It is easy to do this, as the bone is dropped vertically. Do not lower the bone too deeply, 1.5-2 cm will be enough.

Video: "Date palm. Home care features »

  • May 29, 2018
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