Restoration of the liver of a thistle. How to clean the liver with milk thistle?

The liver is one of the most important organs of the human body. It makes itself felt when the disease has already taken place. Therefore, to maintain the liver in a healthy state, it is important to carry out preventive maintenance, and also to treat it properly.

Most drugs for purifying the liver consist of milk thistle. Strangely enough, but this plant is a weed, and for the liver - this is a most valuable drug.


  • The action of milk thistle on the liver. Therapeutic properties of thistle for liver
  • Can I restore the liver with milk thistle?
  • How to take milk thistle for liver cleansing?
  • How to take the seeds of thistle for the liver?
  • How to take syrup thistle for liver?
  • Milk thistle oil for liver treatment
  • Milk thistle tea
  • Milk thistle in capsules for liver
  • Milk thistle, contraindications
  • How to take milk thistle with benefit for the liver: advice and feedback
  • Video: Milk thistle - liver treatment

The action of milk thistle on the liver. Therapeutic properties of the thistle for the liver

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The thistle for the liver
  • The use of milk thistle for purification and treatment of the liver is indicated even in the prescriptions of the World Health Organization
  • . This plant is used not only for purification of the bile ducts, restoration of the gallbladder, but also as maintenance therapy for hepatitis acute andchronic form.
  • The action of milk thistle on the liver is based on increasing the regenerative capacity of our most important organ in the body. Thanks to the milk thistle, hepatocytes form - the cells that make up the organ, and also the penetration of toxins at the cellular level stops.
  • The therapeutic properties of milk thistle provide the normal physiological life of this organ. Tablets are made from the fruits of the plant, and folk medicine also uses leaves and roots of weeds.

Can I restore the liver with milk thistle?

Healthy liver

The latest scientific data confirm that milk thistle is an effective remedy even with obesity of the liver and cirrhosis in the late stages of the disease. In addition, you can perfectly restore the liver with the help of milk thistle, even if treatment with traditional means does not give positive results.

Scientists believe that the milk thistle accelerates the recovery of patients with hepatitis, which was caused by both alcohol consumption and the effect of the virus.

Remember: Milk thistle is effective only if a person stops drinking alcohol. Therefore, during treatment it is not recommended to drink alcohol, especially to those people who have the disease of this organ under the negative impact of alcohol.

How to take milk thistle for liver cleansing?

Liver diseases

It is necessary to make liver treatment with this herb for one month. Throughout the time the indices of lipid compounds are normalized, the digestive system restores its work, and the work of the main filter in the body, the liver, improves.

How to take milk thistle for liver cleansing? There are several ways to carry out the treatment:

Method # 1: Decoction of seeds. Two teaspoons of seeds, pour 500 g of water. Boil the liquid over a slow fire twice. Strain the broth and take a tablespoon half an hour before meals or an hour after eating.

Method number 2: Oil of milk thistle. It can be purchased at any pharmacy. Take the oil before eating a teaspoon. Produce such treatment within 2 months. Already two weeks after the start of oil intake, you will feel relief, the symptoms of the disease will begin to disappear.

Method number 3: Tea. One teaspoon of leaves or seeds of the plant, brew a glass of boiling water. Leave in a container, let it soak until it cools. Drink the infusion in small sips, stretching for 4 doses. Before use, warm it in a water bath.

How to take the seeds of milk thistle for the liver?

Seeds of thistle

The seeds of any plant plants contain many trace elements. In the seeds of milk thistle there is retinol, tocopherol, potassium, copper, zinc, iron. Therefore, people who have liver problems, it is interesting how to take the seeds of milk thistle for the liver. They can be used in this form:

  • crochet - ground seeds
  • broth cooked on a water bath
  • chewing whole seeds after eating
  • alcohol tincture
  • tea
  • oil

All these methods of seed application are effective in the treatment of liver diseases. Oil, tea, powder, decoction or tincture contribute to the regeneration of cells and prevents the development of cholelithiasis.

How to take syrup thistle for liver?

Milk thistle powder

Straw is a dry powder from the seeds of a plant. Take the thistle thistle for the liver, squeezed a lot of water.

Recipe: Drink 1 teaspoon of powder by washing with boiled water. Do this 3 times a day for half an hour before a meal. The course of treatment is 30-40 days. Then take a break for 10 days and continue the treatment. Do such courses for a year until the condition improves.

Thistle oil for liver treatment

Milk thistle oil

Drugs are not prescribed for people with mental disorders and cardiovascular diseases. The milk thistle oil for liver treatment is used in conjunction with other drugs. Perfectly helps to cure cholecystitis, cholangitis, DZHVP, toxic damage to the liver and fatty liver.

Tea from the thistle for the liver

Tea from the milk thistle

Tea from this plant is used as a stand-alone medicinal product to eliminate problems with the body filter. Tea made from milk thistle for the liver can be made from both a dry plant and fresh leaves and flowers.

Recipe: Pour a small amount of leaves or flowers with steep boiling water. Insist and take small sips. Usually a day a person grabs a glass of tea. Drink a couple of sips, waking up in the morning after sleep, and leave as much for the night - before bed.

Milk thistle in capsules for liver

Milk thistle in capsules

Many people are lazy to brew a decoction or tea from herbs, so it is more convenient for them to use medicines in a tablet form. Milk thistle in capsules for the liver is a convenient and effective treatment, since one capsule contains a single dose of grass for an adult.

But the dose can also be calculated by the doctor individually. If the patient has a neglected form of the disease, then the doctor will prescribe the use of two capsules per reception.

Milk thistle, contraindications

The doctor palpates the liver
  • As mentioned above, this medicinal plant is not assigned to people with mental disorders and serious cardiovascular diseases.
  • No milk thistle is prescribed for the liver if the patient has cholelithiasis. It can cause a painful attack due to the displacement of the stones

Remember: If a person has an SCI, then any choleretic drugs are contraindicated to him!

  • Some patients are allergic to milk thistle
  • Contraindications to the use of milk thistle apply to children under 12
  • No medication is prescribed with milk thistle if the body has an overabundance of potassium and phosphorus
  • Contraindicated milk thistle to pregnant women and women who breastfeed

How to takeMilk thistle with benefits for the liver: advice and feedback

Milk thistle in the field

Before taking thistle, consult your doctor. If a patient has contraindications, he will necessarily tell about it, or vice versa, in the absence of a patient, he will prescribe capsules of the drug for complex treatment.

Every person wants to take the milk thistle correctly with the benefit of the liver, so here are some tips:

Tip: Begin drinking decoction, tincture or oil from small doses. If the body took the medicine normally, then you can bring the dose to the recommended and continue treatment.

Tip: Doctors claim that silymarin is the active substance of milk thistle, destroyed by exposure to light and high temperatures. Therefore, the use of decoction and tea does not give the desired results. It is better to use alcoholic tincture, powder or capsules of milk thistle.

Reviews about medicines based on this medicinal plant are only positive. People are cured of hepatitis, as soon as one thistle, and in conjunction with other effective drugs.

The liver is our natural filter, so it needs to help and protect it from toxins and other harmful effects. With these functions, the milk thistle will do fine. Consult a doctor, be treated and be healthy!

Video: Milk thistle - liver treatment

  • May 30, 2018
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