White pimples in the newborn and the baby. How to treat white pimples in children?

The skin of a newborn baby is extremely susceptible and reacts absolutely to everything - allergens, external stimuli, hormones. One of the manifestations on the skin of the baby are white pimples on different parts of the body.


  • Small white pimples in a newborn and infants
  • Small white pimples in a newborn - causes
  • Small white pimples on the face
  • White pimples on the eyelid
  • White pimples on the genitals
  • White pimples on the body
  • White pimples on the gum and tongue
  • How to treatwhite pimples?
  • Video: Acne of newborns

The life of a woman completely changes with the birth of a child, and, in addition to joy, the beautiful half of humanity faces a number of questions concerning the health of the baby. One of them is the appearance of pimples in the baby. It is not always possible to understand immediately what causes the rash - mother's nutrition and allergic reaction or physiological processes in the newly formed and unfettered organism of the newborn.

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Small white pimples in the newborn and infants

  • One of the types of rashes on the baby's body are white pimples on different parts of the child's body. Not for nothing about the rash on the body of the child there is a lot of discussions, because often rashes are a sign of the presence of a health problem
  • In the case of the appearance of white pimples, there is no need to panic - often this is only an echo of the physiological processes that occur in the child's body.
  • Such manifestations do not bother the child, besides absolutely safe for his health and skin. They do not cause itching and do not inflame, therefore, do not leave behind scars and scars.
White pimples in a newborn

Small white pimples in a newborn - causes of

You can notice white pimples still in the hospital, but sometimes they can appear after 2-4weeks after the birth of the child. All is caused by the reasons of occurrence of such rashes:

  • Acne - the reason can be covered in a hormonal level. Thus, hormones of the mother( extriol) in the child's body or hormonal changes in the organism of the baby itself are manifested. At occurrence of such type of spots simply support dryness and cleanliness of a skin of the kid. These pimples sometimes have a yellowish tinge and appear in the face and neck;
    The activity of the sebaceous gland can also lead to the appearance of acne. Such pimples have a red base with a white tip in the center. Take action is recommended only in case of their inflammation, in its absence, treatment is not required
  • Milium - immaturity of the sebaceous glands - leads to the appearance of white acne on the skin of the child due to occlusion of sebaceous glands. They resemble small pearls the size of a pinhead and appear alone

Small white pimples on the face

  • Small white pimples on the face most often arise due to the incompletely adjusted work of the sebaceous glands. They pass as soon as the infants open the ducts. Most often it occurs about a month after the appearance of
  • . Such rashes do not require treatment. The main recommendation is the maintenance of hygiene of the mother and child
  • It is necessary not only to wash the baby in the morning and in the evening, but also to wipe( and better wash) the face after each feeding to remove the remnants of milk or mixture. Breastfeeding is recommended to wash the breast before and after feeding
White pimples on the face

White pimple on the eyelid

Babies often have white pimples on the upper or lower eyelid. It's a milium or a so-called beggary. The main reasons for their appearance on the century:

  • Reaction to allergens
  • Occasionally this is a consequence of prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation
  • Calcium deficiency( for example, when the teeth are chopped)
  • Blockage of the sebaceous gland ducts

Important: In the case of pimples on the eyelids, the main treatment is hygiene,determine the cause of their appearance.

Pimple on the eyelid

White pimples on the genitals

Sometimes milium occur on the labia or on the penis of babies. This is also explained by the blockage of the sebaceous glands and with the normalization of their work passes. To prevent their appearance, keep an eye on the intimate hygiene of the baby:

  • Wash after defecation in warm water. You can do this under the faucet, putting your baby in the palm of your hand. With a free hand, wash from the pubic region to the anus so as not to provoke the inflammatory process. Especially it concerns girls
  • Change in time diapers or diapers
  • Do not keep the baby all the time in diapers, arrange it with air baths so that the skin can breathe

Important: If white spots appear on the baby's genitals, always show it to the child's doctor or dermatologist. Sometimes they indicate the presence of the disease. For example, this may manifest mycoplasmosis - urogenital infection.

White pimples on the body

White pimples on the body of a newborn can appear as a result of an excess of maternal hormones or blockage of the sebaceous ducts. Medicinal treatment does not require such rashes, and the main requirement is hygiene compliance:

  • Bathe the child every day.
  • . Do air baths.
  • . Do not apply oil and cream to the whole body of the baby. They do not allow the skin to breathe or can provoke congestion.

. White pimples on the gumand the language

  • Often appear simultaneously with pimples on the eyelids because of the not fully formed work of the sebaceous glands
  • May be the result of stomatitis due to unprocessed dishes for feeding or pacifiers. Stomatitis can appear because of the numerous kisses of the baby
  • If, in addition to pimples on the gums and tongue, you noticed their appearance in the sky in a newborn - they can be a symptom of the dysbiosis
  • Bone gums on the gums are small cysts that look like pearls. Dangers do not represent and eventually pass without a trace
  • Teeth - neonatal( congenital) teeth. They can be included in a set of baby teeth or be superfluous in a row. In the second case, they need to be removed, so you need to consult a dentist.
  • . Thrush - it differs from other types of pimples in the manifestation of other symptoms: hanging temperature, child's anxiety, increased acne
White pimple on the gums

How to treat white pimples?

  • Special treatment white pimples do not require. In this case, the so-called "laissez-faire policy" will bring much more benefit, when you want to treat, but you should not do it
  • Do not squeeze pimples at all, you can infect the infection or provoke an inflammatory process.
  • Do not rub the delicate skin of your baby with all kinds of alcohol-containing lotions andcreams
  • Wash the newborn or infants with boiled water
  • You can bathe the child in a weak, barely pink solution of potassium permanganate - this will help dry the skin
  • Brew chamomile or cherrybathing food. Be cautious - some babies may be allergic to some kind of herbs
  • It is recommended to make baby air baths often if the room temperature allows
  • Change clothes and diapers
  • In time, if you are breastfeeding, try to stick to a diet, do not eat red foods, citrus. Excessive sweetness can also lead to rashes

Important: If you follow all the recommendations, and the pimples do not go away, consult a pediatrician and a dermatologist. Sometimes white pimples can be a symptom of the disease

Video: Acne neonatal

  • May 30, 2018
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