Aminolone - instructions for use

Aminolone is a drug from the nootropic group. It is used to treat vascular and circulatory diseases of the brain, as well as cerebrovascular insufficiency. Aminolone is one of the first nootropic drugs to be successfully used in psychiatry.


  • issuance
  • Tablets Aminalon
  • Indications
  • Contraindications
  • Dosing and dosage
  • Aminalon in psychiatry
  • Aminalon in
  • sports Side effects
  • Overdose
  • Cautions
  • Analogs
  • Aminalon or Piracetam
  • Aminalon: Tips and reviews
  • Video. NOOTROP - for the work of the brain!

Forms of release

The drug is released in tablet form in a package of 100 pieces. One tablet contains 0.25 g or 0.5 g of gamma-aminobutyric acid, which acts as an active substance.

Tablets Aminolone

In addition to the active substance, there are other compounds in this preparation that must be considered when choosing a medicine for people with intolerance to certain substances:

  • Microcrystalline cellulose
  • instagram viewer
  • Sugar( refined sugar)
  • Povidone 25
  • Wheat flour
  • Colloidal silicon dioxideanhydrous
  • Magnesium stearate
  • Polyethylene glycol
  • Titanium dioxide E 171
  • Polyvinyl alcohol

Indications for use

Gamma-aminobutyric acid( with aEnglish GABA) is present in any living organism and performs several important functions:

  • Mediator action. Has a brake, hypotensive and soothing effect. Stimulates sleep and regulates motor activity. Capable of improving thought processes and memory.
  • Metabolic action. Improves metabolic processes and prevents oxygen starvation of the brain. Strengthens its blood supply and improves the energy supply of nerve cells
  • Withdrawal of metabolic and decomposition products
  • Stimulation of the production of somatropic hormone

These tablets are prescribed by the attending physician for various pathologies of the central nervous system and brain accompanied by damage to the neurocytes.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid, which is part of Aminalon, exerts its effect primarily on the central nervous system. Patients who have suffered a stroke with this drug can quickly restore speech disorders and movement coordination.

This drug can normalize blood pressure. With the help of Aminalone, the symptoms of this ailment are removed: nausea, dizziness, insomnia, etc.

Bottle with Aminolone

tablets This drug is indicated for atherosclerosis of arteries and essential hypertension. Thanks to the normalization of blood supply to the brain, Aminalon is able to cope with the age-related memory impairment and coordination of movements.

This medication is indicated for children over 5 years old suffering from cerebral palsy, as well as those who, due to various reasons, lag behind in development from their peers.

In alcoholic intoxication, which affects energy disturbances in neurocytes, this medication is also indicated. With its help you can effectively cope with seasickness. Symptoms of motion sickness in air transport can also be leveled with this drug.

Contraindications to the use of

The use of aminalon is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance and allergy to the components that make up it.

You can not use these pills to treat the aforementioned ailments during pregnancy and lactation. Children under 5 years of age should also be refused from taking this medication.

Method of use and dosage

Aminalone tablets should be taken immediately before meals. In doing so, it is very important to drink them with enough water. The dosage of the drug is prescribed by the attending physician depending on the pathology.

  • Adults take 0.5-1.25 g of the drug( corresponding to 2-5 tablets) at one time. The daily dose should not exceed 1.5 g - 3 g( corresponds to 6-12 tablets)
  • Children over 5 years of age the drug is prescribed from 2 to 12 tablets per day for 2-3 doses depending on the type of illness and its severity.
  • Suckling with Aminalon treat2( adults) and 1( children) tablets 2-3 times a day

The treatment plan is appointed by the attending physician after diagnosis. In order to expose the correct diagnosis it is necessary to take into account the peculiarity of the organism, the patient's condition, the course of the disease and other factors. Short course of treatment: 2-3 weeks. Maximum: 4-6 months.

For greater effect, the treatment course is repeated after 6 months.

Aminolone in Psychiatry

For the first time, Aminalon was used in psychiatry to treat patients with dementia and organic lesions in 1983.Famous Professor Yuri Martynovich Saarma collected patients suffering from age-related dementia( 25 people).He divided it into two parts. One group took Aminalon 1.5 g per day, the second - placebo.

Senile Dementia

In the group that took the "dummy" of the changes it was not revealed. In the group whose members took Amnalon, activation of intellectual activity and memory improvement were revealed. To identify these indicators, Professor Saarma used specially designed psychological tests.

Aminolone in sport

This drug is not considered doping in sports. It is shown to gymnasts during the study of complex coordination elements of equipment and representatives of other sports.

Also, Aminolone is used to restore the functions of the CNS disturbed as a result of severe psychoemotional and physical loads.

Side Effects

The active ingredient( gamma-aminobutyric acid) is not a toxic product. Therefore, side effects of Aminalon tablets almost do not cause. But, they do exist. There are cases when this drug did not fight insomnia, but on the contrary, caused it.

Also this drug can cause nausea, vomiting, bloating and diarrhea.

These tablets can lead to a feeling of heat in the body, increased temperature and blood pressure.

Allergic reactions to this drug manifest in the form of rash and itching. In rare cases, Aminalon can cause angioedema and even anaphylactic shock.

Overdose of

An overdose of this drug causes the manifestations that we described above. At the termination of reception and washing of a stomach the risk of complications in most cases is absent.

Special instructions

This medication should be taken while controlling your blood pressure. Do not take Aminalon before bedtime. This is not only inefficient from the point of view of treatment, but it can also lead to undesirable consequences in the form of insomnia.

Do not drink alcohol during treatment with this drug. Pregnant and children under 5 years, as we already mentioned above, from Aminalon should also be abandoned.

Cautiously it is necessary to behave after the first reception of this preparation and at long treatment with its help. In these cases, there may be a decrease in psychomotor reactions and a violation of concentration.

The drug is dispensed without a prescription, but its reception must be agreed with your doctor. Keep the tablets at a temperature of up to + 25 ° C. The storage location must be out of the reach of children.


Similar action has: Biotropic, Cavinton, Glycine, Vinpocetine and Vazavital. Analogues for the active substance are: Amilonosar, Pikamilon, Picanoyl and Pikogam.

Aminolone or Piracetam

Nootropic remedy Piracetam

Pyrocetam is a drug that has a wider range of actions. Perhaps, this is the most popular nootropic. Just like Aminolone, Piracetam is prescribed for disorders of cerebral circulation. But, this drug has no anticonvulsant and psychostimulating effect.

These two drugs are difficult to compare. The active substances in them are different. Therefore, the impact on the body, will also be different. Before using these medicines a doctor's consultation is necessary.

Aminalon: Tips and Feedback

Vitalina. My 27-year-old daughter took this drug. She lost the excitement, and she began to sleep better. In general, I became emotionally better. Very good drug. I advise everyone.

Elena. I still remember this medicine for Soviet times. That in itself is the standard of quality. I use Aminalon periodically, but for a very long time. Even after taking just one pill, I feel much better. Dizziness and low blood pressure were lost. Aminalon is better than any analogues.

Video. NOOTROP - for the work of the brain!

  • May 30, 2018
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