It hurts under the left rib in front: symptoms of possible diseases, treatment. What can hurt in the left side, under the left rib in front?

What diseases prevent pain in the right hypochondrium?


  • What's under the left rib in front, what's it hurting?
  • Pain under the left rib in front: symptoms of possible diseases
  • Unpleasant sensations, wandering pain under the left rib in front - reasons: how to remove?
  • Acute, burning pain under the left rib in front - reasons: how to remove?
  • Dull pain under the left rib in front - reasons: how to remove?
  • Aching, paroxysmal pain under the left rib in front - the reasons: how to remove?
  • Hurts under the left rib in front: causes
  • Can there be pain under the left rib in front with gastritis, stomach ulcer?
  • Can there be pain under the left rib in front with diseases of the spleen?
  • Pain in the left hypochondrium with bowel disease, constipation
  • Pain in the left hypochondrium with a hernia
  • Pain in the left hypochondrium with meteorism
  • Pain in the left hypochondrium with poisoning
  • Pain in the left hypochondrium with pancreatitis
  • instagram viewer
  • Can there be pain under the left rib in front with a heart attack?
  • Can there be pain under the left rib in pneumonia?
  • Can there be pain under the left rib with pleurisy?
  • Can there be pain under the left rib in oncology?
  • Pain in the left hypochondrium: what to do?
  • Video: Pain under the left rib

The human mechanism is designed in such a way that it always makes you aware of each fault that has arisen with painful reminders.
The fact that he wants to tell us our body a pain in the left frontal area of ​​the hypochondrium, will be discussed in this article.

What's under the left rib in front, what's it hurting?

In the zone of interest, the left parts of the internal organs of the body are located:

  • Stomach
  • Diaphragms
  • Intestine
  • Kidney
  • Pancreas
  • Spleen

Various diseases and pathological abnormalities associated with impaired functioning of these organs can be accompanied by pain syndromes in this area.

Hurts under the left rib in front: symptoms of possible diseases

What hurts under the rib?

Consider the main causes of such a painful syndrome depending on some possible diseases:

  1. Abnormality of the gastrointestinal tract
    Gastritis - Colitis in the left hypochondrium is due to the presence of the stomach not clearly in the middle, but with a slight shift to the left. Attacks are accompanied by sharp cutting or dull aching lumbago, heartburn, belching, weight in the stomach, nauseating and vomiting are possible.
    Pancreatitis - rezi with inflammation of the pancreas is very intense. Have an unpleasant shingles.
    Appendicitis - sometimes pain syndromes, with this disease, spread to the left rib.
    Intestinal disorders - symptoms can manifest themselves in various ways: colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, polyps, malignant neoplasms, flatulence, and the like. With all these complications, pain occurs on the left side under the rib.
    Gastric ulcer - without endoscopy, peptic ulcer is difficult to distinguish from gastritis. This disease causes such a weakness.
  2. Gynecological diseases.
    Serious problems with gynecology may be accompanied by similar painful indications. The pain is reflected from the immediate site of localization. It can be triggered: by ovarian torsion, cystic formations, ectopic pregnancy, etc. .
  3. Disturbance of the musculoskeletal system
    Chondrosis, intervertebral hernia cause a strong irradiative pain in the left part of the hypochondrium.
  4. Respiratory distress.
    Pneumonia and pyelonephritis may not be correctly diagnosed as gastralgia or pancreatitis.

Unpleasant sensations, wandering pain under the left rib in front - the reasons: how to remove?

  • Most often, such ailments are peculiar to pancreatitis, cholecystitis, ulcer or gastritis.
  • . To relieve pain, apply No-shp, Baralgin, Spazmalgon
  • . But this is only if was previously diagnosed and the pain is familiar
  • Otherwise,it is necessary to consult a gastroenterologist for an
  • examination Folk remedies are also not recommended until an accurate diagnosis is made

Acute, burning pain under the left rib in front - reasons: how to remove?

Be attentive to your health

Important: It is forbidden to take antispasmodics with a sudden pain of a harsh nature, if any of the above violations have not been established before.

Do not pull. Address that hour to a specialist. In case of unconsciousness, immediately call an ambulance.

Burning urchin under the ribs, is characteristic:

  • Splat disorders spleen integrity or renal pelvis
  • rib fractures
  • perforations of the gastric wall and the loop of the small intestine
  • Acute pancreatitis
  • abdominal embodiment myocardial infarction
  • Renal colic
  • perforated gastric ulcer
  • perforations
  • bowel Strangulated cyst onkidney

Dull pain under the left rib in front - the reasons: how to remove?

  • Usually dull painful rubbing is felt in case of ulcerative disease. The aggravation occurs during or after some time after a meal.
  • This kind of pain does not cause much difficulty.
  • The patient takes any painkiller selected on their own or does not pay any attention to these symptoms for a long time.
  • In this regard, the disease is exacerbated, and goes into a more severe stage, which leads to the loss of proper functioning of damaged organs.
  • Therefore, when there are initial symptoms, it is necessary to visit a specialist.

Aching, paroxysmal pain under the left rib in front - the reasons: how to remove?

  • Similar malaises are characteristic of duodenitis, colitis
  • In the presence of emetic reflexes and nauseating phenomena, stomach ulcer
  • is possible. If after diagnosis these pathologies are absent, such a disease as angina and ischemia
  • are possible. It can also manifest pre-infarction, without any aches in the chest.

It is possible to get rid of the disease only with a previously established diagnosis, strictly according to the doctor's prescription. Otherwise - urgently to the hospital.

It hurts under the left rib in front: the causes of

Without a specific examination procedure, it is difficult to determine something
  • Any of the above gastrointestinal upset is usually duplicated by eructations, constipation, nausea
  • But mostly, ulcerative stomach ulcers are diagnosed

Can there be pain under the left rib in frontwith gastritis, stomach ulcer?

Resi, ache, colic
  • Based on the previously described symptoms: gastritis and gastric ulcer - very popular, priobraznenenii explored lumbago

Can there be pain under the left rib in front with diseases of the spleen?

  • Disorder of the immune system progresses in the growth of the size of the spleen, hence the characteristic signs of pain
  • The organ increase is also contributed by: trauma, contamination, tumors
  • The rupture of this organ is reflected by the sharp onset of acute pain under the left ribs

Pain in the left hypochondrium with bowel disease, constipation

  • Ulcerouscolitis, vomiting and cancer - accompanied by a difficult passage of stool and a sudden fading of pain in the left side of the ribs
  • Constipation is often accompanied by rumbling and swelling of the intestinesof the

Pain in the left hypochondrium with a hernia

  • The loss of a part of the diaphragm does not exclude typical painful attacks, since they appear due to its jamming in the dividing part of the abdominal and chest cavity of the body.
  • Pain is palpable when taking or completing a meal

Pain in the left hypochondrium with flatulence

Gas accumulations cause trouble
  • Excessive gassing of the stomach is fraught with such pain attacks

Pain in the left hypochondrium with poisoning

Take exceptionally fresh food
  • Poisoning resulting from the saturation of poor-quality food, contributes to the appearance of light painful sensations in the interesting fragment of the hypochondrium
  • This situation is accompanied by gag reflexes, fever and a state of impotence

Pain in the left hypochondrium with pancreatitis

  • This indispensable companion of permanent disruption of internal secretion provides enduring feelings,in akkurat, considered space

Can there be pain under the left rib in front with a heart attack?

Heart failure
  • When diagnosing myocardial infarction, such pain symptoms are very common

Can there be pain under the left rib in pneumonia?

  • The resulting inflammation at the bottom of the lung, left-sided pneumonia generates soft, pulling painful factors
  • Coughing, the patient feels stitching in this part of the body

Can there be pain under the left rib in pleurisy?

Pain on the left under the rib is possible with pleurisy

Can there be pain under the left rib in oncology?

  • Cancer formations can occur on each of the above sections of
  • Affected areas of this zone will give painful signals under the ribs on the left side of the
  • . In the original form of the neoplasm, the patient does not complain of pain symptoms
  • Do not disregard the various frequent manifestations of pain,those who are far beyond 50.

Pain in the left hypochondrium: what to do?

Scheme of Action
  • Even if you feel a little pain, if there is burning, vomiting, fever, call the doctor
  • . Sometimes only an emergency operation can save the patient's life.
  • . Take any comfortable lying position.
  • . Do an airing of rooms.
  • Painkillers destroy symptoms, which makes diagnosis much more difficult. Therefore, do not take them until the diagnosis of
  • Consult a specialist for frequent, even mild pain symptoms

Video: Pain under the left rib

  • May 30, 2018
  • 50
  • 1849