Why does depression occur after second birth? Who can have postpartum depression?

Why does postpartum depression occur after second birth, its signs and ways of treatment.


  • Depression after second birth: why does it arise?
  • How to help a woman during the postpartum depression?
  • How to behave to the husband, if the wife has postpartum depression?
  • Stages of postpartum depression? Is there postpartum depression in men?
  • Psychological help for postpartum depression
  • What drugs to take when you are depressed after giving birth to a woman?
  • Breaking the hormonal background and depression after childbirth
  • How to prevent postpartum depression? Psychologist's advice
  • Why depression occurs after the second birth: advice and feedback
  • Video: Postpartum depression

It often happens that instead of joy after the birth of the baby, the mother becomes darker than the cloud. Close people are puzzled why a young mother behaves this way, but to herself everything seems unskillful. It is not necessary to blame a woman for selfishness, most likely, it is postpartum depression.

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Depression after second birth: why does it occur?

This concept, like depression after the first birth, is known to many. But often there is depression after second birth. It would seem that there is no reason to be sad. After all, my mother already knows how to adjust the process of breastfeeding, how to treat a newborn, but there are also pitfalls.

Causes of depression after second birth:

  1. Lack of support for husband
  2. Fear not to cope with two children at the same time
  3. Difficulty with breastfeeding
  4. Lack of free time
  5. Pain after delivery

To all else worsens the negative mood of the realization that the figure after the second delivery becomesnot as beautiful as it was before. It is hard to leave "from the decree to the decree," that is, for a long time to be out of work, without the possibility of continuing a career.

How to help a woman during the postpartum depression?

Sometimes relatives behave incorrectly in relation to only a woman who gave birth. Seeing her ambiguous reaction to the birth of a baby, they are surprised at how a woman can not rejoice during this period. In addition, attention and affection are paid to the baby, and sometimes they forget about Mom. But she also needs support at this time.

Surround the young mother with care:

  1. More often help with household chores
  2. Be interested in her health
  3. Suggest a walk with the baby or go for a walk with the whole family
  4. Divert the young mother from the home routine

How to behave to the husband if the wife has postpartum depression?

Most of all about the woman at this time should take care of her husband. Feeling next to him the support and strong shoulder of the native person, you can survive any bad weather.

It will be ideal if the daddy takes care of the baby on some day, and mom will spend this day as she wants. For example, he goes to a beauty salon or a cafe with friends. It will do her good.

Stages of postpartum depression?

The postpartum blister can be recognized by the following symptoms:

  • Sadness, restlessness
  • Uncaused tears or crying over trifles
  • Irritability
  • Poor sleep

Usually postpartum melanoma occurs within a few weeks after childbirth. But the spleen can develop into postpartum depression , if already without the bad mood accompanied by additional irritants, such as: a difficult financial situation, lack of understanding with loved ones, lack of moral support and other factors.

At this stage, the signs of spleen are amplified:

  • There is a loss of appetite
  • Insomnia develops
  • Endless fatigue
  • Unwillingness to give time to and care for the child
  • Lack of sexual desire
  • Thoughts to harm yourself or your child

In this situation, it is logical to consult a specialist for help to speed up the recovery process.

There is one more stage - postpartum psychosis .Symptoms of postpartum psychosis:

  • Hallucinations
  • Brad
  • Attempts to harm yourself or a newborn

Postpartum psychosis is a very rare phenomenon and manifests itself in the first weeks after childbirth.

Is there postpartum depression in men?

Not only women are depressed, but also men. Often, the father, instead of feeling joy, is depressed and irritable. There are many reasons for this:

  • Firstly, the man's financial responsibility becomes many times higher, and the man simply worries that
  • can not cope. Secondly, a man can be jealous of his wife to a child, because he is now paying much less attention to
  • . Thirdly, a manis simply not ready for the frenzied pace of life in the first months of a newborn's life, now he has to run around for diapers or powder, go to supermarkets and perform other household duties.

If you see that the husband is depressed, show himhave your love and care. Maybe he just needs some rest. Talk to him heart to heart and praise.

Psychological assistance for postpartum depression

According to statistics, only 3% of women with postpartum depression apply to a psychologist.

You need the help of a specialist if you see that:

  1. Irritability does not pass, but it grows like snowball
  2. It's hard for you to do household tasks because of negative thoughts
  3. You are visited by insane thoughts to harm yourself or the baby
  4. Your state gets worse with everyoneIn the afternoon, you are fading

. An appeal to a psychologist is the right step on the road to recovery. The psychologist will be able to understand your emotional state, thereby finding the keys to solving the problem. Conversations with a psychologist will help not only get rid of depression, but also lead to better relations in the family.

What drugs to take when you are depressed after giving birth to a woman?

The medical treatment of postpartum therapy is used in extremely rare cases. This is due to the fact that a woman is breastfeeding a newborn. Psychological supportive conversations and assistance in caring for a child are usually carried out. As a rule, this is enough to normalize the state.

If a woman has postpartum psychosis, then individual doses of antidepressants are prescribed. In this case, breastfeeding becomes impossible because of the toxicity of the drugs.

During pregnancy, measures should be taken to prevent possible depression. For this, a woman should be morally prepared for motherhood, attend a school for future parents.

Breaking the hormonal background and depression after childbirth

Postpartum depression occurs not only as a result of external factors. The fault of a depressed state can be a violation of the hormonal background.

After delivery, there is a sharp drop in estrogen and progesterone in the blood, which contributes to lethargy, apathy. It can also be affected by changes in the level of thyroid hormones.

How to prevent postpartum depression? Psychologist's advice

Psychologists say that you can overcome depression yourself. To do this, you need:

  1. Taking care of loved ones
  2. Setting yourself up for positive result
  3. Remembering that there are good and bad days
  4. Communicating more with people
  5. Paying attention to some of your hobbies
  6. Distracting from home routine
  7. Finding occasions for joy insmall things

Why depression occurs after the second birth: advice and feedback

Anna : "I have a second child. The eldest daughter is 7 years old. I do not have time to pay proper attention to it, I break it, scream. Then I cry in a pillow from impotence and from the fact that I'm a bad mother. How I can get out of this state and not harm my family, I do not know. "

Maria : "My children were very welcome. And in the family, relationships have always been good. With the first child did not encounter depression. And after the birth of my second son, I was overwhelmed. I began to break down on my husband, did not want to watch myself, I was terribly tired and I suffered from insomnia. Everyone says that the matter is in misunderstanding, but I believe that this happens at the hormonal level. A year later, everything settled. "

Alena : "My support in this period was the husband. At first, of course, he did not understand me. He began to get angry that I was unhappy, aggressive. But then we talked heart to heart, he realized that I was hard and scared, supported me and helped with the child. "

Many women are afraid to seek medical help or even do not admit to themselves that they have depression. Remember, a happy mother is a happy child. Do not forget about yourself, then you can gladly perceive your motherhood and give your child care and tenderness.

Video: Postpartum Depression

  • May 30, 2018
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