Benefit and harm of maple leaves. Treatment of joints with maple leaves: recipes

How and for what use are maple leaves other than herbariums? This powerful tool will help with many diseases of the joints, kidneys and respiratory tract.


  • What does the Maple Leaf treat?
  • Benefits and harms of maple leaves, medicinal properties and contraindications
  • How to cook a decoction of maple leaves?
  • How to make a tincture of maple leaves?
  • How to treat joints with maple leaves: recipes
  • Video: Maple leaves for the treatment of joints

Maple leaf is a gift of nature. In the autumn, maple leaves are collected for herbariums, hand-made articles, ornaments. Maple leaves are revered by artists - they are good with autumn still lifes.

But few people know that the maple leaf treats wonderful. Tinctures, lotions and decoctions with maple leaves can replace to you too frequent hike to the doctor.

Maple Leaf - Nature Gift

What Cures Maple Leaf?

If you are reading this article from the very beginning, you probably already asked yourself what is the treatment for the maple leaf? Thanks to the presence of carotene in the maple leaf, tannic substances, ascorbic acid, the plant becomes a good helper in the fight against temperature, inflammation, pustular wounds, arthritis, jaundice, tuberculosis.

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Attention! Maple leaf well treats even neglected forms of osteochondrosis.

For the treatment of different species of maple

For the treatment of the above diseases maple is used as follows:

  • broths
  • tinctures
  • lotions
  • infusions

In addition to the leaves, bark, kidneys, and maple seeds are also used.

Important! For recipes use as a very young maple leaves, collected in early summer, and already yellowed, collected in early autumn.

maple leaf will help restore health

Benefits and harms of maple leaves, medicinal properties and contraindications

The benefit of maple leaves is primarily their ability to remove even the most violent inflammation. Therefore, in the old days used this remedy for the treatment of such diseases as acute and chronic bronchitis, arthritis, diseases of the genitourinary system, consumption and tuberculosis.

Some maple leaf helped to cure impotence. To do this, you need to do the following:

  1. Young maple leaves are very finely chopped, scrolled through a meat grinder or beaten in a blender.
  2. The resulting mass squeezed through the cheesecloth to make juice.
  3. 70 ml of the prepared pure maple juice is brought to 100 ml with ethyl alcohol.
  4. Take 5 to 10 drops before meals for a month.
Tincture of the maple leaf from impotence

About the benefits of the maple leaf, we said, now we need to talk about contraindications.

Contraindications! As such, there are no obvious negative actions on the maple leaf. He acts very gently and delicately. Exceptions can be unless the cases of individual intolerance of some components. But in general, this tool is suitable for everyone.

What is the benefit of maple syrup?

In addition to the tincture, the maple also makes a healing syrup. This syrup perfectly fights inflammation, removes phlegm from the lungs and cleans them.

Maple syrup is prepared by evaporating water and thickening maple juice. Of course, you can make such a syrup yourself at home, but it's easier to go to a pharmacy and buy a ready-made product prepared according to all norms and standards.

That's interesting! In the United States, maple syrup is used instead of honey. Traditionally it is eaten together with American pancakes - pancakes. This dish must try every tourist who visits the US.

punkcakes with maple syrup - business card of Canada and the USA

To cure a cold or strong cough with maple syrup , take it as a medicine 3-4 times a day after eating a teaspoon. Milk lovers can add maple syrup to warm milk. It will also be useful to add warming spices: cinnamon, turmeric, cloves, nutmeg red ground pepper.

Maple syrup - the best healer

How to cook a decoction of maple leaves?

Decoction of maple leaves will help you with urolithiasis or jaundice. To make it, do the following:

  1. A tablespoon of chopped dried or fresh maple leaves is poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled for 30 minutes, not allowing the boil to boil.
  2. Then cool for several hours and take 50 ml 3 times a day after meals.

Decoction of maple leaves for diseases of the respiratory tract, kidneys, inflammation of the oral mucosa is prepared as follows:

  1. Take dry seeds and leaves in a 1: 1 ratio, mix.
  2. A tablespoon of a dry mixture is poured with 1 glass of pure water and insist on a water bath for three quarters of an hour.
  3. After this, all filter through several layers of gauze, add hot water to the volume of one glass.
  4. Take such a decoction of 2 tablespoons before eating, for 20-25 minutes.
Decoction of maple leaves will help with many diseases

In combating colds and improving immunity, you will need tea with maple leaves:

  1. A teaspoon of tea or green tea brewing mixed with finely chopped dry maple leaves. Usually you need 3-4 pieces.
  2. Pour the tea leaves and leaves with boiling water, insist like regular tea.
  3. Drink several times a day. You can add honey, cinnamon sticks, turmeric or other your favorite spices to the cooled down to 40 degrees.

Thanks to its healing properties, this tea will help you very quickly to get back on your feet.

Maple tea will cure you of a cold

How to make a tincture of maple leaves?

One recipe for tinctures from maple leaves we already mentioned in this article, but this recipe is far from the only one.

For joints it is recommended to perform the following:

  1. 100 ml of vodka and 30 g of dry maple leaves mixed.
  2. Insist for three to seven days. Depending on the severity of the disease. The stronger the pain - the longer you need to insist.
  3. Take 20-30 drops three times a day before meals.
Maple is not only beautiful, but also very useful plant

How to treat joints with maple leaves: recipes

We have already told about some recipes for decoctions and tinctures for the treatment of joints. But they did not name one more effective tool - lotion.

Those who once suffered from joint diseases know perfectly how hard it is sometimes to walk, sit or stand for a long time, when all the joints literally "turn" inside out. To avoid this, many years ago, a prescription for lotion with maple leaves was invented, which should help to relieve inflammation:

  1. Young maple leaves are washed with water, it is not necessary to dry. It is enough that the water does not drain from them.
  2. Very finely chop the leaves. Just do not cut them in advance - they can lose some of the useful properties.
  3. In a sore spot, put gauze in one layer, place the crushed maple leaves on top, and put a few gauze on the leaves. All this should be fixed so that the bandage falls down.

Just a few of these lotions and pain in the joints will bother you significantly less.

Dressing with maple leaves will reduce joint pain

Video: Maple leaves for joint treatment

  • May 30, 2018
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