Varieties and types of chrysanthemums: the value of a flower, description, photo. Chrysanthemum in the pot room and garden perennial: planting and care at home

Description of varieties and species of chrysanthemums, plant care, planting time.


  • What does chrysanthemum look like?
  • Chrysanthemum value of a flower
  • Chrysanthemum flower value
  • Chrysanthemum potted in a pot: home care
  • Video: Growing chrysanthemum at home
  • Chrysanthemum in a pot withers, what to do?
  • Chrysanthemum in a pot has faded, what should I do?
  • Chrysanthemum annual seed growing, planting and care
  • Video: Reproduction of chrysanthemums
  • Chrysanthemum perennial: when planted in open ground in spring, when transplanted?
  • How to root and propagate chrysanthemum cuttings from a bouquet at home?
  • How to Pinch a Chrysanthemum?
  • How to feed chrysanthemums in spring?
  • Chrysanthemum care in autumn preparation for winter
  • Video: Chrysanthemum storage in cold weather
  • Chrysanthemum diseases
  • Why do not chrysanthemums blossom in the garden?
  • Than to deduce thrips and aphids in a chrysanthemum?
  • Video: Growing Chrysanthemum in the Garden
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When the first autumn days come and almost all the plants stop their flowering, the time comes for the reign of chrysanthemums. Let's learn more about this beautiful flower

. How does the chrysanthemum look like?

The chrysanthemum got its name because of its similarity to the sun, in Greek it sounds like " flower-sun ", and in Latin it sounds like "gold-color" .In Europe, this beauty was brought from the Far East, where it was treated with special respect, considering the flower of the emperors. In the New and Old World, he also became a favorite ornament of the autumn garden.

Chrysanthemum is a herbaceous ornamental plant up to 1.5 meters high, can grow both on the street and in the pot of the house. Inflorescence is a small or large basket of various shades. Reproduction is carried out by seeds or cuttings.

Varieties of chrysanthemums huge amount of

Thanks to the work of breeders, there are many kinds and forms of chrysanthemums these days. A plant that often becomes a collector of gardeners.

Varieties and types of chrysanthemums: names, description, photo

Varieties of chrysanthemums are a great variety and they are classified according to different parameters. In this article we will focus on the main types of classifications.

On the life cycle:

  • The annual ( Flammenstahl, Frosch Mishung, Stern des Orientes, Cockarde, Tetra comets) - are characterized by cold resistance, it is possible to sow directly into the ground, rather unpretentious. Bloom for a very long time, before freezing
  • Perennial ( Florida, Ch. X koreanum Makai, "Goldball" - are divided into greenhouse, which are intended for cutting, and Korean varieties( usually curbs), characterized by abundant flowering and good resistance to unfavorableconditions
The combination of annual and perennial chrysanthemums

For the periods of flowering, varieties are distinguished:

  • Early( Handmsom, Deliana) - in September
  • Medium( Anastasia Lil, Froggy, Orange) - in October
  • Later( Rivardi, Larissa) - in November


  • ) cold-resistant( Korean chrysanthemum, Susan) - resistant even to the first snow
  • for a mild climate( Fantasy) - may not have time to blossom before the first frosts, are grown in southern latitudes
    It should be said that low non-marble varieties are more resistant to coldThe larger the plant, the less it is frost-hardy

By the size of the inflorescence:

  • Large-flowered( Anastasia Green, Zembla Lilak, Tom Pierce) - the diameter of the flower cap reaches up to 20-25 cm, has a hemispherical shape, the stems are high. Are grown for cutting. As a rule, they do not tolerate wintering on the street
  • Medium-branched( Golden fleece, Champagne spray, Pink chamomile) - inflorescence up to 8-10 cm, grown in the garden and on the balconies
Large-flowered chrysanthemum

In the shape of the inflorescence:

  • Simple( Beautiful Lady, Amazon, André Rose, Baltika) - the middle of the inflorescence is open, framed by one or two rows of petals. Like the big camomile
  • Terry( Golden Prague, Gazella, Tresor) - numerous rows of petals close the flower center completely
Terry chrysanthemum

Video: Chrysanthemums: description and care

Chrysanthemum value of the flower

When it comes to the symbolism of this flower, the basis is taken, of course, the traditions of the Far East, from where it was brought.

  • in Japan this plant is considered a symbol of the sun, and its image is present even on the imperial seal of the country, overseas passports. Indicates a rapid flow of life and its fragility. In addition, it is a symbol of happiness and long years
  • in China chrysanthemum is a flower of fidelity, as well as high position and honor. Earlier, the image of the flower was only present on the imperial clothes
  • in Vietnam this plant speaks of the purity of thoughts and clarity of mind

In addition, in the East, the chrysanthemum is still considered to be a magical flower that possesses magical power:

  • , dew-washed collected from petals,prolongs youth and preserves the beauty
  • the addition of petals in sake gives longevity
  • wiping cloth in which flowers were wrapped for the night, prevents illness
  • wedding bouquet white tsveta gives the bride heavenly blessing

Having spread around the world and gained popularity, in different countries the plant has acquired its meaning. Depending on the color, the bouquet of chrysanthemums can mean:

  • white - tenderness, innocence, sincerity
  • yellow - quivering love, trust, nobility
  • red - passion
  • pink - naivety youthful love
  • blue - fun and joy
Chrysanthemums come in many colors

Butdo not forget that in some regions of Europe chrysanthemum acts as a symbol of mourning and mourning .Therefore, with a choice of bouquet you need to be more attentive.

Chrysanthemum potted in the pot: home care

Thanks to the efforts of breeders, chrysanthemums can please us both in the garden and in the pots on the windows. Suitable for this are stunted varieties that are specially prepared for indoor use:

  • Mulberry( Chinese)( Chrysanthemum x morifolium)
  • Indian( Chrysanthemum x indicum L.)
  • Korean( Chrysanthemum x koreanum)

Chrysanthemum is a plant that begins to bloom when lightthe day is reduced to 8 - 10 hours. Flowering can occur during the periods:

  • March - April
  • September - November
Chrysanthemum can be grown in a pot

It is not so difficult to care for chrysanthemums as it seems at first glance. You just need to consider the main features of these colors, which are:

  • are light-weight .Do not keep the flower in the shade, but remember that direct sunlight for chrysanthemum is fatal. The west or east side of the apartment is the best place for these
  • plants like the fresh air .If possible, grow chrysanthemums on the balcony or loggia. If they grow in a room, ventilate the room more often
  • prefer coolness. Make sure that the air temperature is not too high. On sunny days, shade your
  • flowers are hygrophilous , but do not need frequent watering. To water enough time in 3-4 days after drying of the top layer of soil, it is desirable in the evening. But do not let and dry up the ground in the
  • pot like spraying. Periodically refresh the flower from the spray gun. But if you grow it on the balcony in the fall, do not spray it. Air humidity sufficient for
  • need regular top dressing. For abundant flowering, fertilize with phosphorus. It is also good for this purpose to use the bird droppings of
  • to remove faded flowers in time. In order for the plant not to lose its decorative effect, regularly cut off the dried inflorescences and the stems of the
  • require periodic transplantation. Transplant a young plant once a year, adults - every 2 years. Do this in the early spring, when the vegetative period begins

The correct temperature regime of is the key to successful growth of indoor chrysanthemum and its abundant flowering. According to the gardeners, such temperatures are considered to be optimal above zero:

  • in the autumn - 15-18 ° C
  • in the winter - 0-7 ° C
  • in the spring - 11-17 ° C
  • in the summer - up to 23 ° C
Build a beautiful composition of chrysanthemums

Compliance with these simple rules will certainly please you with a magnificent flowering of your favorite "sunny" colors.

Video: Growing chrysanthemums at home

Chrysanthemum in a pot withers, what should I do?

Often you can hear that potted chrysanthemums begin to wither just a few days after purchase. There can be several reasons:

  • high air temperature .Chrysanthemum loves the coolness. As the temperature rises, the leaves begin to dry, the buds fall
  • excess watering. It happens that the owners literally "love" their pet and put a whole swamp in the pot, from which the earth turns sour, and the roots begin to rot
  • the wrong content in the store. In flower shops, plants are often contained in peat and are supported by special nutrient fluids. After buying without obtaining such substances, the flower begins to "starve" and wilt
  • the presence of disease or pests. From too dry air, a spider mite or other parasites can attack the flower. In addition, the plant may have been exposed to the disease before

. Carefully observe your plant and try to eliminate the possible cause of its withering:

  • remove the pot from the central heating battery or the hot window sill
  • cut the watering
  • transplant the flower into the new mail, trying not to damage the roots
  • treat specialmeans against pests and diseases
To ensure that the chrysanthemum does not lose weight in the pot, provide it with the proper care

If these actions do not lead to a positivethe result, do not rush to throw out the chrysanthemum. Cut off its stems and send for wintering in a cool darkened place. Perhaps in the spring she will let out young shoots and still will please you.

Chrysanthemum in a pot has faded, what should I do?

Many believe that the flowering chrysanthemum in a pot is a one-time flower, a peculiar bouquet that, once faded, has lost its decorativeness forever. If the plant after wilting its inflorescences, properly cared for, it will more than once please you.

The main thing - you need to know the basic rules of keeping chrysanthemum after its blossoming. First you need to determine where you plan to keep the plant in the future:

  • in the open ground
  • at home in a pot

In the first case, everything is simple: in the spring, simply transplant your flower into the garden for the summer. If the transplantation into the open ground is impossible, then organize your chrysanthemum during the "hibernation" period. It is done this way:

  • after withering the flowers, cut all the stems of just above the first kidney of , leaving only young shoots up to 10 cm long
  • transfer the pot to a cool room( cellar, loggia, cellar).It is desirable that there it was dark, can be covered with a film or paper
  • ensure the temperature from 0 to 7 ° C
  • water very rarely, preventing the drying of the
  • in the spring, when young shoots begin to appear, transplant the flower into a new soil.
  • time pinch shootsthe formation of a beautiful compact bush
Even after the chrysanthemum has ceased to flower it is necessary to look after

Chrysanthemum annual growing out of seeds, planting and care

Nowadays chrysanthemums of onesummer. They are abundantly blossoming until late autumn, decorative and diverse. There are practically no difficulties in growing their seeds. The sowing is performed by two methods:

Straight to the flower bed( beginning of flowering - from the middle of August):

  • is suitable for almost all types of chrysanthemums of annual
  • sowing period - from the middle of May
  • dig holes between which the distance is about 35 cm
  • pour
  • throw thereseeds( 2 pcs.)
  • sprinkle with
  • soil cover for heat with
  • film after shoots appear, remove
  • film after 7 days apply fertilizer
  • when plants are about 7-12 cm high, strain them

After growing ( start to bloom earlier):

  • planting period - end of February or beginning of March
  • in not very deep boxes, pour the drainage of
  • with a soil mixture including humus and peat
  • slightly moisten
  • evenly distribute seeds
  • sprinkle on top with soil layerup to 1 cm
  • moisten slightly with water
  • cover with glasses or
  • film put in a place where the temperature is not lower than 24 degrees
  • periodically vent boxes
  • after 10 - 14 days will get rid of
  • film put boxes in a bright place
  • when there will be 4 - 6 leaves, thin out
  • in May landed on a bed
Chrysanthemums grow well from seed

Remember that the annual chrysanthemum like bright places, loam soil and timely dressing.

Video: Reproduction of chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemum garden perennial: when planted in open ground in spring, when transplanted?

Cultivation of perennial varieties of chrysanthemums has its own peculiarities, the consideration of which guarantees abundant and spectacular flowering. Young plants should be planted as follows:

  • is preferable to plant in the garden through the seedlings of
  • . The landing period is the end of May or the beginning of June, when the probability of nocturnal frosts passes by
  • . Select the sunny, preferably elevated site of the
  • for digging the pits 25 cm apart in staggered order,so that the plants are equally received sunlight and each other is not dimmed
  • to the bottom of the hole put a drainage of sand, peat with lime, humus
  • pour water
  • put seedlings, deepening the root neck is no more than2 cm
  • sprinkle ground
  • pour
  • if seedling high, tie it to the top pegs
  • mulch of pine needles or leaf mixture
  • 2 weeks to make the first feeding
perennial Chrysanthemum before planting in the ground

A perennial chrysanthemum can live in one place for no more than 5 years. Then the flowers in her shallow, and the plant loses its decorative. Therefore, it is advisable to transplant this flower every three years in May.

How to root and propagate chrysanthemum cuttings from a bouquet at home?

How often, having received as a gift a chic bouquet of chrysanthemums, we are sorry to part with him after his withering. It turns out that you can grow flowers that you liked from the bouquet. And it is not difficult to do this at all:

  • wait for the flower to blossom
  • clean the stem from leaves and inflorescences
  • cut off the top
  • put in fresh water
  • after rooting, plant the cuttings in neutral or slightly acid soil( either in the pot or in the open ground) to the depthnot more than 5 cm
  • take care as usual
Propagate chrysanthemum by cuttings

The method of growing favorite varieties from donated bouquets has long been known to gardeners and is popular with chrysanthemum cultivation.

Changing the chrysanthemum bush

The gardeners recommend periodically dividing large shrubs. This should be done when the plant turns 3 years old. In addition, division of the bush is one of the ways of multiplying the perennial chrysanthemums. It is done this way:

  • dig out the bush and shake off the excess ground
  • remove the old stiffened stems
  • separate the young shoots
  • cut them if they are too long
  • plant them in different holes at a distance 25 cm from each other

You can carry out the process either in the spring afterpassing the threat of frost, or in August. In this case, take care of the correct wintering of the plant.

How to pinch a chrysanthemum?

In order for the chrysanthemum to form a beautiful dense bush and lush blossoms, regular pruning and pricking should be performed. This applies to garden species, and to pottery. What you need to take into account:

  • the first prischipku do when the central stem grows to 10 cm
  • the second - when the lateral shoots reach 10 cm
  • follow the pricks, taking into account the features of the species and form of the plant
  • last - 2-2.5 months before flowering
  • in timeremove young stepsons before the beginning of flowering in the outlet there are no more than 5 - 6 stems

Number of pricks of the chrysanthemum depends on the flowering period :

  • early varieties - one or two
  • medium and late varietiesand - from 3 times
Chrysanthemum also reproduces by pinching

In addition, for intensive and luxuriant flowering:

  • for large flowers, remove side buds as soon as they appear
  • in small flowering varieties to stimulate flowering of side shoots remove the central bud
  • regularly remove wilted budsto extend the flowering

How to feed chrysanthemums in the spring?

For the successful cultivation of chrysanthemums, it is necessary to fertilize plants in time. Feeding of plants in spring is the main condition for the development of flowers. It must be done correctly:

  • should first be fertilized with additives containing nitrogen in order for the plant to grow its green mass. The lack of nitrogen will cause the leaves to lose their green color, the stems will be weak
  • after an active period of vegetation and the formation of an adult bush for tying buds and subsequent flowering, add potash phosphate fertilizers

. In addition, consider the fact that different types of chrysanthemumneed a different ratio of nutrients:

  • for small-color is more suitable potassium-nitrogen composition with a high potassium content in the early growth period
  • for large-flowered highs in this period need more nitrogen to the stems grow strong and strong
  • phosphorus is necessary for all grades because it providesabundant and bright flowering
Use special dressings for chrysanthemums

Application frequency - once a week .And if the soil is poor, then every 4 days. Do not forget about the main rule of gardeners - the plant is better to underfeed than overfeed.

Caring for chrysanthemums in autumn preparing for winter

Preparing chrysanthemums for wintering depends on the cold resistance and the place where it will spend the winter:
In the room ( recommended if in your region severe frosts or plants are intended for growing in mild climates):

  • after onsetthe first frosts dig out the bush together with the clod of earth
  • plant the plant in a suitable size or even a tight package
  • sprinkle with moist soil
  • place the flower in the basement or cellar where there will be nobut the temperature does not fall below zero
  • water not more often than twice a month

In the open ground ( suitable only for frost-hardy chrysanthemums):

  • make a hilling around the bush so that there are no depressions in which the sediments
  • on the sides can accumulateplants, install boards on which you can put a covering material. This will ensure simultaneous ventilation and protection against rain and snow
  • after the onset of the first frost pour over the foliage, branches, billet
Prepare chrysanthemums for the winter

. Regardless of where your plant will be wintering, be sure to perform the following actions before sending to "rest":

  • Regularly inspect plants for diseases or pests. Only healthy and strong
  • flowers can successfully survive the winter in early September, feed the chrysanthemum last time with fertilizer containing phosphorus and potassium .Do not apply nitrogen at all. This can lead to an increase in green mass and further death of the plant
  • in the first half of November before frosts cut the stems, leaving about 10 cm from the roots of

Proper preparation for the rest period will allow flowers to please your garden for many years.

Video: Chrysanthemum storage in cold weather

Chrysanthemum diseases

Like any decorative plant, chrysanthemums can be exposed to diseases that are divided into:

Viral infections , whose source can become contaminated planting material or insects:

  • ring spot - on leaves appearyellow spots, leaves become sluggish
  • dwarfism - growth is delayed, flowers become shallow
  • seedlessness - inflorescences deform, losing their shade
  • mocardiopulmonary bypass - on the leaves appear mosaic divorce

Unfortunately, in these cases it is impossible to save the plant, they just consume.

Fungal infections of , the source of which is usually excessive moisturization due to frequent watering or heavy rain:

  • verticilliary wilt - the leaves from below turn yellow and the stem fades
  • powdery mildew - the plant is completely covered with white coating
  • rust - formedred spots, leaves turn yellow
  • gray rot - the plant becomes gray and begins to rot
  • septriosis - characterized by the appearance of yellowish spots
Chrysanthemums pronediseases and attacks of pests

Various drugs are used for treatment( colloidal sulfur, copper oxychloride, Bordeaux liquid).

Do not forget that the disease in flowers is easier to warn:

  • ensure moderate watering
  • do not thicken the plantings
  • perform autumn digging of the flower beds
  • clean up the remains of the plants
  • timely destroy diseased plants

Why do not the chrysanthemums in the garden bloom?

Chrysanthemums are grown for effective bright colors. And it is very insulting if the flowering of the plant does not occur or occurs with delay. There may be several reasons:

  • lack of light , chrysanthemums bloom well only in open sunny areas
  • after wintering, the bush was late taken out for germination. This must be done in early March
  • the uterine plant does not rejuvenate on time. Before planting the bush in the soil, necessarily dilute it
  • irregular fertilizing - do not forget to make fertilizer timely in the period of active build-up of green mass, budding, flowering
  • drying of the soil - the soil around the plant should always be slightly moist
  • late varieties, the blooming periodfalls on November or December. It happens that the plant simply does not have time to become covered with flowers before the arrival of severe frosts.

Than to deduce thrips and aphids in chrysanthemum?

Thrips and aphids are pests that can affect plants, including chrysanthemum. The flowers then lose their decorative effect, the leaves turn yellow and dry up. Fight with these insects with the help of special chemical products

For use in the house:

  • "Fitoverm"
  • "Actellik"

For greenhouses or garden:

  • "Vertimek"
  • "Agravertin"
  • "Iskra"
  • "Aktara"
With aphids onchrysanthemum must be fought

Carry out treatment of affected plants 2-3 times with a periodicity of 7-8 days to get rid of hatching insects. In addition, wipe the leaves with a soap solution.

You can also use folk methods:

  • half the capacity of stems marigold stems, add water and leave for two days
  • flowering celandine pour water and insist 24 hours a day
  • citrus peel( 200 g) with boiling water( 1 l).Insist 3 days
  • dilute a little shampoo from fleas in the water
  • make infusion of tobacco and water
  • place next to the chrysanthemum pelargonium. It is believed that it scares off insects

If none of the listed tools help, unfortunately, you need to get rid of the flower in order to avoid infecting other plants.

Video: Growing Chrysanthemums in the Garden

  • May 30, 2018
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