Use of burdock root in folk medicine

Burdock or burdock is considered a universal remedy in folk medicine. The root of burdock can be used for cooking medicinal broths, ointments, infusions and compresses. It has a wide range of applications, ranging from the treatment of diseases and ending with the beauty industry.

  • Composition and properties
  • Recipes
  • folk medicine for diabetes
  • In rheumatoid arthritis
  • Broth
  • Ointment Gout
  • tincture 1
  • tincture 2
  • Treatment of ulcerative
  • gastric diseases When angina and chronic tonsillitis
  • Treatment gastritis
  • Infusion
  • Broth
  • burdock root hemorrhoids
  • slimming
  • at locks
  • from kidney stones and liver diseases
  • Treatment of uterine fibroids
  • 1
  • Broth Broth 2
  • when
  • in oncologyvezhem a
  • alcohol tincture
  • from hair loss
  • diaphoretic
  • wounds, burns, ulcers and bedsores
  • pulmonary tuberculosis
  • Treatment cystitis
  • When eczema
  • Broth
  • Lotions
  • treatment of exudative diathesis
  • Contraindications
  • Harvesting and storage
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Compositionand properties

its roots contain almost all vitamins( vitamin B complex, a, E, C, F, etc.) as well as trace elements and a plurality of chemical compounds, which are essential forrights for normal functioning. Potassium, sodium, copper, zinc, manganese, chromium, phosphorus, calcium. And this is not the whole list of microelements.

It has a strong diuretic and diaphoretic, choleretic, and also a mild analgesic effect. With regular use of burdock root, the level of pancreatic enzyme production is normalized, as well as the work of the digestive tract, which positively affects the condition of the human skin. Infusion from the roots of burdock can be used as an antimicrobial, disinfectant and antiseptic, which relieves itching and allergic rash.

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Recipes of traditional medicine

Since burdock treats a huge number of diseases and ailments, and the options for its use in alternative medicine is also a large number.

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be collected burdock roots, wash, remove the peel and dried In diabetes

To prepare a remedy for diabetes. It is not necessary to wait until the roots dry themselves. To do this, you can use a low-temperature oven. Then cut into small slices and fry in a dry frying pan. Roasted roots should be crushed thoroughly to make a powder that is used as a regular coffee: brewed in the Turkish in the same proportions, add milk or cream, honey or lemon.

Learn also about the use of herbs in folk medicine nard
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rheumatic joint diseases effective decoction and ointments.

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Broth To prepare to be a dessert spoon of minced raw pour boiling water( no more than 200-250 ml).After the broth was infused and cooled, it is taken one spoon before meals 3-4 times a day.

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Prepare it is not difficult. To do this, squeeze the juice from the roots and mix the two parts with one part of the vegetable oil, after which the mixture must be placed in the refrigerator until it thickens.

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With gout

This disease is helped by tinctures.

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Tincture 1

To prepare it 600 ml of warm water should be poured in 2-3 tablespoons of dry matter. Leave this mixture for several hours, after which boil on low heat for 15-20 minutes. You should consume 100 milliliters three times a day for 10 minutes before meals or half an hour after.

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Tincture 2

In this case, not only the roots, but also the leaves of this plant are useful. Dry raw materials should be taken in equal proportions, then pour it with several glasses of water and put on fire. When everything boils, you need to reduce the fire to a minimum and allow it to pour for about twenty minutes, then leave for an hour and a half in a warm place. Ready tincture must be filtered through a special sieve or through gauze, folded in several layers. The course of treatment with this drug should not exceed 3 weeks. If necessary, it can be repeated after 7-10 days.

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Treatment of peptic ulcer diseases

Gastritis, enterocolitis and stomach ulcers of the stomach and intestines can be cured with juice of young roots of thistle with honey. These two components should be mixed in equal proportions and taken before meals at 15-20 milliliters several times a day( the number of receptions depends on the number of meals).The first positive results can be observed after consuming one liter of the finished product.

Juice from the roots of burdock can also be used in pure undiluted form. To do this, it is important to dig out fresh material every day, squeeze out the juice and give the patient an empty stomach for one hundred-gram cup.

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With angina and chronic tonsillitis

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Inflammatory processes in the tonsils are easily eliminated by rinsing out the broth of burdock roots. To do this, take dry crushed raw materials and water in the ratio of 1 tablespoon per 1 cup of water, mix, boil for 10 minutes and allow the broth to cool. Rinse hold only a warm broth( the temperature should be within 30 -36 degrees).

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Treatment of gastritis

You can cure gastritis in just 1 month if you regularly use infusion or decoction from the roots of thistles.

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It can be prepared in a ceramic container in which a small pinch of ground roots is covered and poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water. All this must be covered and allowed to stand. Drink this potion before meals, in quantities of no more than 100-150 grams.

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For decoction, take 1-2 tablespoons of dry matter and boil in 200 milliliters of clean water. To boil it is necessary not less than 15 minutes. You can drink in the form of tea, as well as chilled.

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Burdock root with hemorrhoids

Acceleration of the healing process can be lotions and compresses. To do this, you need 2-3 tablespoons of dry roots and leaves, which should be filled with water and put in a water bath. Bring to a boil and let it brew. After cooling to room temperature, the infusion can be used.

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To lose weight

50-60 grams of dried, detailed roots pour 1 liter of steep boiling water and put in a warm, dry and dark place. Take the resulting drink should be a glass several times a day, preferably before meals.

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For locks

You need to pour 20 grams of dry raw material with boiling water and insist one night. This drink should be taken regularly at the same time before eating. At a time you can drink no more than 60-70 milliliters of infusion.

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From kidney stones and liver diseases

A decoction will help you, for which you need only 10-15 grams of dry matter and a glass of clean water. Mix these two ingredients and boil the mixture for 15-20 minutes on a small fire, then let the broth cool and stand. To prepare such medicine should be every day. One portion divided into four parts and consumed per day.

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Treatment of uterine fibroids

Treatment is done by decoctions.

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Decoction 1

Pre-cleaned and dried root of burdock to grind in a meat grinder or in a food processor to obtain a powdery substance. Spoon a teaspoon of this raw material with 0.5 liters of boiling water and let it brew for 12 hours. The course of treatment will take about 4 weeks. After a two-week break, the course should be repeated. Take medicinal infusion 3-4 times a day for 100-150 milliliters.

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Decoction 2

For cooking, you need 2 tablespoons of dry raw materials and 200-250 milliliters of water. Mix, boil for 20 minutes and cool. It is recommended to take 80-100 milliliters several times a day.

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Drugs made from roots of thistles are not a panacea in the treatment of malignant tumors, but they have a positive effect on the course of the disease and accelerate the process of treating cancer in the early stages.

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To prevent the growth of cancer cells, you can eat cleaned raw roots of the plant every day, grated on a small grater in small amounts( about 20 grams).

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Alcohol tincture

Proven effectiveness of alcohol root tincture in the fight against cancer. To do this, take dry crushed roots and alcohol or vodka in the proportion of 1:20, mix and put in a dark warm place. After 30 days, the tincture is ready. The course of treatment consists of a three-time intake of one teaspoon daily.

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From alopecia and hair loss

The most effective anti-alopecia is burdock oil, which can be used both as a mask and together with shampoo for washing your head. It can be purchased quite cheaply in each pharmacy or cooked independently. To do this, mix dry powder from the roots with any vegetable oil( almond, sunflower or olive).Then it should be thoroughly mixed and allowed to insist that all small grains of the plant completely dissolved. The finished product is filtered and placed in a small container. Apply before washing your head, warm it up a little on a water bath and apply to the scalp, rubbing. After wrapping your head in a package and a warm towel. Maintain a minimum of 2 hours.

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Diaphoretic tool

You can prepare the decoction as follows: take 3 tablespoons of dry matter and pour 0.7-0.8 liters of water. Put on a weak fire and cook until until the liquid is left half of the initial volume. A three-hour daily intake of 100-150 milliliters and 1 glass before bedtime will give a positive result quickly enough.

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Wounds, burns, ulcers and bedsores

For treatment, you can prepare an ointment. It is necessary to mix the powder from the dry roots of the plant with the warmed butter in the proportion of 1: 4, put in the refrigerator for a while. When the mixture thickens, you can use it, lubricating the affected areas of the skin.

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For pulmonary tuberculosis

From one large root, boil the broth. Cook until the water turns greenish. Allow to cool completely and stand for another two hours. After heating without boiling and drinking like tea, incidentally lean on food containing salt in its natural form( tomatoes, cheese, lightly salted fish and so on).The sputum should begin to leave already on 2-3 day.

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Treatment of cystitis

Take one tablespoon of dry ground roots, pour into enameled dishes and pour a glass of water. Cover and cook for half an hour in a water bath. After this, drain the broth and cool it. Take half a cup twice a day for 2-3 weeks.

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With eczema

For the treatment of eczema, decoctions and lotions are suitable.

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It is necessary to take 5 grams of dry roots and pour a glass of water over them. Boil for 7-10 minutes and let it brew. Eat 20 milliliters three times before meals and 40-50 milliliters before bed.

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Take 1.5 liters of dry water with 5 liters of water. Bring to a boil and cool to 40-50 degrees. Soak in a clean sheet, folded in several layers, squeeze and wrap it with affected areas of the body. Then wrap yourself in a warm wool blanket and so stay a few hours, then remove the sheet. Such procedures should be conducted every evening for one week. Repeat the course should be after 1-2 days break and do until the disease does not go away at all.

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Treatment of exudative diathesis

For this purpose it will be necessary to prepare a mixture of licorice, dandelion, root thistle, madder dye and soap. All the herbs thoroughly chop and pour 200 milliliters of boiling water, then boil at low heat for a quarter of an hour and cool. Strain the resulting broth, and take small sips during the day.

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Contraindications to the use of

Do not use medicines prepared from burdock, during childbearing and during lactation. And also with individual intolerance of the body( allergies).Any treatment should be conducted in courses. Long-term use without interruptions is contraindicated.
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Procurement and storage of

It is best to dig out the root in the beginning of autumn. Plants should be taken in the second year of their life, so that the root system is stronger and bigger, but not loose and old. Extracted roots should be cleared from the ground, small roots, carefully washed and peeled. Then the peeled roots should be spread out in one layer on gauze or a clean piece of fabric and leave in a dry place. For drying, the pantry, attic and other ancillary facilities are ideal. When the roots dry well, they can be dried in a tissue bag, suspended in a dark and cool room.

  • May 30, 2018
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