Caries in children: causes and treatment. Prophylaxis of caries of dairy and permanent teeth in children

Parents are able to prevent caries from developing in their child. To do this, it is enough to know and observe several simple rules.


  • Causes of caries in children
  • Causes of early caries in a child before the year and year
  • Caries of permanent teeth in a child
  • Bottle caries in children
  • Treatment of infant teeth
  • Treatment of permanent teeth in children
  • Caries prevention in children
  • Video: Caries in children- types, treatment, consequences

"To clean the teeth every day kids are not too lazy, and then the caries will come and take all the teeth" - such words or similar children hear from their parents often enough.

And then adults are absolutely right, because tooth decay - the destruction of hard tissues of the tooth, resulting in it rotting and eventually it can be lost.

Caries destroys the child's teeth

If the tooth is affected by acids released from the decomposition of food residues, this caries is called infectious.

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When in a growing organism in connection with an improper nutrition the metabolism is broken, caries is called dystrophic.

Causes of tooth decay in children

Why does white whites of young dairy smiles sometimes spoil the brown and black dots? The main cause of this disease is the effect on the baby tooth enamel of organic acids formed as a result of the breakdown of carbohydrates entering the oral cavity with food.

All other causes are factors that increase the risk of caries in children:

  • health problems with the mother , when the child was still in the womb
  • transferred viral or infectious diseases, heart disease, kidney, blood, lack of proper balanced diet
  • frequent delivery or , the young age of the pregnant
  • , the artificial feeding of the baby , as well as dipping the nipples into sweet syrups and jams, provoke the appearance of bottle caries in children under 3 years of age
  • is rare, but still, is a genetic predisposition of when one or both parents do not get out of the chair of the dentist
  • the poor health of the baby : frequent illnesses, improper nutrition, injuries
  • fluoride deficiency on the child's enamel, again associated withunbalanced nutrition
  • defects and pathology in the anatomical structure of the dental cavity: food remains and accumulate in all the cracks and unevenness of the food and lead to the reproduction of microbes in the mouth
  • poor oral hygiene
Artificial feeding is one of the reasons for the development of caries in children

IMPORTANT: Moms and dads should remember - it is necessary to treat children's milk teeth, and not think that in time they will grow healthy in their place.

The rudiments of permanent teeth are under the dairy, and when they are replaced on the site of a sick milk tooth, the patient will grow permanently.

Causes of early caries in a child before year and year

The development of caries, as well as in general of any diseases in infants, occurs very quickly and with complications: fracture often covers several teeth.

Since up to a year usually cuts the central and lateral incisors, and some have upper and lower small molars, caries have something to profit from.

Caries in infants often develops with

complications. The lesion, in most cases, begins with incisors and, if the baby has not been treated, extends to all the teeth.
To avoid tooth disease at this age, parents need to follow certain rules:

  1. Do not use the baby's dishes, do not lick your nipples and do not kiss the child in a slightly opened sponge, as the streptococcal bacteria that cause destruction of the enamel of the baby's teeth
  2. with saliva enter the baby's mouth: the more often the child eats, sucking various sugar-containing mixturesand juices, the more he has the chance to get caries
  3. To monitor the oral hygiene of the baby
Hygiene of the oral cavity helps to avoid the appearance of caries

IMPORTANT: If the development of the carisa the child is due to genetics or poor health, it is necessary to keep it under control and regularly show the baby's pediatric dentist.

Caries of permanent teeth in the child

When the tooth fairy( or mouse) successfully exchanged the dropped milk teeth into coins( or sweets), the parents should double their vigilance and the frequency of instruction with their child in oral care.

Caries permanent teeth can start with tooth decay dairy

Caries with baby teeth smoothly turns into carious lesions permanent.

Suffer, mainly painters or, as we call them, chewing teeth.

To minimize the possibility of carious lesion, you must adhere to a balanced diet: the food of the child must contain calcium, fluoride, proteins.

A balanced diet will prevent caries of permanent teeth in a child

Carbohydrates are also needed, but not in the form of artificial sucrose, a favorite caramel for the cheek, but contained in vegetables and fruits rich in fiber.

Be sure to eat raw solid food( apple, carrot), which strengthens the gum and naturally cleanses the mouth.

IMPORTANT: The child should understand that although the teeth have grown new, the rules are old: it is necessary to disinfect the oral cavity twice a day( morning and evening), and after each meal - thoroughly rinse with warm water, because there will be no more new teeth.

And, despite the fact that the child has grown up, he still needs to have separate everyday items( dishes) and personal hygiene( toothbrush, towel), as each member of the family has its own bacteria, germs, infections and viruses.

To avoid tooth decay, the child should regularly clean the teeth

If you follow these recommendations, the risk of carious lesions of permanent teeth in the child will be minimal.

Bottle caries in children

Many dentists consider bottle caries as a separate type of caries lesion of the baby teeth, as it has special causes, methods of prevention and treatment.
Children from one to four years are subject to this disease. The main reason for the occurrence, in most cases, lies in the name itself - the habit of feeding kids before bed, in the middle of the night or during sleep, with sweet milk formulas from a bottle.

Feeding a baby with sweet bottle porridges before going to bed can lead to the development of bottle caries

As a result of such actions, the child has food on the teeth for the whole night, and as the salivary glands do not work during sleep, there is no natural cleansing, and in the oral cavityaccumulates plaque, which is a hotbed of cariogenic bacteria. Lesions and incisors of the upper jaw are affected in this caries.

IMPORTANT: The emergence of bottle caries may be due to improper organization of the baby's diet or inadequate oral hygiene.

In any case, at the first signs of disease detection, you should immediately consult a dentist for treatment, rather than wait for a change of teeth.

At the first signs of tooth decay a child should consult a dentist

Treatment of infant teeth

  • Earlier the word "drill" shocked both children and adults. With the treatment of teeth pulled to the last, when only the surgeon
  • could help. Now the development of medicine has reached such a level that a visit to the dentist does not cause negative emotions.
  • However, this understanding of safety is peculiar to intelligent adults, and small non-attendants are unlikely to agree with this.
  • Therefore, if cariouslesions of milk teeth are in the very initial stage, treatment is possible without the use of a terrible drill
  • One option is remineralization of , in which the surface is cleansednnogo plaque from tooth special coated composition containing fluoro protecting the enamel from an external impact
  • possible to use silvering method - peeled baby teeth coated with silver nitrate. The effect lasts up to six months, then the procedure of protection needs to be repeated
  • . But there is a small drawback that the teeth turn black until their replacement.

IMPORTANT: If the caries has reached the middle and deep stages, it can not be avoided. This process consists in the fact that the dentist removes carious tissues, with the help of a drill carefully cleans all the underlying areas and puts a seal.

It is compulsory to treat baby teeth in a child

. If the baby is uncomfortable, nitrous oxide can be used as a relaxing remedy, giving a sense of calm and safety. However, the effect of anesthesia, he does not, so without anesthesia can not do.

Treatment of permanent teeth in children

  • Treatment of caries of permanent teeth in small patients requires a more complicated approach from the dentist's side
  • Depending on the degree of tooth decay( initial, caries of enamel or deep ), the dentist chooses to treat
  • Very often a damaged stone forms a stone, infecting the gum, and before setting the seal, it is necessary to eliminate all such deposits on the teeth of
  • . Also, it is mandatory to use anesthesia that does not leave the child with a bolThis is important for subsequent visits to

. IMPORTANT: Anesthesia is application ( analgesic gels and aerosols) or injection , and the use of one or another of its types is determined by the characteristics of the child's body.

When treating caries in children, anesthesia

can be used It is important to consult a doctor in time and solve the problem, since the sick tooth is the primary source of all subsequent infectious diseases of the child's body.

Prevention of caries in children

To the teeth of the child, and in general his body, were healthy, you need to learn the basics of caries prevention in children:

  • Carefully observe the hygiene of the child's oral cavity. Accustom the child to this immediately after the appearance of the first teeth, since careful removal of the plaque will help avoid carious lesions of the baby teeth.
  • Constantly monitor the child's health, since weakening of the immune system leads to increased susceptibility of infection of the oral cavity with carious bacteria
  • Visit regularly with the dentist's childin half a year), even if there is no apparent reason for this.
  • Try to provide the child a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals -bstvuet strengthen tooth enamel
caries prevention will help keep your teeth healthy children

main thing to remember - the health of children depends on the sense of responsibility of their parents, and does not tolerate negligence.

Video: Caries in children - types, treatment, consequences

  • May 30, 2018
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