Orthodontic appliances: complete classification and detailed overview of structures

The orthodontic device is a special design designed to combat the wrong bite and other pathologies in the location of the teeth.

Thanks to the use of such correctors, it is possible to correct the most complicated dentoalveolar pathologies.


  • Purpose
  • Classification of orthodontic appliances
  • Doug Lurie
    • General characteristics
    • Operating principle Indications and contraindications
    • preparatory stage treatment process
    • Pros and cons
  • button Nancy
    • cost of the device General characteristics Principle of operation
    • when needed?
    • process of manufacture and installation
    • treatment process
    • Pros and cons
    • cost
  • device Ainsworth
    • General characteristics
    • Operating principle
    • Indications for installation
    • process of making and fixing
    • process of therapy
    • Pros and cons
    • Price treat
  • Corrector Herbst
    • General characteristics
    • Principleactions
    • Indications for installation
    • Preparation and attachment
    • Treatment process
    • Price
  • instagram viewer
  • Construction of Frenkel
    • Principle of operation
    • Treatment process
    • Cost
  • Deriysweiler or Nord product
    • Preparatory stage and installation
  • Basharova bushing formter
    • Principle of operation
    • Indications for installation
    • Process for manufacturing and installation
    • Treatment process
    • Advantages and disadvantages
    • Price
  • Adapter Gulyaeva
    • Principle of operation
    • Indications and contraindicationsto
    • installation Manufacturing process and installation
    • Treatment process
    • Question price
  • Angle design
    • Type of action
    • Why put?
    • Manufacturing processes and installation stages
    • Advantages and disadvantages of
    • Cost of treatment course
  • Device of Mershon
    • Principle of operation of
    • When
    • is used
    • treatment and process
    • treatment and pros Pros and cons
    • Cost
  • Persin construction
  • Schwarz and Bönin Kappa
  • Katz lock

TargetsUses of

The following purposes of the application of orthodontic structures are distinguished:

  • elimination of deformed occlusion( mesial, distal, glubokogo, cross);
  • alignment of the dentition;
  • correction of pathological arrangement of teeth;
  • giving the jaw a regular shape.

Thanks to the many models that have different principles of operation, it is possible to eliminate the problem of any degree of complexity.

Classification of orthodontic devices

All systems for correction can be classified according to several criteria. Depending on the method of fixation, the following types of orthodontic devices exist:

  1. Removable , designed to be worn for a certain amount of time, usually at least 12 hours a day. The main advantage of their use is the possibility of forming a correct bite at an early stage, when the deformation is only beginning to manifest.
  2. Non-removable , requiring wearing for a sufficiently long period of time. The process should take place under the control of the orthodontist to timely correct the pressure of the device elements on the jaw and pull up the parts of the product. The most widespread among non-removable devices were braces.
  3. Combined , characterized by a complex effect on the body. For example, an orthodontist can prescribe correction of the dentition with the help of braces and reinforce their action with the help of removable systems( orthodontic bandages and rods).

According to the direction of impact, there are:

  1. Functional or guide .Their action is aimed at the regulation and redistribution of the force of the chewing pressure. The corrector provides for the presence of special plates that affect the moment when the chewing muscles contract.
  2. Apparatus with mechanical impact on teeth .They are necessary to expand the dental arches, to correct the bite, to correct the abnormal position of the teeth. Regulation of the force of mechanical impact is carried out with the help of such devices as orthodontic screw, elastic wire arc, rubber draft.
  3. Combined correctors .Combine the functional and mechanical effects. They are very effective due to the joint work of the elements.

Depending on the place of attachment of the device are:

  1. Intra-part .They are located behind the lips. As a rule, require wearing for a long period( up to 2 years).
  2. Extra-body .Attachment of external devices, for example, face mask, chin sling, tight bandage outside.

Orthodontic systems are mostly represented:

  • by vestibular plates intended for children;
  • brackets;
  • kapami - removable systems, manufactured individually for each case;
  • by eLayners;
  • blocks with combined effects on the jaw.

Each of the orthodontic correctors is characterized by different actions, so you need to carefully study the various models and systems, familiarize yourself with the design features, the principle of impact and feedback, in order to skillfully and correctly choose the most suitable device for a particular situation.

What you need to know about removable orthodontic devices:

Doug Luri

Helps to correct abnormal occlusion of the superior teeth.

General description

The Luri device is presented in the form of a universal complex construction, which has a labial arc as a base. Belongs to non-removable devices. Used when a soft correction is needed.

The product includes the following elements: the main labial arch, finger-like processes, which have a spring action. The arc is made on the basis of a complete repetition of the tooth row.

It is fixed by means of two metal crowns or rings fixed on molars. Each crown has one metal bushing, necessary for fixing the arc.

Principle of operation

Corrective action is carried out by means of constant pressure exerted by springing processes. They have a shape memory, so they try to return to a given position, contributing to this providing constant pressure on the teeth and causing a change in their position.

Since each appendix has a small mechanical strength, correction requires a fairly long period of time.

Indications and contraindications

The use of the Loury corrector is justified if there is a protrusion tilt of the upper dentition. With it, you can correct the wrong position of the teeth by their distal movement.

Orthodontic arch also helps to give correct position to single anterior teeth.

Preparatory stage

The manufacturing process includes the following:

  1. Preliminary removal of casts from the upper and lower jaws.
  2. Preparation of the working gypsum model.
  3. Manufacturing of supporting elements - metal crowns or rings on molars. Soldering of bushes.
  4. Sampling and taking off repeated impressions.
  5. Arc production. The material is a wire for orthodontic devices.
  6. Soldering ligature hooks, if necessary.

The Luri arc requires constant activation, at least 1 time for 7 days.

Therapy process of

The duration of treatment depends on the degree of complexity of the pathology and the type of abnormal occlusion. The presence of minor deviations in the location of the teeth and the initial period of formation requires a course of treatment within 4-6 months. If the development of pathology is at a late stage, the correction can last about 1 year.

Pros and Cons of

The arc has aesthetics in wearing, gentle action with no pain during the corrective period, compact design, which contributes to quick addiction to the device.

Among the shortcomings are:

  • the duration of the therapeutic period;
  • limited ability, which involves correcting only minor deviations in the position of the teeth.

The Lurie arc is quite effective when it is necessary to correct abnormal occlusion of the upper teeth, but is currently rarely used due to the listed deficiencies.

The cost of the device

The price at which the Lurie device is manufactured is, on average, 5500 rubles. However, the cost of treatment is much higher, because it involves the preparation of teeth, correction and observation of the course of the treatment process.

I recommend Luri's device for use. I would like to note that it does not cause discomfort, and the adaptation is fast enough.


Nancy button

In most cases it helps to align the upper canines in children.

General description

The device( button) Nansa refers to non-removable devices, includes a metal arc and a plastic button adjacent to the palate. The bandage rings on the arc cover the teeth that need to be leveled from different directions.

The presence of a plastic button is necessary to fasten the metal elements in the mouth.

Principle of operation of the

The place for fixing the device is an unevenly growing teeth located on the upper jaw. Alignment with the Nance button achieves an average speed of 1.9 mm per month. The action of the product is based on its ability to maximize the pressure and keep the teeth in the desired position.

When is it necessary?

Use of the device is indicated if:

  • has a dystopia of the upper canines;
  • needs fixation of molars for a long period of time when they are displaced back;
  • incorrectly grown teeth;
  • crevices between teeth in one dentition resulting from physiological causes or injury.

Manufacturing and installation process

The manufacturing process of the Nansa product includes a number of steps:

  • selection of rings of the right size by a dentist;
  • Impression of the upper jaw;
  • installation of rings in the cast and casting of the product with gypsum;
  • making wire and soldering it to rings;
  • fasteners of the finished device, which starts with fitting the plastic plate, after which the stage of polishing the device and its direct installation on the teeth goes.

Treatment process

After 4-5 weeks from installation, it is necessary to check the operation of the system and fix it.

The device requires constant wearing during the treatment period. The duration of the treatment process depends on the nature of the pathology. On average, it is 3-5 months.

Advantages and disadvantages of

Among the advantages of using the Nansay button, one can call the provision of effective protection against tooth displacements in the event of a gap in the dentition, rapid adaptation.

In addition, it has a high aesthetics, the ability to enhance the impact of other orthodontic systems.

However, this system requires careful care, it is also necessary to abandon the use of certain products that can harm structural elements.

The Nansa device is very effective when you want to align evenly spaced improperly raised upper teeth. But other anomalies are recommended to be treated by installing other devices.


The price for the materials used to make the device, the installation process and the advice of a specialist. The average cost of treatment is about 14 thousand rubles.

Ainsworth device

Orthodontic apparatus of mechanical action.

General characteristic

Is a non-detachable arc device. The design includes rings or crowns, a tangent wire, vertical tubes that perform a supporting function, a springing arc.

Principle of operation

The main role in this device is the arc. It is bent in such a way as to repeat the line of the dentition.

The action of the design is based on the desire of the arc to the original form, as a result of which all the attached teeth to the components of the device are displaced. Regulation of strength is performed by a doctor.

Indications for installation

Ainsworth is versatile in its application and can be used to solve most bite problems.

Manufacturing and fastening process

The manufacturing procedure is based on a number of stages:

  • preparation of a plaster cast of the jaw;
  • manufacture of gypsum model, tubes and wire;
  • fitting, finishing and joining of elements, their installation on the gypsum model;
  • arc production;
  • installation of the finished structure.

Before installing the device, plaque and dental stones must be removed.

Therapy process of

For the effectiveness of treatment, all the requirements and recommendations of the physician should be followed.

The duration of the adaptation period ranges from 1 week to 1 month. At this time it is important not to eat food that contributes to the development of painful sensations, carefully look after the oral cavity, use soothing and disinfecting decoctions, anesthetics, and a prescribed doctor.

In addition, approximately once a week you need to undergo a doctor's control.

Advantages and disadvantages of

The arc of Ainsworth is characterized by reliability, individual model for each patient, guaranteed result, constant doctor's control, variation of action.

Cons of use is that the device is sufficiently noticeable, requires a lot of addiction, complicated care, a long process of preparation, it is possible that the doctor may make mistakes.

Sufficiently effective in correcting the majority of dentoalveolar pathologies. It has the precision of impact.

Price of treatment

The cost of installation, services for weekly monitoring and subsequent removal of an average of 10 to 15 thousand rubles.

Corrector of Gerbst

Refers to non-removable orthorectors.

General description of

The apparatus of Gerbst differs in a complex device. The main purpose is to correct severe violations of occlusion.

Orthosystem consists of supporting crowns and two articulated beams.

Principle of operation of the

The action of the device is based on the fact that the gradual extension of the lower jaw forward is due to its constant forced tension. It is characterized by the speed of the action.

Indications for installation

Intended for the treatment of distal bite of the first class.

Preparation and attachment

Pre-installation requires detailed preparation of the teeth. It is necessary to cure problem molars, to replace old and unreliable seals.

Then follows the step of removing the impressions of the jaws and sending them to the masters for making the device.

Treatment process

Orthostructure has a constant continuous impact, contributing to the achievement of a guaranteed, positive and fairly fast result, the ability to accurately predict the results of application, rapid addiction.

The main disadvantages - the presence of bulkiness and a small aesthetics.


The final cost of the device is affected by its type. Therefore, the price can vary from 4500 to 30,000 rubles.

Frenkel design

The Frenkel function controller is a two-jaw detachable device that includes a complex metal frame, cheek shields and lipsticks.

Principle of operation

Design elements act in the area of ​​individual muscles, processes and areas of the dentition. Thanks to this, the apical basis, the occlusal ratio, is normalized.

Treatment process

The duration of treatment depends on how complex the pathology is. Also the age of the patient is of importance: the smaller it is, the more effective the treatment. Minor abnormalities on average are eliminated within 4-8 months, and correction of more complex pathologies requires 1-1,5 years.


Depending on what type of construction is necessary for treatment, the cost of the Frenkel regulator can be from 7 to 18 thousand rubles.

Derischweiler or Nord product

Derricheusler apparatus refers to non-removable helical orthodontic systems that exert mechanical action. Its design includes a plate in which crowns or rings and a screw are fastened.

In some cases, the design also includes various springs and levers.

Preparatory stage and installation of

The manufacturing process includes the following steps:

  • obtaining a gypsum model of the jaw;
  • manufacturing of support elements;
  • check and removal of the impression;
  • re-manufacture of the gypsum model on the basis of the impression;
  • modeling of the palatine basis, reinforcement of the metal armature and screw;
  • installation.

Has great effectiveness in the treatment of individual pathologies.

The Basharovoj occluster

The shaper is designed for the timely correction of bite anomalies.

Principle of operation

The Basharova device refers to devices of a mechanical type. Its design assumes the presence of special springs and screws that put pressure in the right places.

Indications for installation

The use of the corrector is due to the need to correct sagittal abnormalities of the occlusion.

Manufacturing process and installation of

All the necessary measurements are taken before the device is created by the doctor. In a special laboratory, the results of the measurements reproduce the jaw on the model.

Then comes the preparation stage of the wax prototype of the device. Only after making sure of the accuracy and correctness of all elements, change the wax for real material.

Treatment process

Duration of treatment may be within 1-2.5 years. This affects the severity of the pathology. It is necessary to carefully monitor the design in order to speed up the process.

Advantages and disadvantages of

Basharova's apparatus differs in relatively low cost, lack of the need for constant monitoring by a doctor, obtaining a 100% result.

Among the disadvantages is the presence of pain, arising during the adaptation period, the relative visibility of the device, the complexity of care.


The average cost is 7-10 thousand rubles.

Adapter Gulyaeva

Applies to devices that have a combined effect.

A unique, non-detachable design consists of supporting crowns or rings to which sleeves and arcs are soldered, as well as an inclined plane.

Principle of operation

The main operating element is an arc that exerts a mechanical effect, due to which the irregularities of the tooth row are corrected.

Indications and contra-indications for installation of

The application of this orthostructure is indicated in the following cases:

  • of the wrong position of the dentition;
  • presence of non-conforming jaw sizes;
  • of the distal occlusion;
  • prognathic occlusion.

It is forbidden to use the device if the patient has chronic periodontal pathologies, caries.

Manufacturing process and installation of

The procedure for manufacturing the device is long and multi-stage. It includes the following actions:

  • diagnostic examination of the oral cavity;
  • impression removal and determination of the degree of deviation;
  • sending data to the laboratory for the manufacture of supporting crowns or rings;
  • fixation of finished supports and repeated removal of impressions;
  • manufacturing of gypsum working model of jaw;
  • forming of the arc and all supporting elements;
  • manufacturing of an inclined plane, having a rounded and oblong shape;
  • installation design.

Treatment process

The Gulyaeva plate is recommended for the treatment of anomalies in children younger than 12 years old. The duration of treatment on average ranges from six months to one and a half years.


This device has a small price unlike other similar devices. The average cost is 1200 rubles.

The cost of the entire treatment will be 7-10 thousand rubles.

Engl's design

The non-removable orthodontic device Engle is presented in the form of an orthopedic arch, the purpose of which is to correct violations of the dentition or bite.

The construction of the device consists of elastic wire arcs, hooks, banding rings, oblique intermaxillary rubber traction.

Principle of operation of the

The action of the orthodontic corrector is based on the use of various forces acting on the structure mechanism.

Why put it?

With the help of the corrector Engle can be eliminated almost any type of pathology associated with an incorrect bite or curvature of the dentition.

Manufacturing processes and installation stages

The manufacturing process is as follows:

  • removal of the impression from the jaw;
  • casting of wax or plaster cast;
  • manufacturing of crowns or rings, connection of tubes;
  • cleansing, polishing and collecting the entire structure.

Advantages and disadvantages of

Among the advantages stand out for its versatility, ease of use. The disadvantages are: the possibility of side effects, difficulties in conducting hygienic procedures of the oral cavity.

Cost of the course of treatment

The cost of treatment includes: consultation of a specialist, the manufacture of structural elements, fit, fixing the corrector, monitoring the treatment process and correction. The minimum price is about 2500 rubles.

Mershon device

Mershon's lingual arc refers to non-removable orthodontic devices. The product includes a main arc and rings that perform a supporting function.

Principle of operation of the

The action of the orthocorrector is to apply a slight pressure on the teeth, which allows them to gradually return to their correct position.

When applied

Orthoduga is used in the presence of mesial, distal and deep occlusion, crowded teeth, excessive development of the upper jaw.

Manufacture and installation of

The following manufacturing steps can be distinguished:

  • Impression molding of jaws with impression spoons and silicone;
  • manufacturing of a working gypsum model;
  • manufacturing of basic structural elements;
  • connection of all parts and their polishing;
  • fixation and installation of the device.

Treatment process

Duration of treatment is within 6-12 months.

Pros and Cons of the

The Mershon arc offers a high aesthetic, imperceptible design, and a gentle correction effect.

Among the shortcomings can be noted the possibility of correcting only small deviations and the passage of a long period of treatment.

The cost of the

The cost of the device is democratic in comparison with other similar and is about 2100 rubles.

Persin construction

Apparatus Persina is a removable functional device with combined action.

The use of a device for the treatment of distal occlusion is recommended.

Schwarz and Bönin Kapps

Kapps are functional removable devices. They provide a vestibular movement of the upper anterior dentition and a distal displacement of the lower teeth. The structure includes a plastic base and an inclined plane.

The source of the action is the presence of contractility, inherent in the masticatory musculature.

Kuppas Bynina and Schwartz are used with slight palatal displacement of incisors.

Katz lockout plate The orthodontic corrector is presented as a removable plate intended for use on the upper jaw. The design consists of a plastic inclined plane and tape flip-flops.

The action of the device is as follows: the lower front teeth are deflected when they come into contact with the inclined plane, then they are partially immersed in the alveolus.

The use of Katz plate is indicated if necessary to eliminate the distal bite.

Thus, orthodontic devices are represented by a large number of models, each of which is characterized by its functions and principle of action and is aimed at solving problems of any complexity.

Before selecting a device, you need to read all indications and contraindications to its use to prevent the occurrence of severe complications. A wide range of products allows you to choose the most suitable for functionality and cost adaptation.

  • Mar 06, 2018
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