Caloric content of jam, sweet and confectionery. Calorie table per 100 grams

Sweet baking and sweets are an integral part of every person's life. Sweets are high in calories and that's why they need to be consumed in limited quantities.

Contents of

  • What is the caloric content of sugar in the compressed and loose form?
  • What is the calorie content of the candy table?
  • Calories in chocolate, table the calorie content of the kinds of chocolate
  • What is the calorie content of the candied table?
  • Calories in dates, plum, prunes, dried apricots: table
  • Caloric content of baking: cake, cookies, gingerbread, cakes, cake, pies. A table for 100 grams of
  • How many calories are in baking? Calorie content of samsa, whites, chebureks
  • Table of calorie content of cakes, types of cakes and their energy value
  • Table of calorie content of cookies, different types of cookies
  • Table of calorie content of pies, types of baking
  • Table of calorie content of gingerbreads, types of gingerbread and filling
  • Table of calorie cakes, different types of cakes
  • Table calorie cakes, varieties of cupcakes
  • Video: »calorie desserts»
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What is the caloric content of sugar in the pressed and loose form?

  • Sugar is one of the most popular and sought-after products for humanity for many hundreds of years. Sugar is added to pastries, sweets, drinks, dough, tea, coffee. Presenting a modern life without sugar is simply impossible. The person is not accustomed to live without the sweet, because it is not only a source of carbohydrates, but also a good positive mood.
  • . Statisticians calculated and determined that a person can eat up to sixty kilograms of sugar per year. To date, there are several types of sugar, the most popular of which is white beet sugar. Buy it can be both in pure loose form, and in the refined sugar
  • The energy value of each type of sugar: white, brown, palm, beet or cane is almost the same. The total amount of calories varies by only 3 or 5 calories
sugar in loose and refined form

Sugar is a very nutritious product and nutritionists strongly recommend limiting its daily intake. The fact is that one hundred grams of the product accounts for 399 kcal. If you measure sugar with tea spoons, you can calculate that about eight grams of sugar is placed in one spoon, which means that its caloric value is about 32 grams.

What is the calorie content of the candy table?

Sweets - favorite sweets for children and adults. Modern assortment of sweets offers a wide variety of different kinds of people, glazes, fillings and flavors. Wrapped in colorful attractive packaging, sweets are a welcome treat. However, such sweets contain a huge amount of calories.

Most men and women are constantly forced to watch their fullness and shape. That's why they follow a diet and stick to low-calorie foods. Collected calories from the surplus must be used by physical labor or exercises in the gym. Calculate the correct amount of calories consumed per day will help the table:

type or the name of the candy Calorie candy per 100 grams
Sweet jelly 160
Lolly lollipop 240
gummi candy 286
Chocolate Truffle 345
Toffee 355
«Cow» 364
fudge candies 368
Caramel with filling 378
sucking candy 369
Sweet souffle 397
Cherrychocolate 399
Chocolate peanuts 399
Pineapple candies 501
Grillage 510
Kara-Kum 511
Squirrel 518
Halva in chocolate 528
Red poppy 516
Esfero 570
Ferrero Roche 579
Bear in the forest 580
Rafaelo 615
Kloriynost most popular types of candy

Calories in chocolate, table types

  • calorie chocolate Probably not such a person, who does not know and does not love chocolate. Chocolate is a unique sweet dessert. The benefits and dangers of this dessert are still controversial, because its calorie content is contraindicated for those who constantly struggle with the problem of excess weight, and its saturation with protein makes it possible to quickly satisfy the hunger sense.
  • Chocolate is an indispensable ingredient, it contains many flavonoids - essential trace elements,useful for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Chocolate can reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, thereby purifying the blood vessels. If you consume chocolate in food in the least amount, it is able to lower blood pressure
  • The soothing properties of chocolate are known, probably, to everyone. It significantly improves the tone of the body, relieves stress and improves brain function. It is useful to eat chocolate in breaks between work, when writing important scientific works and solving mathematical problems. However, it is this dessert that can instantly raise blood sugar and that is why it should be used with caution for diabetics
types and calorie content of chocolate

The benefit and harm from eating chocolate depends only on how much per day you consume. By the way, scientists have calculated that a single smell of chocolate has a beneficial effect on the psyche.

Calorie table for all types of chocolate:

type of chocolate: number of calories per 100 grams of product:
White porous chocolate 547
Honey white chocolate with nougat 535
White chocolate with nuts 562
Milk chocolate 522
Porous milk chocolate 530
Milk chocolate with nuts 533
Milk chocolate with raisins 547
Milk chocolate with almonds 538
Milk with raisins and nuts 554
Milk chocolate with biscuits 545
Milk chocolate with hazelnut 559
Black chocolate 99% 530
Black chocolate 87% 592
Black chocolate 85% 530
Black chocolate 80% 550
Black chocolate 70% 520
Black porous chocolate 528
Black chocolate with cognac 500
Black chocolate with nuts 570
Black with nuts and raisins 524

What is the calorie content of the candied table? Candied fruit is dried fruit. From dried fruits they are characterized by a high sugar content, as well as the presence of gelatin and dyes in their composition, which give them a bright attractive appearance.

Candied fruit is quite high in calories and it is not recommended to use it for those who are afraid to get well and watch the figure. It is best to cook candied fruits at home, they will be much more useful and tastier than store.

Calorie content of candied fruits:
Calorie content of various candied fruits: Its calorie content of 100 grams:
Pineapple candied fruit 200
Peppercorn candied fruit 354
Lemon peeled candy 300
Carrot candy 300
Papaya candy 337

Calories in dates,prunes, dried apricots: table

Dried fruits - the most useful sweetness of all existing. Dried fruit is useful to eliminate hunger, arrange snacks for work and eat with a cup of tea in the evening. Dried fruits are a source of useful vitamins and minerals. Their unique property is to positively influence the work of the intestine and purify it naturally. Dried fruits are good for eating in the cold season, when there is simply no fresh fruit.

Some dried fruit has a useful value twice as much as fresh fruit. They are good to eat in the usual way, add to cereals, yogurt and even cook them compote. To get the maximum benefit from dried fruits, you must rinse them with boiling water before eating them. This will save them from excessive dirt and harmful substances, which process the goods for transportation.

Calorie of dried fruits

Calorie table for dried fruits and dried berries:

Name of dried fruits: number of calories per 100 grams:
pineapple 339
banana 390
cherry 292
pear 246
raisins 279
figs 290
melon 341
strawberries 286
coconut 384
apricots 272
mango 280
Mandarin 230
peach 275
apricots 279
date 292
prunes 264
apple 273

At its core,dry fruit is a concentrate of fresh fruit and the benefits in it are exactly as much as and from the usual fruit.

Calorie baking: cake, cookies, gingerbread, cakes, cake, pies. Table for 100 grams

Desserts are the most favorite part of any menu. It is sweet, creamy, and fruit dishes that can give a lot of pleasure to any sweet tooth. But on an equal footing with their unique taste qualities, these are very high-calorie meals. They hide a lot of sugar, butter, cream, chocolate, candied fruits and other ingredients. To eat desserts in food should not be very often and with extreme caution.

Table calorie sweet pastries:

Name dessert: Calories per 100 grams:
Apple Pie 186
Cupcake with raisins 276
Cheesecake 259
Eclairs 345
cake biscuit 350
cake puff 465
Cake "Potatoes» 310
Cake with fruit filling 378
Gingerbread 351
buns 365
OatmealCookies 247
Chocolate biscuits 350
Calorie sweet bakes and desserts

Sweetness effectively lifts the mood and keeps the human brain toned, and without carbohydrates to submit toLonely life is simply impossible. And nevertheless, you need to take care that extra calories along with sweets and pastries do not get into the body and do not settle with extra pounds on the sides, hips and abdomen.

Hardly anyone can resist the flavors of freshly baked buns and cookies. Three main ingredients are involved in this dish: eggs, sugar and fats. Together they make an incredibly attractive taste and delight receptors. Sweet pastry is saturated with so-called "fast carbohydrates".They are quickly consumed in the body and not used to settle in fat cells.

To strongly not harm the figure and eat sweet pastries, you must follow the basic rules:

  • give preference to baking, the dough of which was mixed with natural components of
  • , baking should include either vegetable or cream fat and not a drop of transgenic fat
  • prefer baking that contains a minimum of fat and eggs
  • choose pastries with useful fillers: fruits, berries, nuts, jam

How many calories in baking? Calorie content of samsa, belyashey, chebureks

Baking with more satisfying filling is very popular: meat, cheese, mushrooms and others. Such baking is always sold in public places, at stations, in buffets and shops. It can be eaten on the go, at work and on the road. Every once in my life I tried chebureks - tasty delicacies, fried in oil, stuffed with minced meat.

calorie chebureka

Of course the most useful chebureks are those that are cooked at home and only from natural ingredients than those that are prepared in the market from cheap products.

Such food is very caloric and its frequent use leads to obesity. To avoid causing health problems and a figure, you should correctly calculate the amount of calories consumed:

Product Name: Calorie per 100 grams:
Cheburek 279
Samsa with meat 314
Belyash 233

Calorie table for cakes, types of cakes and their energy value

The cake accompanies almost anycelebration. This is an essential attribute on the birthday, it's a treat for the anniversary, it's a treat for the guests. There are a lot of cakes and each of them is a work of culinary art. Along with excellent taste, this is the most caloric dessert. All because the cake includes a huge amount of vegetable and animal fats: eggs, butter, cream.

Along with this, it contains a lot of sugar, fillers and related ingredients. It can be said with certainty that daily consumption of cakes is harmful for the figure and for human health. They can be allowed to themselves occasionally and only in a minimal amount. Calculate the number of calories will help you to compile the tables:

cake Name: Calories per 100 grams:
Waffle cake 522
Cake honey cake 478
Cake Napoleon 533
Cake Pigeon milk 303
Cake Enchantress 382
Cake chocolate 569
Cake almond 535
Cake with fruit filling 378
Cake Sacher 384

Cookie calorie table, different types of biscuits

Cookies are always associated with home comfort and mother's food. This sweetness can be easily and imperceptibly shrouded in huge quantities. Calorie cookies are different and it directly depends on the flour - the main ingredient and other ingredients of the dish. Cookies cooked at home will always be more useful and low-calorie than what they offer us in stores.

Cookies can contain a lot of nuts, candied fruits, dried fruits, cottage cheese, chocolate crumbs, marmalade, poppy and other delicacies. Calculate the correct calorie help table:

cookie type: Calories per 100 grams:
Oatmeal cookies 414
Cookies with sesame 445
cookies with raisins 418
Chocolate cookies 478
Biscuits with cheese 366
Sugar Cookies 422
Nut cookies 429
Cookies "Baked milk» 436
Cookies with coconut 432
calorie cookie

calorie tablepies, types of baking

Pie - simple and delicious pastries. She can eat in a cafe, buy in a store, but most often a pie - a homemade dish. By its caloric content, it is much lighter than a cake, however, the more eggs, butter, fats and other high-calorie components in it, the "heavier" the cake will be.

Most often, the pie is filled with different fruit stuffing: jams, jams, fresh fruits, candied fruits, dried fruits, condensed milk and nuts. The cake is not prepared for a long time and always "goes to the seizure" still in a hot state, because the most delicious pie is freshly baked.

cake Name: in calories per 100 grams:
Charlotte 186
Pie with cabbage 219
meat pies 284
cake with poppy 324
Cheesecake 370
pecan pie 341
Blueberry Pie 370
cake with jam 338
cake with jam

Table calorie cakes, types of cakesand filling

Gingerbreads - all known and loved by many delicacy. It differs in that it can be stored for a long time. Their taste is characterized by spicy sweetness and aromatic additives: cinnamon, mint, poppy. Most often, gingerbread have fruit filling, or condensed milk. Not rarely gingerbread can be clean and freshly minted. Gingerbread is eaten with tea or milk.

Prepare gingerbread at home is very simple, their technology is very similar to baking cookies. Gingerbread never longs to lie and is always eaten in the first minutes. Gingerbread are enough calories and not to do much harm to a figure, it is necessary to use the limited quantity of this batch.

Name stick: in calories per 100 grams:
Gingerbread rye 374
gingerbread Tula 365
cake with condensed milk 370
Gingerbread with fruit filling 363
mint gingerbread 359
calorie cakes

Table calorie cakes, different types of cakes

Cakes - loved by many sweets, they look likecakes and are their reduced copies. Like cakes and cakes, there is enough high-calorie food. If you follow the figure, give preference to simple desserts with fruit and berry stuffing. Jelly cakes are much less caloric than those that contain a custard or oil filling.

Types cakes: in calories per 100 grams:
Choux pastry 381
Lemon cake 302
Cake potatoes 328
tartlet "Panna cotta» 294
Cake "basket" Fruit 233
Cheese cake 280
Strawberry cake 260
calorie cakes

Table calorie muffins, variety of muffins

Cake- the most simple and tasty homemade cakes. Each landlady must have her own special recipe, which she prepares for special occasions. Cupcake - pastry without filling, but with the addition of various ingredients: raisins, candied fruits, dried fruits, nuts, poppy seeds, lemon peel, cognac and other delicacies.

Cupcake is easily baked and served warm on the table. Usually it is decorated with fresh fruits, berries and powdered sugar. In some cases, the cupcake is filled with dark and light glaze, decorated with mint sprigs or decorated with whipped cream. The cake must be lush, soft and sweet. Cupcake is an excellent addition to tea.

Name dishes: number of calories per 100 grams:
Cupcake oatmeal 147
Pie pumpkin 210
Lemon cupcake 275
Cake with nuts 412
Cupcake with raisins 384
Chocolate cupcake 449
Cake with candied 360
Orange Cupcake 281
Cake "Capital» 376
calorie cake

Video: "calorie desserts »

  • May 30, 2018
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