List of vasodilator drugs for the brain

In case of abnormalities in the nervous and cardiovascular system, vasodilator drugs are used that improve the nutrition and blood circulation of the brain. To help the brain, the list of medicines is large enough, so their appointment should be handled by the attending physician.

  • Calcium antagonists
  • Adalat SL( Cordipine HL, Nifedipine, Nifecard HL, Phenigidine)
  • Amlodipine( Vero-Amlodipine, Norvax)
  • Verapamil( Isoptin, Finoptin)
  • Xanthine derivatives
  • Pentoxifylline SR Zentiva( Agapurin, Trental 400, Vazonite, Pentylin, Radomin)
  • Teonikol( Xantinol nicotinate, Complin, Sadamine, Xavin, Vedrine, Megemin)
  • Euphyllin
  • Alpha-adrenoblockers
  • Sermion( Nicergoline)
  • Fentolamine( Regitin, Rogitin, Dibazin)
  • Nootropics
  • Piracetam( Nootropil, Memtrails Lutset)
  • Cinnarizine( Stugezin, stugeron)
  • Phenotropil
  • derivatives of nicotinic acid
  • Niacin( Enduratsin)
  • nikoshpan
  • Antiplatelet
  • Curantil( Dipyridamole)
  • Ticlopidine( Tickle, tiklid)
  • instagram viewer
  • Herbal preparations
  • Vinpocetine( Bravinton, Cavinton, Telektol, Korsavin)
  • Bilobil( Ginkgo Biloba, Ginkoom, Tanakan, Gingium, Ginos)
  • Ginkor fort

Vasodilators are vasodilators that stabilize blood circulation in small and large vessels,uchshayut blood flow, reduce the risk of disease in which there is an abnormal narrowing of the arteries.

The disadvantage of such drugs is their non-selectivity, that is, they can expand not only the vessels of the brain, but also capillaries, large and small arteries throughout the body, thereby causing a decrease in blood pressure. In this regard, against a background of prolonged use of vasodilators, the patient may develop orthostatic hypotension and increase the risk of developing ischemic stroke.

Calcium antagonists

Expand blood vessels and increase blood flow to the brain. The mechanism of their action is aimed at reducing the intake of calcium from the blood into the cell. Calcium antagonists are divided into drugs of the first and second generation, the first include drugs with a short duration, to the second - with a long.

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Adalat SL( Cordipine HL, Nifedipine, Nifecard HL, Phenyhidine)

Produced in tablets, solution;active ingredient is nifedipine.

A long-acting drug is used for arterial hypertension, ischemia, chronic angina.

Adults and children over 18 years of age are prescribed 1 tablet 2 times a day. According to the indications, the dose of the medicine can be gradually increased to the maximum - 60 milligrams. In the treatment of high doses, the abolition of Adalat should also be carried out gradually. The recommended interval between tablets on average is 12 hours, the minimum allowed is 6 hours.

Side effects: edema of the lower extremities, asthenia, nausea, headache, dizziness, a feeling of malaise, abdominal pain, myalgia, constipation, drowsiness, urticaria, visual impairment.

Contraindications: simultaneous use with rifampicin, cardiovascular shock, hypersensitivity to nifedipine, pregnancy, lactation.
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Amlodipine( Vero-Amlodipine, Norvax)

Produced in tablets;active ingredient - amlodipine besylate.

A long-acting hypotensive drug with an antianginal effect expands the arterioles, peripheral and coronary arteries, which, with angina, allows to lower the severity of myocardial ischemia. Also, the drug has a cardioprotective and anti-atherosclerotic effect in IHD.

Tablets taken internally regardless of food intake. The initial dose is 5 milligrams 1 time per day. If necessary, the dose can be increased to 10 milligrams 1 time per day.

Side effects: dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, cramps, arthrosis, myalgia, a violation of potency, pain when urinating, a drop in blood pressure.

Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, severe course of arterial hypotension, intolerance of the active substance, age to 18 years.
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Verapamil( Isoptin, Finoptin)

Produced in tablets, solution;active substance - verapamil hydrochloride .

The first generation drug has a pronounced antiarrhythmic and antianginal effect, it also lowers blood pressure. Antianginal action of verapamil is carried out by reducing the tone of the smooth muscle layer of peripheral and coronary vessels, enlarging their lumen and improving blood circulation. In this case, the drug reduces the need for the heart in oxygen, due to a decrease in afterload.

Tablets taken internally regardless of food intake. The initial dose is 80 milligrams three times a day. If necessary, the dose can be increased, but only after 7 days after the start of treatment.

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Side effects: dryness of the oral mucosa, bleeding gums, decreased blood pressure, cardiac rhythm disturbance, myocardial infarction, palpitation, hearing and vision impairment, allergic reaction in the form of skin rashes.

Contraindications: severe bradycardia, synotrial block, cardiogenic shock, chronic heart failure, sinus node weakness syndrome, Morgagni-Adams-Stokes syndrome, age 18 years, pregnancy, lactation.
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Xanthine derivatives

A group of drugs blocking adenosine receptors. They relieve spasm of blood vessels, increase their elasticity, dilute blood, improve microcirculation and oxygen delivery to tissues. The use of such drugs in small doses allows you to remove fatigue and drowsiness, improve the thinking process, increase motor activity.

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Pentoxifylline SR Zentiva( Agapurin, Trental 400, Vazonite, Pentylin, Radomin)

Produced in the form of tablets and injections;active ingredient is pentoxifylline. The vasodilator drug helps to relax the vascular walls and restore normal blood flow to the brain tissues, also improves blood composition and prevents the development of hypoxia. Duration and dosage regimen is set by the doctor individually, depending on the patient's state of health and the resulting therapeutic effect. The initial dose for adults is usually 200 milligrams three times a day.

Side effects: often observed undesirable phenomena from the gastrointestinal tract( gastric spasm, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea), rarely occurs - lowering blood pressure, a feeling of tidal flow, a violation of the rhythm of the heart.

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Contraindications: heavy bleeding, acute myocardial infarction, acute hemorrhagic stroke, severe cardiac rhythm disturbances, cerebral or coronary atherosclerosis, age under 18, pregnancy and lactation, retinal hemorrhages.
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Theonikol( Xanthinal nicotinate, Complamin, Sadamine, Xavin, Vedrine, Megemine)

Is available in tablets and solution;active ingredient is xanthinal nicotinate.

Improves microcirculation, nutrition and oxygenation of tissues, with long-term use has antiatherosclerotic effects, reduces the concentration of cholesterol and atherogenic lipids, reduces platelet aggregation and blood viscosity. Also, the drug increases myocardial contraction, promotes cerebral circulation, reduces the severity of cerebral hypoxia.

Take inside after eating, starting at 150 milligrams 3 times a day;according to the indications, the dose can be increased to 300-600 milligrams three times a day.

Side effects: weakness, worsening appetite, lowering blood pressure, dizziness, gastralgia, diarrhea, nausea.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, bleeding, stomach and duodenal ulcer, pregnancy, lactation, acute renal or hepatic insufficiency.
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Produced in tablets and solution;active substance - aminophylline.

A drug with a pronounced vasodilator effect, which is shown not only for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, but also for the normalization of peripheral circulation.

Inside, adults are prescribed 150 milligrams 1-3 times a day after meals.

Side effects: dizziness, insomnia, irritability, tachycardia, arrhythmia, skin rash, nausea, vomiting.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, gastritis with high acidity, hemorrhagic stroke, retinal hemorrhage, epilepsy, stomach and duodenal ulcer.
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Direct effects on the peripheral and central nervous system. The main indication for the admission of this group of drugs is the treatment of cognitive and vascular diseases associated with the work of the brain. They have a pronounced vasodilator, adrenoblokiruyuschim, hypotensive effect, relieve mental stress, improve the work of the brain and blood vessels, reduce blood pressure.

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Sermion( Nicergoline)

Produced in tablets;the active substance is nicergoline.

Medication that improves peripheral and cerebral circulation. It is prescribed for the treatment of acute and chronic cerebral metabolic and vascular disorders( due to embolism of cerebral vessels, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, thrombosis).Also, indications for the use of the drug are acute and chronic peripheral vascular and metabolic disorders( syndromes caused by peripheral blood flow disorders, Raynaud's disease, etc.).

The drug is administered orally 5-10 milligrams three times a day or 30 milligrams 2 times a day, at the same time intervals.

Side effects: marked decrease in blood pressure, headache, sensation of heat, insomnia, dyspeptic phenomena, confusion, nausea, skin rashes.

Contraindications: acute bleeding, severe bradycardia, acute myocardial infarction, a deficiency of sugar, age under 18, lactation, pregnancy.
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Fentolamine( Regitin, Rogitin, Dibazin)

Produced in tablets;active ingredient is phentolamine.

Spasmolytic and vasodilating drug, shown with Raynaud's disease, obliterating endarteritis, acrocyanosis, frostbites, at the initial stages of atherosclerotic gangrene.

Take inside after a meal of adults for 0.05 grams, children - 0.025 grams 3-4 times a day. The course of therapy is 3-4 weeks.

Side effects: headaches, general weakness, diarrhea, nausea, lowering blood pressure, stomach and duodenal ulcer.

Contraindications: low blood pressure, cardiogenic shock, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, ischemic heart disease, allergy to phentolamine.
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Normalize cerebral circulation, stimulate mental activity, improve memory, make the human brain more resistant to various unfavorable factors of the internal and external environment. Also, nootropic drugs can restore disturbances in the functioning of the blood vessels of the brain and improve the performance of the cardiovascular and nervous system. Such medicines include:

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Piracetam( Nootropil, Memotropil, Lucetam)

Produced in tablets, syrups, capsules, solution;the active substance is piracetam.

An effective nootropic medicine that improves metabolic processes in the brain tissues. It is prescribed with a decrease in memory, dizziness, encephalopathy and cerebrosthenia in children. In complex treatment the drug is used for viral neuroinfections, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction and atherosclerosis.

Adults appoint 1-2 tablets 1-2 times a day;children - 30-50 milligrams per kilogram of body weight per day. The course of therapy is 6-8 weeks.

Side effects: abdominal pain, drowsiness, dizziness, tremor, sleep disorder, increased sexual activity.

Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, hemorrhagic stroke, hypersensitivity to the active substance, age up to 1 year.
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Cinnarizine( Stugesin, Stugeron)

Produced in tablets;the active ingredient is cinnarizine.

The drug for strengthening the walls of blood vessels of the brain. The use of tablets allows the expansion of peripheral capillaries and small arteries. The medicine has the following indications: post-stroke states, ischemic stroke, dyscirculatory encephalopathy, migraine, kinetosis prophylaxis, senile dementia, etc.

Take inside after a meal of 25-75 milligrams for 1-2 tablets three times a day.

Side effects: fatigue, drowsiness, dry mouth, dyspepsia, sweating, red flat lichen, lowering blood pressure, increasing body weight.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, pregnancy, lactation. With caution in Parkinson's disease.
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Produced in tablets;active ingredient is phenotropil.

It is indicated for the treatment of central nervous system diseases of various origin, especially diseases of vascular etiology or associated with metabolic disturbances in the brain. In addition, the drug is used in neurotic states, manifested by increased exhaustion, lethargy, memory impairment, attention disturbance, also convulsions, chronic alcoholism, etc.

Phenotropol is taken orally after ingestion. The average daily dose is 200-300 milligrams, the maximum is 750 milligrams. The daily dose should be divided into 2 divided doses. The duration of therapy can vary from 14 days to 3 months. It is not recommended to take the medicine after 15-00.

Side effects: insomnia, in the first days of admission may be observed psychomotor agitation, increased blood pressure, a feeling of heat, hyperemia of the skin.

Contraindications: intolerance of the active substance, pregnancy, lactation, severe atherosclerosis, severe kidney and liver damage, acute psychotic conditions.
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Derivatives of nicotinic acid

Drugs have a pronounced vasodilator effect on peripheral vessels and vessels of the brain. They reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, improve the quality of blood, prevent the formation of blood clots in the lumen of blood vessels.

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Nicotinic acid( Enduracin)

Produced in tablets, solution;the active substance is nicotinic acid.

The drug is used for ischemic disorders of cerebral circulation, obliterating diseases of the vessels of the extremities, spasms of the vessels of the extremities, biliary and urinary tracts, microangiopathy, diabetic polyneuropathy.

Adults inside are prescribed 100 milligrams 2-4 times a day for 15-20 days;children - 5-50 milligrams 2-3 times a day.

Side effects: decreased blood pressure, paresthesia, collapse, fatty liver, increased blood levels of LDH, ASI, hyperemia of the facial skin.

Contraindications: gastric and duodenal ulcer, hypersensitivity to nicotinic acid, pregnancy, lactation.
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Produced in tablets;active substances - nicotinic acid, drotaverina hydrochloride.

Peripheral vasodilator is indicated for spasms of cerebral and peripheral arteries, migraine, obliterating endarteritis. Take 1-3 tablets per day after meals.

Side effects: abdominal pain, dizziness, flushing of the facial skin, nausea, vomiting.

Contraindications: hepatic or renal insufficiency, hypersensitivity, chronic heart failure.
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Drugs have a pronounced vasodilator effect. Improve blood flow, increase the patency of capillaries, reduce the fragility of blood vessels.

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Courantyl( Dipyridamole)

Produced in tablets;active ingredient is dipyridamole.

Improves microcirculation and is characterized by mild vasodilating effectiveness. The drug is used to treat and prevent vascular pathologies of various origins. The necessary dose is selected depending on the individual reaction of the patient and the severity of the disease.

With ischemia, 75 mg is recommended up to 3 times a day. According to the indications, the dose may be increased. For the treatment and prevention of cerebral circulation prescribed for 75 milligrams 3-6 times a day. The maximum daily dose is 450 milligrams.

Side effects: tachycardia, bradycardia, palpitations, diarrhea, nausea, feeling of ear congestion, rhinitis, urticaria, headache.

Contraindications: unstable angina, subaortic stenosis of the aorta, acute myocardial infarction, collapse, arterial hypotension, severe cardiac arrhythmias, renal failure, hemorrhagic diathesis.
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Ticlopidine( Tiklo, Tiklid)

Produced in tablets;active ingredient is ticlopidine.

Apply the drug for ischemic cerebrovascular pathologies( cerebral vascular disease causing a decrease in blood flow to the brain tissue), IHD, after a myocardial infarction, with ischemic limb diseases, etc.

Assign inside at meals 0.25 grams 2times a day. If necessary, the course of therapy can last 2-6 months or more.

Side effects: diarrhea, abdominal pain, dizziness, skin allergic reactions, leukopenia, rarely - jaundice.

Contraindications: blood diseases, hemorrhagic diathesis, gastric and duodenal ulcer, hemorrhagic stroke in subacute and acute condition, leukopenia, liver disease, pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity to the drug components.
Also pay attention to the list of drugs that rapidly reduce blood pressure. Http://
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Herbal preparations

Favorable effects on cerebral circulation are produced by alkaloid derivatives of the vinca plant. This component has a pronounced antispasmodic effect, improves metabolic processes in the brain tissues, relaxes the vessels of the brain, provides cells with nutrients. The most famous remedy in this group is Vinpocetine and its analogues.

Another unique plant, on the basis of which vasodilator preparations for the brain are produced, is ginkgo biloba. Such drugs relieve vasospasm, increase permeability and microcirculation of the vascular walls.

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Vinpocetine( Bravinton, Cavinton, TeleTol, Korsavin)

Produced in tablets and solution;active ingredient is vinpocetine.

Neurometabolic medication is indicated for the treatment of acute and chronic cerebral circulatory insufficiency( progressive stroke, acute cerebral infarction, post-stroke condition, transient ischemia, cerebral arteriosclerosis), cerebral insufficiency symptom( headache, dizziness, memory impairment), hearing loss, secondaryglaucoma.

Assign 5-10 milligrams 3 times a day for 2 months. Possible repeated courses 2-3 times a year.

Side effects: tachycardia, slowing of intraventricular conduction, extrasystole.

Contraindications: severe ischemic heart disease, pregnancy, lactation, severe cardiac rhythm disturbances, hemorrhagic stroke, intolerance of the drug components.
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Bilobil( Ginkgo Biloba, Ginkoum, Tanakan, Gingium, Ginos)

Produced in capsules;active ingredient - dry extract of ginkgo leaves bilobate.

Indications for use are: violation of microcirculation and peripheral circulation, discirculatory encephalopathy of various origin, neurosensory disorders( ringing in the ears, dizziness), diabetic retinopathy.

Medication should be taken orally regardless of food intake. Assign 1 capsule three times a day for 3 months.

Side effects: rarely - reduced coagulability, dizziness, nausea, headache.

Contraindications: erosive gastritis, decreased blood clotting, erosive gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcer, hypersensitivity to the active substance of the drug, cerebral circulation disorders, acute myocardial infarction, lactase deficiency, age to 18 years.
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Ginkor fort

Available in capsules;active ingredient is a standardized extract of ginkgo biloba.

The drug is indicated for violations of venous circulation of the lower extremities, which are manifested by pain in the legs, sensations of gravity and paresthesia.

Apply 1 capsule twice a day in the morning and in the evening.

Side effects: not revealed

Contraindications: simultaneous use of MAO inhibitors, hyperthyroidism.
  • May 30, 2018
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