Formation, development and training of visual memory in children. How to determine the violation of visual memory?

This article will discuss one of the types of human memory - visual. You will find out what kinds of memory there are and how to train it.


  • Visual memory, storage
  • Visual memory - features
  • Types of visual memory
  • Short-term visual memory
  • Visually motor memory
  • Visual memory
  • Diagnosis of visual memory
  • Visual memory test
  • Visual memory impairment
  • Visually trained memory training
  • Exercise for visual memory
  • Games for the visual memory
  • Video: Games for the development of visual memory in children

Visual memory is calledXia also photographic. It allows you to create an image of what you have seen and store it in your memory. In the future, the preserved visual image can be reproduced in detail in your mind.

This kind of perception allows you to hold, see the image even in its absence. It is known that 60% of people remember the visual information better than the received one - the sound one.

Visual memory, remembering

instagram viewer

It is believed that people remember only the "photo".This picture is supplemented by a variety of different information obtained from other sensitive receptors.

As a matter of fact, storage is a capture, the further preservation of the received information. According to the dynamics of this phenomenon, there are two types of memory: unintended storage, intentional .

  • With , the intentional has a set goal: remember, for this visual memory, artificial methods of memorization are used.
  • Unintentional memorization occurs without the set goal, without various techniques, without much effort.
How does the visual storage of images in memory go?

Using photographic memory gives a person to save a lot of memories. However, it is difficult to remember information from a large number of words that can not be memorized by ear. Remember this text is much easier on the whole image( picture).

Memorization - one of the important processes in memory

Visual memory -

features Eidetic memory favorably influences the successes in further education in school. During this process, children memorize, absorb a large amount of material. Without a well-developed visual memory - new information is difficult to remember.

IMPORTANT : The quality of involuntary memorization depends on the activity of children to memory objects, the details of perception, thinking.

Parents are engaged in training their child's memory

They say that photographic memory for girls is more developed than in boys. This is due to the fact that the peculiarities of the brain structure in girls and boys are different from each other. Do not lose sight of the fact that they have different development conditions.

Types of visual memory

There are several classifications of eidetic memory, they represent different types of memory.

What kinds of visual memory exist?

subdivided them for such characteristics :

  1. According speed memorization, preservation material: iconic, short-term, long-term, operational, hereditary
  2. According results activity: involuntary, arbitrary
  3. According memorization techniques: semantic, mechanical
  4. According types memorized material: numerical, color, mathematical, face memory
  5. According to levels memorization: short-term, long-term, sensorAt first
  6. types psychology: a motor, imaginative, verbal, emotional
visual memory

Short-term visual memory

Short-term memory is a short memorization process, as a result of which you receive some information. It is also referred to as as working memory of , has a small time limit, limited capacity.

With this type of memory, you can store the memorized material of only four items. It stores in the memory cells a small amount of information, which we currently consciously remember.

Short-term memory receives the volume of information from the senses, from long-term memory. The processes that take place in it are not stable, have a reversible character.

Short-term memory of visual images

Images in short-term memory exist due to the functioning of connections between neurons, by means of multiple excitation through ring neural circuits. Retention of pictures occurs due to mental pronunciation.

Visually motor memory

Engine memory , it motor contains muscular motions of learned movements( speed, tempo, amplitude, etc.).

Development of motor memory in a child

Motor memory is the memorization, assimilation, reproduction of movements. It serves as a key aspect in the formation of skills, both practical and workers. What is the basis for visual motor memory in children?

IMPORTANT : When a child performs certain movements, it can not do the same in the next time. This happens because the skeleton has a special structure, the functional of the movements does not allow the person to move systematically, equally.

The volume of visual memory

The most important integral memory characteristic is the volume .It enables a person to remember, store material in a certain amount.

If we talk about memory, then its indicator is the number of captured information resources.

What is the amount of visual memory in children?

Older children have a larger volume of photographic memory. A child of preschool age remembers about 7 subjects, images from 11-16, after he was shown them only once.

Test for visual memory

The amount of photographic memory in a child is determined by a special test .Children are shown ten pictures with different objects, they need to remember them. Do not rush. Show each picture for six seconds. Then ask them to name the items.

You should pay attention to errors:

  • Child's repetitions
  • Objects that did not show
  • How many pictures the children remember
The child remembers the pictures

Then again show the photos they forgot, after ten minutes ask them to remember, again identify the errors. After an hour, ask to recall the images again.

The results are evaluated according to the following parameters :

  • 8-10 photos - good result
  • 5-7 photos - satisfactory result
  • up to 5 photos - unsatisfactory result
The volume of visual memory. What does it depend on?

Diagnostics of visual memory

Diagnosis of eidetic memory allows you to assess only superficially the level of development of a particular person. A detailed study of a particular person is impossible, since all processes in memory are amenable only to a superficial study.

To determine the visual memory of children, use certain tests, which we will consider below.

How is the diagnosis of visual memory in children?

IMPORTANT : Impaired visual memory can lead to mental disorders.

Test for visual memory

There are several tests for visual memory, consider one of them in more detail. It is designed for children from five to six years.

Tests for visual memory for children

The essence of the test is :

  1. We select 11-16 words , remember. We prepare the set photo( 21-31 pieces)
  2. The photos should not carry a direct character to the words reserved for memorizing
  3. Use such words as: path , garden , lunch , milk , light , field, clothes , error , night , horse , bird , study , chair , mouse , forest
  4. Use these images in the pictures: bread , a cup, notebook , lantern , house , school , hours , fruit , pencil , cabinet , helicopter , furniture, sled , lamp , cat , cow , rake , plant , knife , blouse , machine , moon , cart , sofa
  5. For children of preschool age the words, the images must be CONCRETEand for younger students - more abstract
  6. Read the child the words, and he at this time let him select a suitable photo that will help remember the word
  7. For example, you call the word - study , and the child in the meantime chooses a photo with the image of the school
  8. Let's take the time to select each photo, about 33 seconds .Often children make a choice much earlier than this time
  9. After each selection of the picture, ask to argue his choice
  10. Then the child should take his mind off 15 minutes
  11. Finally the child calls the words on the pictures
How to pass the test for visual memory?

Visual impairment

Some children experience visual memory impairment. Problems eidetic memory, mainly occurs due to damage to parts of the cerebral cortex on the occipital side.

It is this zone that is responsible for memorizing photographic images. This happens with injuries or because of tumors of different etiologies.

What are the problems with visual memory?

Disorders are manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Disorders visual perception environment
  • There are times when children forget previously seen objects
  • Still, to the disturbing symptomatology of the pathology is this process - the patient is unable to name objects , despite the fact thathe recognizes them, understands the purpose.
Visual impairment

IMPORTANT : Treatment of infants can not be performed independently at home, it is compulsory for the specialist to develop individual long-term therapy.

Training of the visual memory

Already in the preschool age, it is necessary to practice visual memory training. After all, kids quickly learn new words, images, ask a lot of cognitive questions. A special game for her training will help develop the perception of complex information in school.

How should I train visual memory in children?

When dealing with children, you need to remember the nuances of learning :

  • Interesting information is always learned better
  • In learning, the beginning, the end of
  • is best remembered. In addition to visual perception, the sensory sensation
  • will be much more effective. All information should be presented to the child simply, understandably

visual memory training process IMPORTANT : If you reduce the child's time to watch TV or limit the period of stay for computer games, then by giving an hour or two to joint memory training sessions, you will help the kid develop imagination, thinking.

Exercises for visual memory

According to statistics, up to 81% of all received information we get visually. True, most people do not enjoy all these opportunities.

The trained visual memory expands the view on any object, object. This, in turn, allows the child to increase concentration, attention.

What exercises help develop visual memory?

There are many different exercises for training visual perception. Some of them:

  • Memorization of images - this exercise allows you to memorize the seen objects, images, and as accurately as possible reproduce them in your thoughts in all subtleties, details. This exercise can be practiced on simple
  • Drawing - is a great way to improve eidetic memory. The artist's skills here are absolutely not required. The main thing is the desire to transfer images captured in memory to paper in various drawings of
  • Memories - to train photographic memory with the help of memories simply. To do this, you must play all the events of the past day before going to sleep. Trying to do this, imagine visual images of
  • Games - has a huge number of games aimed at developing visual perception. One of them is "Find differences"
Picture for training of visual memory - find differences

Games for visual memory

There are not a few special games for the development of visual memory in preschool children. Consider some of them:

  1. "Find the figures" Game rules: the child is provided with an illustration with various geometric shapes. To begin with, it should be well considered, remember( the viewing time is 30 - 20 seconds) the original drawing. Then take the second, find the figures on it, which he remembered on the first
  2. "In order" Rules of the game: the child, unfolds, alternating colored sticks( in order - yellow, red, blue).Or it decomposes numbers, figures, letters in the sequence specified by the adult
  3. "Where was that?" Game rules: draw a square on a magnetic board. We divide it into nine cells. In each cell, fix different images. Give the child to remember the location of the pictures within 10 seconds. Remove everything, after 5 minutes ask the child for the arrangement of the pictures, let them restore them on the
  4. "As in the picture" board Game rules: for the game we take a drawing with several figures. The kid remembers their location, afterwards he plays the figures in squares on an empty sheet
  5. "Designer" Rules of the game: the child looks at the figure in the image, then puts the same figure out of the crook of Quisener or cubes. On completion - we compare how correctly everything turned out
Developing games for visual memory

IMPORTANT : Games for the formation of visual memory in preschool children and schoolchildren are selected by age.

Video: Games for the development of visual memory in children

  • May 30, 2018
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