What lullabies songs to sing to children in 1, 2, 3, 4 years? The best lullaby songs before going to bed for little children

The importance of lullabies. A selection for different ages.


  • Meaning of lullaby songs for children
  • Best lullaby songs for children up to the year
  • Video: By-By-By!
  • Video: Bayu-Bayu-Bayushki
  • Video: Sitting Sandman
  • Video: Classic melodies, especially I. Mozart
  • Best lullaby songs for children of 1 year
  • Video: song Bear cubs from the cartoon "Umka"
  • Video: "Sleep, my joy,asd »
  • Video:" The Cricket Sings for the Stove "
  • Video:" Sleep, my little beautiful "
  • Video: White ships
  • Video: lullaby A.Maykova
  • The best lullaby songs for children of 2 years
  • Video: In the tree stands
  • Video: Lullaby Tatyana Snezhina
  • Video: Dream comingIt's on the threshold of
  • Video: "Mother's Lullaby" by Vera Dvoryaninova
  • The best lullaby songs for children 3 years old
  • Video: Lullaby performed by the group "Nogu Svelo"
  • Video: Stretcher-tokens
  • Video: Colored dreams from the film "Mary Poppins"
  • TopLullaby songs for children 4 years old
  • instagram viewer
  • Video: Lullaby Polina Gagarina
  • Video: Irina Dubtsova "Sleep, my sun"
  • Video: "Sleep, my sparrows" Anna Herman
  • The best Russian folk lullaby songs
  • Video: About the gray top
  • Video: AboutBuquet
  • Video: a collection of the best lullaby songs for children
The most native people for crumbs are parents, and they learn their voices from a million.
The sound of the mother's word in the song before going to sleep:
  • relaxes the baby
  • instills a sense of security and trust in the world
  • softly programs it for kindness, love and creation
Consider how wise and subtle our ancestors were. They were very attentive and respectful of the sounded word, and mothers - to the lullaby for their children. Let's talk more about this in the article.

Meaning of lullaby songs for children

mother sings a lullaby of falling asleep
Lullaby songs for children are so important that they can be compared safely with charms, conspiracies for happiness, life-affirming song.

Monotone singing by mother's affectionate loving voice, which is accompanied by a soft swing in the cradle is beneficial for crumbs. So they can even be healed of birth trauma, fears.

Lullaby songs help the child:
  • gently enter this world
  • establish and strengthen a spiritual connection with his Rod
  • to form the integrity and balance of the psyche
Our ancestors created many nursery rhymes, jokes and lullabies. It is interesting that they were transmitted inside each family from mother to daughter from childhood. When the girl grew up and started playing dolls, her mother taught them how to bait and nurture. Then in the future these skills the girl used already in her family.
  • The tradition of making lullabies for our children by parents has come down to us. By investing energy, memories of the image of her baby, including fantasy and associations, the young mother softly programs the space and the destiny of the child for prosperity, happiness, love and peaceful life with the world.
  • Children from birth to the age of five absolutely trust everything that happens around them, and people around them. At this time, their minds are still slumbering, and it means that they can not just tell the difference between bad and bad adults.
  • On the other hand, kids are completely open to studying the world, working out their personal experience of interacting with it.
  • Young parents are easily taken to a pleasant melody and their ownvoice tell the kid about the world, animals, morals, friendship

So for each age there are lullabies, with specific goals and tasks. Let us consider them in more detail.

The best lullabies for children up to the year

little baby is fast asleep after mother's lullaby
Still living inside the mother, the baby through the timbre and the emotional color of her voice will know the world, which will soon be born. So try to sing simple lullabies to your crumb during pregnancy.

Up to 4-5 months, children sleep more than they are awake. Therefore, lullabies can be as simple as possible. Let them only repeat 3-4 notes and use up to 10 words, but together with singing and lulling the child hears the sound of your heart. He receives heartfelt food and energy support.

From six months of age, include simple subjects in lullabies. Sing about the beasts and birds that live with love in this world where love is abundant. For example, such a:
«Ai Lyuli Lyuli Lyuli, flown cranes,
Lyuli Lyuli-lyulenki arrived gulenki,
guli sat down on the bed, steel Steel guli coo
guli coo, humming a song began.
A month comes to visit us, a month brings us a miracle.
The kind light of a big star to us descends into the gardens.
Ay Lyuli-Luli-Luli, we are going down to the gardens.
There the flowers quietly sleep, the bees do not hum either,
Birds sleep in their nest, the cat purrs in a dream.
Cat purrs, sings, good sleep, he calls to us
A liuli-luli-luli, a good dream he calls to us.
Mum and dad, house keeping, cherish her child,
Sleep, my baby go to sleep bye-bye-bye -bay! »
Of course we all know the song about a gray top, which can bite for a flank. This melody is simple, and replace the words with those that flow from your heart.
Our ancestors feared a lot and composed song-warnings for children. The song about the top is a vivid confirmation of this. Pay attention to these lullabies:

Video: By-By-Bye!

Video: Hush-Hush-

Video: Sitting Sandman

Video: Classical music, especially I.Motsarta

best lullabies for children 1 year

year-old child to sleep after a lullaby
  • grown up crumbs, stepped its first year or two from birth, it is interesting to knowworld around
  • Feel free to add fairy-tale characters to lullabies, stories about the life of animals, their relationship with each other and with nature
  • Closer to the age of two, it is appropriate to sing lullabies where a person is present, his interactionWith the forces of nature
For example, it will be interesting for boys to listen to songs about boats, winds and sea drills, tests and their successful completion. Perhaps you will like this lullaby text:
"I'll baiu-bai, my dear, my son dear,
I'll sit with you about the boat I'll tell.
The boat sailed on the waves, yes to the distant shores,
Veterochke puffed and played with the ship.
A wave suddenly came running, oh, she's a prankster!
The sea began to worry and from the way to shoot it down.
I will not scare myself, I'll swim to those shores!
In the sky the albatross hovered, its help was offered by:
"I will show you the way that I can not turn off the road."
You are the sun the way you go, gently wave Carry,
's really seen Berezhok, welcome here to you, my friend! »
Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah
Sleep, son, fall asleep, mind and strength! "

Girls sing lullaby songs, where the main character takes care of the house, family, animals, decorating the world, colors, nature and harmony of everything in the world.

Universal lullaby for this age can be called:

Video: Song Bear cartoon "Umka»

Video: "Sleep, my darling, sleep»

Video: "Behind the stove singing Cricket»

Video: "Sleep, little one, my lovely"

Video: White boats

Video: lullaby A.Maykova

best lullabies for children 2 years

cartoon of two baby sleeping sweetly after lullaby
Kids at the age of two try to remember everything they hear and say it out loud. This is how their speech apparatus and associative thinking develop.

Lullabies for these children should already be with a bright story, but all are also melodic and filled with love. It is important for babies to fall asleep with a feeling of protection, pacification, relaxation.

For example, learn the words of such lullabies, and the melody can come up with its own:

Video: In the tree field stands

Video: Lullaby Tatyana Snezhina

Video: Sleep comes to the door

Video: "Mothers Lullaby" Vera Dvoryaninova

Best lullabies forchildren 3 years old

three-year-old kid dreams to the sounds of a lullaby
Often at the age of three years old parents read stories for the night, and forget about the lullaby, thinking that their child has outgrown the period of songs before going to bed.

But the child's mind is still slumbering, which means that the baby lives completely at the expense of the emotions of mom and dad. When the day he was very dynamic, then the excess of excitement he needs to splash out on close people. And in return receive acceptance, understanding, support, protection and tranquility.

Knowing about the therapeutic effect of methodical songs, the lullaby will cope with the seven tasks listed above.

Video: Lullaby in the performance of the Nogu Svelo group

Video: Stretcher-bearers

Video: Colored dreams from the movie "Mary Poppins"

  • songs about the war, for example, which are sung May 9
  • of Russian rock classic
  • Russian folk songs

Best lullabiessongs for children 4 years

a grown-up girl sleeps after a pleasant lullaby
Becoming older, your baby may not need regular listening to lullabies before going to bed. It is enough for him to listen to the beloved from infancy or a new melody from time to time to relax and gently immerse himself in the world of dreams.

So do not forget the songs that he sang from the first days of his life, and expand the repertoire.

For example, add the following:

Video: Lullaby Polina Gagarina

Video: Irina Dubtsova "Sleep, my sun"

Video: "Sleep, my sparrows" Anna Herman

The best Russian folk lullaby songs

mom sings a lullaby in the field and an angel prays

Folk folklore is rich in rhymes and lullabies. Our ancestors tried to convey to children information about the structure of the world, the right relations of all beings in it. There was an opinion that horror stories in songs would protect kids from trials and fears in real life.

Therefore, a song about a gray top that does not bite a barrel, has reached our time. On the other hand, the words and constructions of melodies in folk lullabies are simple and understandable for perception even by the smallest listeners.

Video: About the gray top of the

  • About the ghouls, seals, cranes, cows
  • About the

Dream. Video: About the Beech

The kid is every day new, he develops, grows, grows up. The sweet and important time of infancy flies by and you never return it. Use reasonable these moments, be in touch with your children! Sing them lullabies with pleasure!

Video: a collection of the best lullabies for children

  • May 30, 2018
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