Calendar of people's celebrations for May

  • On the night from April 30 to May 1( Walpurgis Night), the most significant pagan holiday was held, dedicated to fertility and the burgeoning spring. By the signs, this day it was impossible to bring lilacs into the house, especially if there was a sick person, it was believed that the smell of flowers would befuddle and take with him the patient. For health and longevity at dawn, drank the student's water from the well, and the branch of willow that was plucked at dawn promised the traveler luck on the way and well-being.
  • May 1 - John's Day and Kosmy( Kuzma) of the Chalcedonian or Ogorodnik. They started to mow cuckoo in the woods - it's time to know how to sow flax, carrots and beets. If she starts to fly over the village - be a fire. The first May rain of a woman was collected to wash their hair, then they grew like grass in May. Clouds begin to cling - to good weather.
  • May 2 is the day of John the Vetcher and the Blessed Matron. On this day the women went out into the field with a freshly weaved canvas, spread it on the ground and laid a loaf on top, saying: "Here you are, Mother Spring, renewed."This promised a good harvest and a prosperous year. Blossoms aspen - it's time to go to the forest for morels. If the birch is spread out ahead of the maple - to dry summer and vice versa.
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  • May 3 is the day of the Iberian Icon of the Mother of God, the day of the call of ancestors. In the old days it was believed that on this day the dead mourn for their earthly life and return to see their relatives. Therefore early in the morning the old women, elderly women and mourners visited the cemeteries, and then covered a sumptuous table. If a double or triple rainbow appeared on May 3, the weather should have improved by the end of the day, but heavy rains were expected soon. If the daisy flowers tipped the heads low to the ground - to the quick rage.
  • May 4 is the day of Jannuarius of Benevent and the martyrs of Procula, Sosia and Favst. On this day, the old people went outside the outskirts of the village, facing west and casting spells from evil spirits."Linen time" began: the girls were dancing round the apple trees and bird cherry trees, singing songs and looking after themselves suitors. The earlier the bird cherry bloomed, the hotter it was, according to popular signs, summer was forecasted. A lot of sorrel has grown - to a warm but snowy winter. If the stars flickered strongly at night, and at dawn light clouds appeared, then by noon wait for the rain.
  • May 5 is the day of Theodore Siqueoth, Luke and Clement. They planted onions in the gardens, saying: "Onions from seven ailments."If the evening the sky is clear in the west, then there will be no precipitation the next day. Only the aspen will drop the earrings - do not screw the morel near the path. If the night frosts, then the next forty days will also not be warm.
  • May 6 - Yuryev Day, George the Victorious or Veshniy, Yegoryev Day. Early in the morning at dawn, they went out to "swim" in the dew and drove the cattle out to gain strength and health. Active seeding began. Abundant dew - a good harvest of millet was expected, and it was raining - an easy year for cattle.
  • May 7 - the day of Savva Stratilat, Eusebius, Thomas, Elizabeth. According to the signs in the Evseev day, winds are all bent to the ground, but to the people the mite sticks. Those born this day and at all life will suffer. We finished the sowing of oats, and the appearance of many mosquitoes and winged ants promised a good harvest. After this day, 12 more times could be frost at night. The rays of the sun began to darken - wait for a strong thunderstorm.
  • May 8 is the day of Mark the Evangelist or Klyuchnik, Vasily, Thomas. They prayed to Mark that he protect him from drought, "otomknul" the sky and let the rain. Sunny, clear weather - for the spring harvest. In the morning it blows from the east, and in the evening from the west, then the next day will be sunny and without rain. If the apple trees have not yet blossomed - there is no need to wait for harvest this year. High and steep rainbow - to good weather, low and sloping - to rage.
  • May 9 - the day of Basil, Stefan, the Virgin of Glafira of Amazi or Goroshnitsa. Usually on that day they planted peas and planted early potatoes, pea soup or porridge was prepared for lunch. Often and for a long time, the cuckoo that foretold a warm weather. If the fresh morning wind increases in the daytime, and by evening dies down - to a clear and stable weather.
  • May 10 is the day of Simeon of Jerusalem. They plowed the fields and waited for the earth to warm up for sowing wheat. If the gardens bloom in the cold, we will reap rye for this. The sun has risen clear - summer is windy.
  • May 11 - the day of the apostles Jason, Sosipatra, St. Cyril. We prepared for future use birch sap, but the weather should have been standing still. If in the morning fog or rain, then there will be no useful qualities in the juice or it will soon turn sour. A clear sunrise - to a good summer, a warm and starry night - to the harvest. Late flowered dandelion - to dry years.
  • May 12 - the day of the nine martyrs of the Kizic or Healers. They uttered conspiracies from bodily diseases and epidemics. On the signs this night, dreams were prophetic. A strong wind blew - to fast rage, if the rain starts with lightning, then it will be protracted.
  • May 13 - Jacob Zevedeev or Yakov Teply. On a long journey to Yakov went, only bathed in the March thawed water. It protected from adversity, disease and evil eye. Good weather and the starry night sky on this day heralds a warm and productive summer. If the flowers of the dandelion opened on a cloudy day - to the rapid improvement of the weather.
  • May 14 is the day of the prophet Jeremiah or the Haulier, Paphnutius and Macarius. It was believed that on that day the prophet harnessed his chariot and helped those who plowed and asked for his help. A pogozhy day promised the same for harvesting. The dog whimpers, digs the ground and sleeps anxiously - to a quick rain with a storm.
  • May 15 - St. Athanasius the Great, Mary Magdalene, Salome, Boris and Gleb the Sower. Cucumbers, squash, pumpkin were planted. The nightingales began to sing: loudly and slowly - to fast heat, all night or in thick fog - to clear and fair next day.
  • May 16 is the day of the martyrs of Timothy and the Moors, Mavra Assadnitsa, Milkmaid or Shchikh. Planted seedlings in the garden, began to cook soup with green shoots of nettle, sorrel, quinoa. The cows were driven out to graze on fresh grass to give thick and fatty milk. The abundant dew and clear day promised a good harvest of cucumbers. There is a lot of color on the bird cherry - to a wet summer.
  • May 17 is the day of Pelagia of Tarsus or Intercession. Pelagia is considered to be the patroness of all innocent girls, unfairly offended, birds and hawkers. It was on this day that the tree was harvested for making spoons and other household utensils. Signs say: the turn has blossomed earlier and more abundant than it was laid down - towards the cold end of May, the sun is pale and in a haze - to prolonged inclement weather.
  • May 18 - the day of Irina of Macedon, Arina Rassadnitsa or Kapustnitsa. Burnt old mowing, women( always alone and silently) planted cabbage and other seedlings. The abundance of horsetail in the beams and the fields spoke of a good harvest of oats. If a goose splashes in the water - to heat, if in the dust - to a cold snap.
  • May 19 is the day of Job of the Long-suffering or the Goroshnik. For the second time, peas and other legumes were sown. If this morning there was abundant dew and a clear day stands clear weather, this is a favorable sign - the harvest will be rich. If the wasps organize nests in open sunny places, then summer will be rainy and moist.
  • May 20 is the day of remembrance of the phenomenon in the sky of the Cross of the Lord in Jerusalem, the Bathing Day. On this day it was considered necessary to atone horses participating in sowing operations, in the nearest rivers or reservoirs. The owners themselves also pelted themselves with a bucket of cold water from head to foot for health and strength. The wind blows from the southeast - to a long weather. Rainbow with a wide green stripe - to a long and plentiful rain.
  • May 21 - John the Theologian and Arsenius the Great. They sowed wheat, and well-to-do housewives baked pies and treated them to all passing travelers, beggars, squalid. It was considered a bad sign to not meet anyone on the road, then at least one pie was crumbled to domestic and wild birds. If the clusters of acacias do not smell at all, it means that there will soon be a prolonged rain.
  • May 22 is the day of the prophet Isaiah and Nicholas the Miracle-Worker, the Sinner or Veshnego. It became quite warm and the horses were driven out to night pastures. In the evening the girls wore cakes, buckwheat porridge in pots, burned bonfires, sang songs and chanted dances. A good sign on Nicholas was considered to be rain or wash at dawn with dew - it promised health and a good harvest. Night thunder - to good weather.
  • May 23 is the day of the apostle Simon Zilot. This day coincided with the pagan holiday of Mother Earth or Nurse, people were not allowed to dig, plow, harrow or at least somehow violate the integrity of the earth cover. But to walk on the ground barefooted, especially on the dew or to collect medicinal herbs was quite welcomed. The birds sang before dawn - to the rain.
  • May 24 is the day of Cyril and Methodius, the martyr of Mokias or Mokii Mokroi. People's signs say that on this day of the month rains usually go, and they bring beauty and strength to those who under them will get wet. Heavy rain threatened wet and damp summer. Pheasant settles on the branch of the tree from the evening - to a quiet and dry night.
  • May 25 - the day of St. Epiphanius, Herman and Hermogenes, Ryabinik. In Epifan's day, the girls dressed in red sarafans or skirts, prayed to the saint to save crops and houses from fires. About the same asked and rowan, leading round dances. The crimson-scarlet sunrise promised strong summer fires. If the water lilies lifted their leaves to the surface on the ponds, then there will be no more frost.
  • May 26 is the day of the Virgin of Glyceria and the Martyr Laodicea. Began the sowing of buckwheat. In the old days they said: "If there are a lot of mosquitoes on Glyceria, cook on the berries of boxes, if the mosquitoes are for the mushrooms of the bowls."The day is hot and the night is cool - tomorrow it will not rain. The flowers of strawberries were closed and drooped to the very ground - wait for the impending storm.
  • May 27 is the day of Isidore of Chios, blessed Isidor Tverdislov or Bokograi. From that day the northern winds ceased to flow, the heat grew, the swifts and swallows flocked massively. A clear day promised a good harvest of cucumbers, a cold one-a wet and cold summer. Since the morning on the leaves of maple came droplets of juice - in the evening to be rain.
  • May 28 - the Day of Pakhomiya the Great, Isaiah of Rostov, Dimitri. Real heat was installed. The old people said: "Pakhom Bokogray came - dump the wheat as soon as possible", and besides wheat, nothing more was recommended - it will not rise. There is a lot of cobwebs flying to the hot summer, the smoke from the fire clinging and eats up to the damp day.
  • May 29 is the day of the Monk Theodore the Sanctified or Zhitnik, Cassian and Lavrenia. It was considered to be the last spring sowing season. For lunch, it was necessary to prepare porridge( buckwheat, barley, wheat or millet) with butter. Before this day the rowan-tree was blossoming. If frogs and toads raskkalilis during a cold rain - soon the weather will improve.
  • May 30 - the day of the apostle Andronicus and the Monk Euphrosyne( Evdokia).It's time to plow the potatoes. People said: "What is Evdoshka - summer is the same: a young month with rain - to the wet, with the north wind - to the cold".Pigs dig their pits for puddles and swamps in the wet of summer.
  • May 31 - the memory of the holy fathers of the seven Ecumenical Councils, Theodotus of Ancyra and the seven virgin martyrs. They planted flax and watched the oak. If the oak on the top with the edge( all sheets are unfolded) - you will measure the oats with a kadushka. Falling green leaves with oak or rain promised a hungry year and a poor harvest of fruits. Bees massively sit and work on mountain ash - to good weather the next day.
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May is the last month of spring, the time of flowering, the riot of colors, the height of garden work. People's signs say that if in this spring month it's still cold and rainy, then the year should be hlebny: "Rains in May are raised bread."

  • Weather notes
  • By days
  • Wedding in May

According to one of the historical versions, the month of May received its name on behalf of the goddess of the Ancient World Maya. Earlier, according to the Old Roman calendar, it was the third in a row, and after the Gregorian calendar came into effect, it became the fifth. May heat is considered "unreliable", even if at the beginning of this month the weather pleases, then from the second decade it can dramatically deteriorate.

Signs about the weather

Many people are associated with May with many signs:

  • stars often sparkle, then the summer is expected to be clear, dry and warm;
  • ants, bees or spiders are actively moving - the weather will stand good all next month;
  • May rain begins with large droplets - it will not go for long;

  • month was not rainy - June will also be dry;
  • often complains of rainy weather - September will be dry, and vice versa.

If there is a lot of cobwebs in May, then the summer will be sultry. Rowan blossomed in the second half of May - do not expect an early autumn. When the flowering of the oak began before the ash tree blossomed, it means that the summer will be dry. If in the beginning of May it is cloudy and a moderate wind is blowing, then there should be no frost.

Dry and clear weather is foreshadowed by fog over the water, which thickens and does not disperse for several days. If the fog has risen in the morning, while forming cumulus clouds - it will rain, but if it spreads on the ground, then the day is expected to be sunny. Frequent May fogs are harbingers of a wet summer.

Dry summer promises a large number of May beetles. If the night was warm and bright, the next day will be cloudy and rainy.

If the new moon is a night rain, then it will be protracted, but when the moon was born there is no precipitation, then the dry weather will stand outside the window for a long time. Around the sun and moon the halo increased - dry and clear weather in May will be a few more days.

Take a closer look at the May rainbow: the morning rain is the messenger of rainy weather, and the evening one - to the sun, and in the event of the appearance of several rainbows in the sky, you should expect a warm rain, which will last long enough.

If in May the sun appears more than usual in the morning, then it will rain in the daytime, if there was a thunder in the daytime, but it did not get cold in the street, then at night it will again show itself. The jumping frogs on the earth in May promise a warm rain.

Read also about folk signs on weather and harvest, as well as Orthodox holidays of the first summer month - June
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Wedding in May

In earlier times, marriage in May, according to popular signs, did not bode well for the young family. The old people said: "May come together - all your life to suffer."It was considered insulting even matchmaking during this period.

If there was no other way out and the wedding had to be played in May, the wedding ceremony was held under the old oak, a symbol of strength, power and lasting faith. The young took hold of their hands and three times walked around the tree, bowed to his belt and prayed to keep their union strong and prosperous.

To date, many young people do not believe in ancient signs and rites and marry at the right time for them, firmly believing that for real love, any barriers are not terrible.

The days of Lent and short one-day days are considered unfavorable for the wedding according to the church calendar.

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