Piles creeping - grass and root: medicinal and useful properties and contraindications. Pyrei is a folk remedy for oncology, reflux, joints, diabetes, vision

Useful properties of crocheted fork.


  • What does the grass look like, where it grows?
  • Paddies are creeping - grass and root: medicinal and useful properties and contraindications.
    • . How to apply topcoat?
    • How to use the couch inside?
  • Root of burdock, couch grass, dandelion: medicinal properties that heals?
  • How to brew rootgrass roots?
  • How to cook and apply?
  • Juice grass from grass stalks and leaves: how to make and apply?
  • Tincture of wheatgrass on vodka: how to cook and apply?
  • Pyre in case of cancer: prescription
  • Peeps for vision: prescription
  • Piles against reflux: prescription
  • The healing properties of crested joints: how to apply?
  • Pyre in diabetes: how to apply?
  • Decoction of wheat grass from mosquitoes: how to apply?
  • Why do cats and dogs eat grass grass
  • Video: properties of wheatgrass creeping

What kind of folk names it is not called: zhitets, rzhanets, diving, grass roots, dog grass and even a worm-grass. The truth is, these words reflect the external similarity of the plant and its ability to grow under the earth?

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Translation from the Latin name literally means fire fields: the speed and scale of its distribution are similar to the powerful tongues of the flame. And to take out the weed completely from the garden is not possible

How useful is the weed-grass and is it worth it to store it for future use? Read in this article

So it looks like a grassy creeping

What does grass grow like, where it grows?

The malignant weed grass belongs to the family of Gramineae

  • Its thin, unchanging roots invariably horizontally penetrate the upper layers of the soil and form a whole web of rhizomes and buds ready for transformation into a new plant
  • Rhizomes do not penetrate usually deeper than 15 centimeters
  • Weedhas an erect stem reaching 40-120 cm in height. Long and flat leaves reach a length of 15-40 cm.
  • . Leaves are green or gray-green in color. The width of the leaf blade is 3-8 mm
  • The flowers are generous and unpretentious. It is an assembled inflorescence of complex long apical spikelets of 4-7 flowers. The spike itself reaches a length of 15 cm. The weed will bloom by May-June. By the end of the first summer month, it is already possible to observe ripened fruits, representing a grain similar to wheat. Fetal length - 5 mm
Paddies are creeping - not only weed

Under ground sprouts shoots can quickly spread. It is for this kind of ability to fill a useful area for garden crops with its creeping roots, its summer residents do not favor and mercilessly get rid of the weed

Sometimes it is very difficult to clean the backyard from the weed. The process of destruction of wheatgrass can drag on for months.

Sometimes the slightest damage to the root causes the growth of a new plant. The tops of the rhizomes for this are bent upward and are at the surface of the soil layer

Where does the weed grow?

In addition to arable land, wheatgrass fills its climbing rhizomes with meadows, steppe slopes, river floodplains and roadsides. In a word, everywhere, where there is a smoldering soil, the grass is able to germinate .To form a new individual, only a part of the rhizome with a single kidney is sufficient.

Paddies are creeping - grass and root: medicinal and useful properties and contraindications

More doctors of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome knew about the healing properties of wheat grass. Medieval folk medicine also found the use of creeping grass

Unbelievable, but unsightly in appearance the plant is a laxative and diuretic. It is used for a strong cough, cold, and is used as an anti-inflammatory drug

Dried roots of a weed under the name are sold in drugstores under the name "Purei creeping"

Paddies creeping

In what cases do you use the healing power of the wheatgrass ( in combination with other herbs)?

  • For various disorders of the digestive tract. Diseases of the respiratory system - bronchitis and various pneumonia
  • Metabolic disordersfatty acids, proteins, carbohydrates) - diabetes or anemia, rickets
  • Various disorders of the musculoskeletal system - arthritis and osteochondrosis
Crushed roots of wheatgrass

Broths or infusions of grass rootgrass are consumed inside,for only prescribed by a doctor

weed pollen is a member of an immunological drug, by which detect and treat allergic inflammation, hay fever, asthma

medicinal properties has even pollen

wheatgrass in alternative medicine is widely used rootstock of couch grass. The life-resistance of the plant and its useful properties are explained.

How is grass extraried applied externally?

  • For outdoor use, prepare decoctions and infusions of the rhizome and the green part of the plant. Such drugs help with skin diseases of infants.

Pyrus is effective for jaundice, diaper rash, diarrhea, diathesis. For the decoction to work, it is necessary to prepare it in the following way:

Recipe: couch for bathing a newborn

50 g of root of wheatgrass , I fill with 0.5 liters of boiling water a. Leave to infuse for half an hour.

Application of : pour the broth into a bathing bath and hold the crumb in it. Bathing in the broth of the weed is repeated three times during the week.

Wheygrass infusion also helps in the onset of adolescent acne rash .You only need to apply the obtained "lotion" to the affected area of ​​the face

Pyrus-an incredibly tenacious plant

Get rid of the repetitive of furunculosis will help a lotion of concentrated grass extract

How to apply the couch inside?

Recipe of ancient physicians who improves vision

Juice wheatgrass mix with honey m. The ratio should be 1: 1.The mixture warms up for 5 minutes.

Application of e: it is considered that continuously taking such an infusion of 1 tablespoon three times a day( as much as 180 days), it is possible to significantly improve vision( up to 1-3 diopters)


Recipe: wheatgrass for weight loss

1 dining roomspoon fresh Juice Extract
100ml water

Application: mix the ingredients and drink four times a day. Use the mixture for at least a week

Contraindications in the treatment of this tenacious plant can only be if a person has an individual intolerance.
Uncontrolled use of infusion from the roots of wheatgrass can adversely affect the genitourinary system, on the kidneys and liver

The nondescript wheatgrass

Caution requires the use of wheatgrass in the following diseases:

  • Acute peptic ulcer
  • Pancreatitis
  • Diarrhea
  • Pregnancy

Burdock root, couch grass, dandelion: medicinal properties, what heals?

Hard-to-root weeds can help with many diseases. It is enough to prepare the roots of three plants - burdock, wheat grass, dandelion

What is useful for wheat grass?

  • Restores metabolic processes
  • Treats severe urinary tract diseases
  • Treats respiratory system diseases
  • Treats digestive system diseases
  • Can be used as an analgesic medication
  • Treats ovarian disorders in women

What is useful for a dandelion?

  • Used in the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis
  • Helps with anemia
  • Used in the treatment of oncological diseases
  • Eliminates inflammation in the joints and lymph nodes
Dandelions are part of a herbal infusion

What is useful for burdock?

  • is able to fight with cancer
  • helps with the treatment of bronchitis and sinusitis
  • accelerates the recovery of bone tissue in fractures
  • is able to fight heart failure
  • is used to treat hepatitis
  • treats initial manifestations of the flu

How to prepare a decoction of three herbs?

  • Assemble the young roots of plants in early spring or in the autumn season before the onset of cold weather. Mugs need to take one-year. In two-year-old rhizomes of mugs there are no useful properties: they leave in the inflorescence of
  • Rhizomes should be excavated and rinsed under running water. The plants are ground after drying and each kind of plants is dried and cooked separately.
  • Two tablespoons of dried roots are poured with boiled water. Set to boil for 10 minutes. After that, the broth is filtered and infused 2 hours
  • After straining the broth, it can be drunk to the amount of half a glass three times a day. Be sure to drink the broth on an empty stomach. In this case, from the decoction into the blood immediately useful substances will flow and quickly disperse on the body

Decoctions from the roots of three herbs vary every week. For example, if this week you drink a decoction from the root of burdock, then next week it should be a decoction from the root of a dandelion, and next week there will be a wheatgrass

How to brew roots of wheat grass?

For brewing the rhizome rootstock, 8 tbsp dry root of wheatgrass is needed. The ground mixture is poured with boiled water and after two hours of infusion it can be used

Herb infusion

How to cook and apply?

Recipe for decoction decoction of the wheatgrass

  • Take 2 tbsp.l. Dried Root Extruder
  • Fill with 1 cup of boiled water
  • Boil 5-10 minutes
  • Cool
  • Strain and Press

How to take the decoction of wheat grass? Drink 1/3 cups three times a day

Baths with decoction of creepers help with skin diseases

When diseases are treated with decoction from the wheat grass:

  • With cholelithiasis
  • With urolithiasis
  • With inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract
  • In the treatment of Padarra and rheumatism

Juice grass from stems and leaves of grass: how to make and apply?

Recipe for preparing grassy juice

  • Collect 1 kg of wheatgrass together with roots and rinse under running water
  • Washed grass dry
  • Grind the grass
  • Pour in 2 liters of water
  • Mix

Apply : after one hour, the juice needs to be filtered and wrung out. Ready juice can retain its useful properties for several days when stored in a refrigerator. The duration of juice storage can be increased by adding 1 glass of

vodka per liter of juice. Drink juice 3-4 times a day in the amount of 0.5 cups on an empty stomach. Treatment lasts 3-4 months

Rhizome grassy

Broth grass cleanses with various skin diseases

Recipe for cooking broth:

  • 50 g of wheatgrass root
  • 5 l of boiling water

Application of : the raw material is poured with water and placed to warm up in a water bath. Ready to boil should brew for 2 hours. Take a bath pouring the infusion into the water.

Tincture of wheatgrass on vodka: how to cook and apply?

Pears are successfully used in the treatment of hyperopia. To do this, prepare tincture with vodka.

Recipe for preparation of

  • tincture 100 ml of powdered root of wheatgrass
  • 150 ml of of vodka
  • 200 ml of of water

Application of : all manipulations with root of wheatgrass should be performed in a glass dark dish. The water is heated and combined with vodka

  • The wheat grass is filled with the obtained liquid. Crockery with roots cleavers tightly closed. After 20 minutes of infusion( in the dark), the tincture is ready for use.
  • The strained agent is taken in an amount of 20 drops twice a day for 30 days.

. Piles in cancer: prescription

. Cancer diseases are treated with wheat grass as follows:

Prescription for oncological diseases

  • 2 stl crushed root grass wheat
  • 500 ml boiling water

Application : raw material is poured in water and boiled for 15 minutes. After 3 hours of infusion and straining, the infusion can be consumed. Adhere to the following dosage: a third of the glass three times a day on an empty stomach. Take 3-4 weeks

Pure treats and oncological diseases

Glow for vision: prescription

Vision improvement comes with the use of the next decoction

Prescription for sight

  • 4 tbs chopped root cleavage
  • 5 full glasses boiling water

Application : pourginger with water and keep on fire until the water evaporates to ¼ volume. Drink 4-5 times a day for 1 tbsp

Piles against reflux: prescription

Various herbal preparations are effective in the treatment of reflux. They are even prescribed to their patients by doctors

Prescription for the reflux treatment

  • 100 g root of the althea
  • 100 g lime flowers
  • 50 g yarrow
  • 50 g root grass wheat
  • 50 g St. John's wort
  • 50 g licorice root
  • 50 g dried herb shandra ordinary
  • 20 g gold-bearing

Application : mixed and brewed 30 grams with one glass of boiling water. After half an hour of infusion, tea from herbs can be drunk. Drink it hot once a day after eating

The healing properties of wheat grass on the joints: how to apply?

Piles are used in the treatment of joints

Prescription for the treatment of joints

It is necessary to take 1 glass of rhizomes and to insist for 12 hours in 1 liter of boiled water .

Application of : you can add honey and drink 0.5 glasses 3-5 times a day

Pyre in diabetes: how to apply?

The poultry will help regulate metabolism. For the treatment of diabetes mellitus, the following infusion is used:

Recipe for diabetes mellitus

  • 4 tbsp crushed rhizome
  • rhizome 5 drinking water cups

Application: raw material is poured with water and boiled until the total is reduced to ¼.A strained broth is drunk on 1 tbsp 4-5 times a day.

Decoction of wheat grass from mosquitoes: how to apply?

To prepare an effective mosquito repellent, will need a handful of crushed rhizome rootstocks. Raw materials should be poured into 1.5 liters of water and boiled three times before obtaining a decoction of a light yellow shade.

With the received liquid wash face and open body parts

Why cats and dogs eat grass grass

Creeping grass has a pronounced anti-worm effect. This explains her frequent eating of cats and dogs by

Video: the properties of the burrowing creeping

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