Dishes with tangerines: recipes. Salads with tangerines and chicken, red caviar, Peking cabbage, smoked chicken, beef: recipes

Such juicy "winter" citrus, like mandarin, can be safely added to meat dishes and salads. From such an ingredient, your culinary masterpieces will only "stay in the win", and the guests will marvel at your culinary talent and originality.


  • Duck baked with tangerines and apples in the oven
  • How to cook a chicken roll with prunes and mandarins?
  • Pork baked with mandarins in the oven: recipe and photos
  • Salad chicken in freckles with tangerine: recipe and photos
  • Recipe for salad with tangerines and red caviar: recipe
  • Salad with smoked chicken and mandarins: recipe
  • Salad with Pekinese cabbage and tangerines: recipeand photo
  • Beef with mandarins: recipe for salad
  • Video: "Salad with tangerines"

Duck baked with mandarins and apples in oven

Mandarines have so rich and pleasant taste that they are great forMarinating and filling the meat before baking. The citrus juice will soak the meat and give it a sweet and sour taste, leaving it soft and tender.

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One of the most popular dishes is the duck, stuffed with apples and mandarin slices. This morning long languishes in the oven at low temperatures and therefore has an unusual but incredibly piquant and juicy taste with the sweetness of mandarin and sour apple.

IMPORTANT: Baked duck with tangerines will be your crown dish on the festive table, will please and pleasantly surprise the guests.

You will need :

  • Duck - 1 bird( no guts, washed and osmolennaya).
  • Mandarins - 700-800( preferably sweet)
  • Apple - 1-2 sort "Seven")
  • Honey liquid - 2 items of l.
  • Soy sauce - several st.l.
  • Mixture of peppers and salt
  • Garlic - several teeth


  • The carcass of the duck is washed out, it must be osmolated, without feathers.
  • Carcass should be rubbed with salt and a mixture of peppers, both inside and out.
  • Garlic crush and mix with soy sauce, obtained marinade is also worth coating in the morning.
  • The remaining marinade is poured into the carcass
  • Mandarins are peeled from the crusts and films
  • Apple is cut into slices
  • Mandarin and apple slices fill the duck carcass
  • Sew duck outside with ordinary or culinary threads.
  • The carcass should be sent to the oven, which needs to be heated to 190-200 degrees. Approximate baking time is 1.5 hours. After an hour of baking, get out the duck and pierce with a toothpick, if blood is poured - bake another 30-40 minutes, if juice and blood, then up to 20 minutes.

IMPORTANT: After baking, remove dirty threads from the duck, no need to remove the filling. Serve the duck with fresh fruit on a platter.

Duck stuffed with tangerines

How to cook a chicken roll with prunes and mandarins?

The main feature of this dish - roll is a dietary , not only because it is made from lean meat, but also because it is brewed or baked for a couple without oil. Chicken meat is perfectly combined with the sweetness of fruits and together with them gives a wonderful taste, as well as flavor.

You will need:

  • Chicken fillet - 4 breasts( this is approximately 1 kg - 1 kg. 200 g.)
  • Mandarins - 3-4 pcs.(choose sweet)
  • Walnut walnut - 100-120 g.
  • Prune - 100 g.
  • Pepper mixture and salt to taste


  • Place a large( double) layer of food film on a wooden board.
  • Each breast should be cleaned from the films and deeply cut in the middle.
  • All breasts are lapped on the food film( connected with notches and backs).
  • With the help of the malleus, the meat is carefully discouraged, especially where the breasts are joined. This is necessary in order for the roll to be uniform.
  • Salt and sprinkle with a mixture of peppers meat.
  • Prunes are poured with boiling water to soak, it should be pitted.
  • Mandarins are peeled and divided into lobules. With each lobule should be as carefully as possible to remove the film, so that only the flesh remains.
  • On the edge of the beaten layer of meat put a walnut, pre-rumpled with a rolling pin, then a layer of prunes and on top of it slices of mandarin.
  • Gently twist the roll, turning the edge with a food film, tighten the edges tightly.
  • Steaming can be cooked in steamers, if you do not have it, put the resulting sausage in a wide colander. Strain the colander over a large pan, at the bottom of which water is boiling.
  • In a steamer( or steam bath), the roll should be prepared for about 30-40 minutes.
  • Ready to cut the roulette, remove the film from it and then cut into small pieces.
Dietary chicken roll with prunes and mandarins

Pork baked with tangerines in the oven: recipe and photos

Fatty meat of pork is perfectly combined with the sweetness of mandarin and together gives a rich spicy taste.

You will need:

  • Pork meat ( loin or notch) - 1 kg.
  • Mandarins - 0,5 kg.(choose sweet)
  • Bow - 1 pc.(medium)
  • Garlic - several pcs. Teeth
  • Sauce tomato - 100 ml.(pure or with spices)
  • Mixture of peppers and salt for to taste


  • Meat without pits should be cut into 1 cm-thick pieces.
  • Cut onions into large semi-rings
  • Garlic should be peeled and cut into small slices.
  • Prepare a baking dish. It should be dishes with a high side.
  • The form is slightly lubricated with oil
  • At the bottom of the deck lay a layer of meat, it should be peppered and add salt to taste.
  • In a glass of water( can be replaced with meat or vegetable broth) tomato juice is dissolved and this liquid is poured into all the meat.
  • On top of the meat lay the half rings of the onion
  • Mandarin should be peeled off the peel and excess films. The flesh is cut into rings, which are laid out on top of the onion.
  • Deca should be sent to the oven
  • The first 20 minutes the meat is baked at a high temperature( 220-250 degrees).
  • After this time, the temperature is lowered to 180-190 and the meat is baked for another 20 minutes.
Juicy pork with tangerines

Chicken salad in freckles with tangerine: recipe and photos

Original, juicy salad with a sweet taste will surprise your guests and give you a pleasant taste.

You will need:

  • Chicken fillet - 1 breast( approx. 400 g.)
  • Mandarins - 3 pcs.(not large, sweet)
  • Bow - 1 pc.(small)
  • Several drops of vinegar or lemon juice
  • Sugar and salt to taste
  • Mayonnaise - several st.l.


  • Onion should be marinated, for this, peel it and cut into half rings.
  • Place the onion in a bowl, beat it with boiling water, drain the water.
  • Pour onion vinegar, sprinkle 1 tsp.sugar and a little salt. Leave to marinate for half an hour.
  • After this, drain the marinade, pour into the salad bowl.
  • Peel mandarin from peel and films, cut slices in half, pour into a salad bowl.
  • Breast should be cooked in any way: boil, fry or bake. After that, the breast is cut into pieces and added to the rest of the ingredients.
  • Salad dressed with mayonnaise and seasoned to taste
Salad "Chicken in freckles" with mandarins

Recipe for salad with tangerines and red caviar: recipe

This recipe for salad with seafood and tangerines will decorate the festive table and surprise with unusual taste.

You will come in handy:

  • Prawns boiled Atlantic ( small) - 200 g.( Can be replaced with pickled).
  • Red caviar - 1 jar( large, 100 g.)
  • Egg - 3-4 pieces.
  • Mandarin - 2 pcs.(sweet)
  • Mayonnaise - several st.l.high fat content

Preparation :

  • Shrimps boil in boiling water, cool
  • Eggs boil hard
  • Mandarin is peeled off the skin and films, the lobules of the pulp are cut in half.
  • Ingredients are thoroughly mixed in a salad bowl, seasoned with fat mayonnaise.
  • On top of the lettuce should put a layer of red caviar before serving. Salad with seafood, caviar and tangerines

    Salad with smoked chicken and tangerines: recipe

    You will need:

    • Smoked bacon - 1 pc.(can be replaced with fillets).
    • Egg - 4 pcs.
    • Mandarin - 2-3 pcs.(sweet)
    • Cheese bold - 100 g( for example "sour cream" or "Russian").
    • Mayonnaise - several tablespoons.high fat content
    • Salt to taste ( if required)


    • Meat is separated from bone, cut into
    • Eggs are boiled and cut the same way as meat
    • Mandarins are peeled and peeled, the flesh is cut in half.
    • All the ingredients are filled with mayonnaise and mixed.
    • Cheese is rubbed on a grater and put on a slide over the salad before serving. Salad with tangerines and smoked chicken

      Salad with Pekinese cabbage and tangerines: recipe and photos

      You will need:

      • Peking cabbage - 200 g. White and green part
      • Mandarin - 2-3 pcs.sweet variety
      • Cucumber - 1 piece.(small)
      • Onions blue - 0.5 bulbs( small)
      • Mayonnaise - several tablespoonslow fat content
      • Sesame white - 1 tbsp.seeds
      • Egg - 2 pcs.chicken
      • Salt to taste


      • Egg boiled
      • Cabbage should be finely chopped and put in a slide on the serving dish.
      • Onion is cut into small half rings and placed over cabbage.
      • Cucumber should be cut into half rings and put together with onions.
      • Salt the salad to taste, add a mixture of peppers.
      • The mandarin segments are peeled from the film over the cucumber.
      • A slice of boiled eggs is placed next to the mandarins.
      • The whole salad is watered with low-fat mayonnaise. You can add a few drops of soy sauce.
      • The salad is sprinkled with white sesame seeds before serving.
      Salad with Pekinese cabbage and tangerines

      Beef with mandarins: recipe for salad

      This salad belongs to the category of warm, as the meat added to it should be just cooked.

      You will need:

      • Beef ( pulp or tenderloin) - 300 g.
      • Cherry tomatoes - several pcs.
      • Mandarins - several pcs.
      • Onion blue - 1 pc.(small)
      • Rukkola - 80-100 g.
      • Olive oil - 3 tbsp.
      • Soy sauce - 3 tbsp.
      • Sesame - 1 tbsp.
      • Salt to taste


      • The beef steak should be fried on a grill or in oil in a frying pan. Try not to overeat the meat and leave it juicy.
      • Finished meat is cut into pieces and put on a cushion of arugula.
      • Meat is sprinkled with halves of cherry tomatoes, half-rings of blue onions and mandarin slices with removed film.
      • From the butter and soy sauce, the dressing is prepared, and the salad is poured over it. In the dressing, you can add a small slice of garlic.
      • A ready-made salad is sprinkled with sesame seeds.
      Warm salad with beef and tangerines

      Video: "Salad with tangerines"

  • May 30, 2018
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