Recipes for the use of castor oil for eyebrow beauty

Beauty begins with trifles. Especially it reflects the state of appearance, face, neck, décolletage, hands. And the first thing that falls into attention is the eyes. Their beauty is emphasized not only by the condition of the skin, but also by the grooming of the eyelashes and eyebrows. Add brilliance, strength, length of the eyebrows is capable of miraculous castor oil and recipes based on it.

  • Properties and benefits
    • Properties and benefits
    • Properties and benefits
    • Properties and benefits

      The oil has a rich yellow color, its consistency is viscous, the smell is pronounced and it is recognizable. Such a product is obtained by cold pressing of castor oil( decorative palms that are planted in our regions for one season).

      The composition of the oil is complicated. It is rich in useful saturated acids, which have a beneficial effect on the activation of growth and strengthening of hair, including eyebrows and eyelashes. One of the most important acids is ricinoleic acid, it is capable of penetrating rapidly and deeply into the epidermis and structure of the hairs, and also fulfilling the role of transport, which delivers to the destination other useful substances. Therefore, castor oil is advantageously mixed with various useful ingredients and other oils.

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      The second advantage of oil is deep hydration and moisture retention.

      The third advantage is the regeneration characteristics. Oil promotes the renewal and restoration of damaged hairs and epidermis.

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      How to apply

      oil There are many proven recipes for traditional medicine. Here are the best of them:

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      Recipes for masks

      Recipe 1. Mix in equal proportions any cosmetic oil and castor oil that suits you. Mix the oils warm and apply on the hairline of each eyebrow for 2-3 hours. After the expiration of the mask, do a gentle massage of the eyebrows with your fingers and rinse the oils with warm water.

      Recipe 2. An excellent mask option that will help you make your eyebrows smooth and silky. Mix in equal proportions castor oil and liquid vitamin A. Blend a little warm and apply on the eyebrows. Leave the mask on the eyebrows for 3 hours. Rinse with warm water.

      Recipe 3. This mask recipe is best not to use on light eyebrows, as it can make them a tone or two darker. The camphor oil that is part of the oil will have an excellent caring effect. Mix in equal proportions castor oil and camphor oil. Warm the mixture of oils and apply warm on the eyebrows. Keep the mask for at least two hours, and then rinse with plenty of warm water.

      Read recipes also on how to strengthen and lengthen eyelashes

      Recipe 4. Add a small amount of castor oil to 2-3 drops of extracts of medicinal chamomile and calendula. Using a brush, spread the mixture along the brow growth line and leave for 2-3 hours. After the set time, rinse the mixture with plenty of warm water.

      Recipe 5. Wipe on a grater 2 medium-sized onions and 2 cloves of garlic. Through gauze squeeze garlic and onion juice. In the juice, add a small spoonful of castor oil. Use a brush to put a mask on your eyebrows. Wait for the mixture to dry completely, then rinse with warm water.

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      Recipes for rubbing

      Recipe 1. This recipe will help to solve once and for all the question of how to grow eyebrows with castor oil in a fairly short time. Combine in a proportion 1: 2 castor oil and vodka( cognac).Blend the mixture in the eyebrows along the hair growth line with massage movements, do the procedure overnight and do not rinse. Repeat the procedure up to three times a week.

      Recipe 2. Mix the castor and burdock oil in equal proportions and rub the mixture into the eyebrows along the hair growth line. Use a mixture of oils best before going to bed and do not rinse. Castor and burdock oil for eyebrows will have an excellent nutritional effect and contribute to the improvement of their growth.

      Recipe 3. Mix castor oil with almond and peach oils in equal proportions. Rub the mixture in the eyebrows along the hair growth line before going to bed. Massage procedure, massage, patting movements. Do not flush the mixture of oils. This mixture of oils protects the eyebrows from falling out.

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      Recipe 4. Combine in small equal amounts almond, burdock and castor oil. Add to the oils liquid vitamin E and a little fish oil. Swipe with eyebrows procedure of rubbing the prepared product with massage movements. Keep the product on the eyebrows for at least half an hour. Surplus oily substance can be removed with a dry cloth.

      Recipe 5. Mix 3 ml of castor oil with 3 ml of pumpkin oil. In the mixture of oils, add 1-2 drops of essential oil of orange. Rub the mixture in the eyebrows along the line of hair growth with massage movements. Remove excess oil mixture with a dry cloth.

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      Compresses recipes

      Recipe 1. Preheat the castor oil in its pure form on a steam bath. In unheated oil, moisten the cotton wool or cotton wool and apply a compress to the eyebrows. Soak the compress for at least 20 minutes. The procedure is best done before bedtime and do not flush the oil from the eyebrows.

      Recipe 2. Mix castor oil with freshly squeezed carrot juice in equal proportions. Wet cotton pads in the mixture and apply a compress to the eyebrows. To sustain a compress it is necessary within half an hour. Do not flush the mixture from the eyebrows. For convenience, it is best to apply before bedtime.

      Recipe 3. Mix in equal proportions castor oil and olive oil( you can use sunflower oil).Mixture of oils slightly warm up and put on a wadded disk. Apply the compress to the eyebrows for 40 minutes. It is advisable not to wash off the oil, you can slightly remove excess with a dry napkin.

      Recipe 4. Mix in equal proportions castor, linseed, pink, wheat germ, grape seed and almond oil. Warm the mixture of oils on a steam bath. Apply a non-hot mixture to cotton pads and apply a compress on the eyebrows. It is possible to sustain a compress on the eyebrows for an hour. Do not rinse the mixture, remove the remaining oil with a dry cloth.

      Recipe 5. Mix 15 ml of jojoba oil with 2-3 ml of rosemary essential oil or ylang ylang oil. The oil mixture must be heated. Moisten wadded disks in oils and attach to the eyebrows. Keep the compress on the eyebrows for at least an hour. Remove excess oil with a dry cloth.

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      Serum Recipes

      Recipe 1. Preheat one small spoonful of coconut oil. In warm oil, add 5 drops of liquid vitamin E. Mix everything well. Pour into the mixture two small spoons of castor oil and stir again. Apply the mixture on the eyebrows with a brush, combing your brows. Apply every day before going to bed for a month. Store the serum in a tightly-closed container.

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      Recipe 2. Squeeze out the fresh leaf aloe juice. Mix two small spoons of aloe juice with one small spoon of castor oil. Apply the mixture on the hair of the eyebrows with a brush, covering each hair thoroughly with serum. Do not rinse the mixture. Do the best before bed. You can use this tool for an unlimited amount of time.

      Recipe 3. Connect two large spoons of castor oil with liquid vitamins A, D, E, F( 2-3 drops each).Apply vitamin serum on eyebrows two times a day for one month.

      Recipe 4. Mix in equal proportions castor oil with D-panthenol and hyaluronic acid. Apply serum on eyebrows every day for one month, and then take a break for at least three months.

      Recipe 5. Brew black large-leafed tea in a very steep brew. Add 10 drops of castor oil to one small spoonful of tea leaves. Using a brush, apply serum on the eyebrows along the hair growth line. For each use, prepare a new portion of whey. Apply serum at night and do not rinse off eyebrows.


      Castor oil is one of the most effective means for hair restoration in principle. I personally use im.i and very satisfied with the effect. With eyebrows and eyelashes there was a catastrophe earlier. Eyebrows grew in places, and eyelashes were thin and short, now thanks to the castor, the brow is ideal, and the cilia are lush and long. Of course, in order to achieve this result, patience and time were required, after the 1st application of the miracle do not wait. Personally, I noticed the result after 1 month of daily use.

  • May 30, 2018
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