How much does it cost to make a passport: all "on the shelves"

After watching the documentary films about travel and all sorts of travel-shows, you slapped yourself on the knee, took a dusty suitcase from the mezzanine and pulled out a camera to go somewhere in Mauritius?

It's commendable, commendable! But do not rush to declare yourself a great traveler without having a valid passport.

There is no such?

Then we will tell in detail, how much it costs to make a passport and where it can be issued.

How much does it cost to make a passport: what does it depend on and can I not pay?

a) 4 factors on which the "price of the issue" depends

How much you have to pay to make a passport depends on several parameters.

  1. Type of passport.

  • The old passport does not contain an electronic chip, so it costs less.

    But its essential "jamb" is that you will have to receive a new document and go through all the circles of bureaucratic hell every 5 years.

    And on the other hand: if you do not plan to "ignite" the entire next decade in a round-the-world trip, and the distant one is urging you to the road - why pay more?

    instagram viewer

  • A new passport( biometric) is issued with an electronic carrier and is issued for a whole 10 years.

    Travelers with experience are strongly encouraged to do just that, as border guards will treat you more favorably.

Here are the documents you need to stock in order to start issuing the passport:

Category of citizens Required documents for obtaining the passport
old new sample
Adult ▪ Civil passport( original) + copies of all its pages( notarize not to be certified);
▪ 3 photos in the oval( 3,5 * 4,5 cm, color - black and white, matte);
▪ the old passport if available and valid + a copy of its first page;
▪ a copy of the work record book( it is necessary to certify the place of the current work), the non-working one - the original of the work record card, if available;
▪ for men of military age - a ticket / certificate from the military registration and enlistment office;
▪ application form( 2 copies);
▪ receipt for payment of state duty.
▪ application for the issuance of a passport( 2 copies);
▪ passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
▪ photo( 2 pieces, 3.5 * 4.5 cm, matte, black and white or color);
▪ receipt of payment of state duty;
▪ a military ticket containing a note on the passage of military service / certificate of the military commissariat( for men aged 18-27, at the place of registration);
▪ written permission from the command, if the citizen is a serviceman;
▪ if there is a previously issued passport, if it is valid.
Children and teenagers under 18 ▪ 3 photos( 3.5 * 4.5 cm, color - black and white, matte);
- an application written by one of the parents on behalf of the child
▪ unqualified copies of all pages of the passports of parents, confirming the identity and citizenship of the Russian Federation;
▪ for children from the age of 14 years - a copy of the civil passport;
▪ birth certificate + insert about citizenship;
▪ receipt for payment of state duty.
▪ application for the issuance of a passport for a child / adolescent under 18 years of age( 2 copies);
▪ birth certificate containing a note on the citizenship of the Russian Federation;
▪ a copy of the birth certificate( uncertified);
▪ receipt for payment of state duty;
▪ original passport of the parent / legal guardian of the child
▪ photo( 2 pieces, 3.5 * 4.5 cm, matte, black and white or color);
▪ if you have a previously issued passport.
  • Applicant's age.

    As it is sung in the old song, "young people are always expensive", so it will be much cheaper to get a passport for children and teenagers under 14( see the table below).

    When you make out without intermediaries and in usual mode( the passport can be picked up in a month), you will have to fork out the following amount:

    No. Category of citizens The cost of the passport in 2017, ros.ruble:
    of the old
    1 Adults 1500,00 3500,00
    2 Children under 14 500,00 1500,00

    For the same money, but for much longer, you will be able to make a foreign passport if you have access to state secrets( up to 3 months) orturned to the passport desk Federthe Migration Service at the place of temporary registration( up to 4 months).

    There are no powerful uncles from the ministry and even a sister rock star will not help.

  • Places of your registration.

    Hmm, as if it was not offensive to residents of other regions, but here the Muscovites "freebie" - a passport to make them cheaper, and it will go faster than other Russians.

  • Production period.

    We have long been accustomed to pay for urgency, "la la vi".

    So what if you have a "holiday" ticket to the resort of your dreams, or did you urgently need to meet with the charming Georgian with whom you have been squeezing for 2 months on Facebook?

    Once you "pripeklo", you can quickly make a passport through intermediaries( they are often the same employees of passport offices who want to earn extra money), but it will fly into a good penny( the average prices are for one adult, taking into account state duty):

  • No.p / n Passport manufacturing time Passport cost in 2017, ros.rubley:

    for residents of Moscow and Moscow region for residents of other regions
    old new sample old new versionof the difference
    1 10 working days 10000.00-11000.00 12000.00-16000.00 12000.00-13000.00 14000.00-20000.00
    2 7 working days 13000,00-16000,00 19000.00-23000.00 15000.00-18000.00 21000.00-27000.00
    3 4 working days 22000.00-27000.00 35000.00 24000.00-30000.00 39000,00
    4 3 working days 27000,00-30000,00 * 30000,00-32000,00 *

    And remember: officially the passport office does not work with any intermediaries. Therefore, it is one thing - to negotiate with a cousin or a girlfriend working for the FMS, and quite another - to specify how much it will cost to issue a passport in a suspicious firmochke with an office in the backyard of geography.

    Without any "left" surcharges and intermediaries for 3 working days you should "bungle" the passport if you are seriously ill and need urgent medical treatment abroad or you, God forbid, a close relative died.

    But all these weighty reasons will have to be documented, so that there will not be like careless students who have five grandmothers and two aunts "dying" for one semester, and training "tails" grow like leaps and bounds.

    b) 2 situations when you will issue the document completely free

    Not everyone has to count how much the Russian passport will cost, so they will do it free of charge:

    1. for Russians who have a registration( residence permit) of the Kaliningrad region;

    2. to the inhabitants of the Crimea, who have a Ukrainian passport in their hands and for the first time are turning to Russian civil services for processing a travel document abroad.

      No, no, we are not going to enter into polemics with you about the relations between Russia and Ukraine, the war in the Donbass and other burning topics - we just bring to your attention useful information.

    Is it possible to change the passport not at the place of residence: Russia and Ukraine

    "Two roads, two ways. .." to find out how much it costs to make a passport and issue the document

    . Method # 1. "Ok, Google!" Or the Internet - head to everything.

    In order to begin to make a passport and specify how much it will cost, you need:

    1. to register on the portal of state services To do this you will need a pension certificate number and TIN;
    2. in the personal office to leave an application for making a passport: is filled in the application form, and an electronic photograph is attached to it;
    3. to wait on your e-mail "letter of happiness" with the date and time when it will be necessary to come to the passport service with documents and a receipt for payment of state duty. But it's not a fact that it will not be the same time as you are written to the dentist, your favorite manicurist, or "floundering" around at work.

    Method No. 2. This terrible word is "turn". ..

    Ready to cram in tight corridors, nostalgic for the scarce Soviet past? Then - welcome to the little "adik" passport desk of the Federal Migration Service!

    To feel on your own skin what it is like to make a passport and how much it will cost, you need:

    1. Fill in the application form in 2 copies.

      Download the form by clicking on the link http: //download-blanks.rf /zayavleniya/ 16-zayavlenie-na-zagranpasport.html

    2. To pay the state duty at any bank.

      Requisites for payment need to be specified in the passport office at the place of residence, not relying on this delicate matter on the Internet.

    3. Armed with a receipt, application and other necessary documents( the list is given above), and most importantly - with great patience, - go to the nearest FMS office( passport desk).

      After standing a long queue, you can submit papers for a much-wanted passport. If you are applying for a biometric document, you will receive a fingerprint procedure. So, young ladies, we advise you to go to the manicure before going to the passport office.

    4. Do not forget to specify when you can pick up your "trip to the big world", so as not to waste valuable time.

    Regardless of whether you recorded on the Internet or courageously stood in line, this does not affect how much the passport costs to you - the size of the state duty does not change.

    Soon a fairy tale is telling, but not soon it's done: a real story about how much it costs to make a passport and how long it takes to kill

    Somehow a close friend of the author of the article Alexander called at 11pm and, without choosing words, shared his story of "walkingfor tortures "for a foreign passport.

    The first time the guy spent half a day in a close corridor in the FMS queue to hand over all the necessary documents and take a photo on the passport. But since the "pipe called" for work and getting scolded by the boss did not want to, he threw this "bad deal".

    The story with such an inconclusive standing in the live queue was repeated two more times.

    Sensing that "the case smells of kerosene," Sasha truthfully crookedly "went out" to the employee of the passport office.

    "I paid 7 thousand rubles instead of the official 3500 rubles assigned to it, but the service was excellent - I was met at the threshold of the FMS and passed by a foolish queue, like an Indian rajah past the retinue.
    A month later the same "Makar", with dignity "floating" past a crowd of people, I took away the long-awaited passport. Now, think now how much it costs to make this document in fact and whether you are ready to spend a lot of time on it "
    - says Alexander.

    How to apply for a passport without the hassle?

    There are 4 main ways in this video:

    We are convinced that to know how much it costs to make a passport and issue it - it's not a tricky business, but experience shows that it's troublesome. Let thoughts of future travel "warm" you during the passage of all bureaucratic formalities.

    • Mar 06, 2018
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