Baby walkers from what age in them you can put the child

Walkers, constantly controversial among pediatricians and parents, is an adaptation that helps caring for a child and contributing to his normal development. If you decide to get a walker for your child, but do not know from what age and how long to use them, and whether to use them at all, weigh the pros and cons after reading this article.

Features of
  • Features of
  • The advantages of the
  • Walker Advantages of the
  • Walker Disadvantages of the
  • Walker The best walker manufacturers
  • The rules for using the walker
  • Contraindications to the use of the
  • Walkers Special features of the

    The walkers are made of plastic and look like a chair, inwhich role of the seat is played by special panties made of dense fabric. For movement, the bottom of the walker is equipped with wheels on four sides. The chair is made in the form of a rounded seat with a small table, to which are attached rattles and hanging toys of different colors. Often on the surface of the table walkers have buttons, clicking on which the baby will be able to listen to children's songs, melodies and funny sounds.

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    The toddler is put in the walker, adjusting their height so that he can completely place the foot on the floor. In this case, the ass should rest on the seat. So the baby takes the first steps, and mom can not worry that the baby will fall. With the help of walkers, the child, who is not yet able to walk independently and keep his balance, can freely move around the room and cognize the world around him.

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    Advantages of the

    walker The walker is a unique device that:

    • makes life easier for parents. So that the young mother does not have to be torn between household chores, a child and other family members using walkers, she can free her hands while doing her own business, while watching and communicating with the baby;
    • has a positive effect on the development of the child. Standing in them, he can make more diverse movements: not only to stand, but also to look around, turn around, try to walk, which helps to strengthen the muscles. Adaptation contributes to the overall development of the child, because being in a vertical position, he receives much more information. In addition, active movements have a positive effect on the development of all systems of the child's body;
    • delivers to the child a lot of fun. Especially if it is multifunctional and equipped with additional devices.
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    Disadvantages of the

    Walker Disadvantages of using the device can be avoided if you follow all the rules. However:

    • in children who are in a walker, there is no incentive for independent walking, so these children begin to walk later;
    • continuous and prolonged use of this device can lead to deformation of the legs and curvature of the spine, since the load on the toddler's weak legs while walking in the walker is quite high;
    • no matter how perfect this device, it can get stuck between pieces of furniture and in the doorways, so you need to constantly monitor the baby in the walker.

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    What to look for when choosing a device

    If you decide to purchase a walker, the main thing for you is to make the right choice. After all, all the advantages of walkers can be crossed out by their poor quality. So, what you need to pay attention to get safe and useful for your baby walker:

    • Base. It must necessarily be stable, and for this - fairly wide. The baby, bending over the edge, should not be able to roll over. The bumper of the walker must be rubberized in order to protect the baby from impacts when colliding with objects.
    • Wheels. Here it is necessary to pay attention to the number of wheels, because the more of them, the more maneuverable and more stable the walkers will be. We must also remember that the wheels must turn in all directions and freely rotate around their axis.
    • Seat. It must be deep enough that the baby does not fall out of it. Note that all the load in this device is concentrated between the legs of the child, so the seat should not be too rigid and narrow, best if it is made of a dense, non-rigid fabric. The seat should be equipped with a high and rigid back, which will not only support the baby in an upright position, but will not allow it to tip over. Do not forget that walkers will often get dirty, so give preference to products with a seat that is well cleaned, or with a removable cover.
    • Height. It must necessarily be adjustable, because the child will grow. If your baby will only reach the floor with socks or bend his knees too much, this can adversely affect his development and the formation of the musculoskeletal system.
    • Security. The issue of safety of the device must be of paramount importance. Do not exceed the maximum height and weight of the child as indicated in the product passport.
    • Compactness. The best option is a compact walker that folds. So it is more convenient for you to store and move them.
    • Additional features. Some walker models are more convenient thanks to the optional equipment. As additional elements can be presented: a removable tray, music or game pad.
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    The best manufacturers of walkers

    The quality of the walkers depends on the safety of your child, so consider the device from the category of cheap children's products definitely not worth it. In the modern market there is a fairly large range of walkers from manufacturers who have proven themselves as suppliers of quality products.

    Please pay attention to the walkers from the companies:

    • Capella. The walkers of this Polish manufacturer are presented in various modifications and trim levels. Parents can choose their own walkers without additional functions or more modern walker-transformers.
    • Chicco. The most famous manufacturer of children's products from Italy offers parents a wide selection of quality and affordable walkers. The main criterion for which emphasis is placed is the safety of the child. All modifications of Chicco go-carts are equipped with a lock that does not allow accidental folding of the structure.
    • Brevi. Another well-known Italian supplier that offers multi-function walkers. Most Brevi devices are decorated in a specific subject( for example, space).
    • Fisher-Pricier. American manufacturer of children's products Fisher-Price offers a wide range of walkers bright, functional, contributing to the all-round development of the child.
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    Rules for using the walker

    In order not to damage the development of the spine and arch of the foot of the baby and not to provoke the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the following recommendations should be followed when using the walker.

    • Use the walker can be no more than 40 minutes and no more than 2 times a day.
      The kidney system of the baby is not yet fully strengthened and has not fully formed, so external intervention in its development should be rational.
    • To put the baby in the walker can not be earlier than eight months. Until this point, the child can not yet sit and climb alone, holding on to the support. However, eight months is an approximate age, it should be borne in mind that many children start to sit down and get up one or two months later. Only after the child begins to get up and sit down on his own, you can let the baby move in the walker.
    • It is necessary to observe safety measures and constantly monitor the baby during his movement. So, the room should not have steps, high thresholds, which the kid can stumble, and also free access to the stairs. The child should move only under the supervision of an adult.
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    Contraindications to use of walkers

    Now about contraindications. Walkers can not be used if your child:

    • can not sit for a long time( without support);
    • has diaper rash and inflammation on the skin in the perineal region( where the skin comes in contact with the seat);
    • has signs of rickets;
    • has disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
    • has increased or decreased leg tone;
    • is sick or in a bad mood.
    • May 30, 2018
    • 36
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