In the pantry of nature for the man a lot of gifts with various useful properties are stored, and the herb of the acid is not an exception from this list. Find out what the plant looks like and where it grows, how to recognize it and how to apply it properly to treat and strengthen the body.
The cabbage plant
The scientific name of this herb is the common sour. According to the classification, this plant belongs to the family of Kislichny, the genus Kislitsa. Hare grass has long been widely used for eating - its edible leaves, which have a pleasant, sour taste, are a good addition to spring green salads. This plant contains a wide range of vitamins and valuable organic acids, so it is often a key component of various recipes of traditional medicine.
It is interesting that the flower of hare cabbage is also an excellent natural barometer. By the "behavior" of this plant you can very accurately predict the wet weather. So, if it soon rains, the grass bends its tender white flowers to the ground, having previously turned their petals. In this way the plant protects its pollen from moisture on damp, cloudy days.
Where the sour grow
Delicate leaves of this plant appear on the surface of the earth in early spring. Hare cabbage does not like the direct rays of the sun, so the acid grows in a shady area: in forests, birch forests, oak forests. In wet areas near water bodies, it also occurs frequently. The territory of the common sour is common: it grows in all parts of Europe, the Caucasus, and North America. This herb is found in China, Mongolia, Turkey. In Russia, the plant grows in the European part of the country, in Western and Eastern Siberia, it is even in the Far East.
Scum - description
This grass is easy to recognize among other plants, even if before that person only once saw it on the site of growth or in the photo. Almost every description of the common sour is indicative of its similarity with the clover. This comparison is due to the fact that this herbaceous perennial plant also has triple leaves. You can distinguish hare grass from clover by the fact that it has short stems( their height is from 5 to 12 cm), and the color of leaves is a homogeneous, gently green, without whitish areas. The flowers of the quartz are a corolla of delicate white petals with pink veins.
What are the valuable components of a cabbage? Very useful for humans organic acids, which are in this plant: apple, lemon, oxalic, amber. Contains sour cherry common and important vitamins: A, C, B9( folic acid), P( rutin).The composition of the herb includes carotene( vitamin A provitamin) and a set of flavonoids. When a combination of valuable natural components enters the human body together with food or as a means of alternative medicine, this has a good restorative and protective effect.
Hare cabbage - medical properties
The benefits of using this plant are diverse. Traditional medicine has known for many years about such medicinal properties of hare cabbage:
- antitoxic;
- anthelmintic;
- antipyretic;
- choleretic;
- diuretic( diuretic);
- hemostatic( hemostatic);
- is an anti-inflammatory;
- wound healing;
- cleansing;
- antiscorbutic.
The list of ailments under which this plant is used is extensive. So, the use of acid helps to eliminate nausea, vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea and other disorders of the digestive tract. Adding this plant to the diet helps fight against atherosclerosis, reduces blood pressure, improves heart function. Hare cabbage improves metabolic processes, relaxes the nervous system.
Important: if you want to add this plant to the diet with the goal of improving your body, do it in moderation! Also, be sure to consult with a doctor about this, because the excess of oxalic acid, which is rich in this herb, can provoke salt diathesis of the kidneys and liver irritation. It is necessary to know that the use of drugs based on this plant is not allowed for certain diseases:
- gout;
- bleeding disorder;
- urolithiasis;
- severe violations of the liver and kidneys.
Hare cabbage - application of
In what form is it better to use this useful weed? The use of hare cabbage, except in raw form( for example, for salad), possibly in a variety of medicinal potions:
- Infusion: pour 1 teaspoon of boiling water.herbs and 2 hours to insist.3 times a day use inside 1 st.l. If the infusion will rinse the oral cavity or use for lotions, you need to make it more concentrated.
- Tincture: add 10 ml of 40% alcohol or strong vodka to 10 g of herbs, place the liquid in a dark place. The composition is ready for use after 10 days. It is mainly used externally.
- Broth: 1 tbsp.l. Leave the plants in enameled containers, add 400 ml of water and boil the raw material for 15 minutes in a water bath. Further strain the liquid and bring it with boiled water to the original volume. Take 0.5 tbsp.with meals three times a day.
- Tea: a pinch of freshly collected washed leaves placed in a glass or enamel ware, pour them 1 water( 85-90 ° C), infuse for 10-15 minutes. This drink is consumed warm or chilled.
- Juice: freshly picked raw materials thoroughly rinse, pour over with boiling water, pass through a meat grinder, squeeze mass through gauze. Add to the filtered juice an equal amount of purified water and boil the mixture for 3 minutes. Take such a drug inside( 5 ml each with meals three times a day) or make lotions with it.