Pecan nuts: properties, benefits and harms

The nuclei of the exotic pecan are outwardly reminiscent of the walnut kernels, since they are his closest relative. They differ in cylindrical form and have a gentle oily taste. Unlike a walnut, pecans do not have partitions and have a whole shell. Thanks to such features of the structure, pecans are never wormy and have no rancid taste.

In the wild, pecans grow in southern China, Central Asia, the Crimea and North America. Pecan nut kernels contain a large amount of vitamins, antioxidants and nutrients.

  • History of discovery
  • Grades
  • Composition
  • Calorie
  • Nutritional value
  • Helpful Links
  • Culinary processing
  • Useful properties and applications
  • Using in cosmetology
  • The use of walnut oil pecan
  • How to choose and store
  • Contraindications and harm
  • Interesting Facts

History of discovery

The first to use the delicious and nutritious core of this nut indigenous people of North America - the Indians. They included pecans in their diet, prepared from it nutmeg milk and used to treat ailments. The Indians valued the useful properties of this nut so much that they began to select it. When relocating to other places, the Indians necessarily took with them the seeds of the pecan tree, which contributed to the expansion of the range of its growth. Thus, the oldest plantations of pecan were recorded on the territory of Mexico.

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European states learned about the sweet kernels of pecans only in 1761.The famous botanist John Bartram began cultivating this nut in the UK.Then the pecan became known in France, Italy and other countries of Western Europe.

On the territory of Russia, wild-growing pecans were imported in 1901 by Russian botanists A.N.Krasnov and I. Klingen.

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Currently, there are more than 100 varieties of pecans. The most popular among consumers are:

  1. Vandiman. The kernels of the nut are easily removed from the shell, they are colored yellowish brown and have a sweetish taste.
  2. Greenriver. The kernels of the walnut are large in size and have an oval-oblong shape. This variety is grown in the northern regions.
  3. Thomas. The kernels of the nut have a beautiful oblong shape and are painted in a light brown color.
  4. Frother. The kernels of the nut are colored yellow-brown in color and have an oval-oblong shape. The shell is easily cracked.
  5. Warrick. Nut kernels of large sizes, have a grayish-brown color with dark spots. The taste is sweet and oily.
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Nut kernels are saturated with vitamins, minerals, phytosterols, tannins, valuable organic acids, monounsaturated fats and other useful compounds.

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Caloric value

Pecan nut is a high-calorie product. In 100 grams - 691 calories.

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Nutritional value

The kernels of pecan nut contain about 70% fat. It also includes proteins, fiber, carbohydrates, starch and other compounds that support the work of all body systems.

Substance Weight( g)
Protein Fat Carbohydrate 71,97
Dietary Fiber 9,6
Ash Starch 1,49
Water 3,52
Mono- and disaccharides 3.97
Saturated fatty acids 6.18

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Useful connections

Pecans are rich in Group B vitamins, vitamin C, A, E, PP, K. These compounds improve the protective functions of the body and restore the work of the central nervous system.

Substance Mass( mg / μg)
Beta-carotene 0,029
A 3
B1( thiamine) 0.66
B2( riboflavin) 0.13
B3( pantothenic acid) 0.863
B6( pyridoxine) 0.21
B9( folic acid) 22
C 1,1
E 1,4
To 3,5
PP 1,167
Choline 40,5

The kernels of this product contain many valuable macro and microelements. Particularly rich in potassium, copper, magnesium and iron.

Substance Weight( mg / g)
Calcium Potassium Magnesium 121
Phosphorus Iron Zinc 2,53
Copper Manganese Selenium 4,5
Fluoro 10
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This nut can be included in the diet in raw, fried or dried form. The ground pecan can be added to salads, desserts, hot dishes, pastries. He will give the dishes a piquant and refined taste. The daily norm of pecans is 40 grams.

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Useful properties and application of

The use of pecans for human health lies in its unique chemical composition and high energy value. Systematic use of this product:

  • lowers cholesterol;
  • inhibits the aging process;
  • improves vision;
  • stabilizes heart function;
  • promotes the production of testosterone;
  • activates the functions of the reproductive system;
  • improves blood composition;
  • relieves stress and fatigue;
  • stabilizes the functioning of the liver;
  • improves appetite.

Scientists from Purdue University in Indiana have experimentally proved that the pecan kernels contain a rare form of vitamin E - gamma-tocopherol, which prevents the development of malignant neoplasms. Pecans are especially effective against breast, lung, stomach and prostate cancer.

Useful properties of pecans are used to treat:

  • vitamin deficiency;
  • anemia;
  • of arthritis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • glaucoma;
  • infertility;
  • infectious diseases;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • metabolic disorders.
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Use in cosmetology

This product promotes the regeneration of skin cells. Cosmetologists advise using a pecan nut for people with a fatty and dry type of skin.

To prepare a nutritious mask, grind three pecans and combine the resulting mass with 20 ml of sour cream. Apply the mask with light movements on the face. After 10 minutes, remove the debris from the mask with warm water.

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To prepare a moisturizing mask, combine the ground pecans in a quantity of 3 pieces, a white clay weighing 10 grams and a warm broth of rosemary with a volume of 10 ml. The resulting mass is applied to the skin and after 15 minutes remove with warm water.

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Use of pecan nut oil

This product has a pleasant nut smell and a unique taste. It consists of unsaturated fatty acids, zinc, vitamins A, E, B and other valuable compounds for humans. The pecan nut oil has the following properties:

  • improves the functions of internal organs;
  • reduces pain in migraine;
  • restores the functioning of the nervous system;
  • improves appetite;
  • relieves stress;
  • activates the body's immune responses.

Pecan nut oil is recommended to be used systematically by elderly people and sportsmen.

Pecan nut oil is suitable for all skin types, and is used for:

  • treatment of skin diseases;
  • skin improvement;
  • removal of acne;
  • reduces inflammation after insect bites;
  • treats burns, bruises and wounds.

This product is part of many masks that effectively moisturize the face and smooth out fine wrinkles. Pecan oil is also used for anti-cellulite massage.

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How to choose and store

If you buy peeled pecans or inshell nuts, pay attention to their appearance. Quality kernels are holistic and fleshy, and also do not contain mold marks on the surface. The nut shell must be clean and undeformed.

In the freezer, pecans are kept in sealed containers for 6 months, and in the refrigerator for 4 months.

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Contraindications and Harms

The benefits and harms of pecans are not yet fully understood by dietitians. If at one time to eat more than 100 grams of this product, then you can provoke a digestive disorder.

It is forbidden to eat pecan nuts to people who suffer:

  • overweight;
  • is an obese liver;
  • by an allergy;
  • with diabetes mellitus.
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Interesting facts

In the US, pecan is very popular among consumers and is widely used in cooking. The pecan is recognized as a tree-symbol of the state of Texas. For Thanksgiving and Christmas, pecan pie is a must on the festive table.

  • May 31, 2018
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