The coat of the cat falls out

Hair loss is a common problem in many pets. Loss of hair or the appearance of bald spots can be triggered by various diseases or disorders in the cat's body. Consider the main causes of loss of hair in cats.

  • Causes of loss of hair in a cat
  • Cat skin diseases
  • Methods for combating hair loss in cats

Causes of loss of hair in a cat

  1. Moulting. If the cat begins to drop out heavily, but the skin does not change color, the eyes are clean, and the nose is wet, do not bother. In this situation, the loss of hair in the pet is associated with a natural seasonal process - moulting. Wool during the moulting period of the cat will fall in bundles, but there is no bald patch and the animal does not experience uncomfortable sensations. In the conditions of the apartments molting in the cat can last about three months. To support the cat's body in this period, enter into its diet more natural products containing vitamins and minerals. Balanced nutrition will promote a more active growth of new wool.

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  3. Hormonal disorders. With hormonal imbalance, the animal's hair falls off in shreds. In the places of alopecia ulcers and wounds are formed. In this case, the behavior of the cat changes. He becomes sluggish, apathetic, loses his appetite. The pet is also characterized by frequent urination, weight loss or obesity. Hormonal disorders in the animal develop after excessive intake of drugs that inhibit sexual desire.
  4. Incorrect food intake. At a cat at an unbalanced diet the hair on a tail, a neck and a back strongly drops out. On the other parts of the body there is a tarnishing of the coat. Affected areas of the body become inflamed with time and begin to peel, causing severe itching. The above symptoms can occur with frequent feeding of the cat with sausages, fatty and spicy foods, as well as salty foods. The loss of wool can be triggered by the introduction of a large amount of whole milk into the cat's menu.
  5. Weakened immunity. After the transferred disease or during the rehabilitation period, the pet can begin to drop out of the coat. This process is temporary.
  6. Allergy. A cat's loss of hair can be associated with an allergy to certain foods. In this case, the pet's hair falls symmetrically, the ears become inflamed, the affected areas of the body turn red and cause severe itching.
  7. Facial alopecia. This condition is characterized by a natural hair loss between the ears and eyes and is not a disease. Facial alopecia in the animal manifests itself between the ages of 14 and 20 months and continues until reaching the age of three.

Hair loss in a pet can also be associated with the development of certain diseases.

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Cutaneous diseases of cats

  1. Fungal skin lesions. Wool in an animal can fall out with the formation of small patches, which merge into large foci. The bald patches differ in round shape and in the presence of scales. If you saw your puppy like bald spots, your cat fell ill with ringworm or mycosis. Do not try to cure these diseases yourself. Fungal skin lesions are dangerous to the health of people who are in contact with a sick animal. The veterinarian after the diagnosis appoints the pet a comprehensive course of therapy.
  2. Contact dermatitis. Contact dermatitis, triggered by allergy to household chemicals, dust, synthetic materials, pollen and other allergens, can cause hair loss in the pet. Hair loss can be accompanied by reddening of the skin, itching and the appearance of small bumps on the surface of the skin.
  3. Flea dermatitis. Some pets are allergic to saliva flea, which manifests itself as a loss of hair on the back, severe itching and redness of the skin. Sometimes papules form in some parts of the skin.
  4. Psychogenic alopecia. Cats are very sensitive to various external changes that can cause them psychogenic alopecia. This disease manifests itself in the fact that the animal, under the influence of stress, tries to gnaw its own wool. Most often, hair loss is observed in the groin, on the back, hips, on the abdomen and on the front paws. Cats to establish a psychological balance can permanently damage the skin. On the affected areas erosions and ulcers occur.
  5. Lesion with skin mites. The first symptoms of infection with skin mites are: tarnishing of the coat and the formation of tear marks on the ears, front paws and muzzle of the cat. Animal experiences uncomfortable sensations, manifested in the form of itching, rash and inflammation of the affected skin areas.
  6. Seborrhea. The main manifestation of seborrhea is the intensive hair loss on various parts of the body. The skin of the pet is oily and inflamed, and also has an unpleasant smell.
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Do not attempt to determine the cause of the loss of hair from your pet yourself, because the same symptomatology is typical for various diseases. Only a veterinarian will be able to diagnose and establish the real cause of alopecia.

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Methods for combating hair loss in cats

For the treatment of hormonal diseases, a veterinarian assigns a course of therapy to a pet with drugs that reduce the secretion of hormones. If you do not plan to breed cats in the future, it's more humane to sterilize your pet, and not to "stuff" it with hormonal drops and pills.

If the cause of alopecia is an unbalanced diet, it is recommended to use a special diet for 7 days. In this period, the cat needs to be fed low-fat dairy products, low-fat varieties of meat and fish, kidneys and liver. If the cat's menu is dominated by the usual dry food, replace it with food with special multivitamin supplements. In the animal's food, it is important to introduce B vitamins, biotin and iodine compounds. To stop itching, it is recommended to give the cat 1/8 tablets of Tavegil or Suprastin no more than twice a day.

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Treatment of dermatitis depends on its type and overall health of the animal. Most often, the affected areas are treated with an antiseptic solution and ointments or gels with anti-inflammatory properties are applied to their surface. In flea dermatitis, funds are allocated for the destruction of parasites and antihistamines. If the affected areas start to fester and the body temperature rises, a course of therapy with antibiotics is prescribed.

For the treatment of psychogenic alopecia, drugs are prescribed that help to modify and correct the behavior of the animal. As soon as the cat's hair is restored, the drugs can be canceled. But some pets require constant medication.

If a pet has a loss of hair associated with a decrease in immune responses, the specialist will prescribe the cat immunostimulating drugs. For the prevention of immunodeficiency, the use of multivitamins is recommended.

For the removal of skin mites, the veterinarian prescribes the administration of toxic preparations according to a special scheme. Litter of animals, as well as carpets and furniture in the room should be well disinfected.


Very useful article, I liked the clear answers. I will always consult your advice.


My cat does not have tufts or tufts of wool. It falls out single hairs, but in the whole apartment it is a lot. What to do?

  • May 31, 2018
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