Stone cacholonga and its properties

Cajolong is a stone of surprisingly gentle and subtle beauty. This white gem is elegant and beautiful, like a young bride, it's not for nothing that since ancient times he was considered a female stone, a symbol of love and motherhood.

  • Contents of the stone:
    • Description of the mineral
    • Description of the mineral
    • Cajolong varieties
    • Chemical composition and physical properties of the stone
    • Cajolong deposits
    • Magic properties of the cajolonga
    • The healing properties of the mineral
    • Cajolong and the zodiac signs
    • Application of the gem
    • Interesting facts about the stone
    • How to distinguish the natural cacchange from a fake
    • Stone Care
    • Photos of the stone cacholong and its products

    History of the stone

    The name of the stone is supposed to have originated fromthe combination of two Kalmyk words: "kahe", which means "river" and "halong", which translates as "stone", that is, river stone. The appearance of the name of the gem is associated with the Turkic word "Kashilon", which translates as "a beautiful stone".

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    The history of the cacholonga dates back more than one hundred years:

    • In ancient Rome, this stone was successfully used for making ornaments, decorating rooms and manufacturing various decor items, including figurines and vessels.
    • In Mongolia cacholong was identified with a beautiful sacred lotus flower - a symbol of chastity.
    • In India, the appearance of cacholonga was associated with a beautiful legend, according to which this porous stone miraculously arises from drops of milk of cows - sacred to Hindus animals living at temples.

    • In Ancient Egypt this beautiful white stone was dedicated to the god-bull Apis - a symbol of fertility, health and wealth.
    • In Europe during the Middle Ages cacholong was used to make a special Florentine mosaic and was used as an ornamental stone. He was inlaid with rich furniture, used to create beautiful panels and sculptures.
    • In Russia in the XVIII-XIX centuries cacholong was widely used for the manufacture of various figurines, vases and cups.
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    Description of mineral

    Cacholong is a white or milky white opaque stone with shades of blue or green, with pearlescent or glass shine. Occasionally there are cacolongs of milky-white color, resembling an elephant bone in appearance.

    This is a decorative porous opaque variety of opal, a mixture of white opal and fine-grained chalcedony. Thanks to the beautiful pearl luster, cacholong is often called "pearl opal".Other names of this gem are: semipal, Kalmyk agate, pearl agate.

    Separate varieties of cacholonga, which include a lot of calcium, differ porous surface and are afraid of water. Other varieties of this water mineral are not afraid and have a smooth and even surface.

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    Cajolong varieties

    The following types of stone are distinguished:

    • cacholong opal is a white stone, mainly composed of opal, which is characterized by an abundance of micropores that scatter light;
    • cacholong chalcedony is a stone in which chalcedony predominates. Its physical and chemical properties correspond to chalcedony, and white color and opacity are due to porosity.
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    Chemical composition and physical properties of

    stone Cajolong is formed as a result of complex biochemical processes in surface or near-surface conditions under the influence of ordinary temperature and pressure. It has a porcelain or enamel shape and a cryptocrystalline structure.

    The chemical formula of cacholonga is the same as that of opal: SiO2 • nH2O( it is a silicon dioxide hydrate), because cacholong is a semi-oval - a mixture of opal and chalcedony, which has a fine-grained structure.

    This opaque, microporous mineral is quite brittle. Its hardness on the Mohs scale is 5.5-6.5, and its density is 1.9-2.3 g / cm3.

    With active moisture absorption, organic cacholong can turn into chalk.

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    Cajolong deposits

    Today the main deposits of cacholonga are located in Central Asia. Mineral deposits are also known in Kazakhstan, India, Iceland, and Armenia. In Russia, cacholong is mined in the territory of Eastern Siberia and Transbaikalia.

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    Magic properties of cacholonga

    Since ancient times cacholong has been attributed various magical properties. Thus, the ancient Egyptians identified this stone with the god-bull Apis, who was responsible for fertility, prosperity, abundance and health, and hence the ability to attract all these blessings to the ornaments with the cacholong.

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    In many countries cacholong was called a female stone and believed that it is able to help a woman conceive a child, it is easier to transfer pregnancy and birth directly, to increase lactation and to cure female diseases. With hope and faith, the mothers passed the ornaments with this stone to their daughters.

    Was considered a cacholong and a talisman of love, capable of attracting a woman in love with men.

    Also as a mascot, products with cacholongas were worn by teachers, doctors, lawyers, astronomers and politicians. It is believed that cacholong can help people of these professions attract the sympathy of others and make the right decisions.

    People who believe in the power of stones claim that the magic of this mineral can help a person:

    • gain inner harmony;
    • develop intuition;
    • get rid of flashes of dangerous anger;
    • protect yourself from negative energy;
    • remove unnecessary excitement;
    • get rid of depression and seizures of melancholy;
    • clear the mind and thoughts;
    • to attract financial well-being;
    • to improve health.

    According to the magicians, the strength of this stone is especially evident in the cold season.

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    The healing properties of the mineral

    Lithotherapists believe that the cacholon best helps with various female ailments, as well as during pregnancy. Moreover, it is a stone of white and milky color, which also affects the central nervous system and helps to quickly restore breathing and pulse after physical exertion. But stones of other shades help the body to purify itself of slags and cope with gastrointestinal diseases.

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    Cajolong and zodiac signs

    Astrologers say that cacholon can harm only Aries Scorpions, becausecan strengthen the temper of Aries and the gloom of Scorpios.

    All the other signs of the zodiac cacholong will not harm, but Taurus and Libra can even help to strengthen their material well-being and increase their savings, attract success and success.

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    Pisces this extraordinary stone can help in developing the ability to heal.

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    Application of gem

    Cajolong is a decorative stone. Areas of application:

    • jewelery;
    • the manufacture of decorative items;
    • lithotherapy.

    In the art of jewelry is usually used a water-resistant version of cacholonga. Such gems are processed in the form of a cabochon, polished, polished and framed in silver. Most often cuchons are made with beads, rings, earrings, bracelets and pendants.

    Cut out small pieces of stone - sculptures of animals and birds.

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    Interesting facts about the stone

    • If you lick this stone, then the language will stick to it.
    • Placed in water, cacholongum actively absorbs liquid and can crack after drying.
    • In the East they believe that the cacholong is the mascot of the family, love and motherhood, and put him in the bed of the newlyweds for a month, so that the young family is strong, and in the future the newlyweds had many strong and beautiful children.
    • Powder from cacholonga in ancient times was treated by sexual impotence in men and frigidity in women.
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    How to distinguish the natural cacholong from the forgery

    Cajolong refers to inexpensive stones, however, it is often counterfeited, giving a natural gem colored in white glass or synthetic opals. Of course, the most accurate definition of a fake is only a specialist, but if you look closely, you can distinguish natural stone and yourself. To do this, slowly rotate the stone in front of the light source and peer at it: in natural cacholong, taking into account the internal heterogeneity of the mineral, the reflections will be uneven, but the synthetic mineral will blink evenly at any angle, irrespective of the light entering it.

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    Caring for the stone

    Even if you bought the real cacholong, you will have to look after it carefully, especially if it has an organic structure. Such stone is saturated with calcium and actively absorbs moisture, but losing it, can crack or crack.

    Also lovers of cachotonga need to remember that this stone does not tolerate contact with cosmetic means and does not tolerate ultrasonic cleaning. To a stone for a long time to give its natural beauty and shine, it is enough to wipe it regularly with a woolen cloth slightly moistened with olive oil.

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    Photos of the cacao stone and its products


    Very interesting article. And I have such a story. Once the department beads from the cacholong, they, in the literal sense, are stuck. Yes, so that even with a deep slope did not fall. My stone! Please add, how to store products made of this stone. Thank you.

  • May 31, 2018
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