People's signs of December on weather and harvest

  • December 1 - the day of Plato and Roman, what this day, this and the winter is expected - "Plato da Roman seems to us winter," as the people said. Another popular sign: if you say "Plato and Roman, put it in my pocket" on this day, then the whole year in the house will be voditsya money.
  • December 2 is the day of Avdeya the Guardian, who patronizes the household and the world in the family. On this day it was necessary to knock the ax with the ax's butt on all door jambs, window and door frames, so that all evil spirits did not make it into the house. The weather of this day predicts the weather during haymaking.
  • December 3 is the day of Proclus, which set the sledge way. On this day, they cursed the underground evil spirits, so that she could not get out. Snow on Proclus promises a rainy June.
  • December 4 - Introduction to the Temple of the Blessed Virgin. It is believed that if until this day the weather was warm, but on this day it became sharply colder, then the whole winter will be harsh. On this day, both strong thaws and severe frosts could occur. The frost on this day in summer has hot days.
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  • December 5 - Procopia day. As a rule, by this day there was enough snow to establish a good sledge way, they said that Prokop walks on the snow - roads are torit. Therefore, the whole village was rubbing the roads, after which they organized a holiday with abundant food.
  • December 6 - Mitrophan, the day of the memory of Alexander Nevsky. When this day it is wet snow and turns into rain right before your eyes, and the wind blows from the north, then on June 6 it will be exactly rain.
  • December 7 is the day of Katerina Sannica, and in Orthodoxy - St. Catherine, patroness of marriage, brides, pregnant women, assistant during childbirth. The clear weather of this day speaks of a cold winter. On Katerina, the girls were guessing at the suitors: they broke off the bitch from the apple tree and put it under the pillow, asking the patroness to show him. On this day, winter tobogganing was opened, that is, the merchants were loaded in a long journey with goods.
  • December 8 - the day of Clement or Clim is cold. By this day, a real snow and frosty winter had already been established, and it became so light in the houses from white snow that it was possible to do handicraft not only with the light of the lantern, but also at the window.
  • December 9 - Yuryev Day, the day of the memory of St. George the Victorious. From that day people went to the wells to listen to water: the splash promised a cold, and quiet water - a warm winter. By this day it was necessary to have time to plow windows and cellars. By popular signs to St. George's Day it was necessary to pay off all debts, otherwise life will end in debtors to walk.
  • December 10 - Romanov Day, from which he waited for a special sign, looked at the sky, listened to the wind, watched the flight of birds and clouds. Saint Roman the Wonderworker sent the children to infertile couples, on that day he was prayed for, asking "many wives to give birth to barren children".By this day, the fish had to be buried in pits and whirlpools for the winter, but the whitefish, burbot and vendace started to spawn.
  • December 11 - Irinarkhov day. On this day, tried to see the jay, if she flies to the window and will scream - happiness in the house will be a whole year. They also guessed on coins: they threw a handful of coins into a snowdrift, and on the first found they judged financial matters. The smallest did not promise good luck, but promised a large revenue year.
  • December 12 is the day of Paramon. Good weather on this day promises a warm and clear balance of the month. But snow on Paramon predicts a snowstorm on the 19th day. On this day it was necessary to throw snow from the roofs, but not with shovels, but with brooms and scoops, so that the roof does not deteriorate. Scarlet dawn in Paramonov day promised cold winds, and a snowy morning - blizzards.
  • December 13 is the day of St. Andrew the First-Called. When the water in the reservoirs and wells on Andrew is noisy, expect storms, snowstorms and frosts, and if the water is calm and calm - the winter will be clear and calm. It was believed that if Andrew goes to snow, then lie to him for 100 days.
  • December 14 is the day of the holy Prophet Naum. It was an analogue of September 1, the beginning of the training season. On this day the children were sent to school and prayed to Naumu to help scions in the sciences.
  • December 15 - Day of Habakkuk. A thick layer of snow on the ground this day promised a rich harvest for the grass in summer.
  • December 16 - the day of the memory of St. John( John) Silent. On this day it was supposed to talk about yourself as little as possible and not make promises, especially empty ones."Ivan is silent, good business is growing".
  • December 17 - Varvara the Winter. The frost on this day for a week of cold promises, and the strength is inferior only to the Epiphany frost. On this day, the holy patroness prayed for protection of pregnant women.
  • December 18 is the day of Sava the Winter. It was believed that he continues the work of Varvara - freezes water in rivers and lakes. They said: "Varvara bridges, Savva nails yelling, Nikola nails"
  • December 19 - the day of St. Nicholas, Nicholas, Winter Nicholas. This saint is considered the patron of travelers on water and land, as well as marriages and families. On the night of 18 to 19, it is customary to put sweets and gifts under the pillow for children. People said that if "St. Nicolas gives snow, May 22 Nikola Veshny gives a lot of grass."The frost on this day promises a good summer harvest, frost on Nicholas and the day before it speaks about a rich harvest of oats. The Day of Winter Nikolay was considered a deadline for completion of transactions, payments and business contracts.
  • December 20 is the day of Ambrose, the last popular Orthodox holiday until Christmas. Cold weather on this day predicts a hot summer, and warm - dry. The sun in a foggy haze promises an imminent snowstorm, and clouds on a luminary - a snowfall.
  • December 21 is the day of Anfisa. On this day the girls were taken up with needlework: embroidery, weaving, spinning, knitting. Also on Anfisa were protected from the evil eye, for which they tied a silk thread on the wrist, preferably red.
  • December 22 - Anna Winter or Winter Solstice. If this day a lot of snow falls - the summer will be sultry, and the harvest - meager. Since the winter solstice, the day began to increase, and because of the people said - "The day turned for the summer, and the winter - for frosts."On Anna's day, special restrictions were placed on pregnant women: to observe strict fasting( although they were released from other fasting days), avoid quarrels, disputes and unpleasant situations, not to look and communicate with cripples, invalids, very sick or angry people.
  • December 23 is the day of the Great Martyr Mina, who is considered to be the deliverer of eye diseases. It was believed that he not only heals, but also removes from the eyes a veil that prevents one from distinguishing between evil and good, truth and lies.
  • December 24 is the day of St. Nikon, about whom they said: "Nikon stands by the icons."On this day they prayed to the saint that he calmed the soul and drove away the evil spirit from the house.
  • December 25 - Spiridon Solntsevorot. If the sun on Spiridon is radiant, the New Year's night will be clear, but frosty. But if in the trees this day the frost lies and the sky is clouded with clouds, it will be cloudy but warm weather to celebrate the New Year. It was believed that for the 12 days following Spiridon's day, one can predict the weather of each of the 12 months of the coming year.
  • December 26 - Yevstratov Day. People believed that on that day, by the evening, witches and sorcerers arranged gatherings to decide how to deprive people of the light and warmth of the sun. Therefore, it was impossible to foul on Yevstrat, otherwise the witches would fall on his head. Also, it was impossible to leave a broom on the porch - his witches would be dragged and misfortunes would be brought on the house and family.
  • December 27 - Filimonov Day. It was believed that this day along with Eustratius were the darkest for people, when the evil from the underworld climbs, windows knock and doors scraped. For protection it is necessary to wash this day as often as possible, especially holy water.
  • December 28 - Day Trifon, from which a sunny day began to arrive, and the sun's rays actively ventured the evil from homes. The red rainbow on this day foreshadowed an early severe frost. There is not much snow on Tryphon - there will be few rains in the summer, but a lot of moisture on this day - the summer will be warm and pleasant. Deep snow on Tryphon, the harvest of winter crops protects, there will be plenty of bread.
  • December 29 is the day of the prophet Haggai, the patron of industrious and righteous people. Hoarfrost on this day promises a deep snow on Christmas Eve, frost - cold before the Epiphany. December 30 - Day of Danilov. The blizzard promised a good swarming of the bees on that day, and the hoarfrost - warm Christmas trees.
  • December 31 is the day of Modest or Novoletia. Saint Modestus patronized the domestic animal, and therefore prayed to him in case of death. People believed that on that day all evil spirits crawled out from under the earth into the light of God, trying to harm. It was impossible to leave milk and other liquids in an open dish, so that evil spirits would not climb or spoil. Also it was impossible to leave the knives on the table unattended. If on this day the wind blows from the west or southwest, a warming was expected, to a long thaw, and the snow ceased to creak underfoot. If the smoke from the chimney or the bonfire is rising up steadily - wait for the frost.
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The first winter month pleases people with the first snow, frosts and pre-holiday bustle. People's signs of December predict weather for the whole winter, and also give forecasts for summer weather and harvest.

  • About the weather
  • Signs about the harvest
  • Weather by animals
  • Every day
  • Wedding in December

This month, like the others in our calendar, received its name in ancient Rome from the Latin word "dec" that in translationmeans "ten".In the ancient calendar, December was the last tenth month of the Roman year, and after changes of up to 12 months its name did not change. In the Slavic people, December was often called "jelly, cold, snow".

About weather

If December turned out to be dry, then spring will be long, and summer will be dry.

If in the first month of winter there is absolutely no rain, it means that the summer and autumn of next year will be dry, but frequent frosts are a sign of a hot and stuffy July.

The imminent coming of frosts in December says:

  • the sky is clear and starry;
  • a white rainbow appeared;

  • at the sunset from the sun the post was formed.

If in December the fogged up in the window house, then, on the contrary, it is worth waiting for warming.

To find out the weather the clouds will help in the December sky: if from the north, it will soon become warmer.

Little snow in December - summer will turn out to be arid, but when in the first days of the month the snow went, June will be rainy.

December often rings in the ears. This phenomenon is a sign of an early thaw.

When the December snowfall ends after lunch, but the sky remains dark, the next day there will be snowfall again, and the frost at night promises that there will be no snow in the daytime.

If at the end of the month the wind blows from the north, then in the beginning of January the weather will be cold, but without frosts, and if in the east - a severe frost will strike.

In the twenties of December in the street fog? Expect a thaw. If the hoarfrost on the trees - soon there will be severe frost.

If the windows in the house are "crying" in December, the pressure will go down, and if the clouds swim too fast against the wind, snow will soon start.

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Signs about the

crop When the first month of winter is very cold and often windy and snowing, the harvest in the new year will be good.

If there is a lot of snow in the hills in December, then there will be lots of strawberries in summer.

Snowy December - to a good harvest of cereals, especially winter crops.

Read also the detailed calendar will take and folk holidays for the second winter month - January
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Weather by animals

Geese squeeze their paws under and flap their wings, andcrows hide their beaks under the wing in December when the frost is approaching. If the chickens at the roost early sat down, then it is worth waiting for frost in December, and when they sat down and high places, the frost will be strong.

Crows sit on the tops of trees and croak - there will be severe frosts and snowstorms, but if they sit on the middle and lower branches, then there will be gusty winds. Crows may also foreshow a warming in December. In this case, they must jump on the ground. If in December the jackdaws, when going to large flocks, begin to shout loudly, frosty weather will occur, but clear weather.

All winter will be frosty if the bullfrogs arrived in December. If you hear from the morning that the little bitch squeaks, then this morning the frost will hit hard.

If the horse is in a harness to lie down, then the snow will also go. Happens, that the horse in December began to be turned over through a back. This is a sign that soon it will get warmer, and if it just falls to the ground, then snowfall is expected.

In the forest on the snow noticeable hare footprints? According to popular signs in the coming days of December will be dry and clear weather.

Frequent snowstorms in December - bees will swarm well.

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Every day

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Wedding in December

Winter months are considered by many to be an inappropriate period for a wedding because of the cold weather and New Year's eagerness. However, the wedding in December promises a long and happy marriage to the newlyweds, the relationship between them will be warm, strong feelings, prosperity - stable.

By popular signs if:

  • It's snowing on your wedding day - expect a happy life.
  • Heavy frost hit - the first in the young will be born heir.

However, for believing couples who want to connect not only in the registry office, but also in the church, December is not the most suitable month for the wedding. The whole month of Christmas lasts, and therefore the wedding after the wedding can be held only in January and after.

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