Examples of eyebrow lamination with photos before and after the procedure

Any woman wants to have expressive facial features and bright appearance. This can be achieved simply by laminating eyebrows. It is recommended to perform this procedure in conjunction with the modeling of eyebrows, giving them the correct shape, as well as with the lamination of the eyelashes, then the effect will be complete.

  • Descriptive examples of
  • Features of

technology Illustrative examples of

to contents ^

Features of

technology This procedure will help to cope with a lot of problems:

  1. Wrong eyebrow shape.
  2. The growth of hairs is chaotic.
  3. The natural color becomes dull, fading.
  4. Naughty hairs difficult to lay.
  5. No time for daily make-up.

Lamination is a caring procedure rather than a cosmetic procedure. On the eyebrows are simply applied substances that promote the growth of hairs and their softening.

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For the purpose and application of the drugs used, the procedure is divided into:

  1. Simulation. It is held in the salon with the use of various compounds that weight the hairs of the eyebrows. As a result, it's easy to lay, they have the right shape, they do not stick and look natural.
  2. Staining is a procedure with the addition of dye to the modeling mixes. Eyebrows, like hair have a porous structure, which allows the composition to penetrate into the pores, feed and color. The color is washed off after a month. The procedure is safe and does not cause allergic reactions.
  3. Lamination therapeutic. Its difference is that the composition of the drug applied to the eyebrows includes plant components and various activators. It is they that provoke a quick recovery after the build-up. Proteins of silk, essential oils and sunflower extracts make the eyebrows healthy, giving a neat and well-groomed look.
  4. Keratin lamination seals the ends of the hairs so that they become thicker and heavier in appearance.
  5. Vegetable lamination. As components of the composition, plant extracts are used.
  6. Vitaminized lamination. Vitamins help the growth of hairs, used as an additional component, and an independent substance.
  7. loading. ..

See also examples of laminating eyelashes http://woman-l.ru/primery-laminirovaniya-resnic/

The procedure is carried out in several stages:

  • master cosmetician cleans eyebrows from dirt and cosmetics;
  • degreases them with a special composition that does not contain alcohol. This is an important condition, because alcohol-containing tonic dries hairs, this leads to their fragility;
  • the skin around the eyebrows must be covered with a protective cream;
  • on the eyebrow is applied a laminating mixture;
  • master pulls out every hair, directing it in the right direction;
  • the composition must be kept for at least 45 minutes, then it is washed off.

The effect is noticeable immediately due to the correct arrangement of the hairs. The wizard completes the procedure by fixing the eyebrows with gel so as not to disrupt their shape. The effect after laminating eyebrows lasts up to 3 months.

This procedure gives an excellent result, but if the hairs are thin and thin, you should not wait for the effect of "Hollywood eyebrows".

Most often, laminating eyebrows is done in the summer, when a vacation or holiday is planned.

  • May 31, 2018
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