Nutritionists do not approve the traditional diet of Russians

Nutritionists disapprove of the traditional diet of Russians. They believe that Russians make many mistakes, affecting their health, and so not the best. With regard to some products, we allow busting, while others are in short supply. So what exactly are the main gastronomic "sins" of Russians and what can they lead to?

Meat and fatty much, cereals and dairy little

The main problem is that fat, flour and sweet we consume a lot, and fruits, vegetables, fish and dairy products - is inexcusably small. In this regard, the inhabitants of Russia adhere to the so-called diet of the West, based on red meat, refined cereals and fatty dairy products, butter. As for a healthy diet, its dietitians consider the model Mediterranean, in which the emphasis is on fish, vegetables, olive oil, nuts, cereals and legumes.

According to statistics, the Western diet increases the risk of heart disease by 33%, and the Mediterranean diet reduces them by 37%.Naturally, Russians will not be able to replace pork with seafood at all desires, but to increase the use of cereals, sour-milk products, beans and vegetables is possible.

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The same story - dumplings on the couch

In addition to the fact that the average Russian loves flour and fat, it is distinguished by a monotonous food and dislike for the movement. The first circumstance leads to the fact that the body develops a chronic lack of vitamins, which reflects the state of health in general and the work of the immune system in particular. And because of dislike to move, there is a serious bust with calories, which inevitably leads to weight gain.

Specialists of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences believe that in healthy nutrition there are two main laws, the first of which says: the energy value of food and the energy costs of a person must be in accordance.

To put it simply, how much they ate - so much and spent. In real life, everything goes wrong - we eat and move in a way that consumes much less energy than we get with food. It is from here that the problems of excess weight, leading to obesity. Although this problem can not be called purely Russian, it is the so-called disease of civilization, the problem of all developed countries.

The shortage of the simplest food - carrots, beets, cabbage

Another law of healthy nutrition is: food must satisfy the needs of the human body in nutrients. The quantity of these substances is about 200, and a good half of them can be obtained only from the outside, i.e.with food. And no gastronomic exotics for this is required - all the necessary is available to any person. But only fat, flour and refined food continues to prevail in our diet, depriving them of the opportunity to receive the necessary minerals and vitamins.

Doctors-nutritionists like to give a simple example with fruits and vegetables. There are WHO recommendations that an adult should eat at least 4 servings of vegetables and 3 servings of fruit a day( for example, an apple or a banana of medium size or 4-5 tablespoons of vegetable salad).

Most Russians do not follow these recommendations( and maybe they do not even know about them).40% of people under 30 do not consume even half of this vegetable and fruit norm, and among the older people( after 50 years) the situation is even more depressing - more than 50% do not eat a day and 3 servings. Of course, you can refer to the fact that fresh fruit is expensive and not everyone can afford. But we are talking about the available to everyone beets, cabbage, carrots and other products traditional for the inhabitants of Russia.

Therefore, no one is surprised by the growth of cardiovascular diseases or type 2 diabetes, because among the reasons for their occurrence there are several items related to nutrition - excess animal food, lack of fruits and vegetables, obesity.

Powering the Russians
  • Mar 06, 2018
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