Master class on sewing Waldorf dolls

We are all used to think that dolls are necessary for children just for the game, and what if we use them to teach our children some knowledge, manners? This idea came to Rudolf Steiner's head even earlier, within the walls of the educational institution of which, for the first time, it was the puppet that was used in pedagogical practice.

  • Required Materials
  • Creating a doll

Materials required

Given that the Waldorf doll is intended for a child, materials for it must be made entirely of natural raw materials. Preference should be given to cotton fabrics, for filling it is possible to take cotton wool or wool. Clothing can be sewn from light cotton, linen or cotton fabrics, if it's a summer version, or from dense woolen, if it's demi-season or winter. Hair will require yarn of wool, cotton yarn can also be used, but it does not look so good.

To attract a child to this process, give him the opportunity to decide for himself what will be his Waldorf doll. For example, let him think over her clothes, her size, hair color and so on. Your task is to help him, to realize his ideas. Given this criterion, the choice of materials will always be individual. But, in any case, as mentioned above, you will need the matter for the body of the doll and for tailoring( old woolen and cotton things that can be cut and put into this case will do).

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You can also use decorative material: beads, beads, ceramic artifacts, but in limited quantities.

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Creating the doll

The most difficult thing to make a toy is to form a head, because it is necessary to distribute the filler so that the lines of the cheeks, the nose and so on are visually distinguished. Of course, this is not easy to do, so it's okay if for the first time you have, at least, a simple head resemblance.

It's also difficult for Waldorf dolls to make hair. But it all depends on what kind of hair you want to make for a toy.

Work on a Waldorf doll is better for a pattern.

In terms of the technique of sewing toys, there are two approaches - to sew first all the elements separately, and then connect with the trunk or, make a trunk and head and sew the rest of the elements. In our case, the second variant is used, where the head from the trunk was visually separated by a suture band.

The easiest way to form a head is from woolen or cotton tights.

Learn how to sew beautiful pillows here

The body must be filled with cotton or a synthepon.

This is how the doll's work should look:

Now you need to make your hair and dress our workpiece.

Cut 15-20 pieces of thread approximately of the same length, tie them in two places( if the length of the thread is 10 cm, it is necessary to bandage, having deviated from the edge by 2-3 cm).What is below the bandaged is the tail of a toy. Sew on the hair in the place of dressing. By the same principle, you can add a few more strands, for a larger volume.

When you have finished your hair, sew your eyes and mouth. Eyes are small dots, in the role of which can be beads. Mouth - one or two strips of thread, not more.

Now it only remains to sew clothes for the doll.

In this case everything depends on your imagination, but it's more appropriate to still dress the toy thematically, for example, to match the style of the person to whom it is made similar, for example, the style of a mother or child, or fit into folk motives.

  • May 31, 2018
  • 47
  • 265