Paraffinotherapy at home

The modern beauty industry offers women many procedures that rejuvenate the skin and restore its health. Especially popular among cosmeticians is an effective and accessible procedure - paraffin therapy, which is used to restore the structure of the skin of the face, hands and feet.

  • Features of
  • Features of paraffin masks
  • How to choose paraffin
  • How to heat paraffin
  • Indications
  • Contraindications
  • For face
  • For hands and feet
  • Features

    The advantages of using paraffin for cosmetic purposes are based on its unique properties: high heat capacity, low thermal conductivity andhigh density. For paraffinotherapy, cosmetic paraffin wax is recommended to be applied to the skin in the form of paraffin masks. The temperature of the skin under a thin layer of hot paraffin increases by a maximum of two degrees. As a result, the work of the sebaceous glands is activated, the outflow of lymph is intensified, the capillary microcirculation in the tissues increases, and toxic products are released to the surface of the skin through the pores.

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    Paraffin also does not allow air to pass, so the skin area covered by this substance is in a mini-greenhouse environment and saturated with water. Paraffin moisturizes the skin and is considered a real salvation for the problem skin of the face.

    After cooling, the volume of paraffin is significantly reduced, and it tightly covers the top layer of the skin. As a result, paraffin restores the damaged structure of the skin, smooths wrinkles, reduces swelling of the face. Many plastic surgeons appoint a course of paraffin therapy during rehabilitation.

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    Advantages of paraffin masks

    Paraffin masks have several advantages:

    • protects the skin from the appearance of cracks;
    • rejuvenates the skin;
    • eliminate facial wrinkles;
    • have a moisturizing effect;
    • whiten the skin;
    • eliminate the second chin;
    • create a lymphatic drainage effect.
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    How to choose paraffin

    For paraffinotherapy it is important to purchase high-quality high-purity cosmetic paraffin in a pharmacy or a branded shop. Often the composition of this product includes a variety of additives: essential oils, herbal extracts, fragrances and vitamins. These components several times increase the effectiveness of paraffin therapy.

    It should be noted that for one paraffin treatment it is recommended to prepare about 500 grams of paraffin. Do not apply on the skin paraffin, which has been used before for the preparation of paraffin masks. All residues of paraffin after the completion of the procedure are discarded, as this is a disposable cosmetic material.

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    How to warm the paraffin

    Cosmetologists use paraffin wax to warm the paraffin to an optimum temperature of 38-40 degrees. At home, paraffin can be heated in three ways:

    • in the microwave oven, turning on the "defrost" mode;
    • in the oven to a stiff state of paraffin at a temperature of 70 degrees;
    • on a steam bath using high-end cookware.

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    Cosmetologists recommend performing paraffin therapy for women, for which the following problems are typical:

    • fading skin of the face;
    • presence on the skin of black dots;
    • fine wrinkles;
    • double chin;
    • sagging skin folds in cheek area;
    • facial swelling;
    • vague outline of face;
    • fatigue of the hands and feet;
    • low muscle tone;
    • cracks on the heels;
    • swelling of the hands and feet;
    • detachment of the nail plate.
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    Paraffin therapy, despite a wide range of anti-aging and restoring properties, has its contraindications:

    • hypertension;
    • inflammatory processes;
    • diabetes;
    • skin diseases;
    • susceptibility to allergic reactions;
    • cirrhosis;
    • hypertrichosis;
    • individual intolerance to paraffin mask components.
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    For the face of

    Before applying hot paraffin to the face, it is necessary to prepare the skin for the procedure, having previously cleansed it with cosmetic products made with the use of essential oils or alcohol.

    Next you need to apply paraffin melted to 38-40 degrees on the face. The paraffin mask is not applied to the nostril zone, the area around the mouth and eyes. There are two main ways of applying face masks:

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    1. Paraffin is applied with a brush to the face. The brush is dipped in liquid paraffin and active paraffin wax spreads in the skin in two or three layers.
    2. Paraffin is applied with a gauze bandage on the face. To apply a mask from paraffin in this way, its first layer is distributed on the skin with a brush. Then the face is covered with a gauze dressing with slits for the mouth, nose and eyes. On top of the bandage, three more layers of hot paraffin should be applied.

    The duration of paraffin procedures for a person does not exceed 25 minutes.

    Remove the remains of the mask from your face carefully from the bottom up. After paraffinotherapy, the face is wiped with a damp napkin and a cream is applied to its surface.

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    For hands and feet

    The application of a mask from paraffin to these parts of the body is carried out in several stages:

    1. Preparation of the necessary material for performing the paraffin therapy. You will need a deep container, cosmetic paraffin, food film, polyethylene gloves, nourishing cream, scrub. Brushes of hands or feet should be cleaned of the keratinized layer of cells and dirt with a scrub. Then apply any cream or lotion with a moisturizing effect to the skin.
    2. Applying paraffin to the skin. In a container with a paraffin melted to 40 degrees, the relaxed hands are alternately immersed. If the paraffin mask is applied to the skin of the feet, the feet should be completely immersed in liquid paraffin. Hands and feet should be covered with a thick layer of paraffin. On the hands with paraffin should put on plastic mittens, and the feet can be wrapped with food film. The duration of the procedure is not more than 25 minutes. To increase the effectiveness of the foot and hand, you can wrap a soft towel.
    3. Cleaning of wax mask residues. After the procedure, the wax remains easily removed together with the film and polyethylene mittens. On the skin after paraffinotherapy, a moisturizing cream is applied.
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    Paraffinotherapy not only rejuvenates the skin of the face, hands and feet, but also improves the mood by giving a lot of positive emotions.


    Parafin treated her child - we had dysplasia of the hip joints. It turns out that paraffin can also be used for masks. It is interesting to know how real the described effects are.

    • May 31, 2018
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