Types of face peeling with examples before and after the procedure

The method of deep skin cleansing is called peeling. The purpose of the procedure is to exfoliate dead skin cells of the skin. After peeling, the surface of the epidermis becomes even, renewed and cleaned of contaminants. There are many ways to clean up different complexity and focus, we'll take a closer look at the examples.

  • Examples
  • laser cleaning Ultrasonic method
  • average cleaning
  • Fractional method
  • Deep peeling
  • retinoic peeling
  • Examples
  • chemical cleaning Surface cleaning
  • Diamond peeling
  • Yellow peeling

Examples of laser cleaning

Most women, irrespective of age, have resorted to the lasercleaning the face. This procedure has several advantages:

  1. Painless.
  2. No risk of infection.
  3. Eliminates fat and restores inflamed skin.
  4. Emergency rehabilitation.
  5. Acceptable cost.

Indications for the use of laser cleansing: irregularities in the relief of the skin, pores, wrinkles, pigmentation, other defects.

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The basis of the technique is the use of a special laser beam, by means of which the upper layer of the epidermis is destroyed. As a result of regeneration, new cells are formed, and the skin is completely restored.

The laser beam does not penetrate deep into the skin, so the effects in the form of scars are excluded.

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Ultrasonic method

Ultrasonic peeling, like any cosmetic procedure, requires preparation. The wizard removes the rest of the makeup using cleaning tools. Then a special solution is applied to the face and neck skin. The final stage of preparation is a gel-conductor.

The principle of ultrasonic cleaning is in the micro massage, which provokes the loosening of layers of the epidermis. As a result, blood flow improves, puffiness and stagnation in the skin decreases. The entire procedure is performed by ultrasound tuned to a frequency of more than 20,000 hertz.

Advantages of the method can be called: rejuvenation, elasticity, beautiful skin color. Covers are cleaned of dirt, grease and other harmful toxins. Cellular nutrition comes back to normal, metabolic processes are accelerated, an influx of oxygen is observed, skin cells are updated.

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Average clearance

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For women wishing to improve the appearance of the skin and remove wrinkles, a mid( medium) cleaning is appropriate. Chemical peeling allows you to completely remove the unnecessary layers of the epidermis and start recovery processes to update the skin.

The median technique is used to combat the aging of the skin, smooth wrinkles, remove pigmentation, smoothing the scars.

The average peeling, unlike the surface peeling, is carried out using concentrated acids( trichloroacetic acid, fruit or salicylic acid).

The only drawback of this technique is that it is difficult for a cosmetologist to determine the depth of effect of the drugs on the skin. Therefore, for safety, a "yellow peeling" is used, based on the use of a gel that is evenly distributed throughout the surface of the epidermis and gradually triggers the acids into the skin.

The procedure is carried out only in the office of a cosmetologist and takes about 60 minutes. After the procedure, a fairly quick recovery period.

Also find out examples of the application of the procedure for the biorevitalization of the facial skin with hyaluronic acid http://woman-l.ru/primery-biorevitalizacii-kozhi/
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Fractional method

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For women wishing to apply a gentle method for skin cleansing, fractional peeling is suggested. The essence of the method lies in the effect of thermal and cold energy, due to which, in the deep layers, collagen and elastin begin to be produced. The skin is renewed, the dead cells exfoliate, and the new ones are saturated with oxygen.

The fractional method is quite expensive, but the effect lasts more than two years. It is held in the salon and is performed in several stages:

  1. The client lays down on the couch, anesthetic( cream or ointment) is applied to his skin.
  2. The master uses the machine and a special nozzle to start cleaning, meanwhile the skin is constantly blown with air to avoid burns.
  3. The duration of the session is 30 minutes.
  4. After the procedure, redness may appear, but they will quickly disappear.
  5. Complete cleaning course - 7 procedures with an interval of a month.
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Deep peeling

Radical method of rejuvenation. The method is designed to eliminate signs of aging, so that the skin looks taut, and also to eliminate pigmentation and inflammatory flaws on the skin. There are 3 types of deep peeling:

  1. Dermabrasion. It is carried out with the help of a diamond cutter, removing the layer of the epidermis. The face is cleaned, wrinkles are smoothed and pigmentation is removed.
  2. Laser. The impact is a laser beam, which evaporates excess cells in the cells, contributing to the production of collagen.
  3. Chemical. It is carried out by applying a phenol-containing substance to the skin.

The effect manifests itself in a week: folds disappear, the skin acquires a matte shade, becomes smooth and young.

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Retinol peeling

The procedure is performed in a complex way, the composition of the substance includes retinoic acid and its "friends": azelaic, phytic acid, vitamin C. Retinol peeling is classified as a chemical treatment, the main advantage of which is that the effects of drugsacts on the skin gently, low-injury.

The composition of the substance used has a pronounced yellow color. Vitamin, present in the mixture, causes skin cells to wake up and actively share. The upper layer of the epidermis is cleared, the synthesis of collagen is stimulated, the skin does not dry out. The method has an excellent rejuvenating effect, it can be applied to people with sensitive skin.

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Examples of chemical cleaning

Face cleaning is applied after mechanical or laser peeling, as it is not able to clean the pores properly. This is a kind of peeling and is aimed at removing the top layer of the epidermis. It is carried out in the usual way: the face is steamed and an acidic composition applied to it.

The skin after the chemical cleaning blushes, so it is advisable to apply a mask after the procedure. The result should be a clean, smooth skin of the face.

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Surface cleaning

This is the most gentle way to cleanse the skin. The technique is used mainly by women under 40 years old, since at this age it is not subject to significant changes. The effect of surface peeling is calculated on the upper layers of the epidermis, thereby improving blood microcirculation, increasing elasticity, eliminating facial wrinkles.

This method heals the skin, does not cause inflammation and irritation. It can be done at home using milk, masks, scrubs, fruit acids. People with oily skin, pigmentation and acne, this method is simply necessary.

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Diamond peeling

Diamond grinding occurs with the help of precious diamond dust, it is her face cleaning. This procedure - an innovation in the field of cosmetology, it is painless and allows you to eliminate the keratinized particles of skin cells.

The upper layers of the epidermis are cleaned by means of a vacuum apparatus and a nozzle in which the diamond dust is located.

The procedure is performed only by a specialized cosmetologist.

Diamond peeling is carried out step by step. Advantages of the method is a vacuum massage of the skin, which improves metabolism, removes harmful slags, produces collagen, all this makes the skin of the face softer and more beautiful.

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Yellow peeling

The procedure can be used for both surface cleaning and medium peeling. The name speaks for itself, the composition of the drug has a bright, yellow color. There are two types: using retinoic acid and natural retinol.

A distinctive feature of the yellow peeling is the retention time on the skin, and it is approximately 10 hours. While other acid peels are kept for an average of 5 minutes.

Skin after the procedure blushes, flakes off and oblazit, but everything passes in a short time. Do the procedure 1 time in six months. Contraindicated method for people with supersensitive skin.

  • May 31, 2018
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