Ways to quickly make aged paper

To make an original invitation, a card, a note for a loved one, a friend or as an addition to a gift, it is not necessary to be an artist and draw elegant drawings, you can simply make quality aged paper. You can achieve a good result even with your own hands and without extra efforts, especially as there are many ways.

  • Drinking tea
  • Using coffee
  • In microwave oven or oven
  • Using fire
  • Applying milk
  • Using the sun
  • Coloring

Drinking tea

The effect of aged paper can be achieved with conventional tea bags. To do this, pour 4 tea bags with 500 milliliters of boiling water and leave it to stand. After complete cooling, you need to remove the sachets and use them to apply tea on a piece of paper. You can also pour the tea into a shallow, but wide vessel( a pan with boards) and put a leaf in it. The sheet should lie completely and not bend anywhere. To increase the effect of rubbing, you just need to rub a tea bag about the paper. After the paper is completely soaked, the remaining liquid should be removed using a paper towel or sponge. After the procedures, the sheet must be dried, for this purpose it is placed in a preheated oven for 200 minutes for 3 minutes.

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Using coffee

Using ordinary soluble or ground coffee( thick), you can age both a normal sheet and paper with text. It is rather difficult to print on aged paper, therefore, it is necessary to give the process a ready-made( with text) paper.

In 250 milliliters of hot water, you need to dilute 3 teaspoons of coffee. The solution must be poured into a wide container with boards and left until completely cooled. Then for 3-4 minutes a sheet of paper should be dipped into the resulting liquid and then dried. For best effect on the dry leaf, you can drop a few drops of the solution or apply a small amount of coffee beans on it, after which they should be slightly damped with a damp cloth. To simulate bruising wet sheet should be carefully turned, and then straightened and dried.

You can use aged paper in the framework of creativity scrapbooking http://woman-l.ru/19-idej-dlya-skarapbukinga/
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In a microwave or oven

Under the influence of heat, the paper begins to darken, because for aging you must first dipa sheet of water at room temperature or a solution of tea( coffee).Then it should be "baked" until the color changes( 5-7 minutes) in the microwave at low temperature or 5-10 minutes in the oven at 200 degrees. After that, the paper can be ironed additionally with an iron, but without that the thermal effect of the oven or microwave does not deform its surface too much, so you can do without ironing to preserve the wrinkles natural for old paper.

Depending on the baking time, the color of the paper will also vary. Its distribution is fairly even. As shown in the photo, the darkest color is the result of the longest thermal exposure.

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Using fire

This method is used mainly if the paper needs to be given the kind of surviving in the fire. Also, this effect can be combined with the above methods and treat the fire with pre-aged coffee or tea paper. The aging process will be done with a candle, but it should be done over the sink to quickly extinguish the sheet in case of fire. The candle must be firmly installed in the middle of the sink and set on fire. The sheet must be driven over the fire at a height of not less than 10 cm. In one place, you can not hold the paper for a long time, otherwise it can ignite.

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Fire can only be processed edges of previously worn paper, this combination will add a paper of dilapidated appearance.

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Application of milk

To make old paper look like milk, you need a product with a high fat content, more precisely, the color of the paper depends on its percentage. The sheet can be crushed, if desired, then spread and apply a sufficient amount of milk to both sides. Also for application, you can apply a spray gun. After it has been soaked with a liquid, the sheet should be placed on a flat surface to dry. After that, the paper should be ironed with the help of an iron, and the temperature should be high. In the process of such aging, spots of light brown color appear on the sheet.

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With the help of the sun

The most natural, but rather long aging method is the solar method. To do this, on hot summer days, you should put, and it's best to hang the sheets in a place where the sun will affect them all day. The first result will be visible after a few days. The advantage of this method is the uniformity of the aging of the paper sheet, its integrity and less damage. Such a sheet will last longer.

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For this method, you need 1%( 5-8 drops) or iodine. To prepare the solution, add the required amount of the selected substance to the container with 200 milliliters of cold water, the number of drops depends on the desired color( iodine does not give a brown color, in the end, you get a little purple hue).The solution should be mixed, but if this is not done there will be a chance that the page will show beautiful stains. Pre-crumpled paper should be lowered into the liquid for 1 minute or immediately removed to get streaks. Then the sheet should be spread on a flat surface for drying. When the paper is completely dry, it must be ironed.

Similarly, coloring can be done with the help of potassium permanganate. The color will be purple. Also, these three substances can be combined in different proportions, thereby ultimately producing a paper of unusual shades.
  • May 31, 2018
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