We make a festive menu

The word "menu" means a special list of dishes and drinks that people use throughout the day, made in the form of a schedule, or simply a schedule of what dishes and what time of day there is. For the correct making up of menus, it is important at least somehow to understand the features of various dishes and wines, take into account their taste and know whether they can be combined.

Basic rules for the preparation of the festive menu

There should be no dishes of the same type in the menu, that is, if one fish dish has already been indicated, then the second one will be just superfluous. The same goes for other dishes. For example, boiled chicken should not be served together or after the boiled meat of any other animal.

In order to beautifully design a festive table and to give maximum pleasure to the guests, the hostesses most often use this menu structure:

  • initially serves cold dishes and snacks;
  • the first course( these dishes are served in the event that a festive dinner is provided);
  • hot;
  • dessert.
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Snacks and main dishes

Cold snacks in the world of cooking are called dishes that are served not very large portions and from which the tradition begins lunch. Snacks can be divided into the following types:

  • Fish - slightly salted, herring, and many other fish dishes.
  • Meat - boiled meat, cold meat, sliced, salads. Dishes from poultry or game. Snacks, including vegetable and mushroom dishes.
  • Egg dishes.

Hot snacks are dishes that are served always only after cold. The most important condition is that they should in no case be satiated with the stomach or interrupting the guests' appetite before serving the main course. To properly choose snacks, you should follow the following helpful tips:

  • If only one snack is served to the table, then it should be made more "dense" and nourishing.
  • If more than two snacks are served, then some of them should be sharp, and the rest - not very.
  • If the choice of snacks is quite rich, then the preference should be given easy and not very satisfying.
  • Most snacks are served just for a festive dinner, and not for dinner, which can serve both hot and cold dishes.
  • Cold snack should be put on the table before serving hot soup, hot snack - after it.

When the snacks are finished, you can safely serve the first dishes. Meat, fish and mushroom soups and broths improve the work of the stomach and accelerate the digestion of the next hot dish. If you start with soup, you should first serve light meals. After the snack, you can serve any soup, the main thing is that the previous dish was easy.

It is very important to take into account the tastes and preferences of the guests when preparing the festive menu, then surely they will not remain hungry and will thank the caring owner for such a wonderful and varied dinner.

Selection, storage, preparation
  • Mar 06, 2018
  • 54
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