Instructions for the use of tea with fennel for the newborn

Babies after birth need a trembling and careful attitude, and sometimes in pharmacy support. All mothers know that the newborn's gastrointestinal tract is sterile and bacteria immediately begin to fall into it, which cause pain and colic. To the aid comes tea with fennel, the "dill water" habitual among the people.

  • Useful properties
  • Usage rules
  • Usage rules
  • How to brew
  • From what age
  • How much to give
  • When to drink
  • How to choose a tea
  • Hipp
  • Babushkino Lukoshko
  • Bebivita
  • Humana( Humana)
  • Contraindications

Useful properties

Fennel - a medicinal plant from the family of celery, which was actively used even in ancient Greece. It is often called sweet dill. It has medicinal properties and contains the necessary for the body components: rutin, carotene, anethole, essential oils, ascorbic acid. The seeds of fennel contain the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Tea strengthens the immune system and nervous system, normalizes digestion, helps to assimilate calcium necessary for the formation of the bone system and will save your baby from pain, cramps, colic and bloating.

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Tea also has a therapeutic effect, it perfectly helps with the disease of the respiratory tract, clearing them of mucus. Fennel is an effective expectorant, suitable for the prevention of colds.

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Usage rules

Tea is referred to the methods of traditional medicine. Despite the apparent simplicity and harmlessness of the dill broth, you should know about the rules for its preparation and use.

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How to brew

  • a teaspoon of fennel seeds to crush, pour 1 cup of boiling water;
  • cover the tea leaves and leave to stand for 50-60 minutes;
  • the resulting beverage must be filtered from the seeds and diluted with boiled water( 200 milliliters).

Do not add sugar, honey or other products to tea, it will lose its useful properties.

You can buy ready-made brewed sachets, which are very convenient to use. The brewing process is the same as the usual tea in bags. Granules, which are contained in a paper package, dissolve very quickly.

Also find out how many months to start and how to start feeding a child
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From what age

Colic is the problem of newborns, so it can be given to a childpractically from the first days of life. In the pharmacy sell the finished compounds, on the box the manufacturer indicates the age of the child, from which you can apply it.

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How much to give

A drink from fennel is considered safe for the baby, but it is worth giving it reasonably, because too large dosages can cause allergic reactions and indigestion. For the first intake it is recommended to start with 1 teaspoon to see the reaction of the body to the decoction. Further, the dosage is increased to 3-6 spoons. A child up to a year can be drunk a day not more than 50 milliliters of tea, and from the year the permitted dose is 100-200 milliliters. And to this dose also need to go gradually.

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When to drink

Fenkhel tea can be offered to the child in breaks between feedings as water. You can also drink 40-50 minutes before feeding, 20-30 minutes after.

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How to choose tea

Tea for newborns should not contain sugar and other flavors.

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Hipp( ASUS)

This product contains only fennel seeds, it can be given to the baby after a month. Hipp does not contain sugar and supplements, which can cause allergies in the baby. The product is available in the form of sachets, which are convenient to brew.

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Grandma's Bowl

This herbal tea can also be given from a month old. It will relieve colic and swelling, we can apply it as an easy laxative, so it's important to keep the correct dosage, according to your baby's age.

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Bebivita( Bebivita)

It quickly dissolves and contains not only fennel, but also dextrose. It can be given to children from one month. Up to a year it is better to dissolve one spoonful per 100 milliliters of water, after 12 months you can brew 2 teaspoons.

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Humana( Humana)

Product containing not only fennel, but also cumin. It is given to children older than one month. Tea is sold in a package, but in the form of a loose mixture, without separation into sachets. It should be steamed in the proportion of 1 teaspoon per 100 grams of boiling water. Packages of tea should be enough for 50 servings. The composition contains cumin, maltodextrin and lactose. Therefore, it is worthwhile to closely monitor the reaction of the body and begin taking the minimum doses.

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You can not take tea with individual intolerance. Allergy is extremely rare. Also, it is worth noting the product with epilepsy.
  • May 31, 2018
  • 83
  • 206