Types of model haircuts for short, medium and long hair

Any woman dreams of being irresistible and often the choice of haircuts plays a decisive role in this matter. What, if not the original hairstyle, can attract the admiring glances of others and highlight a woman from the crowd. Therefore, a standard haircut here is indispensable. To look stylish, you need a model haircut.

  • Features of haircuts
  • For short hair
  • For medium length
  • For long hair

Features of haircuts

What is the haircut different from the usual? First of all, an individual approach to the client, taking into account all its unique features: the structure of the hair, the type of face, shape, the shape of the ears and nose, the color of the eyes and their location on the face.

All this is important not only when choosing haircuts, but also when determining hair color.

Exclusive haircut necessarily involves creativity and creativity of the master. Thus, the technique of performing a model haircut is radically different from the usual shortening of hair, and only a professional stylist can make such a masterpiece.

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The task of the model haircut emphasize all the advantages and hide defects as much as possible, create an individual unique style and turn curls into a real work of art.

Only such a professional stylist or a talented hairdresser can cope with this task.

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For short hair

There are a lot of stylish options for short model haircuts. However, when choosing your version, you must take into account the structure of the hair. So, for straight, dense ringlets, clear geometric haircuts are ideal. From ultrakorotih you can choose hedgehog, ganson, pixie.

Gorgeous model haircuts are obtained on the basis of square, bean, page. It can be a classic, asymmetric, ragged or graded version. By the way, such haircuts are good for even thin thin hair.

The best solution for not thick, slightly curly hair is a short cascade, suggesting a stowage with elements of slight negligence.

Look at the variants of the most creative female hairstyles http://woman-l.ru/varianty-kreativnyx-prichesok/
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For medium length

The options for model haircuts for this length of hair are not less. Cascade, cap, ladder, aurora on their basis, it is easy to create new vivid feminine images, emphasizing the individual style of their owners. Today, for this technique is used such techniques as asymmetry, graduation, filing, torn strands.

Very elegant and stylish on medium length, look like a square and a bean with an asymmetrical extension of the front strands. The only condition for such haircuts looked really good - smooth even hair. On curly locks they will lose their charm.

Quite interesting and looks double.

Only such haircuts must be laid every day, otherwise they will not have any kind.

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For long hair

A lot of opportunities for creating a unique exclusive haircuts also open long hair. Especially, if the curls are really well-groomed and healthy, and their owner is ready for experiments.

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A model haircut on long hair can be created on the basis of straight and curly hair, cascade, hood, ladder, asymmetry by grading, filing, shaving.

In order to obtain a unique original image on long hair, stylists apply the latest trends in cutting techniques, methods of dyeing and curling.

  • May 31, 2018
  • 43
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